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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. When I was a kid I used to hate those "Keep off Grass" signs...guess what I did .
  2. "... These days I have no need for an orb as I live on pretty much deserted mainland 4000m high, but back in the day (2007ish), the highest one could place a skybox was - oldbies help me out here? - was it less than 1,000m? ... ---------------------------------------------------- 768 meters.
  3. I don't know but it sure looks like a sliver of pixels missing along the seam.......and it appears to be transparent. That's what led me to believe a clothing flaw. I've done it on a few pants I've made before. Just a pixel or two along the seam. I don't know what would cause it if that's not the problem.
  4. That looks like a clothing or skin flaw. I've had that problem with some of my clothing and skins that I've made.........it's a mistake with creating the texture for the clothing or the skin. I don't know why it only shows with one viewer because it's problem with the texture itself. I bet if you look closely you'll see the same flaw with any viewer you use.
  5. I haven't a clue on how to fix it. You see, in order to fix somthing someone needs to know exactly what is happening. And along with what's happening someone needs to know what the person is dealing with as far as resources are concerned. What I'm saying is: An accurate discription of the problem......the "server crashes" is absolutely not what's happening. Some computer specifications on the computer that the problem occurs on. Some mention of how you connect to the Internet and what viewer you are using is helpful too. Without those basics no one can answer you question. It's like you shouting in a movie theater "What's going on?" Well, that depends entirely on what the heck you are talking about and why you are talking about it. No one can answer without some information. To respond to my post use the "Options" in the upper right corner of your post and "Edit"....don't start a new thread.
  6. I don't own a security orb. Never have I ever owned a secuity orb. And I have absolutely no desire to own a security orb. My point was (and remains) security orbs have a purpose (some good like my example and some that border on paraniona). I can understand both sides of the problem......lord knows I've been bounced to some sim other than the one I was in due a security orb). But it's not against any ToS and the owner of the land has the right to set his/her land to allow or not allow anyone to enter........whether or not they are on line or not. I think I've said I'm all that fond of security orbs.....but I don't hold it against anyone who happens to be love with there orbs either. To each their own is my stance. So they are "good" if I have to choose between to two options.
  7. But the question is (was): "What do the rest of you think, securitu orbs, good or grief?" I can't say I'm a fan of security orbs or ban lines. But I certainly don't hate them either. People use them for various reasons (not just paronoia). I can think of some situations when I wished I had a security orb (though I've never owned or had one). When I was heavy into building flexible skirts, I would occassionally have some newbie (or some just plain jerk) would plop himself down on my platform (at 4000 meters, by the way) and get in the way.......or stike up some conversation that I'm not interested in at all. I hated to eject and ban but there were times when that was exactly what I did......and mute too so that I didn't have to listen to him whine. That's not being paranoid. It's wanting to be left alone so I can enjoy my SL (I own the land and because of that I have the right to restrict who can bother me). Security orbs are not a griefing tool.......that have a purpose (a legitamate purpose) and they are not against any ToS rule. I'm sorry if it's inconventient for you or makes your flying around the grid difficult.......well not really, but I'm trying to be polite here. I see the problem with them......but that does not negate my desire to be left alone when I want to be left alone.
  8. "... Either way, this debate has been going on for years and, since orbs are not against the LL ToS, ranting about them is basically an exercise in futility." ------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, it is. But it's been a while since this "debate" has come up again and, at the moment, I'm having fun with it. :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: Edit.......... I don't mind that you directed the post to me..........I'm easy that way.
  9. That's true. However, anyone can apply for a restricted airspace above their property. Whether or not your application is approved is another story (you'll need a very good reason to restrict airspace anywhere in the United States). Then, if you do have restricted airspace above your property it must be published on all aeronautical charts and all traffic control has to be made aware of the restriction. It then becomes the responsibility of every pilot flying near that restricted space to avoid it. But, even if the airspace is violated you still cannot fire a SAM to take the violator out......that's the "ToS" of the United States. You can only report the violation and wait for the FAA to do whatever it is they will do. Not too unlike SL.......but that notification to the flyers in the area is that warning from the security orb or that red ban line. And, of course, it's impossible to "take out" the violator like a SAM would. You can just bounce the intruder somewhere. Making comparisons to RL sometimes gets tricky.......in this case the comparison is very weak.
