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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. The GMA945 graphics accellerator will not run the latest SL viewers. It will run the older SL 1.23 viewer (which is almost impossible to get unless you have the download setup saved on your computer). Some of the TPV's are still bases on the old 1.23 viewer and they may work. When you took your leave from SL and uninstalled your viewer then came back and downloaded the viewer you downloaded Viewer 3.***. And that viewer has features that are way beyond the GMA945 graphics adapter in your laptop. Check TPV's for viewers designed for low end computers.
  2. And one more place I thought of to look............try the "Outfits" (or whatever it's called now). I used to lose shoe bases in outfits all the time......that's why I don't use outfits anymore. I just do it the hard way and get dressed one item at a time.
  3. Epitome (spelling? It's getting late here ) of patience Griffin Johnny.......if you can remember the name of your hair type that into the search field of your inventory. If you can't remember the exact name but feel you would recognize it when you see it, type "hair" in the search field and look through the results to find it. I suppose it could be coalesced like Griffin mentioned (though I, too, don't think that happened) look for the coalesced object in your "Objects" folder of the inventory. It could have wound up in your "Lost and Found" folder or even your "Trash" folder (but I would not expect that to happen either.........a quick look never hurts though. There's no reason to panic or get frustrated....things seldom really get lost (but they sure do get misplaced sometimes).
  4. Are you using the same host site as the other members of your band? If you are streaming from a different host then it's nearly impossible for you get sync'd with the others.
  5. "... P.S. Peggy. the ping will more likely be cause by the fact that she took the pic straight after switching to ultra there for throttling her ping while it loads the textures." ------------------------------------------------------ I can go along with that.......once her 500kbps connection caught up with what's being sent it should settle back to the 200 I saw in the screen shot. I think anyway. PS........thanks for pointing that out. I really had me confused.
  6. When I tried doing that with my card(s) (both of which were 8000 or 9000 series cards) all that happened was I had no anistrophic filtering or AA. The settings in the nVidia control panel did not take effect (they did not work with SL.......only the preference settings worked). The preference settings over ride the control panel settings every time. I gave up trying. But I will concur with septimusminimus. My performance did not fall off as far as FPS were concerned. I would gain rez timess due to settings being turned off in the preferences..........I had no AA and AF unless I turned them on in the viewer preferences. And I really don't think 16x AA is possible in SL with a 460 card. How would you know the difference in 4x or 16x with the unoptimized textures that 95% of SL is made up with? If you set AA that high in the viewer you'll see a much slower rez time.....everywhere.
  7. My experience with over ridding SL's preference setting with the nVidia control panel has been that it simply does not work. When I tried it (on a couple difference cards) is that the performance either remained the same or it degraded (mostly degraded). I suggest setting the control panel back to default and use the viewer preference settings instead. A couple things I noticed with your screenshots (it's a little hard to see so I might be wrong). You have AA set to 16x in the control panel. That's huge. With AA enabled your rendering will slow down and 16x (even if it did work using the Control Panel.......which it doesn't) would bring your system to it's knees as far as rendering is concerned. 4 x is about as high as you could expect with the GTX 460 card. Combine that with Antisrophic filtering enabled you are asking your video card to do much more than it's likely able to down with serious slowing. I would set AA to not more than 4x and enable AF (its going to slow you down some but not really so much that it would be very noticable). That setting will give you a nice smooth edge to to what you see on screen (it might be a noticable factor if you are doing highly detailed photography in which case you can up the AA for your photo shoot........you'll slow down but for temporarily you should be able to endure the slow down. Just set it back for your normal SL activities). Your pings confuse me a little. On the screen shot with high settings I see what appears to be around 200 - 250 (201?) as you mentioned in your post. But with ultra settings that ping appears to be over 400. I can't imagine what would cause that by changing settings. The ping time is how long it takes for a signal to go from your computer to the servers and back again.........it's not dependant on content but only on how long it takes for that signal to travel to and from the destination (the LL servers either in San Francisco, CA or Dallas, TX). There will always be a little more latency to the servers since the signal is going to one of the over 30,000 servers that make up the SL grid. 200 is not too bad but 400 might be something that will definitely cause issues for you. You might do a trace route to see what is cause such a difference in the pings. Long ping times can cause disconnects from the servers due to time outs. Your tested download is a potential problem SL will work fine at 500 kbps. But your advertised speed is much higher than your tested speed. I would say you need to contact your ISP to find out why...........it appears your ISP may be throttling you connection to SL due to amount of data transfer. However, even if you speed is 500 kbps you should not have too much problems (maybe some lag and studdering of the viewer) but overall not too bad. The problem I see is your bandwidth setting in the viewer being 1500 kbps. That's three times what your tested bandwidth can deliver. That's not going to help you in the least and can really cause some huge problems for staying connected to the servers. You have no overhead for any services (such as streaming media, music or voice). You are telling the servers to send you 1500 kbps when you can only recieve 500.......that is more than you can recieve and packet loss is a great big potential. Packet loss will disconnect you or crash you just about as fast as anything that can happen in SL. And my final note. A GTX460 card is a mid-level gaming card. It will not handle ultra settings without a significant hit in performance. You will lag considerably more than at high settings and your rez times will increase noticably. Your screen shot showed that you did not have shadows enabled.......and that's good. Shadows would drop your FPS (performance) even more........it may crash you.
