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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. First thing I would do is trying to reset your skeleton and animation and see if that helps. Right click on your avatar and go to the menu option, Apperance, Then from there choose reset, then from there choose Skele& anim reset and see if that helps.. Sometimes that's all it is from an animation from an AO causing it or something.. Also, Have you tried going into your Lelutka hud to try and adjust your eyes.. you'll find that under the eye Icon in that hud.. If you look a little lower in that window that opens, you'll see a ring for sizing and a cross with a ring in the center for, up, down, left and right. Also there is a reset just under those controls. Also see if bakes on mesh in the eye section is highlighted.. ETA: [Took out my flub up] If you have a screenshot that might be a bit more helpful too..
  2. Ya, I seen them on a billboard at the Inithium Event, plus seen they have a display there as well.. When I seen the billboard I was like, Omg those guys are HAWT!! \o/ I haven't really seen too many of the adds for other male bodies, So I don't know how they compare. But they did stand out pretty good and have me looking upward to that billboard pretty dang quick.. hehehe
  3. I think it's time for an addon ROAD TRIP!! \o/
  4. I think Maitreya has their version and I think Erika does too of those juicy bewbies.. I need to scout around and see what all these other bodies have with addons now.. I think Kupra does too.. I seen one for a really big bewbies like the mounds and was like o.o I don't think those were meant to hold back!! \o/ hehehe
  5. I completely forgot that Inithium made male bodies.. I wonder how popular those are? I am totally out of the loop and really can't remember ever being in the loop when it came to the male bodies.. hehehe
  6. I got them also.. With some of the skin addons they look good and even lower the squish look on them.. But from the side they still really squishy.. I hope if we keep saying, they need a hud, that one of them will pick up on it and make a hud with adjustments.. hehehe I didn't get the other addons though for thighs and belly and arms.. I did demo the mounds though, just because I just had to see me with ginormous bewbies at least once!! \o/
  7. One thing that someone said that I really am noticing a lot, I think it was Coffee that said it.. I'm seeing reborne in some folders, where Kupra usually would have been.. I've gotten the demo for that body like 5 different times trying to make something work.. For myself, I just can't find my own niche for it. I keep trying though.. hehehe I hope there is a shift that's more spread out.. I haven't really shopped for Erika in a good while.. I'll have to keep an eye out
  8. Ya, I don't think there is any kind of conspiracy thing or a council of 300 or anything like that.. hehehe They just had an over all good plan and it's working out really well.. Where the other, I sometimes think they are happy right where they ended up.. Otherwise they would have been throwing the kits at the creators..They still could but think they might be happy in the niche they are in.
  9. I think you need an animation going that is higher priority than what is in the furniture ,like priority 4.. I wonder, if one animation is the same priority as the one in the furniture , if it will override a current running animation at the same priority? If it did work then all you have to do is find one you like and run it before you sit down..
  10. I had watched that series, the crown, which I know a lot is fiction.. But it kind of had me looking at a lot of things differently.. Like Who in their right mind would ever want to be a Princess or a King after seeing that.. hehehe I guess that series just gave a bit more depth and perspective in that world.. I guess I get curious with people in history, like Churchill. If they were good on the spot with improve or if things were written for them.. I always kind of like to think, they just shot it out there on their own..
  11. One thing I'm always curious about with politicians and them saying things that become great quotes.. I always wonder, did they have someone writing for them that came up with those? A lot of times politicians get the credit or the fire because of speech writers.. I just wonder is all hehehe
  12. I'm gonna guess LUCYBody.. Something about that wide butt crack reminds me of that body.. hehehe could be maitreya, sort of, but I'll stick with LUCY
  13. I didn't post on page one.. You'll find mine on page two.. I think the only thing I talked about, is why they might have went with Maitreya over the others for that video.. I believe it was because of over all consistent reliability.. I think you have me confused with someone else. So ya, I'm not embarrassed at all..
  14. That one looks like one of the Belleza bodies, But this is just going from memory since I haven't looked at mine in awhile.. something about the hips and butt.. I'm probably wrong though, because I'm sure not sure.. lol
  15. There is definitely some reason they like it better.. I was hearing the bigger bodies were harder to rig for and probably one of the reasons the Erika body didn't take off.. That and them being silly and making creators apply for the kits.. I know I keep harpin on the Erika body, but it's just a shame to see it not take off, it's the most on par for curvy and full figured out of the bigger bodies... Reborne probably sits right in the creators niche and much easier of the bigger bodies to rig for.. Make a body to rig for to please the creators .. Have customers use deformers to fit what they want..Then PR the crap out of it.. hehehe I mean it has it's own dedicated monthly event. It's on my rotation of top events to hit first, for sure.. they even have a dj there and people dancing.. It's a nice event.. Just in the last couple of months I've seen it showing up more and more on items in a lot of the events.. Even in the sales it's starting to show up more and more.. There are some niche events that I'm not seeing it at, but those don't change too much anyways and stick with more standard bodies like Maitreya and Legacy kinds of body ranges. I have my reborne set where I like it a lot.. But there is always in the back of my mind like a ghost haunting me..If it just had that Erika butt and legs, everything would be skippy.. hehehe
  16. I don't know. I just went to the SLUniversity on you tube, then did a search and seen the two legacy videos.. They were only put up a little more than an hour before.. I went to see if I typed in mesh body in the university channel, what would come up and how long before it had outside videos showing up in the search.. It showed the two legacy videos and then outside of the university videos right after..
  17. The next Reborne event round will be starting Wed the 20th.
  18. I'll see if I can't make something more recent with my reborne. This is about the only one I have at the moment.. I'll see if I can't make something a little more close up tonight. I kind of hate posting something I posted in another thread.. hehehe
  19. Ya Erika I believe actually came out before Reborne. And ya, The reborne hud has less options than the legacy hud, but the Reborne Hud is much more reliable than the legacy hud. There is a whole thread in here that has been going on for a good while on people coming in asking why their Legacy hud isn't working.. If that server goes down ,so does our hud.. the bodies are pretty much duds then.. If Reborne did that, the bodies would still be good and the hud would work until they became outdated.. I have most of the mesh bodies.. Like I said, they all have their good and bad things about them..
  20. I was watching some nasa videos today and other videos of people talking about the images.. They were saying the ones that are causing the spiking in these images are stars from our galaxy.. I just thought that was kind of neat because in a way it helped put even more depth into the images for me.. Also when they went into detail about what is going on with the nebula and the kind of clean edge and holes and detail in the cloud.. They were saying that is caused by the stars turning on in the nebula.. Then them finding a massive black hole.. Just these few shots and how much came from them is amazing. I can't wait to see more..
  21. Ya that's why I feel they really should find a place here on their website where their users are and line them up, rather than sending them over there to another site.. Organize the library of different tutorials here where they can watch them here.. Make it less frustrating for a new user plus keep them on your site at the same time.. You tube and search engines get frustrating more than anything when searching for things.. They need to get out of the mindset that people have all the time in the world and be more accommodating.. A lot of people leave because of becoming frustrated.. Many get frustrated a lot easier than others.. I think the University is a good idea, if it gets set up more for new users rather than existing one..
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