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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. You bring up some important points that there is a lot of misunderstanding about and if a creator makes something no mod solely due to the mis-information you pointed out, then this post is valuable for that. However, creators are within their rights to offer their creations with any permissions they choose. They really don't have to have a reason to make things mod or no mod. The free market decides if the creator makes the right choices for their target market. If you want items that have mod permissions only patronize those that offer them. But I don't think it's appropriate to urge consumers to only patronize those that do. It is up the consumer what they want in a free market. Many residents just don't have the skills to do a lot of the mods you have listed, and they are satisfied with no mod. Conversely many creators don't want their creations deconstructed and the parts used for other things, or they don't want people to mod their things to protect a hard won reputation for doing exceptional work. Both reasons are valid as well as other reasons. Don't get me wrong, I've always been one to want to mod most everything myself and prefer to buy mod when I do buy. But I buy little because I create most of my own things where I have full permissions or buy full perm, so I can mod them as I please. I do buy some clothes and things from a select few designers that sell no mod, I have no problem with it. These designers do top notch work and I demo them prior to purchase. I only buy what I really like already and don't have any need to modify it. I don't begrudge not being able to tint clothes either, but will buy the item in different colors if I want more than one color just to support these talented people. If I really want a dress in a fabulous fabric, I'll make a dress myself.
  2. Personally, I like Firestorm because of the extra features, especially for building, that it has. I do use a lot of those extra features just for everyday things too. However, I was lucky to be able to invest in a high end computer that I configued specifically for SL and working in various graphics and 3D modeling programs. The choice of viewer depends on two things: What type of computer you have and what you like to do in SL. Some people even use several viewers, depending on what they are doing. After looking at the list of Third Party Viewers, you can Google them and read some reviews from various sources to decide which is best for you. As Alwin has said, you would probably do best using a more light weight viewer and not using a wifi connection to the internet.
  3. Maybe you meant it as sarcasm, but there will be some that take your suggestion and clog up the forums with stealth advertising. All in all, a bad way to post.
  4. Great now we'll be inundated with advertising on the forum. All the land advertising is enough! :smileyfrustrated: BTW, if you need help 'finding' something that goes in the Wanted section not Fashion, which is for discussion. Personally I wish they'd move all Land subforum, maybe with the exception of general discussion, as well as all Wanted and Inworld Employment to another forum area that people can access easily, like the Forum Feedback section. It would be much easier to see posts from people that actually want to discuss something or have questions.
  5. I would think you would have no problems running SL at Ultra High graphics with that card in most situations. That graphics card is one of the higher end graphics cards Nvidia makes and also a pretty new release. A PC vs a laptop is generally a better choice to run SL on. Laptops that give similar performance tend to run hot and not last as long as a PC will. A PC is also a lot easier to upgrade and save money both on the upgrade and over buying a new computer as new tech comes out, compared to a laptop. I have upgraded my PC's in the past for this reason and only bought a new one when the computer died completely or so many things needed to be upgraded it just made more sense. I ran SL on a laptop for a while because my PC died and some very generous friends bought me a high end laptop because I was facing serios health issues at the time and needed something to take with me to the hospital. Even so, I was really happy when I was able to buy a PC again. I'd only get a laptop if you have to have portability. You can always save your money up and buy a less expensive laptop later. I still have my laptop that I use when I travel or leave home, but SL looks and performs so much better on my PC!
  6. It's hard to say for sure without more info. Is this a prefab house? If so did you rez it out from a rez box? If so, it's probably a script in the prims that's doing that. Usually when yuo rez a house out you have to select a button on the rez menu that says 'finish' or 'kill scripts' or something like that. This gets rid of that kind of hover text. Refer to the instructions that came with the house, or examine the rez box menu carefully to see if it explains the options or if it is obvious. The other possibility is that there is a scripted object that is doing that, that is not connected to a rez box. It could be invisible or the script could have accidenty been put in a prim that makes up the house. If it's the former, turn on "highlight transparent" (ctrl+alt+t) and it will show up. If it's the latter the script should be in the prim nearest where you see the tag. Click that prim and see what scripts are in the wall. You'd have to delete it and get a script to put in it that scrubs that hover text out. This one will do that: default { state_entry() { llSetText("",ZERO_VECTOR,0.0); }} If you don't own the house you'll have to get the owner to do any of the above. If it's a Linden Home you should contact Live Chat to get it done. If you need more help post it here. Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  7. Unless a friend gave you a room, you paid for whatever you had. There are a lot of free things in SL, but not land, homes or 'rooms' are not free. You can always rent another place. If you are a premium member you can get a Linden Home without paying anything extra other than your premium fee. If you were a premium member at the time you had a home AND continuted to pay for the premium membership, your home should still be there. Go to your dashboard and on the side bar go to Land Manager.> My Mainland. There will be a link there that will TP you to your home.