  8. Nyll pretty much said it all about the card.......especially that part about asking a lot from a mid-range card. Any nVidia card with a second number of 6 is slightly above mid-range. It will probably handle shadows and ultra......but not without a significant performance hit. To be honest, very high end graphics cards (either nVidia or AMD) are going to suffer with SL set to "ultra".......how much it suffers depends on how high end the card is. A GTX680 will almost definitely handle SL fine at ultra and shadows........but you will see a performance hit (I'm thinking something like a 15 to 20 FPS hit.........but if you are getting 45 to 60 FPS without ultra and shadows then you probably would not notice enough hit to worry about it and that would be perfectly acceptable to you). If the cards in the 500 series (which is the next to the most recent series) are a little too expensive, then take a look at the 400 series. As video cards get superceded by new series the older series drop in price (sometimes significantly). A card that is two series older than the current series are still very current.........and I bet you can find a GTX480 card (which is very high performance) for the same or near the same price you are looking at with the 560 you listed. The higher the second number in the model the higher performance the card........a 480 card is higher performing than a 650 card (and higher performing than any 560 card). Pay attention to the power supply requirement that Nyll mentioned. if your PS is too small you run the chance of burning the PS up.........and when PS's burn up they often take other hardware devices with them (like your brand new video card). The power supply needs the proper power connectors and all those connections need to be made for the video card to perform like you expect it to perform (they usually will run without all the power connected but they run more like some onboard video adapter than a high end discrete card).
  9. Well, as I said earlier, I haven't had a single issue with age verification. I age verified with the Aristotle Integrity beta system about a week after LL introduced the feature. I passed without a hitch......I could go anywhere on the grid including parcels and regions flagged "Age Verified" (of course if the parcel or region was limited to group, and I was not a member of the group, then I couldn't enter but not because of age verification). I know people had problems with the Aristotle system but most of those problems, from my observations, were due to how they initially signed up to SL (like your husband's error on the birthdate) or that they simply gave false information. Some of the issues were caused by Aristotle's somewhat incomplete database and since Aristotle could not match information the age verfication failed. That happens, especially with beta programs which the age verification process by Aristotle/Integrity was (and for all I know still is). It was a pain for many people but it was an effort on LL's part to restrict access to adult content by minors..........I cannot fault LL for that effort (in fact, I applauded them back them for the age verification efforts). My concern is actually just a deepening of my concern back when LL closed down the Teen Grid and allowed minors on the Main Grid. I've always thought the mixing of minors and adults in an invironment that has adult oriented content and activities was a very dangerous policy..........and by opening the main grid to minors LL did just that (it disturbed then and it still disturbs me now). I know LL has that restriction that minors cannot access anything but "G" flagged areas.........but without some form, other than a simple "My birth date is **/**/****" is just not enough for my comfort. At least put some obstacles in the way to make it just a little less easy to circumvent. Well, LL seems to have taken that one obstacle away. I don't like it and I'm very uncomfortable with interacting with anyone I don't already know over time.......it's going to require me to make another adjustment when I'm playing around at a club, live music event or just flitting around SL. I'm not happy about it..........so, I'm doing some rethinking about just how much I will endure to continue my Second Life (and I've had so much fun over the years that is hard for me). We'll see where I land once it all settles a little in my mind and if I see somthing I don't like to can't bring myself to "understand" and move on. I'm saying I'm leaving SL (or even close to leaving). I'm saying I'm not as enthusiastic as I was 2 years ago. It's sad.............but I know I'll live no matter which way I wind up going. LL is going in a direction they want to go.......it's not the same direction LL was going when I joined in 2005. I have to decide if I want to go will LL or not.
