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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. OOPS yes, ugh, picked up the wrong one, sorry about that. It was the weirdest thing - when I went to log that alt in that owned that property for some reason every time I tried to TP to Well Springs it kept flinging me over to Cadhaire - no less, the house said she was banned in it. But, when I logged in as my main (Elora) I got to Well Springs no problem. I never had a house in Cahaire which is even stranger. Let alone, if I did why she would be banned is even odder since she goes nowhere and does nothing like - ever lol. Anyway, I must have picked up the LM from her instead of from me hence why it was wrong when I pasted it here. OY. I do hope someone got my home in Well Springs that was hoping for something lovely for the holiday. What goes around does come around 👍 I was shocked to get another beach property - was not even looking for one. Just figured I'd click on a traditional and see what happens since no Victorians were showing up.
  2. I know this is an awful time to let people know but I'm releasing my home in Well Springs, which is across the street from the water. Really nice property, great neighbors. Only reason is one of my alts snagged a lot over looking the water in Cantrip Coast very similar no houses across the street so I have a clear view of water (there are houseboats, but none blocking my view) and I have a large piece of protected land on one side of me also and a little beach area across the street too. Really very picturesque. So, as much as I've loved Well Springs I am going to let it go in a few minutes. Being Christmas Eve, I know most people are probably busy but, here I am because we do not celebrate in our home. I'll release it at 9:45 EST (so, 6:45 SLT). Good luck if anyone is paying attention and interested. This really is a nice gem of property. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cadhaire/31/237/31
  3. I agree with this. I had like 10 bird houses of varying sizes on my front lawn the other day and totally forgot about them. Oops. Sometimes people are building, get logged out or have to log out and don't have time to wrap up their work. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it too much because it does look like the person was in the middle of working on something. Who knows, they could even have been on the property at the time. I'm more bothered by things that are clearly against TOS like the possibility the person is running a business out of the property - which, is unlikely too - could be they just like the decor of the house looking like an antique shop. I think that would be kind of a cute idea. If those prims are still there a day later, yea, then I'd start getting annoyed and I'd just AR them. No need to make a drama fest over it. LL is very good at quietly taking care of things like that. No need to have yourself get involved.
  4. I am super happy with everything I picked up from Jestin (which, was literally, everything). Really good work, looks great, was easy to move into place and use. And super cheap too. Kudos to him. Can't wait to see what else he creates for these homes.
  5. Been slowly working on my home(s). This one is the Verne model in Knebworth, which is on a dead end street and has clear views high over the water looking down over what I call the Knebworth Penninsula I can see houseboats in the Retrograde region from this view too. It's quite lovely, and very private up there. I've only gotten around to the living room so far, and most of the garden where I went kind of nuts because I LOVE lush foliage. I found some exterior add-ons which enhance the home quite a bit and get rid of the white turret completely (which if you ask me is a mistake on the part of LL, sorry but it is no house at all would leave an entire part of it unpainted). I have part of the kitchen done, and some other odds and ends (and Xmas stuff) and only have 100 prims or so left so *gulp* may have to rethink a few things I have down which a bit prim heavy but, we'll see as we go... Edit: The land is a lot more landscaped on the other side of the street than it appears - I derendered alot for the sake of the photo (and, my views from the house too)
  6. A few Victorians have shown up. Caught 2, threw one back. Keeping one in Forsyte on an alt, corner lot, 3rd row up from the shore, hill top, corner lot with big protected land next to me. Actually quite nice considering how little is available for Victorians right now.
  7. Getting back to the topic. There are other furniture styles which will work equally as well . In fact, the exterior of the Hardy strikes me as Victorian Farmhouse, not the more embellished style we think of. Think plain unadorned wood, hand made, even Shaker type. And Victorian straddled into the Craftsman era so that type of furniture is completely appropriate to mix in also. Even Gothic will work. Personally, I wouldn't want to go full out one style as it will wind up looking to "precious". Do you. Put your own personal style into your home. Mix it up, old and new.
  8. I would up letting that house go anyway , wasn't willing to find out
  9. So, since no Victorians were showing up, and I knew I only had one or 2 tries left on one of my alts today I used them on a couple of traditional homes to see what came up. It brought me to the newly released regions. I was not impressed at all. Is it just me? Something odd about them that I can't place my finger on. The two I saw seemed kind of unfinished in a way. Too wide open, houses oddly placed, not enough landscaping privacy between houses. Needless to say neither house was a keeper.
  10. Same here. I have a handful of very nice properties, none of which are seashore but do have other positive attributes worthy of holding onto. I still have a couple of alts which I'm playing Game of Homes with and can afford to be extremely picky now with them. I go, and within second toss back a property because it's easy to assess what I want after a week of doing this. Do not want a house in the middle of two other houses. Prefer a secluded spot. Dislike houses with driveways. A water view is important to me from *somewhere* - I can live with it not being up close and personal at this point. However, ponds I've decided don't do it for me no matter how large they are. I had one house which had a very nice location and view over a rather large pond area but IDK, left me feeling flat after analyzing it. I think it was because the neighborhood felt too dense.
  11. Yes, this. I've been trying hard to wait in between abandons. I've gotten the same regions over and over - mostly inland of course.
