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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I actually let mine go in Ebbe Tide also. When I derendered all the hedging (which I truly loathe) the house was just too close to the houseboats.
  2. Got one in Ebb tide for an alt. Wish it didn't have such a big bank of privet hedging but I'll derender those. Going to take a better look in a few but it looks like a nice location - end of streed right by the houseboats.
  3. I have only seen old type homes on my page for like 2 days šŸ˜„ Edit: Ugh, stupid web page was dropping to the old homes instead of Bellisseria. I can't believe I didn't even think to look. I'm so used to Belli coming up first
  4. Both for me. I have several, like @Nika Talaj that I would be hard pressed to let go of. I'm enjoying living in Bellisseria quite more than anticipated. I do have one or two that I could part with if a new theme came out that really appealed to me but it would have to be incredibly worthwhile. Most of the themes being tossed about don't interest me at all. I also still have a home on a private estate that I'm loathe to part with because I've got so many houses in my inventory and I love creating new landscapess which obviously one can't do on the same scope in Belli. I did, however, scale down dramatically this year and probably could still cut it back a bit more. I like new. But new doesn't have to mean giving up where I am necessarily - hence why I need to keep hold of other land than just the Linden land. I'd feel really boxed in eventually mainly because of not being able to terraform in Belli - if we were able to do that it might push me towards getting rid of the private land completely (and maybe another 100 or so prims lol).
  5. Most disappointing (I bought them) is no animations. I don't understand why a creator wouldn't put in even a few basic ones for the stove particularly. Also, once rezzed they didn't look anything like the ad. The stove/fridge were a lot thinner and the microwave was way too large (and then there's the cord issue). Call me disappointed.
  6. There is no guilt in real estate transactions! First come, first served! (or in this case, first clicked)
  7. Alt got a traditional in Leomund which I'll release at 1:05slt It's a very nice, private lot, dead end street. If I were just starting out I'd probably keep it but I'm in the upgrade business lol LEOMUND/232/124/0
  8. OMG I have gotten that one at least half a dozen times so, like her, I didn't like those homes either šŸ¤£
  9. I read the forum daily for the most part, at least several times a day.Frequently more. The only time I don't is if I'm too busy in RL (work, personal stuff). It's rare for a day to go by that I don't check in at least once or twice - even if it's just to quickly catch up. I've been known to read it on vacations also - Ghosty and I always travel with our laptops so there's always a downtime moment where checking in is possible. I've been here regularly for over a decade with a couple of long breaks. I find it a good way to get most of the info I want than having to dig around lots of blogs and of course, get answers to questions quickly. I enjoy seeing other peoples creations here too. Also, to stay connected with friends since I tend to be a loner in-world, preferring to just quietly work on my land and do photography.
  10. There's been several Alt parties through the years at the Forum Cartel. In fact, we had one just a couple of months ago and it was a blast
  11. By coincidence, I downloaded BD last night. I figured out where everything was pretty fast and played around with it for a bit but it was getting late so didn't take any pix. But I really like the quality of how it renders - so different from FS (I never use the official viewer unless FS is down). I've been negligent about setting up my new laptop, so this gives me an excuse to hop to it because if it looks as good as it does on my older one I can't imagine how spectacular it will be on a newer system.
  12. Love these. FYI that tiling problem is maddening. I never can figure out when it's going to happen either. Is it random or does it happen under specific lighting? All I know is I took some wonderful shots a while back, was really feeling the moment and when I went back to figure out which one I was going to post every darn one of them was tiled. Didn't show up in FS, but sure was there when I saved to disk. Ugh. So disappointing. I tried going back to where i was but could not recreate the exact viewpoint I'd had previously. Oh well.....
  13. Bought it. I really like the hair a lot. Stealthic is my favorite hair creator hands down so I had to get this. The a/o is decent but I wish there were options for walks that did NOT have to have that dumb "twirl" going on all the time. Is it just me or is there no way to change the timing on this thing the way you can other Vista a/o's? I do, however, find that "Ta-Dah!" animation really amusing. Anyway, don't know if I'd jump into another one unless it was a more useful style for me something long and flowing - not a braid or ponytail although I will use this more than once.
  14. One of my alts is releasing a traditional in Twilling at 4:10pm SLT. Really nice location overlooking beach & houseboats, set high up, 1 row back from the waterside. Very nice front walkway landscaping with ships wheel! I love this location, totally forgotten I had it and don't need it since I had landed one right on the water the other week. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Twilling/149/130/29
  15. I'm already thinking about the role play potential /searches Marketplace for ropes and gags šŸ˜‚
  16. I'll tell you, my job is high pressure at times, but low pressure as far as internet usage is concerned šŸ˜‰
  17. Oh there's railroad tracks for sure - I managed to be able to log in. And a pedestrian bridge.
  18. Just landed a Vic in Hawkeswood? This is one of the most Interesting lots I've seen yet but I'll need to think about if I'm keeping it - corner lot, railroad tracks in back of it with a river running in the back towards the side yard with a bridge over it. Small public park near it and the other side of the house is protected land so it's far from the other house to the right side. It's fits a lot of my criteria for privacy and quirkiness. I'm at work so have to wait until I'm home to have a good look. secondlife://HAWKESWOOD/80/156/0
  19. So, just for the heck of it I decided to go for a camper even though, I'm not into the campers but since Saltmarsh sounded so nice figured what the heck, I'll waste a turn. Well surprise to me. Got one on a green going to sandy beachy lot with a gorgeous water view. I think I can actually enjoy this location so I'm going to hang on to it and see if this one grows on me enough to keep. Just will be sure to call it glamping instead of camping - so I'll be making sure a luxury bathroom goes in first http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Saltmarsh/158/171/23
  20. This sounds like you went on vacation. Went = going somewhere. So the answer is yes.
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