  10. "... still i never touched that verification at all even though it was all set to go..i just felt if i did it would have messed up my account with some crazy glitch..because i was already verified anyways.." -------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know if I'm doing you one better or not but I age verified one time (and one time only when LL first brought in that requirement with Integrity and it was beta). I never verified my alt and I never have been asked to verify again, as apparently you have been. Both my accounts are age verified. I used my driver's license to verify with Integrity years ago..........I forget exactly what else was asked for to verify but whatever it was I gave the information factually. As I stated before (numerous times) any age verification process is full of holes and easily spoofed. That's not my point at all. My point is that interacting with anyone in SL in an adult way has almost no assurrance that you are not interacting with a minor. When the SL main grid was designated adult only, and a requirement to age verify for adult content access the residence at least had LL backing them up as far as doing all that can be reasonably done to make sure the person you are dealing with is an adult. We, as residents, no longer can think that way.......it's all on us to make as sure as possible that the person you are dealing with is an adult. And we, as residents, have no way (not one single method) to even guess whether or not that avatar you are covorting around with is not some 15 years old. I'm not going to take that chance (no matter if if's slim.......though I don't think it's that slim at all). No virtual experience is worth finding out later that the "adult" you thought you were dealing with is actually some child.........or having some FBI swat team knocking my front door down late one night. I'm adjusting my behavior once again.
  11. I know you are not giggling at me. You and I had this discussion a couple years ago when LL opened the grid to minors. I know age verification on the Internet is full of holes and can be easily spoofed and gamed (without even much effort on a minor's part). But me point was (two years ago) that any obstacle placed in the way of a minor gaining access to adult content is good........it's one more level for them to overcome (it makes them lie twice or more times to get around the adult content access). It gives adults who are concerned about exposing minors to adult content another tool to try to help prevent that exposure........taking most of the tools away places those adults in a little more difficult position if, they themselves, want to participate in adult activities (they have even less confidence that the people around them are actually not minors). It will require me to adjust, once again, my activities to make every attempt (on my part) to not expose minors to conduct inappropriate for a minor. Not to say I had much confidence before but now I have even less. Two years ago it was about 75% of me to be vigilance, then it was about 95% on me......now, it's about 99% on me. Let's just say, after LL doing away with that full of holes age verification process, I have no confidence that the avatar next to me at some adult venue is not a child. I will act accordingly........which is, yet, another adjustment that I've had to make because LL as pushed the responsibility off to me. As big a fan of SL as I am (and have been since joining), I'm becoming less enthusiastic by the day.
  12. "07-15-201206:38 AM Seems to be sorted out now Ceka. My alt was reduced to GM only but I was able to tick the adult box when I logged in after LL said the problem was fixed on this thread. No new questions on age verification issues appearing on Answers apart from the odd one wondering how to age verify under the new system which of course is just a tick now so very easy." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Which, translated, means there is no age verification at all anymore. As full of holes as the age verification process was before, it did have a very small level of protection for residents who dabble in adult content and actions. That is all gone now for the residents.........they are entirely on their own should anything of an adult nature happening to, around or exposed to a minor who chose to lie about their age at sign-up. No longer can those residents point to their attempt to deny such exposure to a minor by setting their land/region to age verifified.........that process no longer exists. Since it's perfectly legal for minors to exist on the same grid that allows adults to endulge is adult activities LL pushed all the responsibility to the residents for protection of minors from adult content. When LL opened the grid to minors a couple years ago (was it that long ago?), I changed my ways about adult activities so that I could feel more comfortable when encountering residents I did not know. Now, I guess I'm going to have to alter my activities a little more. It looks like I won't be chatting in public in any way but the most PG manner.........no more dirty jokes, silly innuendos or suggestive chit chat while at clubs or events. It's probably going to get a little boring at times. SL is changing............I'm not sure it's for the better (not for me anyway).
