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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. My primary claim is that banlines are visible only at short range and are very hard to avoid. So far as moving vehicles are concerned, this seems to be a very TRUE statement. @Abnor Mole's first post in this thread tends to agree. I understand that this system is intended to be a total lockdown of a parcel and is designed to prevent any public entry. It succeeds very well in this objective. Kudos. If I wanted to avoid all camming into my parcel, I would use this because it works. However, the title of this thread suggests that it is "hopefully stepping back from the nuclear option" and this is supported by a claim that a banline approach is good alternative to orbs because banlines are visible. There is an implication that this system is "traveler friendly" when it is not (hitting a banline may have different outcomes but all are bad). So my issue really concerns the marketing of the product rather than the product features. Because it is free, very easy to deploy (no setup other than rezzing, deeding, and switching on) and works, it may get used by some who don't understand or care that it has a specific goal of totally excluding public access at all altitudes and that there may be consequences for others. If it were my product, when the object is rezzed and again when switched on, I would display in local chat a notice that addresses these issues (like a warning label). My experience is that notecards don't usually get read. Privacy is good and for some, this may be the way to go (and for hopefully for most, only when entertaining).
  2. The OP claims that this new autoban system is "stepping back" from the "nuclear option", referring to orbs that send you home. I am simply pointing out that this is NOT the case. This system is no better than orbs and may be worse because it cannot be tailored to altitude. The primary reason it is NOT better than orbs is the FACT that the banlines are NOT visible until you hit them. Passing the buck to LL does not resolve this issue. The term "booby trap" applies to the manner in which the device is deployed, not to the device itself. In my example of a protected channel next to a private parcel, if the parcel is visually distinguished with buoys or similar objects that suggest "do not enter", it would not be a booby trap.
  3. As creators, we must strive to create products for the virtual world as it exists. Here is a worst case scenario. On protected waters (I am thinking of Sansara), consider a protected water channel that borders on a private parcel which visually appears to be part of the channel . If the parcel uses any type of orb, an avatar sitting in a water vehicle has chance or passing thru due to the delay (even with 0 sec orbs). If an "exclude all" banline is used, the avatar has a small chance of seeing the banline and avoiding it. If the "ban by name" banline is used, the avatar has no chance of detecting or passing thru, the avatar will be unseated and the vehicle is typically immediately auto-returned. As a sailor, this is worse case. This case is slightly worse than the "exclude all" banline because the probability of seeing the banline is zero. The name I use for such situations is "booby trap", as the sailor has no clue about the bad thing that is about to happen. Note that the sailor is not a griefer or intending to invade anyone's privacy.
  4. Testing Banline Visibility/Avoidability of the Graven Hearts Mainland AutoBan System When tested, "ban by name" banlines used by the Graven Hearts system are NOT visible until the banned avatar reaches the border of the banned parcel. Methodology A Graven Hearts object was rezzed at 3800m, deeded to group and turned on. A non-group member alt approached the banned parcel from another region. Banlines were not visible until the alt reached the banned parcel border. A "you are banned" message also appeared in local chat. Using Second Life Server 2023-11-07.6790647783 and Firestorm 6.6.17 (70368) Dec 10 2023 18:36:33 (64bit / SSE2). Conclusion The banlines encountered by the alt were NOT avoidable because they were not visible prior to reaching the banned parcel border. Consequently, the Graven Hearts system affords no advantage over orbs with respect to visibility.
  5. Do you need a venue that provides wedding pose balls/animations or are you ok with the do it yourself route?
  6. Omg I made this same trip yesterday in my Infinity cargo train and noticed how nice the tunnel looks. Btw, further down the track on the coast, there is a fork but I don’t know how to pick which fork to take. It defaults to turning south into the logs. How do you stay on the coast?
  7. I mentioned "I don't want them seeing what I'm doing" because the OP mentioned privacy as an objective. I am among the subset of vehicle fanatics that has no desire to enter any parcel that the owner wishes to remain secure, at any altitude. When I say "benign flyover", I mean an unintentional entry into a parcel because the vehicle operator is unaware that parcel is deemed off limits by the owner. Ideally, banlines would be implemented similar to end-of-world on region edges, that is, you just bounce off (am not holding my breath for that improvement). Also, defaults do matter when they are set in a way that increases confusion among residents and need for tech support.
