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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. As far as pubic hair is concerned...if you are looking for something that is the full "package" Session just came out with "The V" which is pretty incredible looking in its' entirety. However, can only be worn with their skins at this time but you said $ is no issue so might be a consideration. You probably don't need all those bells and whistles but it is the best looking of it's kind that I've found recently as far as fit and appearance combined.
  2. How do they continue to afford "feeding" the baby? Don't those things require constant maintenance? Like Kitty Cats? 🤔
  3. The one I"m using is something like 30ish I believe. I use more than that in landscaping in most houses and since this is on a sandy lot, I can afford to toss those prims to the add on. I've managed with other add-ons to decorate effectively, perhaps not trick them out with as much clutter in the kitchen but I can live with that. I do tend to stay away from the very large ones. Much as I love them they really are too big and always wind up looking half finished.
  4. Just caught a beach house but let it go. Don't remember the region even. Looked SO promising on the map, but when I got there it actually was across the street from the water, bounded by a small pond and 2 streets on either side of the house and kind of blocked by a house and then houseboats and...a high dune with rocks. Just didn't wow me at all. I gave it a good going over to make sure before I abandoned it but really, just wasn't as good as the ones I have already. Still hoping for that one smack on the the beachfront! EDIT: Fofita. Darn it just caught it again. I got it like 1/2 hour ago at first. Ghosty and I had to leave the house to run an errand. Never would have thought the house would still be available now Darn it wasted a try!
  5. Blueberry! Power Play. So is the shirt and boots.
  6. This too for me. One of mine, feels like San Francisco. One, like the Garden District in NOLA. Another, a Sanibel Island beach house. And there's the one that feels like living in Key West. Or a fancy high Victorian in Cape May. Etc. I like bouncing from one to the other, decorating each in different styles to evoke those feelings. Grown up Barbie 😉
  7. Working a Verne kitchen. Progress thus far...
  8. Thank you! I bought the paint shell and it's a real game changer. The add on I'm using was able to be tinted also so that worked out really well. And better, the deck that Marianne made which is really for the Winchester, I managed to fit onto the Continental due to the add on being square shaped like the Winchester. So, now I have a nice big deck over the back looking at the water. The house may not be at the water's edge but being it sits up higher than the ones that do the view is pretty awesome anyway.
  9. Atina - I think you keep responding to people who are not writing to you.
  10. I'm releasing one of my Victorian holdings in a few moments, it's in New Farthing. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New Farthing/82/160/34 Very nice stepped up entry into the house. Back and one side yard faces protected land (with an Obelisk Fountain park area) so no houses look into it, and the house across the street does not face directly into the house so it feels rather private. Lovely park-like neighborhood. Just decided it's not what I want. Shall let it go at 10:25am SLT Good opportunity for anyone looking for a Vic since not many have come up this past week. Happy New Year!
  11. First, in RL, most people are hoping to get their perfect idea of "home" whether that's a house, apartment, condo or a tent in a forest. Most of the time, we settle because it's hard to find that elusive combination of perfect we seek; but luckily in SL it's easy to move on and find some other location that suits our needs and desires. Why obsess on this and begrudge this to others? It's really an unbecoming attribute in a person. It's of no concern or impact in your own life so why bring it up?
  12. I use Strong Face, most of the time and the 1.4 eyes and have no problems. They look fine to me. The old eyes were wonky for sure.
  13. Thus far, we have not gone and I think we'll skip it as we keep reading more and more reviews that utterly stink. I don't mind watching it on Netflix or whatever in the house but nah, don't want to sit in the theater for it at this point.
  14. Once in the house, you can also try resetting the access list. That seemed to help me at some point when other methods failed. Don't know why, but it did. Worth a shot
  15. Personally, my alts were never created for any house hunting uses at all. I've had them for years. They were created for role playing purposes mostly and years and years ago when I first came to SL, I didn't use my main avatar for nearly a year for personal reasons not worth going into. Being Premium gets you back weekly Lindens which off sets the cost of that membership. I never took advantage of being able to own land on those alts until Bellisseria arrived. And nobody is beating anyone to anything. If you pay, you have the opportunity to own. It's not like thousands of others aren't trying at the same time. If you think those of us that have alts are stacking the deck I think you fail to recognize the shear volume of Premium members that already exist. It's pretty doubtful we are making any inpact in anyone losing out on a home. LL has planned well to ensure that there are enough houses to accommodate all Premium accounts going forward. You just may have to wait a bit longer than you would like, but you will get one.
  16. Last night, I logged in one of my alts to "home" and wound up in someone else house. Oops! Totally forgot I'd abandoned the home she'd had. Got confused, was pretty sure I'd gotten her another one. Well, I had but forgot to set it to home. Found the landmark, went to it and well, was surprised to see what a nice parcel it was. It's in Morgall, Victorian, corner lot, end of a street with a nice side view of the harbor which faces east so nice sunrise views from the side and back of the house. No houses at water edge, Clean Air and Mermaid Beach areas are the ones bordering it, and the Retrograde houseboats in the distance. I had to derender a lot of willow trees blocking my view, but that seems to be the usual course of action in a lot of water view houses. It has more side yard than back yard but I'm fine with that since the view is much better there. It was a nice surprise for sure. Totally forgot about this for like a week!
  17. Thanks @Nika Talaj for taking the time to write the above. Adding to that - it has deep negative meaning to the Jewish community as well due the image being embraced by alt-right/neo-Nazi/right wing militia/neo-confederate/eno-fascist groups. The Unite the Right protest and resulting riot in Charlottesville, VA in 2017 is a prime example, where chants of "Jews will not replace us!" along with other antisemitic, anti-Muslin and racist remarks was the marching cry of those carrying the confederate flag, crosses, weapons, torches and other items. This riot resulted in the death of a young women, who was purposely run down by a car driven by one of the neo-nazi members. He also injured 19 other people.
  18. No. You came in here, invalidated the truth of how offensive it is and then put your foot in your mouth by telling us we're childish for being angered by racist imagery being displayed in our community. Far worse. Hun, quit while you're behind. Unless you're trying to rack up more posts in which case carry on.
  19. Thank you for taking this seriously, your quick response and explanations. Does seem an unfortunate misunderstanding but one which needed to be cleared up swiftly, If one good thing came of it, I also thought the Fairgrounds looked wonderful and I'm going to get my ice skates and go back and do what my knees in RL won't allow me to do any longer
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