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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Do they have a release date for this body yet or when a demo is available? I'd really like to test it out and toy with it to see what it can do.
  2. Ya, Ebody Reborn is a good body.. It's been about the only body that has kept me off my Maitreya for any good length of time.. It probably has more addons being made for it than any other that I can think of.. I mean all the other bodies are playing catch up with the Reborn right now and having to wait on their bodies to get their addon versions.. hehehe You had me curious about the Erkia and if it was updated to a thinner in the waist.. I kept most of my older versions just for comparing things down the road.. I decided to use version 3.2 and compare it with 4.2 to see how much it's changed since then.. It does look like they went a touch thinner in the upper body once you get into the ribs.. Doing that kind of brought the upper part of the breasts inward a touch also.. Plus they brought the shoulders up a little higher.. Bringing those up may have thinned out the upper body some.. It's not really enough to be noticeable unless you really are looking for it and flipping back and forth from new version to older version, but ya it's a little thinner up top for sure..
  3. My lelutka Evox heads fit really well on mine.. Many up to date popular mesh heads are made with the SL universal neck fitting, which makes it better for mesh body creators to work with.. The Erika body comes with a setting in the hud for the lelutka evox mesh head.. I do know that the genus head can be hard to line up with a body at times, because of their neck kind of pooching outward when you get close to the neck line.. But that head hasn't been updated since like 2019 maybe 2020.. There might be one of a few other issues going on with the neck line.. If you want to post up an image showing the problem, we might be able to help out.
  4. In my eyes, the best all around head at the moment and in the near future is the Lelutka Evox heads..They are the most supported mesh heads right now.. In the list of 300 mesh head worn, most of the Evox heads are in the top 100. They have 38 heads just in the top 100..12 in the top 20..7 in the top 10. They pretty much are eating up the ladder.. I'll just post the top 20 in the list instead of eating up a lot of space, to give an idea of wearers of lelutka Evox now.. You'll see Genus Strong gift head at the top for most wearing it with 28,826 wearers.. It's the free genus head that is more than likely only sitting up at the top because it is a free head and a lot of people get it as their first mesh head when they make an account.. That and Free is good sometimes. hehehe As far as support for it, it gets as much support as the rest of the genus heads that you pay for and not any less of a head than the others.. It's a good head, but not supported like it is the number one head.. Which gives me the hint it is about being free rather than the best supported.. As far as finding skins for a head.. Lelutka is pretty much getting to a Maitreya body level.. What I mean by that is, you pretty much don't have to hunt too hard at all for a skin.. Let alone you can switch from evox to evo, which opens you up to other skins not made with Evox maps.. So it's kind of the best of both worlds.. The AK heads with the Evox maps, I believe are only one direction and you are limited to Evox skins..I mean unless they updated something where you can switch back and forth..Not that the world is lacking in Evox skins or anything like that.. You still won't starve for skins just being only Evox.. hehehe But if you are looking for the most supported heads with the option to go Evox or back to older skins, then Lelutka Evox is it.. I would think someone is going to have to have the best thing since sliced bread to really knock them down some rungs on the ladder.. With Christmas getting closer, it may be a good idea to hold off until then to see if Lelutka does put up another free gift for everyone.. If they do and you like the head, you'll save some lindens to put elsewhere.. Updated: 2022-11-16 @ 00:00:00 PST Top 300 mesh heads with 377029 unique wearers: Rank # | Model Name | Count | % (Count / 377029) #1 : Genus - Strong (Gift 001) : 28826 : 7.6% #2 : LeLutka - Lilly : 20363 : 5.4% #3 : LeLutka - Avalon : 19068 : 5.0% #4 : LeLutka - Kaya : 18708 : 4.9% #5 : Catwa - Catya : 15826 : 4.1% #6 : Catwa - Daniel : 12978 : 3.4% #7 : LeLutka - Skyler : 11898 : 3.1% #8 : LeLutka - Logan : 8874 : 2.3% #9 : LeLutka - Alain : 7874 : 2.0% #10 : LeLutka - Briannon : 6470 : 1.7% #11 : Genus - Baby (W001) : 6355 : 1.6% #12 : LeLutka - Luka : 5395 : 1.4% #13 : LeLutka - Ceylon : 5370 : 1.4% #14 : LeLutka - Eon : 5152 : 1.3% #15 : Catwa - Queen : 4867 : 1.2% #16 : LeLutka - Fleur : 4494 : 1.1% #17 : Genus - Classic (W001) : 3994 : 1.0% #18 : LeLutka - Nova : 3642 : 0.9% #19 : Catwa - Victor : 3553 : 0.9% #20 : Catwa - Freya : 2975 : 0.7%
  5. Ya, that body isn't for me personally, mainly because it doesn't have a lot of versatility..Let alone probably lacks in creator support.. Myself I can relate to the size thing when shopping.. I'm smaller than most of the people I know in RL and understand the lack of things when it comes to sizes when shopping.. I do a lot of altering myself with a lot of things or have to take them in to have them altered and it sucks.. If there was a way to make myself taller I would have bought or done it already..The world just isn't designed for someone coming in just under 5' tall.. Everything is up there and out of reach.. hehehe To be honest, the time I am most selfish in RL and SL is when I'm shopping. The only one I support when I'm shopping is me.. I'm not there to support a person or a product.. If the quality doesn't meet my standards then nobody is getting anything. As far as something a person or a creator said or did..If I heard something first hand from someones mouth to my ears or their chat to my eyes or something concrete..Ya I might be swayed from doing business with someone.. But especially nowadays in the world we are living in, I've learned to hold off on any kind of judgement when I'm limited to one side of the story or someone heard something from a friend of a friend. That's not saying you aren't right at all or your friend isn't right at all with the information..You could be 100% on the money.. It's just my safeguards I've put up over time because of my experiences from getting one side of a story or from hearing things from someone else and running with it.. Then at times it coming back to bite me in the butt.. I'm not going to be doing business with them anyways, because their product doesn't work for me.. So really they probably will never be on my radar anyways.. hehehe
