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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. Now that Unity is switching to a per installation fee model and the entire game industry is freaking out, will Linden Lab be spooked?
  2. Yes. In the People tool, I can see the name of the avatar and that its like 1 meter away from me. But how does the avatar prevent me from seeing floaty text over their head?
  3. The OP is trolling. Don’t take the bait. So far my experience with auctions has been positive, even when bidding against flippers.
  4. RL to SL: Halloween - I have always been a big Halloween fan and pretty much all of that expression has been transferred to Second Life… BOO! SL to RL: Sailboats - I learned how to sail and race sailboats in Second Life… then started pursuing that interest in real life on other peoples boats… AHOY!
  5. As Seven of Nine might say, "Elaborate".
  6. I will use different words. A Premium member cannot choose a specific parcel. (all Linden Home parcels are unique... this is why people often switch)
  7. That is Premium Plus. You can't choose a specific Linden Home if you are a Premium member, which is my example.
  8. To acquire a Linden Home via a Premium membership (assuming you are on a monthly plan) 1. Pay Linden Lab a monthly membership fee 2. Select a home of a particular theme - a home is delivered "by chance" based on available inventory - all homes are unique 3. Repeat no more than 135 times (per month) To play a gatcha machine 1. Pay the machine 2. An item is delivered "by chance" based on a probability - all possible items are known before the play Gambling consists of three elements: consideration, prize and chance and all must be present. This might be the case for both Linden Homes and Gatcha but my opinion is that neither are gambling because the "chance" requirement is not fully met as there is no possibility of loss in either case. Linden Homes feels more like gambling to me because, assuming I want a houseboat, I pay my money but on any given day, I don't even know if a houseboat is available, and if one is, I do not know it's location or shape. Note that the dopamine rush may be there on each attempt. Gatcha feels less like gambling because I am guaranteed to get one of the items that are advertised. If I do not want a particular item, I have an option to resell it, recovering my consideration. Linden Lab banned gatcha due to a perceived similarity to Loot boxes, which caused a change in the "regulatory climate". They simply took any future legal exposure off the table. Linden Homes have no perceived similarities to Loot boxes so... no harm no foul.
  9. Also consider that Linden Lab banned gatcha as a matter of policy (due to "regulatory climate"). The legality of gatcha (as deployed in Second Life) has not been tested. Ironically, one could argue that Linden Homes for Premium members are even more gambley than gatcha, as you have no list of the possible homes your particular home will be selected from.
  10. Actually, I suspect they are simply looking for someone to assist Grumpity. The market for Second Life is really small and shows no evidence of growing. The last thing the owners (Brad and Randy) want is a disruption of the the cash cow that Second Life might be. So no disruptors. They want someone to help finish things in the pipeline and get them shipped. I am thinking mobile. This might be a good opportunity for a marketeer early in their career who wants some experience working for a "virtual world" company and is willing to forgo the upside of a real start-up to get that.
  11. Curious things… candidate can work remotely but has to be in one of 15 states? They claim Linden Lab has “new start up momentum”. Ha ha ha. Stock options, 70 hour work weeks, and tabula rasa?
  12. I suppose it's all about context. Complimenting someone in a social peer-to-peer context is different than a compliment in the workplace or a hiring situation, where the compliment may be perceived as communicating that workplace's culture (assuming we are talking about a workplace where the only appearance expectation is to appear professional).
  13. Hope that it works well enough on an iPad mini that is no longer necessary to take a laptop when I travel.
  14. Nice tag line… Second Life is what you make it
  15. What Blush said. The release is recorded in the OP of this thread with photographic evidence
  16. I feel your pain... but I would substitute "porn clothes" for "all girly stuff". A few thoughts... I am a committed shopoholic and gift grabber so, over the years, I have perfected a technique that works for me. - only take gifts from booths where you are familiar with the creator or you see stuff you actually like - following a LM with a gift card is OK if it is apparel or avatar enhancement, as there is likely to be something at the store you will like - use the gift card immediately - otherwise, don't follow the LM unless it is a store you like - only collect stuff you can immediately process... that is, unbox and evaluate... only keep the keepers and delete everything else - I also rename stuff and sort into folders (e.g. home decor/fireplaces) - never let stuff pile up in your inventory as it will just sit there, unopened forever I do these things because I enjoy it. There is also the possibility that you will find something you really like. A brief trip to Uber this morning (no lag) yielded a very nice aloe vera plant and some autumn leaves I am sure I will use. (and didn't see any porn clothes, yet)
  17. What is a forum signature? Is that the same as a "Member Title", which are the words that optionally go under your profile photo (or letter)?
  18. You could politely ask the owner to pick up the boat, as it violates covenant. Or just wait for Governance to remove it (may take a few more days or weeks as they get backlogged) and derender until that happens.
  19. I will take your word for it. I did a search (using "abuse") of all @Tommy Linden forum posts that are available (since 1/3/2017) and in addition to encouraging people to file abuse reports, on 9/21/2021 he posted here "you can always message me if you have a question about how to file an Abuse Report". He has also posted that he cannot comment on abuse reports.
  20. Apparently Governance is backlogged, as the situation has been addressed.
  21. What you are calling Fourze Lake, I call Diamond Lake ha ha! The only officially named waterway around here is the Panamole Canal, one of the 4 waterways that enter the lake. It is a great place to start or end a cruise. There is a Leeward Cruising Club outpost in Kiva which is as close as you can get to a marina in a Linden Home, as it has public rezzing and snacks. Also a GTFO hub. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kiva/123/94/22
  22. Actually the opposite. It is my opinion that the term "structure" in the covenant should apply to permanent objects that are rezzed on a parcel, regardless of the scripts they contain or their shape. Of course, it is up to Governance to rule on specific ARs.
  23. I was in SL for probably 10 years before I participated in the forums. In general, I am interested in the future of virtual worlds and have always thought that Second Life is the first great experiment. The discussions here seem incredibly valuable as a resource. Apart from that, I like to share photography, provide helpful information to others on things I know about, and lobby for things that I like (e.g. connected protected water).
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