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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. I think it has more to do with deception and embarrassment more than a phobia. Not all men playing SL as women trans. I would agree that with some men it's due to feeling deceived and embarrassed, but in other cases it's due to transphobia and/or homophobia. It's both, and doesn't have to be only one or the other. Maybe if I would cite some experiments demonstrating the massive amounts of transphobia and homophobia in existence you could see these cases exist too? It all seems a bit crazy to me. We even have people that deny racism is still in existence, yet I can cite many tests to prove it does.
  2. I have no issues with trans people or gay people or any people for that matter. When I am seeking a partner, I prefer a man who was born a man with all requisite equipment. I'm allowed to have that preference. I'm allowed to not date a male avatar in SL run by a female. It has nothing whatsoever to do with not accepting divisions from the norm. It's MY right to have a preference just as it's other's right to NOT have a preference. Some people won't date across racial or economics lines for whatever reason. No one HAS to just as no one has to accept dating an avatar of one sex run by the other. I think you're conflating some points here. Like you, if I would date in 2nd life I would have a preference for who is behind that keyboard, so I totally get that! Of course it's our right. But we are talking about a different type of person here...not the guys who politely decline Katherine on the 2nd life dance floor and move on, but guys who become outright hostile. I believe with SOME of these guys it is due to transphobia and/or homophobia.
  3. Educating isn't going to change how people feel in most instances such as this. React, yes. Feel, no. When populations who deviate from the norm, sexually, are fully accepted by society (and this comes via education) then feelings will change. When those harboring hatred are instead propped up by institutions in society that have an agenda we won't see a complete acceptance for those who deviate from the norm, or for those who are seen as inferior.
  4. So if you think someone won't agree with your opinion then you would rather they just not speak? Not everyone is supportive of trangender people. If an opinion is hateful I'd rather someone not say it. I"m fine with debating others who have opinions differing from my own. I'm not fine with opinions that hurt others.
  5. I'm not gonna let my SL ride on whether you think what I say is offensive and report it. I only report people who go absolutely berserk and disrupt the entire forum. But yes, probably best you don't state your opinion if what I'm imagining it to be is correct.
  6. My point was that you can't question the official position on transgenderism. If you do you will be accused of transphobia, of spreading hate. This would depend on what you question, and where.
  7. You are discussing that. That isn't the topic of the OP at all. It has a bearing on the decision Gopi needs to make -- whether he should state his actual gender as he portrays himself as a woman. We are simply discussing the attitudes of people in such encounters, a population he will now be a part of.
  8. It doesn't seem from your statements here that you give any credence to accusations of transphobia.
  9. oh I'm sorry...what does trans people being murdered in RL have ANYTHING to do with the thread? Please don't tell me what to post. thank you! We are examining whether homophobia and transphobia exists in either world. Typically, in all dynamics, what happens in 1st life happens in 2nd life. People don't magically change their socialization and attitudes toward others when logging in.
  10. I believe people get murdered every day. Trans people aren't immune. Yes but when you research these cases you'll discover trans individuals were murdered because they were trans. Big difference. From what you've said earlier in this thread, it seems you believe homophobia and transphobia does not exist. You need to step outside of how you feel toward others (you do not seem phobic or even biased) and do some research.
  11. You are assuming that people find fat, old or people with a disability unattractive or undesirable. That says a lot right there. I wouldn't find that enraging. Please keep up in the thread...so that you understand why I referred to fat, old, or disabled people (a reference brought up by others).
  12. Got any actual stats on that, or is it just anecdotal. People considering transitioning should be told that their dating pool will drop to close to zero post op. Easy to research. I'm a Psych/Social Work major. Are you saying you don't even believe transgender individuals are murdered?
  13. Because they are enraged, thats why. Sure, they're enraged. But would they be so enraged if they found out their 2nd life potential partner was fat, old, or had a disability?
  14. They do murder trans women at higher rates than trans men, so this leads me to believe your theory has some merit.
  15. Straight guys just don't want to think that they are getting it on with another guy. Its not gender paranoia, they just don't want to do it with another guy. And if the avi is female, the person at the keyboard better darn well be female too, or in their minds its totally gross. Sure, I totally believe straight guys don't want to relate sexually to other men. Why don't they just politely decline, or even just leave? Instead, Katherine is reporting super amounts of hostility: They block her, "tell her off", and more. This indicates more than a simple preference where the holder of said preference would simply decline and move on.
  16. The guy found himself attracted to a female avi that was a male in rl. That is more than enough to set them off, because by a guy having a female avatar, the guy feel deceived. If guys like this had their way, everyone would be made to have an avatar that was the same as their rl gender. And while they are at it, avis should be the same age, same weight, same disabilities as in rl, because re: weight, lots of guys don't like fat chicks, so if you are skinny in here, and fat in rl, that is deception also in their minds. 😁 I think if you'd ask these guys they'd admit it's likely most in 2nd life don't look exactly like their avatar, and that's okay with them. Usually they don't ask a potential partner's weight or age, or if there's any disability. But gender preference is super important and a deal-breaker. So your theory that they want someone in 1st & 2nd lives to be exactly the same can't be the reason for what actually amounts to this gender paranoia.
  17. I'm curious why you find that funny. You seem to be offended every time you post that men back off when they find out you are a male and not a female. Why is it so hard for you to understand that there are just some people *quite a lot actually* that don't see gender/sex as something that shouldn't matter to people. The fact that you put it in your profile makes it even less surprising. Hmm...well I could understand some of the responses Katherine receives (like silence, or a polite "no thank you"), but there's no need for someone to respond rudely, or TP away without saying anything, or block her, or "tell her off", and more types of rude behavior.......is there? Especially since she clearly states her gender in her profile, and so no deception is involved.
  18. But can they catch bugs? They are one with the bugs, and would never restrict them.
  19. These are like representation of The Third Eye (and the 4th) -- they see intuitively into hidden realities...
  20. Pet Peeve: Two people who consider me a mortal enemy are at odds with each other. I am very sad. Oh, the difficulties of virtual worlds....sigh
  21. awww...have to wait I guess. My new alt is a man avatar, but even he is getting bored with the sparse choice in clothes!
  22. Are there places to buy additional clothes for the Senra bodies yet?
  23. Oh is that what's going on. I thought it was some new trend -- sweaty head, or something.
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