  13. "This is something i have to agree with! The thing is. It is not I want to fault people. I just want them to get rid of the theatre. Say sorry if you feel you have to because you screwed up. And only then." ------------------------------------------------------------- Exactly! If you didn't notice, I'm just playing with this thread. I agree with your premise entirely. The "I'm sorry" is one very over used expression in the English language. Not at all unlike "Have a nice day". The vast majority of the time you hear either expression it's 100% insecere..........it cheapens the meaning of "I'm sorry" or "Have a nice day". It's a throw away sentence. And that's really sad when you think about it. If someone is truly sorry for something it's likely the person receiving the "I'm sorry" won't believe it. You think that grocery store clerk at the check out stand really cares if you "have a nice day"?
  14. You want to know what I consider a tell-tale sign that a poster of a thread with the sole purpose is to malign Linden Lab or Second Life is? It's when the poster does not even know the correct name of the company they want to diss in their thread. The name of the company that owns and operates Second Life is not Linden Labs.......it is Linden Lab (without the "s"). Small thing, I know. But, if you want people to really pay attention to your post/thread you might consider, at least, learning the correct name of the company you are ranting about.
  15. I'll vouche for that. I had a wrt54G router. I believe it was the router I had when I first joined SL (that is over 6 1/2 years ago.....just to show how old the router is and it was not new when I joined). It worked fine for me back then with my old ATI 9250 video card with 256 onboard VRAM........I lagged a bit. I upped my graphics to some nVidia card (I really don't remember exacty what the card was..........something like a 6600GT I believe). My graphics improved but I still lagged if more than about 8 or 10 avatars were in my area. Then I upgraded to another Linksys router and suddenly I was not lagging much at all (some wireless N model that I can't for the life of me remember). Routers do make a difference......and that is my point of this post.
  16. I'm not sure if it is the same as lying. When someone lies, he/she knows he/she does. It seems to me 9 out of 10 are not even aware (anymore) when those words are leaving their mouths. Sorry is just a meaningless word. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, I can buy that. But which is worse? You're so illiterate that you don't know what you are saying? You speak without even thinking? Or you regularly speak meaningless words? You're indictment of the people who are guilty of this very common (and often very insincere) expression is a little more damning than mine. All I said was that you are either lying (telling an untruth......that could be one of those "white lies" that everyone forgives) or you're just trying to be nice (and it's hard to fault someone for being nice).
  17. Good habits are defined by how good it makes you feel about yourself.........or so they tell me.
  18. Without even reading the responses so far, all I can say is" "Bravo........good for you!!" How many times do we all get that crap every day in real life? Sorry? No you're not. Why say it if you're not..........isn't that sort like lying? Lying is not nice but you think you're being nice. I love this thread already.
  19. I just logged in with both my accounts (it's easy since I have two computers completely separate from each other). My maturity ratings are still GMA on both. There's been a lot of speculating in this thread and my experience over the years has been speculating about what LL does to does not do is more than just futile.......you have no inside information since LL is very tight lipped about internal stuff (you're just spitting in the wind with any guesses about what's going on right now with age verification). I will say I never age verifified my alt. I age verified way back when it was beta and Integrity was the 3rd party that LL used for the process. I also used the same email, my real name, and the same payment method when I created my alt.....I'm pretty sure that tied to the two together so when I tried adult rated rated sims and areas with my alt, all I had to do what set it in preferences. That leads me to believe that some of the problems people may be experiencing is because when they signed their alts they used different email, maybe a different name (though that is really close to the ToS violation), and a different payment method (or maybe no payment method at all). Everyone says that I have to "age verify" each account indepentantly of the other accounts.........but I never had to do that. Maybe I'm special........I don't know. As to what I think is going away from the older process. I really don't think LL is going to allow the date of birth to be the determining factor to get to all the adult rated areas in SL. I think it's going to replace that (full of holes) secondary method of "payment method on file" to access adult areas that are not flagged as adult by the owner of the land/sim. That payment method on file assumed that the person with that payment method was over the age of 18.........that is not a very solid stance for any company to take (and it never was). It's perfectly legal for an underaged person to have a valid credit card in the United States...........a 16 year old can have a CC in their name and it will be just as good as my CC in my name as far as any company is concerned. Yeah the 16 year old has to have an adult vouche (co-sign) for the card but there's no way a company accepting that card is aware of that........if they assume the person named on the CC is a legal adult then they are assuming something that is very dangerous when they use that as a determination of adulthood. The age you gave at sign up is better that PMOF because, if some legal action is taken against LL for underage exposure to adult content they have the very slim defence that the person lied........flimsy, but not near as flimsy as using payment method on file. It also could open up the possiblity of accepting pre-paid cards (planning for such a change might well be part of this age verification thing.........so much is intertwined it's mind breaking).
