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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Wow there's like 4 people at my house waiting. Never saw that before
  2. Ok going to let the Deep Thought parcel go at 2:20pm SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deep Thought/193/171/28
  3. Yea, I know. Another layer of why I was SO angry. I wasn't pissed at them, I was pissed at HIM. I did a lot of research in the process of healing myself (along with therapy of course - it really messed me up for a bit). It's a horrible vicious cycle for those women (and men too) who get sucked into the industry. I also became involved in an online sex addict forum during that time - was a coach for quite a while there helping others move through their trauma which included those that found themselves in sex work. It was an eye opening experience and resulted in giving me empathy for their side of the story. I also feel bad for anyone who is in any kind of industry that is under the table, low paying and illegal. And hate to say it but manicure places are notorious for taking advantage and preying off of the disadvantaged also. In RL, Too many shady businesses abound of this type in NYC particularly and I'm sure everywhere else.
  4. And the other thing too is we really do not know who amongst us is not female to begin with. I have no problem with whomever would like to join us. As long as you are nice, polite, understand the rules and are into good conversation. That's a-ok for me.
  5. @Scylla Rhiadra The ethical issue is one which bothers me in SL/RL too. I have big problems with these things also as far as role play is concerned but to each their own I suppose - though the teacher/student bothers me WAY more due to the power dynamic involved. I personally some years back developed skeptical views of the massage industry due to an ex's addiction to illegal massage parlor usage. Took me a while to get back to a point of being able to separate what he did and the places he used, from what I know are legitimate businesses who operate in ethical and professional manners. Really screwed with my head for a few years (maybe one day, I'll tell you all the story of me finding a receipt of one of those "spas" he visited that he stupidly dropped on the floor of our home office, and then me visiting said "spa" to ascertain for myself that I wasn't imagining things, and confronting the owner, who thought I was the police LOL). Anyway, one of the best things after all that happened was years later, when I got over that anxiety, being able to go with Ghosty for his first professional massage together. He'd never had one before and he wasn't sure about it. He assumed he wouldn't enjoy it, couldn't see the point of laying on a table for 1-1/2 hours and was sure he'd just get antsy after a while. Booked a couples massage on our honeymoon and well, did he find out how wrong he was LOL. He's a convert now 😂
  6. Yes, exactly. Relaxation and therapeutic are entirely different approaches. Thanks for pointing this out, same to @Seicher Rae
  7. Pretty much nonsense because most are scripted with adult content. A professional massage would never leave a person completely naked for one thing. I've never seen an SL massage table that has an option to keep one covered with a towel even that I can recall, and if there is, don't remember it as being able to have the ability to keep the body covered everywhere except the part being worked on at that time (leg, arm, foot, back, etc.). I've also never seen one scripted for the various types of massage. No option for Swedish, reflexology (a favorite), hot stone, shiatsu, etc. All of them look exactly the same which is pretty much I suppose Swedish. Accessories are a plenty, but they do nothing. FYI, been to enough professional massages through the years from local small boutique style places to fancy large spas in hotels and cruise lines. I highly recommend this as a treat if you can afford it periodically. Hint: don't scrimp on the time. 60 minutes is never enough. You don't really start relaxing until 30 minutes into it usually plus 60 doesn't leave enough time to properly work on each part of the body. I find 90 minutes is a much better time frame.
  8. What a coincidence! It's a great little place. Like I said, I had to think about it for a bit. I kept walking around, really taking a hard look at what was around me, bringing up draw distance etc. If I was letting go other properties for this one I had to be certain about it. I know how you feel about having too much now. I am feeling like a house hoarder at the moment and also making some hard decisions. I've been dashing from house to house decorating in bits and pieces as the mood hits. Trying for a different style in each. But I haven't touched a few because I know those are the ones that might make the chopping block. I am very curious what Super Premium will turn out to be of course. If it's more Li/land I'll let go of a lot of what I've got now including the land I'm renting elsewhere which is month to month from a friend and I know there will be no hard feelings on that. As it is, I really am hardly ever using it except when I'm doing a photo shoot and well, I could actually just use one of the other Bellisseria homes for that now that I think of it. Gotta give that some more thought. Would be nice though, to have enough prims to rez out at least one of my Teegle horses. I do love my little pony LOL. I have limited time to play around with all of these, a few hours here and there weeknights and weekends in between RL personal things that need attending to so this it does feel overwhelming as much as I enjoy the process. Hence why I keep looking - I'm hoping to be able to eventually just have a handful of homes that are perfect for me so that I can have one of each type to play with and then let go of all those other premium accounts which will come up for renewal in a few months or so. Until then, the catch and release continues.
