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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Moonlight Mantras begins @ 9am... Every Saturday we gather 'round the campfire beside the vast ocean and the shining moon to sing inspirational songs of love. We sing with YouTube chanters so no need for a mic. Hope to see you there! ♥ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satori/223/39/22
  2. I'll be leading Kirtan on the sim of Satori, Saturday @ Noon. It's a guided dance & musical experience. Hope to see you there! ☸ڿڰۣ—SATORI Home of Shambhala Sanctuary SAT 12 Noon SLT SATORI KIRTAN with Luna Bliss Join us for a special experience for Men & Woman alike This form of Bhakti Yoga (yoga of devotion) has the power to soothe our nervous system [deeply healing] Sacred chants & moving meditation [MODIFIED FOR SL] http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satori/34/196/774 And on Sunday, another event: SUN_9amSLT - ATLANTIUM w/Shambala (water blessing) Come as a mermaid or sea creature if you want.
  3. LANDSCAPING WITH LUNA EARTH DAY CELEBRATION I hope you can join us Monday (Earth Day) @ Noon, where we will have our 2nd Landscaping With Luna meeting. We were dancing and experiencing the Ocean conference @ the 1st meeting with little time to introduce ourselves and chat. So Monday @ noon we can introduce ourselves after listening to a few Earth Day songs that honor Mother Earth. Then we can discuss our landscaping projects if you currently have one or have a plan in mind. We've been focusing on garden entrances on Discord. I'd also like to hear what you want to focus on in the group so we can plan for future meetings. Join the Discord channel if you're not there already in order to view what's been happening so far. I have some designing tips posted and you can ask particular questions about your project so we can all chime in and offer advice. HAPPY EARTH DAY! Monday, April 22, Noon http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satori/105/89/48 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/J344jBjt
  4. I need to move on....stuffs to do...and I've said all I can say. If it can't be comprehended (by many anyway) that it's good to overcome challenges in any world, to honor ourselves when we manage to do so, I don't know what else I can say....
  5. And that poem catalyzed this dilemma we're discussing....this bifurcation when we consider 'strength'...which is...what does 'strong' actually mean in our world? What does 'coping' with life actually mean? And most important, how does SL play into it...does SL help us sort it all out via its many activities and experiences?
  6. BS. yes, Love....we face the pain. And to Arielle's point, yes, we deal with suffering. Hopefully many here just chill in SL and dance/whatnot, and this enhances their SL/RL.. but I've certainly dealt with people in SL (including myself) who encountered difficult situations and had to deal with the pain of it in order to move on. It's Psych 101 -- you don't move on from your pain unless you face it/feel it.
  7. And...to "emotionally cope with a crisis" means you face your feelings! Dear God.
  8. One of the attributes of resilience is to have awareness when a situation of abuse arrives, as well as the ability to get to safety. Resilience does not mean being able to absorb and survive harm. Do you see why I switched to "what makes you FEEL GOOD in SL" instead of calling it 'resilience'. The word is too complicated, but then 'feel good' became an issue and people had to bring in 'addiction'. Sigh
  9. And with that, a new word joins the lexicon: "Lunasplaining." Oh come on...you know many men tend to try and mansplain grief away, advocate being tough instead of facing their feelings. It's not their fault...they were socialized to stuff their pain and be strong. Hopefully some were educated in my group, and I remember one guy even started speaking his pain to the group. There's hope.
  10. ...is what I meant by "a dog whistle". Are these women doing a dog whistle?
  11. This thread is so ironic. I had to fight like the devil to fend off these annoying men in my Heart Menders group where we deal with loss in life. They'd try to tell everybody they should just 'toughen up' or do whatever mansplaining thing to 'fix' the problem. I'd have to intervene so that people could just describe their loss and FEEL without interference. It was a big battle, believe me, and I got in a fight with one of the regulars at the place who thought he should tell everyone to 'just be spiritual'. But I persevered...I won...I won the right for people to feel pain and allow others just to listen to it without butting in. That's so healing, and our society just doesn't typically allow it easily -- they fear grief, want to shove it under the rug.
  12. Never a good idea to use ChatGPT for spiritual purposes. Speaking of Kirtan, I need to go practice. And I can assure you ChatGPT will be nowhere near me!
