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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. LL tried lots of things. Not saying they all worked spectacularly, but some helped. I just don't see how what you've suggested over the many months of your complaints would have worked any better is the thing. I tend to think that LL is simply a niche market and will remain so.
  2. Or maybe just people in general, talking. I'm often amazed at how off-topic some groups I'm in tend to wander off to. Finally someone notices, usually the group leader, and brings it back around.
  3. I tell you, since I got a mesh body and became a Shopanista I believe it very well could be what saves us!!!!! * Some of these shopping events....I was nearly run to the ground as women made their way to the display cases...
  4. So, you're suggesting that instead of her expressing her opinions and advocating for change, should she should just leave SL altogether? There has been a pattern of too much complaining -- that's the problem. It's fine to advocate for change, but if you really like something I'd expect more positive comments along with the criticism.
  5. It is smartest to try to see relationships as really are. Some are cooperative. Some are competitive. Many are a combination of both. You miss the big picture. I was talking to someone who overvalues competition in society and sees a kind of 'dog-eat-dog' world as the only possibility.
  6. There is enough man eating in the forums to make that statement a falsity. Well at least it appears you don't attend these "BBQ's" inworld and so don't know what the menu always consists of.
  7. That's another type of wonderful roleplay we have in our midst, and of course it's always women on the menu.
  8. They would be if females stopped competing are you implying I don't believe females engage in power dynamics too?
  9. It might be even smarter to see relationships as non-competitive.
  10. Point me to where anyone has said that, please. I want to make a joke about mechanical sex but it's not coming to me at the moment. Brain fog, think I do need lunch.
  11. I don't think modern society is in any danger from the outdated anti-feminist philosophies of Gorean RP. Remember too that a large number of the players are women who enjoy playing submissive to men. To each their own. It doesn't hurt me any if they act out those fantasies in SL. It doesn't hurt me if they roleplay being kidnapped, enslaved or abused. It's somebody else's pixels, not mine. Women are murdered by their male spouses 10 to 1 compared to men murdered by their female counterparts. I don't want to see the domination of women glorified anywhere, be it in 1st life, a novel, a video game, or a platform such as 2nd life. Because we accept these depictions so easily without question is why the abuse of women continues to happen. I'm not saying the roleplay should not be allowed here -- I'm only point out the strangeness regarding the fact that we accept it so casually.
  12. Be careful to get organic ones if you can. Blueberries were recently listed as one of the fruits most contaminated by pesticides. Blackberries are good too, btw. Thanks, I do, get organic when I can. I saw coffee was listed as such too (lots of pesticides) so always buy organic. Same with spinach. I saw a "dirty dozen" list where the worst offenders were listed.
  13. I don't want to see Gor glorified, and I am attempting to take it away from that direction..
  14. I have to ask... We have these roleplaying sims in SL where Nazi scenarios are played out, and plantations where the horrors of slavery are enacted. Most believe these should not be prevented from occurring as they are just roleplay, but a large number of people find such things rather distasteful even if no harm is supposedly being done by them. Yet with Gor, an enactment of women being dominated and brutalized by men, simply doesn't garner the level of disapproval that these other two scenarios do.
  15. I'm not one to hold grudges, but I also see when something needs to be nipped in the bud before it expands...again.
  16. I need to make a new grocery order...I am out of blueberries!!!!!!!!!!!! and yogurt
  17. This is why I'm not here in the general sense. The forum walks in ignorant lock step. If it's not our fun it's no fun and it's not allowed. Nobody said your fun is not allowed...quite the contrary. But you have started multiple threads to try to get others to believe things they obviously don't believe, and you go on and on about it. It seems to me that you left, or escaped into an alt, just because you couldn't get your way.
  18. I think I ate too may blueberries, Ceka.
  19. Yes I was so upset over being called a Linden fangurl (just because I would not trash a Mole build and confronted particular trashing that I felt were unjustified) that I deliberately posted a couple of negative things about LL just to prove I am not. I may be more affected by unfair negative accusations than I"m often aware of. I have seen this quite often, so this says to me that the forum has not changed much in some ways
  20. Oh yes, that day you and the other two hyenas ganged up on another oldbie forum member and I stuck up for him I seem to recall. I was not even a part of that argument about our dear forum member, Sid, and have no idea what he said that apparently irked some others I'm glad to be part of a club though, and had no idea there were two other hyenas!
  21. I totally agree. The new person is on shakier ground because they don't know the ropes yet, and likely unsure whether they'd be accepted. I've always advocated for treating the new person kindly. However, over the years, I've learned to accept that some of the forum regulars are suspicious of new people to a degree, and don't give them the benefit of the doubt as easily in debates...it takes time to build trust...and sometimes the new person is tested a bit, in any group. So I've come around to being sensitive to the other side too.
  22. Thank you for reminding me to SHOP!!!!! That will get me motivated. I am a bit lacking in motivation today for some reason...just need to get going at something and then be carried away by the movement...
  23. I know what you mean! One day when I logged on someone called me and a friend they disagreed with hyenas!!!
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