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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Sim crossings has always been a problem in SL. When you cross a sim, one server core has to hand everything over to the next one, including all the information about your vehicle, your avatar, even your inventory. There are some things you can do. Strip your avi down as much as you can. Your goal is to have the lowest avatar rendering cost you can and don't wear anything with scripts in them. Wear basic system layer clothes and hair without flexi prims. Ditch anything you're wearing that has high resolution textures too. Take off any jewelry. Some vehicles are better at sim crossing too than others, because they are scripted better. I have boats from one creator that hardly have a problem at all compared to others. If you vehicle runs on a lot of scripts, or is poorly scripted, that generally will cause problems. Ask others that you see that don't have as many problems where they got their vehicles. When approaching a sim border slow down to a crawl until you get over the border a few meters if you continue to have problems. Get a navigation HUD that will show you wear the sim borders are in relation to your vehicle (some even show where ban lines are) or use your mini map.
  2. Yes. File a support ticket. The cost is $9.95US. There is no guarantee your inventory and whatever $L's you had at the time can be restored. To start the process: Open a support case. Under What type of problem are you having? choose Account Issue. Choose Reactivate an old account. Enter the required information Click Submit.
  3. Depends on where you put them and if you kept them:smileywink:. Look in Preferences>Networking>Directories tab to see.
  4. The logs you can access are stored on your own computer, so unless you delete them, no they aren't deleted. LL has logs of everything that is done in world too. I assume they keep them too in case of any AR's or RL legal actions they need them for, but how long is anyone's guess. No one other than LL has access to those.
  5. Catwa is a brand. You can however have a Bento rigged mesh head made, but you can't use the Catwa HUD or scripts in it, unless you hire the person that makes Catwa heads. You can ask if she takes commissions. Whoever makes your head, be prepared to pay a lot for it. You will be probably have to pay for the weeks of work it will take to make it in terms of RL wages to hire a person with this high of a skill level. A skin for it may be a problem if you don't get the Catwa creator to make it. The head will have to be texture mapped correctly to work with a SL skin. You could of course use Omega Appliers but will have to ask your skin maker to make one for you (additional cost over the normal cost of an applier for Catwa heads most likely), unless you can make skins yourself or want to buy full perm skin textures. Rarely do people like this work for the pennies on the dollar that paying even $20,000.00L represents for this kind of work. So unless you get REAL lucky, this is going to be a very expensive project.
  6. You are the funny one. Not everyone that posts for help findning something is trying to sell something. That hair isn't created by the poster. Maybe the poster is an alt, but I doubt it. She'd be much more apt to ask where she could find the hair if she was.
  7. No that's all you can do. LL I am sure will investigate, but it takes time. They don't just take your word for it but will conult the chat, IM logs etc. they keep as well as other records to be sure, as this is a serious charge and a bannable offense.
  8. What jacket? The womans hair and arms are blocking it too much to tell. Ask the merchant of that hair.
  9. First you are not allowed to name names on the forum in connection with a dispute. It is against the rules. You are also in violation of the TOS for sharing private chat without permission. You can get in a lot of trouble doing both and could be banned from the forum and SL. Edit your post to delete all the names other than your own. You received a valid DMCA notice. It isn't harassment and you can't file an AR against the creator. The creator does not have to prove anything to you under RL law. If the avatar that is selling the content bought the items on the marketplace, you can produce proof of purchase. Log into the Marketplace and go to My Marketplace (at the top of the screen) > My Account > Order History. There you will find all the transaction information for everything your avatar bought on the marketplace. These transactoins must show you paid this creator, not someone else. Unfortunately you will have to go through it page by page and get the information as there is no way to search it. Copy and paste the information in a word processing document, in case you are taken to RL court as proof you had a valid license. You can also do it on a note card to send to the creator in SL, but she may prefer you to email it to her. What you will need to do is file a counter notification with LL against the DMCA notice. You must do this even if you send the information showing valid purchase to the creator as LL can not restore your content without this counterclaim. See this link for information about how to file your counter notification. Once LL receives this notice they will be required to restore the content. They must also give the creator your RL information so if she chooses she may sue you in a RL court of law. If you send her copies of each valid transaction from the MP, she may choose not to do so. However she's within her rights to take it to RL court if she wants to if she thinks there is any violation of her IP rights. LL does not decide if the original claim is valid or not. Only a court of law can decide and there are no damages available if the court finds she filed the claim in good faith. If the creator sues you, she'll have to prove her IP rights to the court (not to you). She does not have to prove she didn't receive payment. You will have to prove that you bought the items from her and resold them under the license you obtained and didn't violate that license in any way (to the court). A lawyer may be able to obtain her evidence ahead of time, once a lawsuit is filed, but you'll need to speak with your lawyer to find out for sure. IMPORTANT NOTE: If the avatar that is selling the items, is you, is not the avatar that bought them from this creator (your alt or anyone else), then you are in violation of the license you got and are indeed subject to the DMCA. If you are selling stolen property than you are also in violation. That's because the licenses of creators to buyers applies only to the one account that bought the item, unless the license specifically says otherwise or you had contacted the creator and gotten written permission to transfer them to your alt. If this is the case I'd run and hire an RL attorney specializing in copyright law. I'm not a lawyer but do know a bit about the DMCA process and contract law (which I studied at the graduate level in RL). You should seek your own legal counsel about this matter if you have any questions.
