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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Um... so about when those banlines were introduced to SL... they've been there longer than I've been a resident. They were in place in 2003 before SL opened to the public. In other words, they've been there for people to use when SL was opened to the public. It's the privacy part of it that was introduced in recent years.
  2. Sorry but I was here back then and before I signed up (2004) I was watching every move they made from Active Worlds. Almost everyone in AW was watching SL closely because we all wanted to leave AW for SL since SL's graphics were so much better among other things that were vast improvements over AW. There were plans for "parcel security" even before SL was open to the public. I pretty much agree with you otherwise. In the meantime though, those who do use security orbs need to read the dang notecards and learn how to use them properly and with consideration for others. That is how to solve the problem. Unfortunately, not all humans are considerate or even compassionate.
  3. It all looks like the typical half baked ideas LL gets and then fails to implement them properly and fully.
  4. This is why SL has banlines! LL saw this whole shebang coming and tried to avoid it 15 years ago. Unfortunately humans always find a way to stir things up no matter how many precautions are taken.
  5. I had my homestead set up the same way, for the same reasons. My cottage was off limits and my tenants were allowed to use orbs as long as they were set to tp outside of their area. I did not parcel the lots off so there couldn't be any banlines, except the ones around my cottage on it's own little island. Funny thing is, I bought the homestead one day, logged out and went to bed, next day someone I did not know had set up a high prim treehouse! So before I could even get things set up someone was already abusing my generosity. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me. I refuse to be shamed when others are such @$$holes.
  6. Springboarding your post. People have been bitching about ban lines since 2003, so in come the orbs as creators see opportunity with dollars signs in their eyes. Then people started bitching about security orbs. They need to make up their freaking minds. In the mean time, the rest of us have to deal with all the bs instead of being able to enjoy SL. Nice, huh.
  7. There is only one reason I gave up my homestead. Money. After 2 years of having one, I could no longer afford $125 USD a month. Couldn't really afford it to begin with but it was worth it just to have my own place with my own rules so I could build to my heart's content.
  8. I can understand LL restricting Linden homes to Premium members but that bolded part smacks of elitism, imo. Even as a basic account I have spent thousands of real US dollars alone on land in SL. I'm not the only one. The more they restrict things to premium only, the more residents they will lose. It's also a bad business decision since they would be cutting their potential profits by a fair chunk.
  9. I'm not seeing the connection between her post and the parcel border tool either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. That's how it's supposed to be! I pretty much lost all interest in shopping when my mother passed. It just isn't the same without her. It's not really fun any more, shopping alone, and if the other half tags along, I feel as if I am being rushed. It's not his fault.
  11. And yet, neither of those things have occurred or are occurring when I'm logged out on TP. I'm in Oregon so I'm not that far away and I do not have any meaningful packet loss. Nothing out of the ordinary, which is slim to none. One thing they do have correct. It is something occurring or not occurring during handoff. And no, I am not on the lastest release of FS (still on 5.1.7) since I don't currently have any use for animesh.
  12. This should help. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/login_fail
  13. It is not a viewer issue. LL knows it isn't. https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/2524-darn-teleport-disconnects/
  14. This is what I have been doing since the first time it happened. I've always gotten right back in without waiting any longer than it takes for the viewer to relaunch. Maybe some day they will make it so we don't have to close the viewer to be able to relog or change accounts.
  15. I suppose that's the point where you have to decide what is more important: friend(s), shopping, shopping with friend(s), or shopping with friend(s) tagging along.
  16. Slow you down how? Do you mean load times and sim crossings?
  17. Hm. I've never lost any no copy items using auto-unpack. But I don't use it that often. The habit of rezzing on the ground is too ingrained by now. I don't like attaching things because then you have to edit and then drag and drop. Opening and copying to inventory doesn't work unless the box is scripted. Don't get me started on the ones that use HUDs. Just make the box copyable and let me rez it on the ground. I don't need or want all the fancy scripting. Just more hoops to jump through and I end up wasting spending more time messing with them than I do just rezzing and copying to inventory.
  18. I spoke with her last night after receiving an offer of friendship. No, I did not accept and I hope I did so politely. I did take the time to let her know that there will be those who won't accept because we prefer to get to know others a little bit first. She did seem to take it well and I do look forward to getting to know her a little on forum. My friends list looks pretty pitiful after all these years. It's gone from over 100 people to about a dozen and none of them ever contact me so... 🤷‍♀️
  19. Not sure what you're getting at as I never said I was asking creators for suggestions. "By those I feel I can trust" does not refer to creators. It does refer to people I know who have good judgment in such things. I certainly do not go around asking creators to recommend other creators whose work may (or may not) be of higher quality, if that is what you were thinking.
  20. It's not the viewer. It's on LL's end and they know this. If your pc is rebooting itself, then your issue is either not the same or you're having the same tp issue as everyone else plus there is an issue with your computer. Eliminate all possiblities on your end first, then address the tp issue, if you still have it.
  21. There should be instructions included. If not try contacting the creator since they know best how their creations work with RLV. Make sure you have RLV activated in preferences. You'd be surprised at how many don't know it is off in FS by default. Not sure if all TPVs have gone to this default setting though so check to be sure. I think that by linking the product, you should have posted this in the adult section. We'll know it belongs there if it gets moved.
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