  8. This is a tough one. A lot of anime avatars do look like children or teens to a lot of people that have other types of avatars, although a lot of people that have anime avatars deny the are depicting someone under 18. You are right too that LL has encouraged people to that have any suspicion of age-play and to err on the side of caution. Anime characters are cartoon characters. In popular RL anime it almost always revolve around high school age teens or younger. There are a few exceptions to this though, particularly those characters that are mystical beings, for example gods or goddess. There are those that say that since they are RL adults it's not age play. But that's false as many legal jurisdictions consider any depiction of children or apparent children, whether it's realistic or a cartoon and even if all involved are adults, illegal. LL could ban the owners of any venue that knowingly allow age play to go on. It is also true that a jurisdiction can hold the owner of a venue responsible and can bring RL civil and/or criminal legal action against them. My state does. The law in this regard includes, intenet sites, clubs and other venues, bookstores, theaters etc. They actually have bought action against the owners in a few cases. The TOS states you can not post, display, or transmit Content that is obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. LL takes no action against landowners that don't allow non human or cartoon charactes on their land. After considering the above, ultimately, it is your decision as a landowner who you want to have access to your venue. Other things to consider are: Landowners can eject and ban anyone for any reason or no reason. They can also set up any rules they want to on their land. So you're safe whatever you decide. Some venue owners don't allow any anime avatars so that they don't have to sort out if they are kids under 18 or not. You can also consider other guests that come to your venue and how many are uncomfortable around anime characters. If they are, they will be unlikely come to your venue again. You can consider the overall atmosphere of your venue too. If your venue is for depicting RL humans in types of situations RL humans engage in RL or in RL fantasies (other than age play), then having cartoon characters there may interfer with this and discourage people that want this kind of atmosphere. Are you allowing other cartoon characters, furries, or other animal or non human avatars to come? If you decide to allow anime avatars then you will have to train your staff well as to what qualities or characteristics you want to consider when deciding if a specific anime avatar is an adult or child. You may want to require they notecard their reasons for their decision, as well as the avatars name, date and time and pass it to you since you are the one avatars that complain will contact and it's helpful, in my experience, to have this information. It is also helpful to have so you can review the reasons to decide for yourself if the decision was wrong and to take steps to correct it. Be sure to tell them NOT to put any IM or chat logs on the notecard as that is against the TOS without the permission of the other person. Instead they should give a summary or paraphrase any discussion they have with them.
  9. You don't need an entire mesh body to take advantage of the new bones. Mesh attachements rigged to the new bones will work too. For instance, I imagine that SLink hands will be updated eventually to work with Bento, so you could have individual finger movements but still keep your classic avatar. I do wonder if the new Bento animations will work with the classic avatar though.
  10. To prevent people from using a script in other creations, it's a simple matter to have the script in the State Entry, on_rez state or when reset to check the name of the object it's in and/or it's creator and delete the item if it was removed from an item and put in another item. This function will attach an item to an avatar but it doesn't go into their inventory. It just disappears when detached. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlAttachToAvatarTemp This function will attach an item to an avatar and when detached will remain in the inventory of the avatar. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlAttachToAvatar Both require permissions to attach and also to animate the avatar if there is an animation involved upon being attached either before the item attaches or as part of an 'experience'. Also note that you will also need to have a script that rezzes a fresh object anytime the one displayed is attached to the avatar or someone sits or changes an animation, the way avsitter does, as it only attaches the visible copy and does not make another copy for display. Note too that you will need to have copy and transfer permissions for the item in both circumstances, and if you are going to sell this creation, the next owner must have copy and transfer permissions. Of course this eliminates any gotcha items as they are copy or transfer but not both. Some full perm creators allow the temporary attachment of items that don't go into the avatars inventory and some do not. Check with the creator if it's not clear in their license. AVsitter may have both types of scripts in their package or available as an add on. If not, I believe they give instructions on how to integrate your own script into AVSitter though lines in the config notecard or by use of an API script. You can write the script yourself or if you don't want to or can't, post in the Inworld Employment Section to have one written for you. There may be some on the MP too.