  10. You can also do what I suggest and set the teleport option in the land tools for one parcel to not allow teleporting there at all. Then anyone that teleport there will land on you other parcel.
  11. There really isn't one page that is up to date and covers all aspects, as it's just too complicated of a subject for one page. You can start with the wiki for basic texture maps that are used for the classic avatar and many mesh avatars to make skin and clothes, as well as various basic information about mesh avatars in general and Bento. Basic mesh models to use as a starting point are also available for both. Use search. Google is your friend for making a mesh avatar and rigging it. Those are learned skills 3D modeling skills and depend on the kind of 3D software you use, and are beyond the scope of any SL info page. However there are tutorials available on YouTube and other hosting services for various modeling programs about how to model the human form and rig it in general and some specifically for the SL avatar, both regular rigged mesh and Bento rigging. You can check the Bento feedback thread as well as the Mesh forum for information about that too. The website for Avastar also has information, specifically for their Blender add on, which makes the whole process much easier.
  12. You're preaching to the choir. Many excellent marketplace improvements have been suggested over the years but very few have been made. Personally I think LL is afraid to tinker with the software much as just about everytime they 'improve' a feature of the marketplace things go wrong and it takes them a while to figure out the fix.
  13. The only time it would matter is in crowds or if you go among people that have their avatar complexity ratings set lower than your rating because their computers can't handle higher levels. Then you will appear as a "Jelly Doll" to them. You can read more about that here. It may be that some clubs may say something to you about it too and ask you to reduce it or leave, although I haven't run into that myself. From what you say it may be one of two things. If your mesh dress wasn't made well, in the sense it has a ton of triangles making it up, that could be the problem or part of it. The other thing is your hair. Some of that old hair was made of as many flexi prims as they could link together to achieve the look they were going for. More modern hair that has flexi prims is generally a combination of mesh and flexi. Mesh as a 'base' and flexi's used to give it that movement that all mesh hair lacks. So maybe some new hair is in order. So basically, if you don't care about other's seeing you as a jelly doll then you need do nothing. I would suggest that you may want to search for a new skin if yours is older than a few years. I too want to keep the same appearance but I've been able to do that with new skins that don't change my face much except to improve it a lot. It took some searching to find the right skin, but the effort was worth it. I've used the same shape that I made back in 2006 still, so you don't have to change that.
  14. First be sure that the same name (display vs user) is being used on your dashboard and list in your viewer. There may be a difference due to how you have your preferences set inworld. Otherwise, it's been known to happen due to a glitch or bug in the website software communicating with the inworld software. Some people see no friends on their dashboard. A JIRA (notice of a problem) has been filed about it with LL. You can track the progress here.
  15. Ignore this guy. That's not true at all.
  16. Obviously LL will have to release more currency into the market as time goes on and the user based expands (if it does), just like the fed puts more currency into the system when the present amount in it is insuffient. Sansars will be more expensive than Lindens. The initial cost for purchasing $S being $1US to $100S compared to SL's exhange rate. Those selling $S I doubt will be willing to sell at much of a loss, if any. Also there is that sales tax to consider, which still hasn't been really defined as to what rate it will be. If it's 5% then really $1 will only buy $95S worth of stuff, at the current rate. It will be interesting to see how many people are willing to lay out that kind of money. If the exchange rate eventually reaches SL levels it makes me wonder how many of the creators will stick around and how many will replace them, since there is no word yet as to when Blender will be supported. Not many people other than professionals have the money to purchase Maya or other expensive 3D modeling software.