  12. Just let my Oatley house go. Sweet spot but I just got another one I liked in Knebworth which I much prefer. Another overlooking the ocean below. I keep *just* missing getting a house on property which I want. So close, but not there yet. This one overlooks a few homes on a sandy island. Would kill for one of those. Not the sandy part, just the island! Anyway so this is where the homes are that I have so far that I need to make decisions about (others I've thrown back already). Pommade: Half way up a steep street, west view to water. Nice winding walkway to house. Lush plantings. No house in back of me. If I de-render bushes have much better views of water below and makes backyard look enormous. Park-like feel to neighborhood. Kind of reminds me of upscale areas of San Francisco. Big pieces of protected land between me and neighbors on all sides so super private. Bandstand: This one is interesting. Way at the top of a very steep street also, but placed so prominently that you can't miss it - you could walk right into the front door walking up from the MIzzenmast region., which as a fountain at the end of that block where it meets the waterfront. So, no other homes face into the front of my house at all. And, it's the only house on the block - no house on either side of it. The two houses near it are on the other side of the street on either side. It really does stand alone. Has traditional wrought iron planters at walkway - have not seen there in any other home yet. Yard totally fenced in with the brick and iron fencing. Backyard is kind of no big deal though but not terrible. Street looks perfect for a parade to go through, long and wide. The front is the showcase. This house feels GRAND. Red Hook: Right next door to Bandstand. End of the street, on a cul de sac, across from water front homes. This house just has that something-something about it that I love. Another home where there's no house in back of me, nor the side so the yards feel large and private. It's the only one I've started working on so that says something. Knebworth: Another home overlooking a lovely view of waters beyond. Even a houseboat community. And again, a private street, 2nd house from the end of a dead end - no houses across - clear view to water but not at ground level. House next door *might* be a little closer to back yard than I prefer plus I think overlooking those homes on the sandy island below may just make me annoyed lol. Yea so. Lots of premium alts to play around with (been in SL a long time). Of course, I could keep all of these and just decorate all - I sure have enough inventory to do them all in completely different ways but...do I have the time? 😱 EDIT: OMG forgot about Beaux Armes. I knew I missed on. LOVE this one. This is one where the backyard is the focal point - finally. Up on a hill, overlooking waters below, very clear view with a bridge in the distance (do need to de-render some small bushes, no big deal). Extremely picturesque. Nice sized backyard to go along with this. Pretty sure this is a keeper. I can see making a fantastic patio back there.
  13. I've become a professional Victorian house flipper 😂 I can not even keep track anymore which alt has which and where. I've gone through dozens in the past few days. It's pretty amazing too, how many times I wind up in the same exact lot even if I am trying hours later, on the same avi no less. So weird. And certain regions keep popping up over and over so I wonder if some of them just don't appear to people for whatever reason. Have passed over many gorgeous properties with unique landscaping only because of things like being sandwiched between other homes - a big dislike. I have landed a few comfy spots which tug at my hear that I will not give up yet unless I find some big prize like one on a beach (isn't that always what most of us want???) or any waterfront at all. I have a couple that do have gorgeous water views - one set high on a hill top overseeing everything, blue everywhere down below. Another across the street on a private secret like lot that has cute peaks at the ocean across the street and with some strategic derendering is just about perfect, and another, sits high up a street in a very stately prominent way with a total clear view down to the ocean way below - sort of like a San Francisco vista feel to it. Those three are special for sure. I haven't had any time to decorate/furnish etc. Only put down a garden in one so far. End of year is my busiest time at work and I'm beyond stressed and tired. Looking forward to a few days off next week so I can gather my wits and figure out all of what I've landmarked and see if any of this needs to be abandoned. EDIT: Might let the one in Oatley go. It's the one I did up as The Pink Lady, with a lovely large pond view but now that it's been put back to regular Linden colors *sighs* I kind of am not so thrilled as I was with it as before. Nice lot - but maybe not worth holding onto since I do like the others better.
  14. Got one there too Up the hill, unobstructed view looking down the street to the water. Going to keep that one too. Glad I have a lot of premium alts LOL. Eventually will make a decision of which one (ones?) I like best and release the rest.
  15. After much taking and letting go finally got this one in Red Hook which I love. End of the block, over looking the water, very VERY private lot, lush plantings. Keeping.
  16. Ditto for me. I will point out to the powers that be that on the traditional homes there were add ons for exteriors which changed the colors of the homes. I see this request to keep this feature as no different. If it's allowed to have various colors on the traditional models, it's certainly more in character with a Victorian home to be brightly painted. I do hope that LL takes our opinions on this request to heart. Perhaps there might be a happy medium that can be reached to satisfy both LL and residents.
  17. As a member of the architectural/design community in RL I totally concur with this assessment and request. Please to consider @Patch Linden @Abnor Mole 🤗
  18. I didn't use the outside pink. I totally tinted my own colors.
  19. Why not try and get one now? There are plenty to be had.
  20. Never mind - figured it out for the most part! Now if I could remember again so I can color the one window I missed LOL Anyway, I present to you all - The Pink Lady in Oatley
  21. In back of mine it rolls off into the next region. There is an unfinished road that appears like it will be finished to cut through. The land itself has coastline. It isn't on the map though; where the green land is on the map it shows as blue as if it's water. Here's a view. My alts house is the lilac one 2 houses over from the unfinished road at the bottom of the mountain. I'm holding onto it for now to see what happens with that land, hoping it remains undeveloped and that more landscaping goes in *fingers crossed*
  22. I think we may be sort-of neighbors. One of my alts got a house in Caladium and faces that same "mountain". I also got one on Elora's account in another region which initially I thought I preferred but as it turns out, I think I like the other one better. It's set up higher, has a nicer entry. There's just something about it, like you said, that speaks to me better. I also like the region a lot more - the house may not have any water views but it's only a few house from water, and it just seems that there's more variety of landscaping there than the other area. I'm holding onto the other for the moment though as I heard abandoning right now was screwing things up for LL.
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