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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Gonna rant a bit on this Rather well known creator of both clothing and home decor/furniture. Recent offering of a living room set. Various "fatpack" groupings. There are various pieces one would expect in a living room; sofa, chair, coffee table. And a few "bonus pieces" - a framed picture, a rug. And then, a set of "decor" - a bowl with flowers, a vase set, lamps I think. Last, separately, a classical female bust and some other item I'm forgetting now. All of this is being offered in various configurations and colors and adult or PG of packaging including one "fatpack". But it didn't clearly say what was in that pack. I go to the demo area,; a sign seems to indicate that the sofa/chair/table and the bonus pieces of rug/picture or in it. Cool. I go to pay for what I *thought* would be this set, get it and NO. All it is was the sofa, the coffee table, rug. and painting. Only way to get the darn chair is to buy another similar pack - without the SOFA or, but it separately which is actually more money than buying the fatpack of it but then you're getting duplicates of all those pieces you just got in the sofa pack, WTF? Why not just make a pack with the darn chair in it? Or at least the chair with the decor pieces as that fatpack? And why is the bust a completely different item and not bundled in with one of these? No matter how I figured out how to purchase the items - it made no sense at all $ wise. Let alone - none of the packs included ALL the colors of the furniture - you'd have to buy each separately again *screams* Like how about a color change HUD, huh? At least clothing fatpacks give you 100 color options 😋 So, bought the one freaking color of sofa I wanted and vowed to never buy from this creator again in spite of how much I like her stuff because honestly - this was just pure robbery. /rant off
  2. Ghetto? I didn't receive the Crack House decor pack yet. Anyone else get that update?
  3. Geez stop reading a forum for a few days and all hell breaks loose
  4. I'm a landscaping hoarder. I may not make it in world tonight (new kitten duty) but if I do I'll take a look and see what I have and if any match. I'm thinking maybe Studio Skye, Fundati, Fanatik come to mind as being ones that have the best textures.
  5. Oh phooey. Ok thanks. I wasn't home anyway so would not have mattered. Too bad though, was at Axim on Wednesday hoping for it to be released with Kahuna - I really liked the look of that region quite a bit.
  6. I'm assuming nothing yet today? Got busy in RL - new kitten at home, took her to the vet for a checkup, then playtime, then lunch, then more playtime, etc. Then got distracted by other stuff at home. Suddenly was like - oops, it's Friday!
  7. Ok, I get your point about the pool area. That makes sense. I see so many people who use them. I've wanted to but haven't been able to justify the prims usage for myself. It also, thinking about it, would be a good place to put a large outdoor wall sized fireplace. I have one of those (Galland maybe? Off hand don't remember the brand) and that looks like a great spot for it, buiilding a patio area from those French doors, some greenery around it. I can visualize it easily. I like the vertical planks, keep those. It brings the eye up. Third photo to me does not look top heavy. But, personally no fan of having to teleport into parts of a house. And a widow's walk wouldn't be an accurate architectural element of this type of house. To me, the Winchester seems kind of IDK, vaguely modified Craftsman - the floor plan actually reminds me of my RL house a lot. The widow's walk is great on the Continental house, which is quite Victorian when dolled up correctly but here, to my eye, seems more like a "folly". I think if you're even remotely considering selling this down the road people are going to be much happier with a front balcony. As for strange things sold - gosh, yes, I hear you on that. I've complained enough here about some of them. My pet peeves in SL home building are things out of scale or out of context. It's why I tend to always purchase houses from the same people over and over, because once I find a creator who gets it right, I'm very loyal to them (PLUG for those with Mainland and Private Estate Homes: L2 Studio is one of them and no I do not know the creator personally - just adore her houses). I don't mind mixing design styles (in fact "Modern Victorian" is a favorite of mine) but things should have to relate to one another on some level when mixing styles. Again my 2 cents for what they are worth
