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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. PET PEEVE: What was the matter with me...thinking I was out of blueberries? When there were 2 bags waiting for me off in the corner of the freezer!
  2. I hate to see you go, Lindal. You will be missed!
  3. I'm impressed...going to get my welcome area spy all fixed up soon...
  4. See, that's the same entitled snob BS I commented on earlier... "*I* have arrived and said hi, youu will all now stop talking about whatever unimportant stuff you were talking about and talk to Me ME ME ME Me" I don't think a new person entering a space where others are present should demand that others talk to them, but it is common practice to welcome new participants into a space. This is because they are at a bit of a disadvantage, not knowing the people in the space, or knowing what the conversation is about. It's polite to acknowledge a new person and help them feel welcome and a part of others already present. It would be interesting to see how all cultures handle this, but in the Western world this seems typical.
  5. I only know one thing for sure to tell my friend about all this. Get rid of everything this guy ever created and left on your sim.
  6. I sent him an IM hug. Pet Peeve: just not enough hugs going around in any world. Or well-wishes if hugs are not your thing.
  7. Cube Republic has some lovely flowers that hold up well at a reasonable distance (not full-perm though).
  8. You might try going to some of the groups at Whole Brain Health. New people are always greeted at each event and not ignored. I haven't experienced any sex-spammers in these groups and so there's no need to ignore newcomers.
  9. Why is it a problem? Human beings typically have privacy requirements, including both the space they live in/pay for, as well as privacy requirements related to their body and the space surrounding it. When anyone, 1st or 2nd life, lacks privacy boundaries it's always disconcerting because they feel free to invade another's boundaries without concern for what the other might need. It's annoying to have to be in a defensive position and insist on your personal boundaries with another while they keep pushing in on them. Invading another's home is not respecting privacy boundaries. Just like in 1st life there is the expectation that one can have privacy in one's own home when they've paid for this privacy and own a home/parcel. With bodily privacy, just like in 1st life there is the expectation that we have space around us that should not be pressed in on (our bodies and a degree of space around them, virtual or 1st life, feel like they belong to us and this space should not be infringed upon without our permission). The amount of space needed varies according to culture -- some cultures require more space so as not to feel offended, while others need less. Teleporting in right next to someone, standing there and saying nothing, feels very invasive to me.
  10. Well, my problem is that I design spaces for other people, and I'm having trouble finding good stuff! You have to design for the average person and not expect that every person visiting the designed area will know to, or be willing to, up their LOD settings. My mesh skills keep increasing, and so eventually I might not need to buy anything elsewhere, but then I see this delightful looking item I just want so badly for this environment and I know it would take days to make it Anyway, in more recent years the creators I listed in response for our OP don't make collapsing mesh, and is why I buy from them when I can.
  11. I don't know if I should start another thread to discuss the following, but perhaps it will fit here. I have a friend with a stalker who shows up frequently wherever she is. As was noted in another thread, she could have an item in her inventory that detects where she is. But what about listeners? If someone gives you a gift you place out in your home, or constructed something in your home, can the creator of that item listen to any conversation in open chat? I imagine they could with the right script which could be detected, but can it be constructed in such a way that the script can't be seen or removed (other than it being no-mod and so preventing investigation) ?
  12. I've been quite annoyed of late...even with very good creators...wonderful unique designs and textures...their plants and other items poof too easily when backing away. I think most assume we're all on little parcels/plots without distance views, and maybe that will be the case in the future, sadly. For me...give me those sweeping views into the distance...the most beautiful part of any virtual world... Also, it's why I usually use sculpted trees (3DTrees by Nadine Reverie). They never poof from afar, they look fantastic (better than many mesh ones), and no matter how big you stretch them the LI remains the same (unlike mesh trees).
  13. Yes, even though our OP is searching for smaller outside items such as flowers and shrubs, this has happened with smaller items like flowers and flower field too! I could not believe how easily some poofed as I backed away. Quite an achievement to make that happen I guess (in the wrong direction).
  14. Yeah some of the most fun and informative threads have been those that went off topic. I like spontaneity and abhor rigid rules generally. If I remember right, the reason as to why threads should remain on-topic given by some authority a number of years back, is that off-topic threads are more likely to become contentious. Perhaps that was more true in the past when it seemed those who liked to disrupt forums had an agenda and liked to drag a thread into it in order to argue? I don't see it currently, however, as off-topic threads usually seem to be more fun and playful. I do like to see the OP's questions/concerns addressed however, but after that I like to see spontaneity.
  15. ☸ڿڰۣ—SATORI Home of Shambhala Sanctuary's Midsummer Dreams SUN 9am SLT JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL MIDSUMMER DREAM LAMMAS CELEBRATION Whether you do or don't believe in magical forces & mischievous fairies, experience a dream come to life The Midsummer Harvests & feasting continue! Eva Harley dances our celebration. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satori/212/53/2499 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ~~More Info about Lammas: Major events in the Celtic year are celebrated by Eight Festivals, four of which record stages of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun; Summer and Winter solstices, when the hours of daylight are at their longest and shortest, and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, when hours of daylight and darkness are exactly equal. Four Cross-quarter festivals fall half-way between the solar festivals and their celebration marks the start of each season, Much imagery associated with these festivals is both spiritual and natural as the progress of the seasons reflects the life cycles of those who live on this ancient land. If you seek them out, Earth spirits may share their joy and magic with you as you celebrate life’s mysteries within the Eight Festivals.
  16. I also came to the forum today to discuss, in a couple of IM's here, some important stuffs, but find myself too spacey to do so, and wondering if I really want to get into all that in depth today.
  17. lol same here and why am I telling you this? nvm...I need to go do something
  18. but why not do it the other way around, just show your personality and jump in and not care at all about making a fool of oneself as I did. And continue to do. I like it, it's fun. Not quite sure you're understanding what I meant by that, so I'll elaborate a bit more. People post, and they have a purpose for doing so, an objective, whether they are conscious or their motivation or not. Often, so much of human behavior remains at a subconscious level unless we make an active effort to be mindful. And so, there is an objective every person has with each post, even you, and even if you choose not to be aware of it as you post. I don't see anything wrong with posting that way, and it can be quite fun and playful. I only see this more subconscious way of posting as a problem if someone is using the forum as a way to dump their anger on others, tear others down, or act in a generally disruptive manner.
  19. The problem is...some people's idea of 'toxic' is simply an opinion they disagree with. That's a pet peeve of mine.
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