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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I have that one, but I want something similar to Blush's Continental wrap around: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blushed-Living-Wrap-Around-Porch-Continental-LH/17342267 I'm kind of surprised she never made one for the Winchester. Paging @Blush Bravin ! White courtesy phone Blush Bravin LOL
  2. Yep. I think I used the one I have for about 1/2 a day and took it down. It was kind of "meh" anyway. IDK, I have lots of various railings/terrace and patio parts and several builds from creators that are easy to rip apart, so if I have time this weekend maybe I'll attempt it myself.
  3. Now that I think of it, maybe I'll attempt to rip apart one of the ones I already have or build one with my very limited skillz. It will be rudimentary but I can hide the bad parts with shrubbery 😂
  4. Geez not for $1250L LOL and oy, the prims! Actually I have one of their Continental add on's but for the Winchester it's way more than I want or need. I'm using it for the beach house on the sandy lot and I want to keep as much of the land open as possible. I just want a porch lol - but thank you for looking!
  5. Lostbell is gorgeous. I gave up a home there a few months back, up the hill with a beautiful view of the water. Was one of my favorites so far. Someone will be very happy living there!
  6. I got an oceanfront traditional a few nights ago that someone here on the forum gave up, another person snatched and discarded and then I picked it up. Seriously, you just need to keep trying and eventually you're going to get something you love. FYI, the Continental version of the Traditional homes can easily be made to look very Victorian with the available add-on's so you might find a great spot easier concentrating on those for now.
  7. Skye's building sets have been a staple for me for years. They are pricey but you really get your money's worth with them.
  8. Does anyone know if there was a wrap-around porch ever created for the Winchester similar to the one for the Continental that Blush did? I thought there had been but maybe not? I have already purchased a lot of add-on's but don't seem to be able to come up with one. I'm not talking about the front/side balcony that Marianne and others including Fayed made - I have a desire for one that goes all along the house and all I find are ones that are the full front and 1/2 of only one side of the house. Just not enough!
  9. Gosh, I really feel like I should know you better than I do Scylla. Obviously you were around at the beginning of the Cartel, as was I. Were you always under this name or were you using another avatar at that time?
  10. Well and since i just added to this thread, I'll add some more. First and foremost, is @Ghosty Kipswhich is also the most obvious to those who have known us for any length of time. What began as a mere flirtation on these forums many (MANY) years ago became so much more than either of us ever anticipated. Here we are, going on 12 years, one of those long term SL couples that crossed over into RL and still here too! I am sure I've had more fun with G inworld than any other person I can think of, and same in RL. Now going backwards since I already mentioned him. @Chris Norse who I'm tagging but who will most likely never know I did. I don't talk about him at all because well, it was a) so long ago and b) complicated and I value the person who came after me who shall be mentioned at the end of this. paragraph Anyone who was around at the beginning of the Forum Cartel knows Chris was a ladies man. Well, I was one of the ones who was involved with him. It was a quiet, private thing, for various reasons. But he really was a huge influence on me for many reasons other than that. He was the first person who made a big effort to be friendly, to help me feel comfortable, to give me a reason to want to keep coming back to SL when I had every reason not to. One would think we wouldn't have much in common but we really enjoyed each other and it was really nice getting to know him. Anyway, by the time we felt more comfortable about being a little more open about the situation, he'd realized he preferred someone else, which hurt for about a day or so but then it was fine. And they wound up getting partnered and remain partnered to this day even though neither of them come in anymore. I owe my entire SL existence to him, truly. Had it not been for my meeting him, his gracious friendship (yes, and the extra attention helped) I would have never kept coming back in world at all. He kept me interested, enthralled and wanting to explore more and it changed my life in ways that I can't even get into as they are too personal to share. That person, believe it not, is the second person who means a lot to me... Feline Slade (for some reason her name isn't coming up as being on the forum). I adore Feline. The fact that we found our way to this lovely friendship is remarkable. It says a lot for all three of us. Feline and I do have much in common and, we have met in RL. The biggest thing we have in common is kitties LOL. We are both expert cat herders 😻 There are those who I may not have spent a lot of time with regularly but have warm memories of having really good times with, or interesting intense conversations. There was one night a long time ago that @Lindal Kidd and I chit chatted in the wee hours of the night, I believe it may have been at that Greek seaside sim? I still remember it like it just happened; it was a very evocative setting, one of those immersive nights where I felt very in the moment. I'm sure I never told Lindal this, so taking the opportunity now. There have been many people who have been wonderful friends through the years, some I've met in person ... @Maureen Boccaccio (she mentioned this above /waves back - please come to NYC again! I miss you bunches and we need to catch up!) , Ghosty and I met up with Trout Recreant and his wife Oryx Tempel some years back too. I also have met someone else who used to be in SL, via different channels not related to knowing her here - it turned out to be a coincidence which was totally weird! There's also a couple of others I've spoken to over the phone only but have not yet had the pleasure of meeting in person. Oh yes, Crap Mariner. I was kind of put off by him for years but then I started to rent land from him. And got to know him. And realized his crusty exterior hid a really warm heart. I like him and enjoy talking to him, and he's been really generous and helpful through the years in many ways in and out of SL. I hope to meet him in person one day. Ok that's enough for now. Suffice it to say through the years there's been plenty of people who have influenced me and just the fact of being in SL has changed my RL greatly on the whole. Oh and last, I've refrained from commenting on the one person who impacted me negatively which is the same person others mentioned, because I hate the thought of raising the dead and most of you know the whole story already anyway.
  11. Chris has MS. He has not passed away. He decided to leave SL to devote time to being with his family. Last I heard, he was well, all things considered.
  12. Yea, I mentioned this too. I absolutely need to do something about them. I'm no fan of this look but I'll be able to fix it. It looks like someone went crazy with the collagen injections
  13. Persistence pays off! One of my alts finally got a sandy Traditional waterfront 💃! Was debating about clicking on it since I'm at work but went for it. It's in Cadhaire. I'm utterly delighted. I really miss being in this particular area; I'd given up my Lostbell home which is 2 regions over, and it's the only one I kind of regretted throwing back (that, and Well Springs now that I think of it). Will release my other beach house when I get home tonight. It's not directly waterfront but set up high one row up and has a wonderful view so I'm sure somebody will be extremely happy with it. This, is the one I just caught 🏖️ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cadhaire/196/72/31
  14. Geez it never even showed up on my page and I was running 2 versions
  15. Ditto. I can make all of them work for some kind of look I want to achieve, although I'm partial to certain ones and, wear Genus Strong as my go-to. That one does feel most like "me" for daily basic use.
  16. Yea, agreed. I def have to fix those. Way too puffy for my tastes.
  17. Where did you get that cross necklace from? Love it!
  18. I found it SO confusing! Which Lelutka alpha are you supposed to wear instead? I fiddled with my Nova for at least 1/2 hour (probably way more) before I finally got the darn thing to work. Made me insane. I wish they labeled those alphas a bit better, they all sound exactly the same to me. Anyway, I bought the YS&YS Skylar applier, I always liked their skins and it does not disappoint.
  19. FFS Bakes on Mesh is hard. But pretty New Lelutka Evolution head, Nova. On sale for 2 weeks only for $3700L Now if I can only remember how I finally figured out how I got it to work 🤣
  20. crud, saw a Vic, probably this one, and just as I was going to hit the small box my boss walked over to me /screams!
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