  11. In addition to the region rating and covenant, be aware that landlowners can restrict nudity too, even if the region is rated A and the covenant allows it. That is because the person who pays for the land can set any rules they want as log as they don't violate the TOS. If the landowner has rules for a parcel, you'll find them on a sign near where the landing point is, on a notecard that you are offered when landing on in the land description. Assume nudity is not allowed and go to someone else's land clothed unless you know for sure nudity is allowed. LL owned land or not, it is your responsibility to know the rules when you visit land you don't own. Saying you didn't know is not an excuse for breaking the rules. Nudity is one of the things that will likely get you in banned if it is against the rules. Although some places with staff may warn you to put clothes on before they ban you, they are not required to. And if you do get a warning you will have a very short time to get dressed, so put something on fast.
  12. We need more information. When you log into SL using the viewer, what exactly happens? Does it freeze and lock up or just crash? What does the screen say under the progress bar when it stops logging in? Do you get any messages and if so, what exactly do they say? Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  13. How do you know it's fraudulent? It could just be a delivery mistake. The sender could have meant to send them to someone with a similar name to yours and typed it in wrong. It happens all the time. The houses are no transfer so you can't give them to anyone and can't return them. You won't get in any trouble having them. If you don't like them simply delete them. If you like them you are welcome to keep them.
  14. The graphics in this article need to be updated to reflect the current viewer. There also should be a section devoted to group fees, such as a fee to join the group and roles having to pay group liabilities. Many new people are not aware that they should pay attention when they join groups to see if there is a fee and to check to see if they are expected to pay for group liabilities. If they are, they can leave the group to avoid these charges. We get questions about this all the time in the Answers and Forums sections from new people that think their money was stolen. It is important to newbs since so many have little to no money yet and some even log on and find they have a negative $L balance. It's the kind of thing that can turn them off to SL and make them leave.
  15. You are correct. Note though that you may be charged for the update. It remains to be seen what designers will do. One designer is offering a mesh bento head but is selling it as a new product. So watch group notices for the body you have. If you haven't bought a mesh body, I'd hold off to give creators time to put out new content. There isn't much choice yet.
  16. Look on your dashboard at your transaction record to see if the payment was to join the group or pay group liabilities. If there was a fee for joining a group, you are told that on the group info page and also when you join it in the dialog box that has the Join, Decline, and Ignore Buttons. You may just not have been paying attention. If you paid a fee to join the group, you're out of luck since you were told that there was a fee. However there is nothing to lose by contacting the group owner and asking politely for a refund, explaining that it was your mistake for not paying attention. Don't leave the group until you do this, so they can see you are indeed a group member. Be prepared to be ejected from the group too when your money is refunded. If it's payment of group liabilities, then contact the group owner and let them know. Many owner's don't realize they have to uncheck this in the group roles page. Some may refund any money you were charged, but are not obligated to do so. You can also leave the group to avoid any further charges if the owner won't change that or you can't contact the group owner. When you join a new group be sure to pay attention if there is a fee to join. Once you are a member, go to the Members and Roles tab, the the Roles tab. Look at the role you were assigned and in the bottom box under Accounting see if 'pay group liabilities and receive dividends' is checked. If it is, then leave the group if you don't want to pay these charges. LL will not refund any money you paid for a group. It is your responsibility to check the group both before and after you join.