  6. I just started watching that when they said 30 second to take off.. hehehe I wasn't even aware this was going on..
  7. I've had my friends kids call me that.. I just tell them they can call me by my name if they want.. A lot times they smile and like it, because it makes them feel bigger.. Kinda like my niece's and nephews made me feel more grown up.. I've had people that I thought were my uncles because they were around so much.. Then later in life kind of disappointed that they were just good friends of the family rather than related.. If it's someones kids that I don't know start doing it, like right away, ya that feels kind of strange..
  8. I don't know if it is cultural or just house to house,family to family. I never really gave it much thought until this thread.. It all just kind of happened the way it did, kind of on it's own for us.. I don't call my husband Father, but I will say, go ask your Father rather than Dad or Daddy.. He will call me mother, mom or in a goofy mood mommy.. Myself, I liked being called aunt by my nieces and nephews.. But I was in my upper teens and early 20's when they started to do that.. It made me feel a little more like I joined the adult crowd and not in the younger generation anymore.. They are the kiddies now.. hehehe
  9. If you go to the MP and type in the search, SYSTEM LAYERS. I usually always put it in caps Then once that search is done go to the menu on the left and choose, Apparel, then Womens, then Bottom, then Jeans.. You'll get just over a couple hundred that should show up from the search..
  10. If they aren't updating anything and still selling outdated things, let alone raising the price on outdated products.. Then they've moved on from being an artist in this platform, to being just a business person.. There is nothing against the rules for doing that, but it is what it is.
  11. I understand where you are coming from.. For me creators are just another user like the rest of us..It's why I have learned to question things a bit more.. I've seen bad rumors started from less, but also some truths in a grapevine as well.. I think it's more important to concentrate on the "Thing" more than the "Why" the thing is here.. It's easy to be turned on or off by the "Why's" if we let those become a factor.. But, when it really comes down to it, it's really all about the "Thing" and are we wasting our time with this thing or not. At the end of the day, no matter the sacrifice we are told made by a creator or the bad thing why this thing is here.. if it's still a waste of our money and time, then it was all for nothing anyways on our end. I just treat them all like another user that opened a business. If they make a good product I like, then I'm in..If they don't then I'm not.. More or less sacrifice or bad reputation doesn't open or close my purse.. The product quality does..
  12. The only thing is, it's still hearsay.. There also seems to be a lot of work for a joke.. I'm of the mind that, if it doesn't come from the horses mouth, it's a good thing to question it, especially if it sounds damaging..
  13. That sounds like it's waiting on a region.. See if this region will work for you.. Help Island Public2 If that doesn't work then this might.. I found this from @Whirly Fizzle in an older thread that did help someone with this problem.. It may be a, large flat inventory structure.. If you get in you may want to correct that as soon as you can, so there aren't future problems.. Below will explain more about what a, large flat inventory structure is.. They really should pin the information about that somewhere for easier reference.. What is a flat inventory structure? How do I clear the cache? If this doesn't work then you will probably need to file a support ticket..
  14. I really love listening to things like this.. This is Roger Penrose explaining a model of the big bang happening, but not being the beginning.. It's kind of wild to listen to..
  15. Ya, that's kind of the same for the someone that had us.. I don't call them anything..I used to call her our first mother, but that was even too much of a title..
  16. Ya, We didn't start calling each other by those a lot until we had our first born..Then after awhile the names just kind of stick.. A lot has to do with mostly including the children in the conversations.. They are more or less included names and not replacement names.. Although my grandparents still call each other MoM or mother and Dad.. I think it's just a natural thing that even the children pick up on.. like when I call my husband by his name, the adults are talking.. Where if I call him Dad or Daddy, it's meant for everyone.. We never really even called each other by those until after i was pregnant.. I think it happened really naturally..
  17. Ya, that title gets reserved, for sure. There is a kind of funny transition that happens with a couple when they have kids.. hehehe Hubby became Daddy, Dad, Father.. I became Mommy, Mom,Mother. Father became Grandpa..I mean unless they complain about it, but mine insists on being called Grandpa, especially when the kids are around.. If I call him Dad when the kids are around, he will stop in his tracks, point at me and say, Grandpa. So he's Grandpa most of the time now.. hehehehe
  18. If you haven't tested it out yet, you might want to give the Kalhene Erika body a try.. Demo it and see if the sliders get you closer to what you are looking for..
  19. This one is really wild and kind of exciting too.. I always thought how neat it would be to be able to be a geologist and just be like totally seeing the world in a whole different light than most everyone else..
  20. I've gotten both on my own land. But I never really had it happen until after I switched it to group.. Those might not be related since it could have been after some change that came later on after I switched my land over, like the cloud or something..
  21. If you ever had a Peach grown in Tennessee and a Georgia Peach, you'd know they weren't the same.. lol One is just a Peach and the other is a Georgia Peach.😝
  22. I always find this channel interesting and kind of relaxing.. I don't know how much of this is correct or not, but it was entertaining to listen to.. A lot of the topics he comes up with are relaxing and entertaining.. I don't ever call anyone stupid or dumb myself, I don't like name calling very much.. I think the names were used more for entertainment than anything else.. hehehe
  23. Ya I would get that when I switched my land over to group.. Although it didn't seem to happen all the time, but just once in awhile..
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