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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Just got a houseboat in Sirinial. This is interesting. It's right by where my first houseboat was in Isthill. But truly my dream location. I've been wanting an end of line location, with a sandy beach attached. And it has the great sailing access and the back with the 2nd floor balcony of the Windlass (preferred model) faces west - totally perfect Last, there is NOTHING at all to be seen from the west. Just empty water. Freaking fantastic sunsets. The last houseboat I snagged in Whaleback was nearly perfect but just missed the mark by a slight margin. This one is exactly what I've been hoping to find so I'm releasing Whaleback within the next half hour - just need to clean it up. Will post again once I'm ready to let it go with the SLurl Someone will be extremely happy with that houseboat location. It really is wonderful.
  2. No not manually. I was at work and quickly wrote that. I could have been clearer. It was an orb. But, it did come on as soon as I was in it's space - I'm not used to orbs coming on the second I enter someone's property. Usually there's some lag involved of a few seconds so you can gather your wits about you; realize where you are and leave on your own accord. This happened really fast. Or certainly seemed to.
  3. Wonder if it is the one that I tp'd into accidentally (bad SLurl given by LL when I got the HB) that threw me out of their house on impact LOL Very unwelcoming. I would not have kept it simply because of that.
  4. Just got an abandoned HB in Bennetts Cove but location no better than the one I have now so it's gone gone gone to someone who needs it better
  5. My alt is releasing her camper/trailer in Huney Junction in about 5 minutes. Lovely lake front lot and very private. I really like this spot but I've found I hardly use it so no use holding it when Victorians are about to be released. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Huney Junction/48/161/43
  6. I've gotten very efficient with prims. I know my inventory pretty well by now and there are certain items I turn to repeatedly because I know they look great and are very efficient prim-wise. I'm always shocked sometimes how something simple like a rug can be 6 prims. Like, wut? I have a ton of gorgeous 1 prims rugs - why use anything else? It also helps that I'm not into having my homes overly cluttered other than the kitchen. There are times when I just HAVE to use something because I love it too much, but I'll find a way to cut back somewhere else. I never am really finished, everything is open to change at any moment because I'm also a shopaholic 😄 In that house, I did compromise a lot on the outdoor landscaping and did something I rarely do. I ripped apart a prim heavy pre-made path and used bits and pieces of it to create my own look. Those objects were not the best quality, not my preferred brand by a long shot but it gave me a lush garden look for a lot less prims and freed up a lot more for the inside of the house. And yes, Blush's add-on is quite a bit but on the Continental is SO needed. I built the back kitchen using the frame of her build, doors/windows from other creators and the walls were my own with textures I uploaded from online that I liked. Also, the floors inside came from LindiniLane2 of L2 Studio - I have all of her houses and they are easy to pull apart and use parts of. I liked her floor textures much better than the ones that LL provided in the Bellisseria homes so I overlaid them on top of those.
  7. We saw Chicago yesterday. OMG. Fantastic. We're catching up on a bunch of things we missed when we were younger this year. Seeing West Side Story and Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf upcoming. I think we are going to get tix for The Music Man with Hugh Jackman too *swoons* ♥️
  8. Full Disclosure. I've never had any desire to see the play Cats. AT all. Most people I know consider it a huge joke and feel the same. I'm not even all that familiar with the TS Eliot poem(s?). Except Ghosty who loves it. Not the play. The literary work. However - full disclosure - I REALLY think I want to see the movie because it looks AWESOME. Gosh that cast is crazy great. How can't it be good? I think we're going to see it on Christmas if it's playing that day (another full disclosure - we don't celebrate that holiday).
  9. I was cleaning up my laptop photo folder this morning because I bought a new one weeks ago but have been too busy to set it up. Promised myself today was the day and found these pix of my house in Edgar that I never uploaded to Flickr. This location was one of my favorites so far in Bellisseria. No water view (well there was a very small pond but barely viewable), no hilltop location. What it had going for it was perfect positioning where not one other house looked directly onto it and, it was located at the end of a cul-de-sac. The backyard faced the next region and there was a street between me and the houses on the other side so a wide swath of area before another house was on top of me. The Linden landscaping was first rate on it too.LOTS of trees everywhere. Great curved walkway from the street. Had grand brick fencing in the back already so I didn't have to waste my prims on it. I really was taken with this one and struggled with letting it go. Had I not gotten the house in Lost Bell which made my heart sing as much as this one, I'd still be there. I've posted pix of the exterior several times so I'm going to dispense with that for this post. These are just the interior shots I never got around to showing and the back/side yard. Not sure why there are no bathroom pix - although I vaguely recall at some point taking it out either due to annoyance that the Continental didn't really space for one (really looking forward to the new Victorians on this point) and none of the add-ons really seemed to work well enough for me on this model - sacrificing incoming light in the bedroom area. It also may have been running out of prims and I decided I'd rather trick out the kitchen further (again, I've already posted pix of that room so if interested just see my Flickr for those). I hope whomever got this lot after me loves it as much as I did. It made me appreciate the Continental model whereas previously it did nothing for me and was my first try at building anything of worth in SL - as rudimentary as it was it still worked out well, looked good and served it's purpose even better. First, entryway Living room Dining room (add-on kitchen that I built in background) Backyard Sideyard
  10. Oh I have. Blacklisted every bit of it👍
  11. I've given up more than I can remember, although I stayed in many of them for quite some time. I have several premium alts (been in SL a long time) . The 2 traditional houses I have I'm very happy with and most likely will continue to keep them because both locations are near perfection for me. The only way I'd give the sandy one up is if I manage to get one that is across the street ON the beach instead of overlooking the beach. The only one I'm slightly regretting is the houseboat I just swapped for another location. I like the new location a lot better but the boat right next to me has outdoor decorating that leaves a bit to be desired. But it's ok, no big deal. I've learned that eventually I find what I want and moving is kind of fun to do now and then since I enjoy having new places to decorate and like others mention, it's a great way of exploring Bellisseria also, learning what is where.