  8. Giving comments most of which you know already . Yes, the stairs are a bit "tight". When you land on the 2nd floor, you do need more space to make the turn into the room. I LOVE that you have a balcony up there, facing the other side of the house. One of the problems of Winchester is that if your backyard view is kind of meh, you are stuck with the balcony view as is. Having one out front is such a great option. I remember one of the house sites I had had a slight view of the ocean from the front but only a rock wall out the back. What I wouldn't have given to have that front balcony at that location - I might have stayed there. I also like that you flanked the French door with the 2 smaller windows. However, the back wall desperately needs a window. The elevation from the rear is very blank looking. And while it helps for furniture placement inside, I do think it could use more light coming in from the rear. I really like the downstairs. Love the skylight - it's different from most and I like that it isn't the entire space. and the shadows it casts on the floor are wonderful. However, I'd ditch the small middle window on the right side of the room and just leave the other 2 larger ones (better for furniture). Perhaps instead, add it to the back wall, again similar to the bedroom so that the rear exterior has light coming in but there's another reason for this (I'm being designy here) - you want to maintain a similar elevation to the main house so that the entire 2 structures have a relation to each other. Having the addition with no windows in the back looks unfinished. Interestingly, removing that middle window from the other wall downstairs doesn't bother me as much since you have the other 2 larger ones to balance out the window on the 2nd floor. Anyway, I think you'll have a much more refined appearance if you add a couple of windows to that back wall on the 1st floor. I know nothing about how many prims this will add/subtract. I'm just thinking from an architectural point of view. If you ever finish this, and I finally get another home site I love (working on it, hoping for a sandy site near the water to round out my holdings) I'd love to get back to using the Winchester and will surely purchase this from you. It will be great once you get the kinks worked out.
  9. They had restarted axim while I was there also but it doesn't seem to have been released yet
  10. Oh FFS I figured it out You have to wear THEIR full alpha to make it work You can't wear just their head alpha and the Maitreya body alpha JFC Now how hard would it be for the creator to put that into their instructions??? /screams
  11. Am I understanding this right? There's an Omega EYE installer now too? What freaking racket. I'll see about that - give Clover an extra hug and kiss from me but just the friendly type 😋 WAIT: just reread this. I AM using the Omega installer. There isn't a separate one for the eyes. My eyes are version 1.1 I got a redelivery and those were 1.1 So, is there a 2.0 and if so, why didn't I receive 2.0??? Ugh again
  12. That was a gacha, from *PM* (Paper Moon) That one I really can't remember where it came from, was a couple of months ago. There was a whole set, honey, dairy, beef, organic,.eggs, grains, preserves, etc. They are very cute!
  13. Thanks Marianne. I also have probably every kitchen made. I cook in RL - so, I'm obsessed. That one is Trompe Loeil. Wound up being perfect for that space and prim-wise not too bad. I removed the stuff inside the cabinets which was 9 prims of dishes. I'll put my own stuff into it - I prefer decorative things like interesting ceramic pots and stuff. The butcher block is from Dahlia (Hiraeth set), was a recent gacha from...ummmm. errrr...can't remember now. Very recent though. Oh wait The Arcade! I actually got in like the moment it opened the other day for the first time EVER. The landscaping I compromised on. On the land I pay for - I put down high quality stuff but in Bellisseria, to get the look I want who can waste 10 prims or more on a tree? Suddenly occurred to me to try using one of my Two Moon Gardens paths and see how that would work - not mesh - but lush for days. I had trouble getting it into place as it kept knocking up agains tthe protected land (and honestly some of it is in it but the main prim is on my land) so it worked. It didn't sit exactly right so I also made a small concrete "step" to hide the fact that it was slightly above grade. Then, I ripped apart one of the paths and used it piece by piece for the front yard area. I also used some various grasses from other creators pushing them out as far as possible under the brick Linden supplied wall so that it creeps through, giving it again thicker planting than one would think possible. The other side of the doesn't have much going on yet but, it had the view of a small canal there and Linden trees and rocks already so I might just call it a day unless I have some prims left at the end to spare.
  14. Gosh, same. I was positive no release would have happened. I literally was in world the whole day, weather was cruddy here in NJ and not much to do so I was working on my house and such. Had access to try for a home for the alt all day but didn't bother because I figured no way is LL going to work today. Oh well, oh well! Go figure.
