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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I log in every day pretty much. Sometimes it's just quick but most of the time I spend at least an hour or two once I'm home from work, have caught up with Ghosty and we've had dinner. Weekends could be longer if we don't have any particular plans out of the house.
  2. Correct - the 2nd pack is ONLY for extras, not the hair itself.
  3. ATTENTION ATTENTION! @RaeLeeH made a thing! She created a wrap around porch for the Winchester šŸ’ƒšŸ¬šŸ˜ I am blown away at how gorgeous this is! Perfection! She's got it on the Marketplace already. Link below and I'm hoping it doesn't go to the German version because I've been having an issue the past few days where no matter what I do it defaults there instead of English. (ugh looks like it did SORRY) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RAE-Bellisseria-Winchester-Porch-v1/18828380 Anyway, this is my house in Cadhaire. I used the custom exterior texture change HUD for it which is how I got the pink color. Not a bug!
  4. I'm going to release a traditional in Silent Shores in a few minutes that an alt picked up the other day. It's a really nice location; corner lot across the street from the water. Side yard faces east to the water so you might have a water view depending on what model you use and some strategic derendering of trees across the way - I did it and it really was lovely to look out at the houseboats beyond. The landscaping is really good too, nice step up to the house, and the back yard is fully private with trimmed hedges and wood fencing to the street if you like that look. Silent Shores is a really nice region. In fact, if I were just starting out and got this house I'd be keeping it. This one really has a good vibe to it but I just don't need it as it's similar to another one that I have already which I slightly prefer. Will let it go at 7:55am SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Silent Shores/23/42/27 PS: This photo shows the landscape with trees derendered and, I haven't abandoned it yet - got held up so make that 8:00 slt
  5. Not sure if this is a question for here or somewhere else but since it's regarding Lelutka's Evolution heads i'll go into it. Last night, I put myself together, not issues, etc. Teleported somewhere, no problem, looked fine. While there, had to log out for a few minutes and log back in again. When I logged in, my ava looked completely screwed up - since I'm not used to Bakes on Mesh completely, it was hard to figure out at first what the exact problem was but I quickly realized that the head alpha had come off when I'd relogged on. Attempted to put it back on to no avail. Still looked like crud. Teleported to my home land and had to fiddle around with it for quite some time, finally got things fixed and went back to where I'd been. Now, not sure if a) logging out/logging in had anything to do with this or b) if the land I was on was the issue; possibly too laggy and due to that the alpha came off and I wasn't able to correct it all while at that land? And in general, have found at times weirdness with the head happening. Yesterday for instance I could not get the main Erin head to show at all, BUT if I used the Erin head with the static ears, I could. Which, was strange?
  6. Not a hair base! It's the whole hair It's by Doux, called Pink. All of their hair have an option to apply "baby hairs" . Make sure you get the "base pack" AND the 2nd pack which cost something like an extra $125L because that's the one that gives you accessories if there is one (like barrettes), materials ability etc. IDK why they don't just make it all one pack but maybe they've discovered some people aren't interested in those options and prefer to pay a little less.
  7. Haha I wonder if it's the one my alt caught. I haven't had time to take a good look at it yet, I'm at the office. Will make a decision on it when I get home in a few hours.