  10. A connection that is tested at somewhere near 500 kbps will work with mostly okay results (long rez times with some textures and objects never completely rezzing). Chat lag can sometimes be a minor problem, voice will not work satisfactorily nor will streaming media (that presents problems in most clubs with DJ's and live music events). In busy areas the problems will be greater........up to frequent disconnects. If you are okay with that then 500 kbps is fine.........it will work (just not very well). That 250 kbps download on the bandwidth meter is a direct result of your bandwidth setting. If you have your bandwidth set at or below 500 kbps (as you should if that is your tested speed), the LL servers will only send up to the maximum you told them to send (your viewer does that by what you set the bandwidth to). The servers are going to send you all the information for what is surrounding you where you are located on the grid........but it's going to send the information is smaller packets so that it will never exceed your viewer setting (that's the theory anyway). The servers have to send the same information to every avatar in the area too....with a low setting you're going to get less each time it comes your turn for information and it will take longer for everything to be sent to you. If, there are 25 avatars in the area with arrivals and departures the servers are gong to be pretty busy sending all those data requests to everyone. That would mean you are very likely going to be recieving much less than what you have set in your preferences........250 kbps seems pretty be about right to me. I have a pretty fast connection (30 mbps plus [or 30,000 kbps] tested on a consistant basis). I have my bandwidth set at 1200 kbps since I don't think the servers will ever send more than about 1200 to 1500 kbps even under ideal conditions. I see my bandwidth spike up to about 900 kbps with a normal bouncing around at about 500 to 700 kbps (hard to get an average but I'd say about 650 or so......just an educated guess). Once I'm in an area and everything has been sent and rezzed for me that bandwidth will settle at something like 100 kbps with little jumps when someone comes into my draw distance (256 meters) or leaves. The problem is, as far as I can see, that the OP has a DSL line rated at 500 kbps. It's very unlikely that he/she actually gets that speed. If the distance to the ISP is less than about 2 miles (at the cable lenght distance) then I would think the actual speed would be near 400 or slightly above......but at peak Internet times that will drop. If the distance is greater than about 2 miles then, again, the speed will be less. I'm not sure 350 to 400 kbps will work at all.......and if so, I think there's going to be a lot of disconnects from the servers (especially in busy sims and areas). I'm sure you can fudge around and make it work......but how well, is the question. I don't think very well at all.
  11. I would say you own as high as you can build above your land. That being 4096 meters as of now (LL could increase the build hieght if they want). The "security" feature that LL provides (the normal ban lines any land owner can enable) only limits access to 50 meters above ground level). Security "orbs" can be set for any height......they are completely within the SL ToS. Some people just don't want people entering their invironment and they have that right.........even if it inconveniences you and others. It's not a form of griefing by any stretch of the imagination but on private estate land the sim owner can limit the use of security devices by forbidding their use in the "Convenant" for the land. Mainland has no such restrictions. This has been an off and on argument for years. Many people hate ban lines and think they should be outlawed. Those people think it's perfectly okay for them to go anywhere they choose to go without limitations. Some people think that anyone entering their property uninvited are trespassers and should be banned from the land. Who's right? Depends on if you consider SL land as private property and the owner can do what he/she wants with it (within the confines of the ToS) or if you consider SL completely free of all restrictions to all users. I fall on the side of the land owner has pretty much full control over their land (including who may or may not enter the land boundaries).
  12. "... But griefing is by nature intended to cause distress, and once consent is given, is no longer griefing." ------------------------------------------------------------ Bingo!!! After a year it's pretty obvious the OP has given consent and is playing just as much as the griefer is playing. Role playing in the normal definition would not include griefing as part of the game.........but, once consent is given, it's just part of the role playing game (so, in Gothgirl's case, yes griefing is a form of role playing). She enjoys being the victim as much as the griefer enjoys victimizing her. She can stop it at anytime she chooses but she chooses not to stop it. She's role playing plain and simple.
  13. I wouldn't consider hunting a sport (not according to the strictest of definitions). But, then, niether is role playing. Hunting could be a game, even if one party is not playing (the hunted)..........and so could role playing be considered a "game" for the same reasons. When the hunted figures out that they are being hunted they can change the "game" by ceasing to be hunted (they can hide, move to different locations, or take actions to level the "playing field"). In SL it's difficult to level the playing field without the hunted, violating the rules with the AR system being the only legal action to take.......and with the way SL is set up (nearly unlimited free and anonymous accounts available for the hunter utilize for their side of the game) the AR system has limited success for the determined griefer. Even with that limited success, the AR should be used in all cases.....if for no other reason, than to make life just a little bit more difficult for the griefer. That leaves hiding or moving to a different location. An alt can be effective for hiding (though it is inconvenient and, in my opinion, cedes defeat........and I don't like loosing ). But moving to a different location (groups, sims, or whatever) is a good option. There is nearly unlimited role playing groups and sims in SL. If one is causing you problems (such as Gothgirl's) why would you stick around that group? The only reason I think of is that Gothgirl likes playing the game........so in that respect, the griefing is a sport. The griefer enjoys griefing and Gothgirl enjoys attention of being griefed (mutual satisfaction by all parties involved in the game). My only problem with this game is that it's not something I like yet so many threads are started by people who complain about the problem, know the solution to the problem, but insist that everyone take up the "good fight" against the evil griefers. When people like me refuse to feel sorry for them they start making up excuses for their behavior to enlist support. Sometimes it's fun to read the petty BS that the person can come up with. But, in this case, the problem has been going on for a year or more and the comedy of the whole situation is gone. Gothgirl likes this game as much as the griefers..........why else would she continue to play it for so long?
