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  1. My neighbors have taken to rezzing many large offsim objects that extend onto the void recently (we are on a sim edge of two different sims with a void space between us that is at the world border). I own a quarter of the sim and these folks have 1/16th of the adjacent sim, but the offsim objects are about doubling their used space and blocking half of my ocean view by extending significantly outside of their bounds into the world border. They've been unresponsive when I've reached out to them, after they said that it is allowed because it doesn't extend into a player's parcel. I'd rather not just sell the land and move if I don't have to, I'd definitely not get back what I spent when the formerly "unblockable" view has been taken out of the equation, and I'd hate to give in if it is their intention to try to goad me into dumping the parcel at a significant loss for them to grab for a steal. I've considered reporting it, but I'm unsure as to whether or not it is actually against the rules to encroach into another sim if said sim doesn't exist. Any thoughts?
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