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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. There were and probably more today, so many that never took the time to really even understand how it works.. They were easy to spot out back then because of the protection they had in their stores.. I don't even think they had to be in the same sim, just in cam range to steal a whole sim's contents. It's been awhile, but I remember, they could stand right next to you and change right into an exact copy of your avatar or copy everything in the sim no matter what protections things had on it.
  2. When I first would see those popping up, I was like who is quitting what and do I need to be quitting something? What the hell am I missing out on!! \o/ hehehe
  3. I don't care for no-mod myself and ya, some have either gotten laxed with putting it on there, or came in seeing it as something normal to do, because they came in after we were already eased into no mod becoming a normal thing.. it's like that old saying, what you don't know won't hurt you.. New customers that joined after it became the norm, see the current as the norm..Older residents see it as a change and it's gonna bother some and not others.. Myself , it bothers me and does have an impact on things I might or might not buy.. The best way to treat at a creator or a full permi painter, that sets up a business in SL is, like a business.. Then decide if you want to do business with them or not.. Decide if what they are wanting you to buy, lines up with who you would do business with and who you wouldn't.. Then just stick to the rules you apply for yourself.. I always ask myself, do I reaaaally need this or do I reaaally just want it.. Does it line up with my rules.. If not, it's a good chance I'll find something similar somewhere else, because honestly, there aren't too many separating themselves from the pack and someone does have something similar elsewhere.. Find the ones that fit your rules and make a list of those places and do business with them.. Events and sales really are just the old big malls we used to have in SL, that had a bunch of follower stores, setting up in places to get side traffic from, the really good creators that were the cream of the crop main attractions.. Events and sales are pretty much turning into those malls, but over time many of the big name have reduced more and more over time. Remember when fifty linden Friday used to have a lot of really big names in them? Ya not as much anymore.. Just look at your money as how hard you worked for it, then see how much of your own rules you are ready to break and why, to get this item.. I started looking at things in that light and really cut down on a lot of the clutter I was buying.. hehehe
  4. That's kind of my point. We see less and less of full outfits like this.. instead we are paying 2800 for a fatpack for a top in some places that aren't even made very well.. I mean I'm not paying that for a top, but what they are asking nowadays for a top we used to get full outfits for and there were more outfits before.. It costs us more to get the lindens nowadays than before, so lindens aren't going down in price.. So if we are paying more for lindens nowadays, that means there is more being made nowadays on the cashout end of things than before as well.. Yet prices keep going up and up for less and less stuff than before.. We are seeing less and less creativity yet paying more for it.. that just doesn't make sense to me i guess..
  5. I'm actually hoping we see a change with what shows up in stores.. I mean there used to be a lot of Fall fashion in stores when Fall came around.. Fall is the best fashion season of the year that creators could really get creative.. I mean how creative can you get with wearing so much less.. Nowadays it seems the less fabric there is, the more it costs.. hehehe
  6. I didn't see a furniture pack, but there is a creators pack that I got out of the rezzer.. It has things like candles and flower pots and some things like that, plus textures for whatever you add on to the outside of the home so things stay uniform to the area.. I don't know about the land homes, I just really only looked at the boathouses..
  7. Are those just bangs that are an addon for the hair? If those are just bangs or an addon for the hair, you can use bangs from their other hair or even find bangs that might work with the hair from bang packs.. With tops that have transparency and you can't really mod the top, it's usually better to find a shorter hair style or in your case bangs if they are bangs.
  8. I really like that we can do that with these.. I find it enjoyable to just put my cam in the air and look at the designs that so many have come up with for their homes.. I was looking at the boat designs and then seeing some addons people made for them.. That really helped a lot in deciding on getting one.. Another thing I like about the water part is, you can cam pretty freaking far and still be over water that can be traveled on.. I've heard a lot of people, including myself say, I could never live on such a small place.. But when you can just drop a boat or a car down and just go go go without hitting a void, that feels a lot less restricted to me..
  9. Ya, I used to have sims before but really I would get ideas for these builds and then build them and when I would get finished , kind of stand there and be like.. Ok, now what? I really had no interest in attracting a lot of people to them or anything like that.. just take a few pictures and then rip it all up when i had another idea and start all over.. hehehe I cut it all down to a 1/4 sim for the last few years and it's kind of the same thing.. build it let it sit until I get another idea.. I end up spending more time in the sky than I did on my builds.. So I figured, if I'm really not going to be doing that much on my own land, I might as well just cut it down to how much I'm really going to use.. As long as I don't feel cramped in and backed up to in all direction, I'm really good to go.. If I get the feel to really drop something down on the ground that's really bigger than my land, there are the premium sandboxes for that.. I'm just not spending as much time logged in lately as I used to as well, so the linden homes are much more sensible for me at the moment.. I probably could not do it with the older 512 linden homes.. I have to be able to breathe.. hehehe
  10. Just don't use discord, I don't even have a discord account.. I'm actually weeding out a lot of my online accounts for trivial junk that I don't need.. If a business or group wants you to communicate with them through discord but wants a business in here and there is no other way to deal with them other than purchases or whatever.. Then don't deal with them.. As far as my SL is concerned, there is no such thing as discord.. look at it from that perspective and it gets a little easier to know who to do business with.