  8. Alt just picked up a trad in Abiatti? Not familiar with that area. Close to mainland it seems? Gotta take a better look later but from a quick look it seems interesting. Huge walkway up to the house, with lots of boulders surrounding it and I think, it had a view of the lighthouse maybe although it's not right on the water. If nothing else, it will make a great photo submission to the Staircase thread Then I'll release it LOL
  9. Lelutka was the first mesh head I purchased when they first became popular - I wore Simone for the longest time and loved it. I switched over to Genus Strong for the most part in the past year; I use many others also but Strong is my top fav. I was loathe to deal with BOM, but when Lelutka introduced the 2 new heads at a reduced price I took the plunge. I bought Nova first without doing a demo since I trust Lelutka and there was a learning curve for me but, wow, I love the look and am very pleased with the head other than the lips being a bit too puffy for my tastes but, I'm working on fixing that. Then, decided to buy Erin and I actually like this one more since her lips are more to my liking. I'm getting used to using BOM now. The HUDS are really easy to use, animations are great. Glad I didn't toss out all my old appliers now also (I had dumped quite a bit of them but saved some). Erin with Glam Affair Xia This is Nova. I can't remember the applier because I was playing around with the appliers. Could be either YS&YS or DeeTalez
  10. For me, it's the soundtrack of college days. My roommate and I used to fall asleep to these 3 albums every single night (this in 1977): 1. 2112/Rush 2. Dark Side of the Moon/Pink Floyd 3. Late for the Sky/Jackson Brown (to fall asleep to, finally) I didn't know them prior to this - I'm from the US and they were not a part of my musical background prior to college. I was one of the few females that became pretty obsessed with them for a while. I could air drum with the best of them lol, knew every single beat (which is funny because Ghosty, drums and of course Rush is a big love of his). I did lose interest in them for a long time; prefer their earlier music but have seen them many times in concert most recently a few years back w/Ghosty and it was pretty awesome. My taste in music is very varied but mostly was new wave/punk/art rock n college; B'52's, Patti Smith, Ramones, Blondie, Talking Heads etc. Saw U2 in a tiny bar in NJ before they became big. But I also listened to other genres, it's good to keep an open mind. I was pretty stunned by Peart's death too. One of those moments where I literally gasped out loud. Just so unexpected. It sucks to start losing your idols (even if you don't idolize them).
  11. UM NOPE. Pfft. /me goes to weep over the Neil Peart photos she took last time her and Ghosty saw RUSH tour...)
  12. (hope this one is not to risque for this forum, I darkened the potential problematic bits as much as possible :P)
  13. Been here since 2007 but sticking with the theme of a decade. Thanks Berry!
  14. The Moles did a fantastic landscaping job on my home in Bandstand, it's so incredibly lush and I love the fencing too. Everything about it slays me. I added some HUGE blood red roses by Heart that were from some Halloween kit of 2018 if I'm not mistaken, going for a darker gothic feel to the exterior. I love this house site. It's on a very small block, only 3 houses and looks straight down to the waterfront in Red Hook. While there are no direct water views here, it's such an impressive home site due to it's placement - it's feels grand and stately which only proves that there are fantastic homes everywhere - not just on the beach. This one will be difficult to let go of so I'm going to have to start working on the interior and make myself at home, because once I do that, I know it's for keeps.
  15. /me puts foot in mouth But seriously, it put me off from wanting to live across the street!
  16. There is a traditional house I've picked up at least 4 times over the past couple of weeks, which has a crummy kind of property placement, so I wouldn't keep it no matter what but...aside from that across the street someone has erected a huge obelisk monument nearly as tall as their home engraved with their rules on how to be a good neighbor. I mean, seriously? I am sure that that is the reason,more than the poor land site, that is keeping people from making their home there. I mean you can easily derender the darn thing but you already know you don't want to live next door to those people. It's like waving a big "Go Away" sign at people. SMDH
  17. I tried doing a sort of roof once and it was a huge fail LOL
  18. I have that one, but I want something similar to Blush's Continental wrap around: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blushed-Living-Wrap-Around-Porch-Continental-LH/17342267 I'm kind of surprised she never made one for the Winchester. Paging @Blush Bravin ! White courtesy phone Blush Bravin LOL
  19. Yep. I think I used the one I have for about 1/2 a day and took it down. It was kind of "meh" anyway. IDK, I have lots of various railings/terrace and patio parts and several builds from creators that are easy to rip apart, so if I have time this weekend maybe I'll attempt it myself.
  20. Now that I think of it, maybe I'll attempt to rip apart one of the ones I already have or build one with my very limited skillz. It will be rudimentary but I can hide the bad parts with shrubbery šŸ˜‚
  21. Geez not for $1250L LOL and oy, the prims! Actually I have one of their Continental add on's but for the Winchester it's way more than I want or need. I'm using it for the beach house on the sandy lot and I want to keep as much of the land open as possible. I just want a porch lol - but thank you for looking!
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