  13. Where did you get the idea that being resilient means you "take all the crap life throws at you with a smile on their face and a sunny disposition"? It does not mean that at all. It means we go through the process we need to go through when faced with adversity and move on to where we can deal with life again. We eventually overcome, through facing our pain, and learn to live again.
  14. It's just a series of canned lines pulled from a notecard by a running script. Despoiled wisdom, basically, passing itself off for something it ain't. Like so much else here. Not that AI is somehow any better or different. LOL whenever I read something and it seems lofty but at the same time I can't understand what they're really saying I suspect AI!
  15. If you managed to cope with the adverse condition you developed resilience! This is how it's defined. It doesn't matter if you like the word or use it....the fact remains...you developed resilience. The issue is, what I've been requesting is....information on how you cope with problems in SL. These problems might have developed within SL, or they might have developed outside SL yet you use SL to cope/chill out/whatever. Here is my OP again: I just encountered an interesting experience @ The Wisdom Circle in SL today where a poem was shared, discussing 'resilience'. We all encounter difficult experiences in SL -- what helps you cope and develop resilience? Do you recognize patterns in the poem that relate to how you manage difficult situations in SL, and/or do you have coping strategies of your own to share? Remember to stick to coping with difficulties in SL only.
  16. Crying is a feature of being resilient. You move through the pain and are able to come out on the other side. You're totally misinterpreting what resilience means.
  17. Ayashe, can you explain how the following is a bad thing? Why would this not be a quality we'd want to aspire to? Would it be better to just give upon any problem (SL or RL) and sink into despair over it? Or would it be better to overcome and move toward whatever goal we have? RESILIENCE Resilience is the psychological quality that allows some people to be knocked down by the adversities of life and come back at least as strong as before. Rather than letting difficulties, traumatic events, or failure overcome them and drain their resolve, highly resilient people find a way to change course, emotionally heal, and continue moving toward their goals.
  18. Well that article is just silly. Nobody runs around with a flag labeled 'resilient' and thinks everyone has to constantly be strong. That would be some societal meme and honestly I don't see that everywhere except with macho men who claim to be super tough. Being resilient doesn't mean you can't express pain. Total distortion of the concept. In fact, the ability to feel your emotions and deal with them is a sign of resilience. I love it if a friend notices I went through a difficult time and tells me I really dealt well with that! I think it depends on the context as to whether I'd like someone telling me I'm resilient though. The person matters...how close I am to them...whether I'm okay with them noticing my inner life. I'm not criticizing anyone who wants to choose whether they accept another using that name when speaking to them though -- I'm criticizing the author of that article and how she distorts. I like this song of empowerment for women titled 'Resilience.'..we sometimes play it for inspiration at my Heart Menders meeting where we deal with the loss of loved ones. We make a point of overcoming adversity because if you don't deal with pain it affects the quality of your life in very bad ways, and part of that process is crying on each others shoulder.
  19. omg...they wanted us to get on a hug ring at the end of that thing....my friend and I ran off...LOL See, not all groups are fitting for everyone...
  20. Messages from the place I'm visiting now...are they using ChatGP? hmmmm Bowl of Wisdom whispers....: The mandala of existence unfolds in intricate patterns. Each experience, a brushstroke on the canvas of consciousness, contributes to the masterpiece of enlightenment.
  21. Yes! Managing the pain is such an important part of developing resilience, though I can't say I always like it!
  22. Those are the friendships I treasure the most Ones that cause me to move to new and better ways of being in the world.
  23. Like with any situation we're in (be it a place, person, or group) there can come a time when it's no longer right for us, when it no longer enhances our life. That's when it's time to move on to something that does, and that's actually a characteristic of being resilient (knowing, having the awareness, of when something doesn't suit us anymore, and leaping out in faith to find what does). From what you've described it sounds like it's time for you to move on. But I don't see the reason being that you've become "too resilient" here, rather that you are simply seeking positive meaning for your life in a place that isn't suited for you anymore.
  24. I'd agree that it's difficult to let go of an addiction, yes. But you're redefining the word 'resilient' in the way you're using it. Resilience Resilience is the psychological quality that allows some people to be knocked down by the adversities of life and come back at least as strong as before. Rather than letting difficulties, traumatic events, or failure overcome them and drain their resolve, highly resilient people find a way to change course, emotionally heal, and continue moving toward their goals. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/resilience
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