  15. It's @Blush Bravin wrap around porch add-on. It's rather perfect as is - and lended itself well to building it out even with my limited skill. I used the one without the screen porch. Caveat being that I left the railings on underneath the back wall - I mentioned this above somewhere else and Blush answered me about it. I'm too lazy right now to search it out, sorry. The problem is, because I am not familiar with mesh, when I'd pull it off it affected how I walked inside the house - I couldn't move up the stairs. Blush explained about the physics to me and at some point when I have the wherewithall I'll tackle doing it properly and see if I can figure it out myself - if not, I'll put in a housecall to Blush (she kindly offered) to help me out. I actually tweaked it today. I had closed up the back wall entirely because all my kitchens just didn't feel right in the space. Plus the view to the back was no big deal. I decided to do a galley type kitchen instead, and put in another sliding door to mirror the other one to bring in more light and then, opened up the other side of the room leading to the porch to create a mud room type entrance off the right side of the house. If I have enough prims left I'll add in a laundry area. Still mulling that over PS: I used the Linden white siding but, made it full bright which I think helped. The floor is a different texture wood that I had from elsewhere and I also used the blue Linden siding for the ceiling. Using blue for porch ceilings is very typical in the USA so I wanted to stick with that. I appreciate the kind words on my "building" skills. Ghosty keeps pushing me to learn but I'm really not very motivated. My real life job keeps me busy enough and I prefer having my SL life as low key as possible. I have no aspiration or need to make money in world - I'm more than happy to support others that do 😋 Plus, I work in the design industry so I'm afraid if I started I'd become obsessed and nit picky and that would take all the fun out of it for me. Anyhoo I'm pretty much finished with the kitchen now - other than some more clutter or should I say picking and choosing more or less clutter (I'm always in a state of changing stuff) so here's some pix New single French door leading to kitchen from right side porch: View into kitchen from garden area: Inside kitchen: Alternate view: View into dining area of house: Newest photo of house exterior. Again, always changing this but I'm going to stick with this version for a while. At least until Halloween! I made a back patio area off the kitchen, but haven't yet put anything down.
  16. So cute! Just so happens I'm in the market for a washer/dryer LOL. Where are those from? I really like them!
  17. Sorry if this has been covered already but I only found one thread and it didn't really address this. Every time I use one of my LAQ heads I run into this problem. I don't use them regularly so I never remember how I managed to get over it and I'm up against it again. Going to write myself a notecard to keep handy this time around once it's figured out! Here's the thing. I have the LAQ mesh eyes. I wear them. I have the Omega LAQ applier. I have all updated items. Can not get the eyes to change color. No matter what applier I use. Omega does not seem to be working. I've reapplied it - sometimes it says it's applied but then I get that message that says it's trying to apply, and it doesn't. Or says it did apply, but it didn't. Tried wearing the rigged eyes. Tried wearing the non-rigged set. Also tried wearing the system eyes in the package. Tried getting a redelivery of every item. Eyes. Omega. Head. Nope. I could try using other mesh eyes but the head I'm using is Ivy, which is an odd sized head with huge eyes and regular eyes do not work with it. I tried. In the past I managed eventually to get it to work but for the life of me don't remember what it was I did. I don't understand why the creator hasn't added in their instructions how to work with the eyes, they mention everything else in their notecard except that. Obviously, I can write the LAQ team and/or Omega but figured I'd start here first before I did that just in case anyone knew how to help me. So thanks in advance if you can!
  18. Yes, today is a holiday - completely unlikely there will be a release. It's one of those that people hang with family, BBQ, relax, etc. Although where I am the weather is fairly miserable today so we'll be indoors catching up on a movie or two we missed in the theaters. And maybe have my alt keep trying for an abandoned house. One never knows when someone will give up a prime spot, as already shown by Chloe giving up hers. So many people have reasons for deciding not to keep their homes in Bellisseria. At least I'm on a staycation this week so I'll have the time Wednesday and Friday to try again if I decide to.
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