  11. Ya, it's pretty nice and a lot of water to sail on for sure, plus can still put a deck or something way up in the air.. I'm giving up my land I have when it comes due this month and just going to live on my boathouse..I'm trying to cut down a lot of waste in SL and my land is much more than I really need.. I figure, it's time to start taking advantage of the benefits of having a premium account, rather than wasting a lot of the things that come with it.. I'm looking forward to kind of rebooting things.
  12. Same here until yesterday when I got my boathouse.. I remember looking, but they were only 512 lots back then.. 1024 is still kind of small feeling to me, but since it's on water and not jammed in with people backed up to me on all sides, it's a lot better.. I never lived on a boat yet in here.. I'm liking all the open water.. It seems kind of quiet here though, almost too quiet..I sure hope my moving in party don't bother anyone..*Ebil Grin* hehehehe
  13. Thank you, That was big help.. I think might just keep the one I have for right now.. I was happy with it until it sounded like fun trying to get a better one.. hehehe
  14. I have my land right now and decided to get my houseboat while I still have it. I think I have like a half month left on my 1/4 sim.. If I can find a better location I'm gonna.. I'm one boat away from being on the end of a dock.. hehehe If I can get one that is faced better and on the end where it's just me and the ocean I'm gonna try and get one.. The funny thing was, I was happy before i read this thread, now I have the hunger to find a better spot.. It's gonna even be more fun since there is a clock involved.. hehehe I just have to learn how to play the game first..🤪
  15. I wish i would have known how to hunt for my houseboat spot.. I just went from whatever they gave me.. it's still not too bad of a spot, but I'm gonna learn how to hunt out a spot next time.. I just thought we got what one they gave us.. This mah practice boat.. hehehe Here is a question, If we see one open can we abandon ours and get that one by buying it? I'm not sure exactly how to really claim one other than the random way I did it from the dashboard..
  16. I just see SL as a grid with a bunch of different worlds and societies in them.. Not as one big world with one big society. There is a lot of adapting to do with each one.. A sand box and a night club are gonna have two different results if I'm wearing a bikini to either one of them.. One is made for hooking up and one isn't.. People are going to be attracted to those places for what they are there for.. one you have a good chance of getting hit on and the other is probably a lot less.. If I walk into a cage filled with hungry lions wearing a steak suit, They probably gonna smell me out and want a bite vs walking into a cage of ant eaters.. hehehehe 😝 Gotta bring them survival instincts to the game, because they work just as good in here as the real world.
  17. I was looking at that anthro avatar and if you compare them, especially since it comes with features for fury also.. I'm thinking this is a meet at the crossroads body. kinda like in some skin stores, you see those off to the side skins for fantasy avatars.. I think this body is kind of doing that, like walking into a fury store and seeing the off to the side human option, but with the option to stay fury as well.. It's pretty cartoony with the zero gravity breasts and hips that you can set a glass of wine on. A lot of us get stuck in this, look as realistic as we can mindset, Myself included.. I think this body is for people that want to really explore the fantasy side of SL.. I'm wondering if they might have been getting a lot of input like, I wish I had a human version of this Anthro.. It really feels like it is aimed towards a more moderate SL crowd than someone looking for just furry or just realistic. What I'm kind of excited about is, seeing a body coming from a fury community going into the human market..I don't know if it's been done already or not.. I want to see how much freedom there is with it compared to the more restricted human bodies we are used to.. Maitreya is no mod, Legacy no mod, Genx is no mod but heard through the grape vine it might be some day. Reborn is mod , but how much is mod, Erika is mod.. Is those mod bodies the same as fully mod? I don't know much about that.. I've always heard the fury market when it comes to things like bodies and heads, there is more freedom.. I think it will be interesting to compare.. If it is aiming towards trying to get numbers like the more popular human bodies.. I don't think that's gonna happen at all.. I mean Kupra is gradually dropping off because of other more realistic bodies showing up. It will be interesting to see if it has an impact on kupra though.. This is all just morning tea time chatter coming from me and a lot of speculation.. Damn, I need another cup, that went fast.. hehehe
  18. After watching that video, I don't think it's released yet.. He was talking about kits being given out differently after the release and the video is only like a day old.. I have seen that peach name and logo before, but might have popped up in other searches looking for things for a body.
  19. It looks similar to the Anthro avatar I seen in one of his videos.. I don't know anything about fury avatars at all, but maybe a good cross over if there aren't too many of those.
  20. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about with these beautiful creatures.. One notices this guy in the water and bounces a little sound wave off him, with probably pin point accuracy. Then two show up and they all check each other out.. This guy waves to them.. The one casually reacts back and they just go on about their day.. Just like a casual passing, nice weather we're having today, kind of a thing. If it was a shark, a seal, a fish or most any other living thing on the planet, it wouldn't have been as casual and laid back.. I just think it's so awesome..
  21. I was just referring to myself in all that.. That was meant as, I should just wait and see, rather than be so final about it.. hehehe
  22. Ya, I have some This is Wrong stuff for my Maitreya and then got some for my reborn.. I should have just grabbed the dang fatpacks the first time so I could just be doing redelivers on them.. They have a few in their store for GenX I believe also.. The thing that has me holding off on getting those is, they don't have demos.. I wasn't too happy with the reborn version compared to the Maitreya, so I kind of am leery grabbing them for another body.. If they just had demos rather than some explanation room of how the product works.. hehehe
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