  9. I've thought about it! I use them all the time at work so it would have been easy enough to do. It's probably the only thing I'm geeky about. House hunting here or in RL LOL
  10. So last night, I ditched a Victorian I'd picked up the other day on one of my alts. I kept it for a couple of days debating about it and decided meh. Got a traditional in Humansville in a rather unique location instead. It's off the main road, down a pathway, and then a long walkway to my house along a high coast line with house boats way low below. I'm the last house up there so it feels like it's on it's own private street. I like unique. At first wasn't sure of the way the house is placed because it has to be aligned to the walkway - would have preferred it to face directly to the water but actually, it's fine. Once I put my deck on the Winchester I realized I have west and east views from up there and the house is set so far off from most others that well, the privacy factor is A+. And I'll be able to put a nice sized patio area on the side facing the water anyway. Super happy with this one. I'll be letting go the traditional in Deep Thought since it has a similar view to Humansville. Difference being it is lower to the ground and because of that there's a houseboat directly at eye view from the back, and of course there's the Peak but that really wasn't so bad since it's off to the side. Overall it's a nice neighborhood and someone else will love it and be very happy there. I also got rid of a sandy lot in Cantrip Coast last night. I had 2 beachy properties but the other one in Twilling is a much better view even though it's set back further. The one in Twilling's back faces the water and is set up higher than the houses below so the view is really stellar. and the one in Cantrip faced land and I utterly hated what the neighbors had done with their backyards. And it was way too much to derender. Could not get over. So, bye bye. I'll have 2 alts open to play with now and still keep hoping to catch my dream house. I keep coming up with great properties that I like for other reasons but the brass ring of houses has not yet materialized for me.
  11. FYI, Canyon Ranch spas have lovely, healthy restaurants. I was at the one in Las Vegas a couple of times (highly recommend!) and being able to sit afterwards, have a light meal and not rush away from the experience was a nice treat 👍
  12. There are plenty of spas that will allow those who are shy to remain in a swim suit or keep underwear on. They just work around the covered areas. Some forms of massage are typically done while clothed entirely - Thai specifically because no oils/lotions are used and it's more of a stretching technique. People have so many varying levels of comfort with their bodies. For me personally, I hate trying on clothing in a communal dressing room but have no issue with being nude for a massage.
  13. This sounds like something I might actually show up for. Being as I'm notorious for not showing up for things.More because of my work schedule which is heinous due to having a llong commute and then being tired by the time I get home. But having said all that, I'd offer my land also, but not sure if the person I rent from is keen on having groups hanging out there other than residents. I sure do have a lot of spa stuff in my inventory though so if anyone wants to put something together, for a group to do it, I'm happy to rez it out.
  14. Just released mine in the same region a minute ago also
  15. Letting a Victorian go in Ivanhoe at 3pm SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ivanhoe/171/149/33
  16. @GoSpeed Racer I think the new look is fantastic. Really close to your original system so you really haven't gone to far over the edge into looking different. But, I'll differ from Lil on the nose. Personally, I like the width being wider. It gives a more unique look to your face so you don't look like every other person wearing that same mesh head. Especially if you're going for a more ethnic look, which clearly it seems you are. I love how your appearance has a more mature, soulful look now. Well done!
  17. Ugh. Wish I'd seen this sooner. I have one alt available to house hunt. The Vic would have been a long term keeper. I'm sure both of those will make someone extremely happy, great locations!
  18. So, got a traditional in Deep Thought, overlooking Pyri Peaks. I've decided to keep it for now and try to love it because the house is right on the water, just a lovely setting in spite of that looming rock in the distance. Luckily it's set barely to the right of my home, so it's not totally blocking my view. And I took a fly over to it and now that I know what's on it, I'm not so annoyed anymore. The neighborhood is pretty, my house is at the end of the block pretty much , lush landscaping all around and I like what my lot has on it too. Yep, going to start working on it and see how I feel about it for a few days and judge from there.
  19. Just got a Victorian in Southkeep. Not interested in it, but for someone else it's actually a nice spot. Dead end street, nice landscaping, has a driveway and if you like having a yard with hedging this is or you (I personally dislike having the entire yard boxed in but I know some like that a lot). Letting it go in a minute! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Southkeep/71/125/37
  20. Picked those up first thing this morning. Best part is the couch is only 2 prims!
  21. Yea, forgot you aren't using Maitreya. The V is more than I need too these days - I'm long past that kind of shenanigans in SL - but bought it anyway for the few times I also am doing some kind of nude shot. Certainly am not getting up close and personal with it though. Session's appliers are really quite realistic - especially if you get the lighting right. One of my top 5 (with Skinnery in there too).
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