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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. More than likely. And if that is the case then the SUN-99 issue may apply. To her. Not the OP.
  2. Bake fail was the reason for something not changing when it should have, such as a skin or clothing. This link explains what bake fail is: https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix:bake_fail There is also this from the FS pages: https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail So, if the woman who told the OP she was seeing a demo skin, the issue could be with her viewer (not FS) and she may not be aware there is a problem on her end.
  3. Yup. Used to see lots of bake fails in FS support. Sometimes the person experiencing the bake fail wouldn't even be aware of the bake fail until someone told them. Bake fails were once a pretty big problem in SL and it seemed to take LL forever to finally do something about it. By the time LL did "fix" it, I had bake fail support down to a fine art.
  4. A live person isn't required for delivery or even re-delivery. A live person is required when you have an issue with a purchase such as the re-delivery terminal isn't sending the re-delivery, or SL borks and you buy two of the same thing without meaning to. Then you do need a live person and your transaction history in order to receive the refund due you.
  5. For some people, it doesn't matter what you do, they are going to retaliate. Or at least try to. Their degree of success depends on how fast you can block each alt they pop up with. As far as the spreading of rumors to try to tarnish a reputation are concerned... this is SL. Not much else they can do and in the long run, they're the ones that karma bites. ETA: In all the years I have used FS I have never had anyone, that I know of, retaliate because of my rather subtly insulting block message. That's over a span of 9 years. Ugh. Has it really been that long ago now? I feel so old.
  6. Well poop. I haven't been born yet then. So how did I end up in 1929?
  7. It's a holiday weekend so LL is likely running a skeleton crew. It's gonna be a while.
  8. Another good way to piss someone off, calling them stupid when they most definitely are not. You're assuming much without knowing the whole story.
  9. What college stadiums hold up to 80,000 people? https://www.collegexpress.com/lists/list/the-25-largest-college-football-stadiums/527/ More than I had thought. Problem is in those stadiums, you'll likely need a pair of binoculars to see the game with unless you like craning your neck to watch the screens... with the binoculars.
  10. Mind if I borrow your volcano once in a while? 😈
  11. Ah. Sorry. I misunderstood. Haven't had my second cuppa yet. 😴
  12. That's a good way to make someone angry. It's also why I never accept random TPs from strangers. Once was more than enough. And no I didn't find it funny at all. Interrupting someone who is working just to prank them is not a good thing. You can't get back the time someone else caused you to waste. Some of us are limited as to the amount of time they can spend in world. What I'm saying is, please, think about the consequences to the other person before you send that request. Be considerate.
  13. DST is detrimental to your health. I've always had a rough time with the changes and it does have a long term negative impact on my health. Doing away with DST comes up every year but for some strange reason, it gets shot down every time. It's as if people don't really care that it harms people and can cause death. https://www.thisisinsider.com/daylight-savings-negative-effects-2018-3#in-the-spring-and-summer-extra-daylight-means-youre-more-tempted-to-spend-money-after-work-10 https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/11/health/daylight-saving-time-health-effects/index.html https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-adverse-health-effects-of-the-lunacy-that-is-daylight-saving-time/
  14. There is good reason the FS devs do not recommend clearing cache. To wit: https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/cache I"ll let you debate that with the FS Devs.
  15. Providing a place to roleplay can be considered providing a service. A a service is a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred. Yes, to the first two questions. No, to the last question. ETA: Thanks for the necro Jo.
  16. Who me? 1. It was intended to be humorous, not political. 2. I don't bring up politics in every thread I post in. You must be confusing me with the two people who do. If you weren't referring to me, disregard this post.
  17. Personally, I would send a DMCA snail mail, registered and return receipt requested so it has to be signed for. That way I know who it was delivered to and on what date. It also provides evidence documentation that will stand up in court.
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