  12. I'm going to reiterate this. /rant on from someone who works in architecture (without getting all pedantic about it Victorian does NOT equate to a plantation home. Victorian originally meant built during the reign of Queen Victoria during the industrial revolution, and obviously, therefore, originated in Great Britain. They were built in enormous numbers because duh - industrial revolution and the need for housing and also led to improved conditions for indoor housing like indoor plumbing for instance. Victorian houses were built everywhere, and encompass numerous styles of architecture (Queen Anne, Italianate, Stick, Arts & Crafts, Gothic Romanesque, Revival, etc.). Just because some plantation owner happened to build a house in one of those styles is just coincidence. There are probably more of those houses in some form of Colonial or Greek Revival style than Victorian. There's no reason to feel that this style is solely reflective of a time period that enslaved people. There were millions who lived in these style homes that were of the general population both overseas and here in the US once the style became popular. You make of it here in SL what you want to make of it. There are Victorians in metropolitan cities of several countries, sea-side areas towns, suburbs of big cities, mountain enclave villages and yes, there are some plantations in this style also. It was popular because it's beautiful and varied and is still wildly desirable today as it was generations ago. Enjoy and embrace your love of it if that's what you want. Screw those who try to tell you otherwise. /rant off
  13. This is a very sweet Italianate style. I love!
  14. I don't mind giving up my camper in the least. It's my 2nd one. I'd hoped to settle into this one because the location is pretty ideal but like I've mentioned previously - I'm just not an outdoorsy sort of person. I have several premium alts so I have a house in Well Springs across from the beach with great views and lovely neighbors which I adore and another in Lost Bell up on a hill with killer views. Adore my houseboat, so that certainly stays. And I still have one more open slot to play with if something else interesting pops up. I'm really looking forward to these new ones. I walked through all of them earlier this evening and love the spacious room sizes!
  15. I bet you've already measured every nook and cranny and know exactly where everything is going 😄 I know I have. I've got the for sale sign on my camper up already 🤣
  16. Victorian style spans many types of homes. The ones in SF are basically townhomes. NYC has this type as well. The large ones were the ones that were built as wealthy people summer homes in the suburbs of these cities. Or, the farmhouse style were more modest and yep, belonged to regular folk. One of the largest concentrations of Victoria houses in the USA is in Cape May NJ, a seaside small town that's really lovely and filled with well kept houses that are mostly now B&B's. And of course, New Orleans Garden District comes to mind too.
  17. We have an almost 100 year old Craftsman with Victorian elements. Spent a fortune on updating it, still looks pretty much original though. Had nearly all the knob and tube replaced - very little remains but there is some here an dthere. NO NOISE AT ALL! Those walls are thick as a brick. In fact they ARE brick. Our house is not wood frame, it's made of terra cotta brick - with plaster & lath over. Sturdy AF and quiet as they come. If you close one of those original solid core doors you hear nothing in the rest of the house. Bliss if you are sleeping! But yes draft windows - we had them all replaced but not with those butt ugly modern looking ones. Tried to do it as sensitively as possible - wood on the inside at least to match the original baseboards, etc. We have radiator heat too. I like it for the most part. We splurged for retrofitting central A/C into the house though because I can't live without it. Lost some closet space here and there but hey, there wasn't much to begin with LOL. The people living there prior to us had ONE built in a/c unit in the living room which is ancient that we left in the wall because we have hand done plaster walls and who knows anyone that can replicate that now? It actually has come in handy at the height of summer when the central can't keep up with the heat outside most especially if our Viking oven is running! (being retrofit - this can sometimes be an issue in old homes). It may be old but it can crank out a frigid arctic blast!
  18. I am all for getting one of these Victorians and have one open Alt at the moment to get one and will happily release my camper too if need be. My fav decorating style is what I'd term "Victorian Modern" - so I'd be stoked to play around with one of these houses. Can not wait until we hear of a pending release.
  19. I'm really digging the smallest one - the gingerbreading dripping off the back porch is adorable.
  20. No upper balconies - but that wouldn't be normal in a Victorian so ok, no issue with that. And I'm sure one or many more of our great creators will figure out a way to do an add-on anyway ❤️
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