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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I'm really digging the smallest one - the gingerbreading dripping off the back porch is adorable.
  2. No upper balconies - but that wouldn't be normal in a Victorian so ok, no issue with that. And I'm sure one or many more of our great creators will figure out a way to do an add-on anyway ❤️
  3. So basically they gussied up the basic homes to make them look Victorian. However, I am ok with this because then one doesn't have to waste prims by adding your own turrets, gables and other period vernacular architectural elements to the house. And the colors are pretty appropriate also. Can someone post pix of the rear of these houses? Curious about the elevation from the back.
  4. Victorian Farmhouse style. Lovely WANT. Will dump trailer for this
  5. Session has a very good toned applier - the abs are really defined on it. I'd think if you found a shape that has the bulk you seek combined with that applier you might get the body you are seeking. Or not but it's worth getting a demo from them. Their appliers are extremely good. They do have Omega body appliers or Maiitreya.
  6. I've joked that this must explain the Jews love of Chinese food
  7. Interestingly - in RL I'm of mostly Russian heritage (grandparents) and found out I had ancestors living in a part of China. Apparently a good amount of Russian Jews settled there during the revolution in the early 1900's. So, yea, not so unusual at all.
  8. Elora - from the movie Willow (the baby Elora Danan). I had just watched it yet again when I discovered SL. Plus, it's also a variation of sorts of my real name. I picked the last name from SL's list of available names at that time because I liked alliteration and the image it conjured up of the moon over the ocean. I did not, even notice it was also a misspelling of "lunacy" which was much later pointed out to me by more than several people 😋
  9. I'm Jewish and I don't even mind it. It's fine to me too. It wouldn't bother me at all if it was next door to my house.
  10. @Pussycat Catnap Thank you for this! I'm going over to get an update asap! Although still some is too small that is MUCH easier on the eyes and a lot more legible
  11. I do agree with quality. I wish that the HUD was larger - I can not read it. Aging eyes. That's even with glasses on. If they would revamp the HUD I'd be more likely to go back to using it again. I have a few of the heads and I do break them out periodically for specific uses (Uma is a fav).
  12. Oh goodness! How much have you saved up already?
  13. Missed that one. I gave up on Catwa ages ago because I find their HUDS too confusing to deal with.
  14. There's also some nice pose sets (set meaning a room, not a bunch of separate poses) you can get that work well for showing off clothing. A couple of my favorites are by the pose maker Exposeur; Monumental Fashion and The White Room. They have many which I really like using but those two are very minimalist and the White Room specifically has good lighting built in. It is somewhat pricey but personally I've gotten my moneys worth out of this one. (I rezzed the bird at the window for this one) Here's another. You can see how well it lends itself to fashion shoots Last to show you the various poses built in
  15. FYI - seems like ALL mesh heads are deeply discounted today so if anyone is looking to jump into using them today is the day. You name it - it's half price. Also every applier store is having deep discounts too - some store wide, others on specific appliers. Great day to stock up! Didn't have any trouble getting into any of the stores either - shopping was a breeze.
  16. McMansions! But will certainly need to up prim usage for that one😋
  17. Shame because that makes a fine looking house actually!
  18. If anyone is interested in a houseboat I'm releasing one in Isthill in a few minutes. Extremely good sailing access http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isthill/146/246/22
  19. If anyone is interested my alt will be abandoning the houseboat in Isthill in a few minutes. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isthill/146/246/22
  20. Ok here's the SLurl for my home in Isthill http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isthill/146/246/22 Anyone interested feel free to pop over. I picked up a few things already but most stuff is still rezzed out. I'll clear it out as the day progresses. Will be several hours before I am ready to let it go. I need to get out of the house and run errands as Thanksgiving is around the bend and the supermarket is going to be awful crowded today 😋
  21. The new one. I'll get the SL url for the current one in a moment
  22. True all of this, for me I even noticed after I wrote the above and was about to log out for the night that I have a view of a lighthouse from the rear of the boat. Now I just have to decide which model I'm going to use. I was using Windlass, which I'm still inclined to use because it's the roomiest and I recently found a nice add-on which created a bedroom upstairs which worked quite nice. I've tried using the other 3 previously and each have flaws with access to me between inner and outer egress. If I can find a good add-on for one of those I'd consider swapping. And so far I don't see any stupid flashy decor so +1 to that. I also like that this house looks over some of mainland Belli - houses, houseboats, hills and setting sun over it in the evening. On another note - I let the homestead I'd been renting from a friend wash away and took a smaller lot from him for my main "prim play". I got great enjoyment from it but figured it was just too much to deal with along with the Belli houses - but couldn't give up a larger piece of land entirely because I need an outlet for creating landscapes for photography for instance and a place to rez out my Teegle horses because they give me too much happiness seeing them run around
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