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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Sensory overload. Too easy to lose your place when you must go to the powder room and your cat walks across your keyboard while you are sitting on the throne. We each develop our own method of shopping on the MP. What works for one won't necessarily work for another.
  2. Patch is correct though. Technically, neither regions nor estates are sims. The sim is the program that runs the regions/estates. There can be several sims on a server. Way back when, LL was infamous for cramming as many regions into a single sim as they could, which, obviously, was not a good thing, when cramming as many sims as you can onto a server at the same time. So you have server, then simulator program on server, then regions on the simulator. And to make things even more confusing, "server" can refer to the hardware AND the simulator software. That is probably the main reason most just use the term sim to cover all but the server hardware.
  3. Thank you! So many make the mistake of assuming sim is an acronym and then get their panties in a wad when corrected.
  4. What you're most likely thinking of are the enterprise packages. However, they didn't connect with the public grid and they were very expensive. https://venturebeat.com/2009/11/03/linden-lab-launches-enterprise-version-of-second-life-virtual-world/ https://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2012/03/second-life-enterprise-was-a-costly-mistake/
  5. The vehicle gets "stuck" and you are unable to retrieve it because you don't have estate or build rights there. Way back in the dark ages you could contact a Linden to come and return the vehicle. Now... you have to file a support ticket or try to find and contact whoever has estate rights to return it. Sometimes vehicles can be "lost in the ether" (goes off sim with no surrounding sims) and the only way to get it back is to file a ticket. That used to happen a lot on sim crossings. Things that get lost in the ether can't always be retrieved. It's not the fault of the parcel/landowner. It's just how SL was coded in the dark ages.
  6. "Chica, if you ask a question it makes you look ignorant for 5 minutes – but if you don't ask – you stay ignorant for fifty years, so always ask questions in your life." ~Unknown
  7. I agree. Wholeheartedly. I've been hoping for 14 years myself. lol
  8. That's the part I forgot to include in my post. I usually say "the only stupid questions are the ones that are never asked" after telling them no guarantees.
  9. That's not how AW works. You still have to pay for the region which is another word for "world" (AW offers different sized regions). Different terms, same thing. Not everyone is going to want to host their own region on their pc. Not everyone is going to want a full region, most seem to be happy with parcels. They're in the process of "upgrading the infrastructure in a safe and secure way" on a daily basis and have been for over 15 years. The advantage would be an increase in profits from an increase of retained new users. Something SL is in need of if we want it be around for another 15 years.
  10. If they are asking the question they are not dismissing their concerns as stupid. They are addressing their concerns that they may have overlooked something or perhaps they've had a really rough day and their brains are tired so they aren't thinking clearly. These things and others are expressed using the phrase "can I ask a stupid question". My usual flippant response is "Do you know how?" since they are asking if they have the ability to ask a question rather than asking permission to ask a question. Then I tell them to go ahead and ask their question but I don't make any guarantees. People usually get it and we proceed from there. Some are able to laugh at themselves, some aren't. I'd rather deal with the ones who can laugh at themselves.
  11. It wouldn't kill their business model. AW has been doing it for 23 years. You don't need to use the AW hosting service. You can host it yourself on your pc or rent one that isn't owned by AW. LL could do the same thing and profit from it.
  12. I cringe every time I see someone post this. Mostly because if I could afford a region, I'd damn sure have one. Regions aren't inexpensive.
  13. Seems to be? I figured that out the first time it happened to me after seeing so many others have the issue before it ever started for me. The "you've been logged out of SL" message made it kind of obvious.
  14. That's what I mean. The grumbling part. Can't make everyone happy. It's not a Kobayashi Maru either. Both sides need to compromise, imo. That's as close as the problem is going to be solved at this point. At least on the residents' end. LL is a different kettle of fish.
  15. Can't argue with that. Not that I'm trying to argue. I used to trust people to be nice. When I was young. The years have taught me that only holds true in small groups of people. I think it would be a good thing if more orb creators would code limits like that for orbs that are offered for sale to the general public. Hopefully they will at least consider it. I believe it would help to alleviate a lot of people's frustrations on both sides of the argument.
  16. So, as the scripter, knowing that people would/could/will do that (for some just to be mean) why set the limits that high? I mean, I know not all scripters are going to be aware of the situation and plan for it, but there are those who are so why not code in limits that help the situation rather than allow people to exacerbate it? Or did I read your post completely wrong?
  17. Yeah I got all that a long time ago. lol The old systems did that all the time. Sending warnings when I wasn't even close to the parcel line. It was funny at first because it couldn't eject me, then it got to be like having a gnat buzzing around your ear. It started happening frequently enough that I stopped doing much exploring and just started TPing everywhere I wanted to go.
  18. Thanks! Good to know! Now if everyone who uses a security orb would just get one of those it would alleviate a good portion of the problem. Yeah, I know. Wishful thinking. Seems to me that it's the people who still use the old system that create the problem.
  19. So if I have an L shaped parcel I can still cover every square inch with the orb, without going outside parcel boundary lines at all? With just one orb? Hmmm. I was lead to believe that isn't possible. By at least one well known (or was) security orb scripter. Not sure if he is even in SL still and I can't think of his name at the moment. I met him through Succubus a long time ago.
  20. Banlines aren't invisible. Well... they are until you're right on top of them and then you see the words floating in the air.
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