  8. First, kudos for a very clever solution to the privacy issue. If you can prevent randos from entering your parcel at any altitude, then they cannot see you (assuming you have unchecked "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel"). However, I hope people rarely use it... for two reasons. 1) An avatar on protected or abandonned land or a parcel they own should NEVER get any type message by default. Prior posts indicate that this is possible. 2) If you hit a banline when in a vehicle, you may get unseated and the vehicle may get returned. With your scheme, the banline is at all altitudes, precluding any possibility of a benign flyover. Additionally, because a vehicle driver typically cannot see the banline until it is too late to avoid it, the visibility feature of banlines has little value and actually becomes a visual annoyance (in my opinion, banlines are unattractive). I actually prefer well designed orbs (of any delay setting) because they can be tailored to specific altitudes. Hopefully, parcel owners will employ this solution only for the duration of doing whatever it is that they don't want others to see.
  9. My experience having done a few ARs is that Governance will take no action to prohibit reasonable offsim builds, so unless the build is objectionable for other reasons, that route would not give you relief. The only case where I have observed Governance prohibiting an off parcel build on protected water (on sim) is when the build appears to claim the water for private use.
  10. Thank you, you did. You admitted that the purpose of the thread was other than the question in the original post.
  11. I think it unlikely that anyone on this forum can possible know what others know, unless that knowledge has been explicitly stated. I now consider the question in the original post to be NOT legitimate in that the answer is obvious, the assumption is dubious, and it seems irrelevant. Rather, I now view the question as a minor troll that provides an opportunity for ranting about depravity. Please give it a rest.
  12. Yes, a map that shows all available homes would be nice. However, it would only truly benefit Premium Plus members who have the option of requesting a particular home. Recall that Premium members are assigned homes according to a protocol/algorithm.
  13. This question has been officially submitted
  14. They might consider changing the texture of the barrel racing surface to somethiing that looks less like a dry and cracked lakebed. Here is a desciption of such a surface.
  15. Why are the Fantasy regions only accessible in one place? If the answer is "because we think its cool and special to make this area a cul-de-sac", I am not buying it. Why not connect the Fantasy regions to the rest of the grid in places like Nelson Eddy or Nana, making the protected-connected water in the Fantasy regions actually useful?
  16. I would classify the question as not particularly relevant as the probability is close to zero that Amazon would prohibit content that is otherwise legal in the US. If SL were hosting illegal content, the situation changes. My understanding is that AWS prohibits illegal content.
  17. If by Sansara you mean the East River, may be a while.
  18. And there are combo train station/water rez zones here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodge Reef/68/63/21 and here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Full Fathom Five/41/112/23 Oh Goody! The Meds will also be needing a water rez zone in Typhoon.
  19. Exactly. You pay alot for "not committing". Those who have $99 to pay (Premiuim) for a whole year are getting a HUGE discount compared to those who pay monthly. Specifically, you get months of September, October, November, and December FREE if you pay annually (compared to monthly).
  20. It always works because a buck is a buck regardless of what you spend it on. I typically spend stipend on boats and clothes but I could let it accumulate and convert it back to dollars... then the next time LL charges me for tier or membership, they would take those dollars prior to charging my credit card (or I could cash it out). When determining how much land costs you, it is accurate to not count money refunded to you as stipend. Note that to be more accurate, one must also consider the fees they charge for conversions. (Stipends are nice because if your intent is to buy stuff, you are getting Lindens delivered without fees.)
  21. ^ This As far as land goes, the Premium account is an incredibly good value... less than $1US per week if you pay annual (net stipend). The Plus account delivers much less revenue to Linden Lab... $6 vs $12 monthly or $66 vs $99 annual. Therefore it seems reasonable that LL does not incur the liability of providing a Linden Home for that amount. For comparison, I pay more for a single Amazon Prime movie ($3.99) than I do for a month of Premium.
  22. You appear to be doing all the normal stuff so I will make an atypical suggestion. In the past, when picking up multiple objects to make a single composite object in inventory, I have accidentally dragged some of the objects into one of the objects (let’s call it X) that was in world. Eventually when I happened to rez X and edit it, I found the missing inventory hiding in X. I realize this is a long shot but it happened to me once.
  23. I was using "occupied" to mean the same as "claimed", in other words, assigned to a resident. I speculate that the absence of stilts on pier/water is either a mistake or because there are fewer total parcels in these themes compared to the other themes on the top 5 list.
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