  14. In addition to Karen's advice to get a larger pwoer supply (which is good enough but with the liquid cooling it's pretty much done for any future upgrades that require a bigger PS.....I'd go with 800 watts minimum myself), get faster system RAM. 1333 Mhz is medium speed....go with 1600 Mhz. I'd also go ahead and max out the motherboards capacity for RAM (probably 16 GB). As the system stands right now, it should run SL very well at ultra settings. But to "future proof" as much as possible a bigger PS and faster RAM would go a long way to that end.
  15. That usually means you have been banned from SL. Check the email you associated with SL when you signed up.
  16. Well that presents a potential big problem (even if the computer is very new). A time delay such as 5 or 10 minutes before a crash often means a heating issue. Heating issues are computer killers (I mean that literally too). Have your friend get some hardware monitoring software to keep tabs on the temperatures of the hardware devices in the computer (specifically the CPU and GPU). The common upper temperature threshold for CPU's and GPU's is 105 C (that may vary but that's pretty common). When those temps are reached there is a very real danger of damage to the hardware (by that I mean destruction of the device). The threshold will shut down the device before it damages itself (in theory) which will crash the program that is using the device. I, personally, have destroyed a GPU by letting it get too hot (and it never reached the threshold.....ever). I would say if the temp reaches 90 C it's time to shut down the program that is causing the heating (SL will do that) and investigate to find out why. On a new computer it's not likely to have enough dust build up to cause the problem but it is possible that one or more of the case fans (and even the GPU fan) are not working. It's also possible to have the cabling and/or hardware devices blocking proper airflow through the case. You can Google for free hardware monitoring software or go to Download.com for some free ones........many are very good. The programs are lightwieght and don't use much of the system's resources (though with 16 GB of RAM that's not going to be a problem anyway).
  17. Crashing or disconnected from the servers? On the surface there's no reason for the computer to crash the viewer or the operatiing system. There's a difference (a huge one) between a crash and a loss of connection to the servers though both serve the same purpose (SL is unusable and has to be shut down). A typical symptom of a disconnect is everything in SL becomes almost unresponsive with only the ability to spin your avatar around.....no walking, flying or running, chat stops, sometimes voice and media keep running (they are delivered from sources outside the LL servers). You evenually get a message that you've been disconnected from the servers (though that sometimes doesn't happen). A viewer crash usually just shuts down the viewer and you wind up at your desktop unexpectedly........but sometimes things just freeze and you have to force the viewer to shut down. And another (much more serious) crash is when your operating system shuts down unexpectedly. People often lump all three issues into a single term "crash".........and the fix is different for each.
  18. When at the bottom of the heap I'm not sure this applies like it does when you are around 1,000 kbps download but if your tested speed is, in fact about 75% of the advertised speed for the connection, then in preferences set the bandwidth to not more than the tested speed. Ideally, you'd want to set it to 75 - 80% of the tested speed to allow overhead for media and voice but as RyOta mentioned, you need to turn that off anyway. Unless your ISP is experiencing problems or you live more than about 3 miles (in cable distance) from your ISP's servers you should test out closer to about 90% or your advertised speed (that will vary with neighoring users usuage). That will slow the data delivery from the LL servers to that your connection does not get overloaded with a flood it can't handle.........hopefully, anyway. No matter what you do though, it's going to be difficult to maintain a connection.......you'll get lots of disconnects from the servers.
  19. I give up............I have a niece who is 6 years old and I can talk to her in a somewhat intelligent manner and she comprehends most of what I'm saying. But, you? I'm not sure it's sinking in. Like I said in my previous post.......have fun with this game you insist on playing.
  20. No. What I'm saying is: Gothgirl: Bobby Griefer pulled my pigtail. Bobby Griefer: Well Gothgirl stuck her tongue out at me first. It's that silly.........really it is.
  21. Soooooo.........basically you want LL to fight your battles for you. And fight a battle that is infantile in nature........okay, I get it now. Have fun with your games.
  22. And my entire point revolves around "Role Playing". For whatever reason, role players just can't get along......someone always gets butt hurt and does crap to "get back" at the person who butt hurt them. It's childish. And it's so easily resolved......just find another group or whatever for your role playing. Don't take the role playing so seriously, Grow up!! My experience (and I believe it's more than your experience) has shown me that LL does act on legitamate AR's (not as fast as we might wish but they do act). Filing an AR that is, at best, marginal in the area of a violation (as opposed to a resident to resident dispute) is not going to get far........and you're unhappy. Fix it......move on.