  20. Rob didn't ask if it would run SL well.......he asked if it would run SL effectively. My idea of effectively is that it will run well enough to be effective. And I believe the HD4000 video chipset will do that (as will the HD3000, the old GMA 945 and GMA 965 onboard chipsets). I've used the GMA 945 onboard on my other computer temporarily while I got around to replacing the discrete card and was really quite surprised at the performance........around 10 to 15 FPS, and maybe twice the texture rezz time of my discrete card. That was at mid settings in preferences and draw distance down to 128 instead of my normal high settings and 256 draw distance. I would not say that it ran well, but it did run effectively.
  21. It's kind of a common problem that I've seen on textures......mostly on prim skirts. It's a tiny error that the creator made when making the texture. Heck I've done it myself a few times. Aside from Rolig's suggestion about reducing the vertical repeats by a small amount, the only other way to correct the problem is to re-make the texture with your favorite image editing program. When I've made the mistake it was when I was working on the texture on my working sized canvas (which is usually 1024 by 1024 pixels) and one of my layers wound up being a tiny bit smaller in the vertical (or horizontal) demension.....like maybe 1023 or 1022 pixels instead of what I thought it was (1024). When I reduce the size for my upload and save to a flat image that line of pixels shows once you put it on a prim.. Reducing the repeats moves that line off the prim so you don't see it......which is a good work around if you can't re-do your texture. And another trick for thin prims like a curtain is to put the same texture as the face of the curtain on the sides, top and bottom to give the curtain a more natural look (I've tried the 100% transparent texture but that actually shows and looks un-natural).
  22. You might be onto something. I've been plagued with http 400 errors on most of the web sites that require log in (the forums being one of those websites.....though for my dashboard I've never had the problem). I get that error on two computers with different OS's (this computer being Win 7 x64 and the other being Win Vista x64). The only common devices for the two were my modem and router....both have been changed (but not in an effort to fix this problem). The 400 error is saying that the website has been found but that there's some problem with the address (whatever that cryptic message means). I can eventually get on the websites by going through hoops such as opening my dashboard and then going to the community and then going to the forums...........that usually gets my sucessfully logged in to the forums. Sometimes there is absolutely no issue.........I come to the forums, log in and everything's hunky dory. This has been an intermittant problem for a couple months but lately a little more persistant. Someone (I believe it was Natalis *spelling?* in one of her posts recently on another thread where someone was having problems logging into SL) reminded everyone that the Internet is going through pretty big change at the moment..........moving from IPv4 to IPv6 to increase the Internet addresses that are rapidly running out. That could be some of the problems (including my intermittant problem with http 400 errors). Another could be the shutting down of the FBI's redirection site for some maleware infection that has been on the Internet for the last 6 months (as I understand some half million computers may be infected without the users knowledge). The preparations by ISP's and website owners could very well cause some people problems.
  23. It's the best place to find an "official" answer.......perhaps the only place to find such an answer. The delay with a posting on the Grid Status page just might be explanable by the fact that today is Sunday, late afternoon. Whatever happened to the MP was definitely not planned and grid monkeys almost undoubtedly had to be called into work to check out what the problem is. It's for that reason, that any apparent problems with anything SL should be reported to the appropriate LL support people.....otherwise the problem persists before any attention is brought forward for longer (possibly until the next day when those grid monkeys report for their regular day's work). Once reported time has to be allowed for someone to check it out and then notify the appropriate people to advise the users. On a Sunday afternoon just how long do you think that time frame may be? 5 minutes or even an hour is probably a little unrealistic. I've been in those grid monkey's shoes. They are on call and are required to check out complaints after some threshold is reached for such complaints. They are sitting at home watching TV, maybe eating dinner with their family, perhaps they just put a steak on the grill and get a call.......they have to drop everything personal and go to work (often it's a false alarm). It's not always fun or pleasant......but they do it. And the notice was out pretty darn quickly considering the day of the week and the time of day this apparently happened. Asking here is not a bad idea..........but after LL has been notified. Someone notified LL and it appears it was no one who's responded to this thread so far. I know I didn't...........I have no use for Market Place (for reasons I won't go into).
  24. An easy first check is to go to the Grid Status page. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Though it's sometimes a few minutes behind problems that occur anywhere in SL it's pretty much up to date.....and official, too Bookmark it for future reference.
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