  17. Just to add to both excellent answers you received.... Thankfully your RL birthday is secret. Since that date is just your avatar's rez date, you can still look like your RL self age wise or enjoy looking and being any other age you want to be! You don't have to tell anyone in SL what your real birthday even if asked. By remaining mum you'll get the opportunity to know people of all ages, which is part of the fun. I wouldn't recommend giving any personal information out to anyone until you've known them a long time and they have earned your trust.
  18. Your just being obstinate, because you didn't like my post. I was comparing renting parcels on the mainland vs private estates. Not regions, which you somehow injected into my post. You are also ignoring certain points I made so I'll repeat them. I said: "It is also true that some private estates allow you to 'buy' and 'resell' your land, however that doesn't mean that you aren't a tenant of the estate owner." Clearly the red part says that you are still a tenant, tenants aren't owners. I just brought up the fact that some estates allow you to buy and sell your parcel. IE: Buy and sell your lease. Renting a region is not like renting a parcel either because most estates give you estate manager rights, which gives you many more options. That also means you can do anything with the exception of a couple things the estate owner can, which most likely you won't care about. So it's not like a mainland parcel at all where even a landlord that owns the land on entire sim does not own the estate and can't do what an estate owner can. Mainland regions in fact are owned by LL. So mainland 'owners' don't really own their land either. LL does. LL can take mainland as well as private estates away at any time for any reason. (See TOS) While it is true, that if a landlord doesn't pay the tier on a region it can poof, mainland although it doesn't can be repossessed by the owner, LL. If a person loses their rental as a result, what difference does it make if a whole region goes vs. one or several parcels. The result is the same for the tenant. It happens with mainland rentals as well estate rentals. But it's like a plane crash vs a car crash. You hear more about the plane crashes in the national news only because more people are involved at one time. You rarely hear of individual car crashes in the nation news. That's why I advised anyone renting either mainland or private estate land: "The key is to always rent from a reputable estate or landlord. Do your homework and talk to people who rent from them and also find out how long they've been renting out land. The longer the better and the less likely you will have a problem." Mainland rents aren't a lot cheaper. Some are, but most estate rentals compare very favorably with mainland. I know that from long experience. The ones that are higher generally offer more amenities to the renter, which their renters are willing to pay for. I rented from a private estate off and on over the years and yes it was just a bit more expensive than mainland. BUT, they had a whole sim for horseback riding, over 100 sims for sailing open only to tenants and their guests, a private sandbox, a scuba diving area that meandered through several sims, free big name live concerts, a marina where you could dock your yacht for free, and numerous common areas where you could do a lot of other things too. And I never said buying an estate parcel for the purpose of subleasing it to tenants for profit was feasible. Most estates don't allow subleasing to start with. Most 'buyers' that look at it as an investment use the land themselves. The 'investment' only pays off if the estate is in high demand and they can successfully sell the land (or the lease if you prefer) for more than what they paid for it. When I mentioned this fact, btw, I did say: "Again it's up to the individual to determine what the potential rewards may or may not be." Nowadays, most estates that don't allow buying and selling of land, and even some that do, charge a fee for 'buying' IE titling the land to you but most of the time that fee is either $1L or if more credited to the first rent that is due. So there isn't added expense to the tenant. The truth is that most renters in SL rent from private estates. So they must see more advantage in it than mainland, although that's not true for everyone and people must decide for themselves. (I colored that so you wouldn't miss it). That's why I also said in my original post: "Like everything, it is up to each individual to decide what is the best situation for them after doing their homework before they put any money into a rental." BTW, I do log in almost daily, if I'm not building sims on other grids (It's what I do as a business in SL and other grids). I also rent mainland on the Blake Sea presently and have rented other parcels in the past, as well as private estate parcels. I was also a private estate owner of a number of sims for years and rented out land. Secondly I don't have to quote you "undying loyalty to LL no matter what". My friends know that's not true at all. I don't rant against them in the forum here like you do, but I haven't always agreed with them either. That's because I recognize they are a business not a charity nor do they have any obligation to promote any resident's business and will always act in their self interest. You really should get out more Prok, and check out your private estate competition because you are making assumptions that are just wrong.