  23. In all the years I've been reading SL forums the vast majority of complaints about griefing has something to do with role playing. In almost all the cases the act of "griefing" is brought on by some other (related) act of role playing........it turns into a drama fest that litters up the forums on a regular basis. Every legitamate case of griefing that I've AR'd has been dealt with by LL in relatively short order........no, not every case recieved instant attention but a couple hours at the most. And I'm only talking about severe cases of griefing such as self replicating prims bringing a sim to it's knees or porn being distributed in an inappropriate place. For someone simply caging me and sending to some strange sim I don't even AR........it's so much easier to just brush the dust off and move on since the place where it happened is probably a place I wouldn't care to return to anyway. It's all drama just as this thread.......frame the argument anyway you want and put a nice little twist to it like I'm just wanting some action so all can enjoy SL It's BS. Griefing happens but it does not have to spoil your SL........but, of course, you can make it something it isn't. AR it and move on.........believe me you'll find your SL will survive. Whining and crying about itmakes you miserable (and, apparently, if you're miserable you believe you should burdon everyone else with your misery).
  24. Another trick I saw someone do back in the days when I visited sandboxes. Sacrifice one of the prims in the build (unlink if it's linked to the prim set)........the one the annoyor is standing on. Change the Z axis to 3000 meters and hit enter. Rez a new prim and keep on building. It was funny when the annoyor finally figured out what happened and fell to the ground. He was like "What did you do that for?" And the builder told him "to get you out of the way so something wouldn't fall on you." The annoyor figured out what he'd done that was annoying and apologized. He really didn't think he was in the way (he was a newbie).
  25. 06-30-201212:31 PM To some people it is a way of life, they can only get worth out of life by making people feel worst than them, sl has more that average, as many are antisocial in sl so will feel bad about themselves so want to make others feel worst than them, weekends are worst. ---------------------------------------------- I'm constantly amazed at the number of people in SL who have all this phycological expertise about the workings of individual SL users' minds. The know so much about the users' motivations that they can accurately pigeon hole every one of the users into neat little sub-groups. Example this happened to me a few hours ago, I am making something in a beta sandbox, this guy comes along at stands on it, he sees it upsets me as I am making it, so he stays there and tells me it is a public sand box and he can stand there, I report him, nothing happens and I have to pack up and leave, and this is were the lindens fail big time, I make things for sl, without the likes of me sl would be nothing, yet this guy who's only reason to be in sl is to **bleep** over keyboards gets all the support and is allowed to do as he pleases, think that sums up SL and why it can't grow ------------------------------------------- .Again, I'm amazed at just how important so many of the users are to SL (and all it's users) because the "make stuff". Nearly every single user of SL "makes stuff". Some sell their stuff, some don't but even if a user does nothing more than dress themselves, they are making something in SL. Why is anyone more important than anyone else? You are saying that because you "make stuff" you more importance to SL than others.........that's about as egotistical as it gets. You choose to "make stuff" in a puble sandbox........a public sandbox where anyone can come and "make stuff" (or even stand around and pester those who are "making stuff"........though preferably not on top of what ever it is you are making). You don't like that then go to a private sandbox (or get your own piece of land where you can get rid of the annoying users who get in your way..........you don't need to own a sim, just a chunk of land either mainland or estate land). People who brag about "making stuff" who use public places to "make stuff" and complain about the inconvenience of dealing with people who annoy them amaze me at their self importance......how dare LL allow people to come to a public place where people (who are so important to SL) are trying to "make stuff". You want to make stuff and not deal with the people who pester you then do something about it yourself......you have the choice. Once someone said, get your own sim then you wont get greifed, it reminded me of the mafia, so it helps the lindens to sell sims if people like me are greifed, lol, i will NEVER buy a sim, just for the hell of it, cos i know that's why the lindens don't act, they think it forces the likes of me to buy a sim, how brain damaged and inbred the lindens are, no never will I buy a sim from the lindens, never. --------------------------------------------------------- If you live in an apartment complex where you have to deal with some person you pay to have maintain done, or redecorating done, landscaping done for you, you know you are at the mercy of that person you are paying for that to be done. The way around it is to purchase your own place to live.........then you are the one responsible for all that stuff to get done (you don't have to depend on someone else). If you refuse to purchase your own place to live then you are forced into depending on someone else. It's a choice. There is a solution but you refuse to use it........you're complaints are falling on deaf ears. In conclusion I've noticed that there is always going to be complainers about the way life is (both in RL and SL). They always find a way to blame all their problems on the people in charge (the government of RL and LL for SL). But, in most cases, there are options and choices that will make life easier.........but they absolutely refuse to take those options or make those choices. They'd rather complain.
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