  17. Welcome to SL. A bit of advice... Most employers will not hire you until your avatar is 30 to as much as 90 days old, depending on the job. This is because while some employers may be willing to train you for the specific job, (although top venues with the highest paying jobs generally also require experience) they are not willing to spend time training you about how SL works or basic SL skills. It takes at least 30 days to learn the minimum there is to know. They also want to know that you are going to stick with SL and not disappear on them. If you are going to work in public you will definitely need to lose the newb look and most likely need to have an attractive avatar with top quality skin, hair, eyes, and an appropriate wardrobe as well as a good AO. Some employers will want you to also have a mesh body too. So you will need to make an investment in your avatar. Since you are putting payment info on file you can buy $L's to purchase these items. Once you have your avatar together, get a good quality picture of yourself for your profile and also to have to submit with job applications, as some will require this. All this is required because people that work with the public, which most jobs require, have to deal with other avatars of all ages, including enforcing rules. Someone whose avatar is too young, or too newb looking or acting just isn't going to command the respect of some older residents and so be ineffective in their job. Only work in SL if you like your job and have fun doing it. Don't expect to earn much at all, as most jobs just pay in $L tips, and just pennies on the dollar in RL money. If you are good at your job, you may earn enough for a bit of pocket money. A few may earn enough to pay rent on a small modest home. The people that make the money in SL are those with talent that are able to create quality content and have a successful business selling it to other residents. However even some very talented people don't have successful businesses. You are much better off using the same time you'd spend working in SL working a bit extra in RL or re-prioritizing your expendable income to budget SL expenses. Use that money to buy your $L's. That's what most people do.
  18. Being a premium member has nothing to do with your problem. You were able to log into this forum using a password. It is the same password you use to sign into SL. Just change your email address to one that you have access to by going to your dashboard. Sign into secondlife.com and change it there.
  19. Add "NOT DEMO" to your key words without the quotes. This will not filter them all out, just the ones that have DEMO in the title. It will eliminate a lot of them though.
  20. There is a slim possibility that the seller of that avatar has a license or permission to sell it here in SL. If that is the case they should have no problem showing you proof of a license or written permission prior to your purchase. And I don't mean just their saying so. The larger issue here I think is if you should support a thief that steals the IP rights of another person, if they can't produce proof of a license or permission. Personally, when I see an avatar in SL that is an obvious rip off of someone's IP rights, my respect for that person goes down. They are a person that puts their own selfish gratification ahead of what's right. Maybe that's harsh but that's how I feel. As far as other things on the Marketplace overall, it is the seller that is responsible. However if it is ripped off, you stand to lose the item without refund. Luckily most sellers are selling items they created themselves or items that they have a license to sell legitimately. There are creators that sell their items full perm in SL and on special websites that merchants are licensed to buy and texture, script and/or use them as part of their own creations then resell it.
  21. Cass Bellic wrote: As I was saying before we were reported by a baffled septuagenarian, confusion reigns supreme here. I looked at all your posts and could find nothing about reporting or being reported about anything related to a DMCA. I couldn't find anything about you in SL search either. I think you must be on something and baffled and confused your self. Where ever you are, confusion certainly does reigh supreme. You must be in the wrong place.
  22. If you are referring to Fish Hunt, their web site and possibly there servers have been hacked. Generally games like that depend on outside servers to keep track of your winnings. Until they get this straight it could be that no one can cash out coins for $L's. They may have even closed the HQ site temporarily. The only way to know for sure what's going on is to talk to the creator/owner of the game.
  23. Assuming you have contacted the parcel owner and had no success getting them to act, AR's are the only way. If this is on LL owned land you could file a support ticket and ask that a Linden come out and get rid of it and turn on no rezzing or object entry on that parcel. If you know where the object is and use Firestorm or some other third party viewers you can block the owner and derender particle generator permanently so you don't see it or the particles. Of course everyone else on your parcel will see it, but you can tell them to do this too.
  24. You are preaching to the choir. Merchants and customers have begged LL to change it so demos can be linked to the item listing and not have to have a separate listing so that they show up in search. It's fallen on deaf ears. As long as demos have to have a separate listing from the item it's demonstrating this is going to be an issue. By getting their demo's showing in search it is basically double advertising and a lot of the times the demo will show higher in the search listing than the actual item. LL could make a rule about naming demos but it won't stop people from gaming the system as LL doesn't patrol the MP or even have the staff needed to do so. They rely on people flagging items, which is ineffective. You'll probably find a number of JIRA filings already filed that have sat there for years or just been closed out.
  25. I have a few pairs of mesh pants (none for Kemona) that come in in several lengths so I can wear flats, heels, and boots in various lengths from ankle to thigh high with them without any clipping. You may want to contact the creator and explain your issue. Perhaps would be willing to make you a pair that will work with your boots. That service may or may not be availble if they don't do custom work and it may also not be free. However maybe they would in the future offer pants in various lengths like mine. I'm sure you aren't the only one with this issue.
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