  19. I'm sorry I got the wrong impression but you did say "We need a club where all those WEARING their BENTO AVI bodies and hands can go and ALL THERE can see ALL OF YOU... especially considering how many in SL still using the old viewers so they see deformed hands, and eyeballs and teeth and a brain or two, hahahaha...." "All there" implies that only those that can see or would be wearing the bento bodies would be allowed in. I'm still confused, as you now say it wouldn't be exclusive. So presumably all those who don't have the bento viewers would not see all of you and see you deformed. So what is different then any other club? You see, there are people in SL that feel, for whatever reason, that they are better than others and that there should be places they can go that screen out the 'riff raff', ie: newbs, furries, vamps, etc.. I've run into them in my 10+ years of SL existence and dealt with them as the owner of 2 clubs that allowed any type of avatar to come as long as they followed the few rules I had to allow everyone to enjoy themselves. I would receive numerous IM's each week complaining about this or that kind of avatar being allowed in, even though the avatar in question was behaving perfectly fine. Luckily I heard from some of those avatars from time to time thanking me for running a non exclusive club and telling me about clubs they were rudely excluded from. I am totally against any kind exclusivity based on avatar appearance and that is why I responded the way I did. Your original post was not clear and seemed to look down on anyone that was not 'up to date' with their viewers and possibly their avatars.
  20. Your credit card has to be a regular credit card. Prepaid or Gift credit cards are not accepted. You should read these pages carefully https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037 We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. So, if you still can't figure out how to add your credit card or what additional information LL is requesting call billing for help. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  21. Alwin is right. You now have 175 prims. You can always see how many prims your parcel supports, how many you have used and how many remain by looking at About Land>Objects.
  22. Duplicate Post of https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/Do-we-have-more-prime-in-linden-homes/qaq-p/3092194 Please do not ask the same question twice. It pushes other people's questions down the list and they may not get an answer as quickly. That's not fair to other posters.
  23. Since you do hear sounds, your listening device is set right on your computer. I will assume you have checked to be sure that the right settings are being used for the speaker/headphone/headset which you use to listen to music. If not do that first under Preferences>Sound and Media>Voice>Audio Device Settings Music streaming is built into your viewer. It's possible that if you deleted a lot of things from your computer, you may haven deleted or corrupted some of the files connected to your viewer. The easiest way to fix this, if this is the problem, is to do a clean reinstall of your viewer. Here is how to do that https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 The link provided is for the official SL viewer, but also works for third party viewers. You viewer name will be substituted for the SL viewer name.
  24. ChinRey wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: A club doesn't have to be a dance club or night club. A group can have a place to hang out like a club house, which is obviously what he's using it for. Or a "the Sims" style family rp, that's how I interpreted it but I may be wrong of course. IMO, anytime there are 20 to 40 people in a house that's more than a 'family', whether it's roleplay or not. It's a hangout for a group, whether that group is a harem or not. It's not what a Linden Home was intended for. You and the OP are free to call it what you want, of course, but it's an abuse of resources if it is effecting other homeowners to the point they are complaining about it.
  25. Since you are a mainland landlord, I can see where you dislike the wording of that paragraph you quoted. Probably LLwon't change the wording as they want to encourage mainland ownership rather than mainland rentals. It may not seem 'fair' but LL is known for doing what is best for them not their customers, like mainland landlords in this case, and it is unlikely they'll change that. In my opinion the article is pretty balanced. Here is the entire article for those that care to read it: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Renting-land-from-other-Residents/ta-p/1420695 You make it sound as renting mainland is less risky than private estate land. Anytime you don't pay tier LL directly, but pay a landlord, or estate owner, you run the risk of them not paying their tier to LL and losing their property. Mainland isn't more immune to this happening then private estates. I've heard of it happening there as well as private estates. Since most people rent from private estates, they probably get more 'publicity' than when it happens on the mainland, just because there are more private estates. The key is to always rent from a reputable estate or landlord. Do your homework and talk to people who rent from them and also find out how long they've been renting out land. The longer the better and the less likely you will have a problem. It is also true that some private estates allow you to 'buy' and 'resell' your land, however that doesn't mean that you aren't a tenant of the estate owner. However it may be an investment on private estates that are in high demand with rising land prices. Again it's up to the individual to determine what the potential rewards may or may not be. There are advantages to renting private estate land as well as mainland, and disadvantages, other then the stability of the landlord. I won't list them all here as that article does a pretty good job. There are also plenty of threads expressing opinons and personal experiences that do compare them and anyone interested can look them up in the forum search. Like everything, it is up to each individual to decide what is the best situation for them after doing their homework before they put any money into a rental.
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