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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. Peggy Paperdoll


    You don't actually have to cancel the account.....just start another with the name you want. But if you really think it's best then go the dashboard for the account you want to cancel and under the "Account" listing choose "Cancel Account". Once you cancel you have a grace period of about 30 days to reactivate (I believe that involves a one time charge of $9.95 USD). After the 30 days, that account is gone for good.
  2. A couple things to check/do. First make sure you have an up to date driver for your nVidia 525 M. Since your computer is a laptop it's probably best to go to the manufacturer of your computer for the driver (such as your computer is a Hewlett Packard, you'd go to HP's driver download site). Most laptops have specialized drivers that are customized for the computer the hardware is installed and in many cases the drivers you get at nVidia's download site are not optimized for the laptop your card is installed in........in some cases the drivers simply will not work at all. Another thing to check is because you have a laptop and an i5 CPU it's almost guaranteed your i5 has an on chip graphics adapter (some HD graphics such as HD2000). The CPU should sense the higher demand for graphics that SL requires and automatically switch to the discrete card (your 525 M card). That sometimes doesn't happen (auto switching is not quite perfected yet). Look in your computer manual or check with your manufacturer's support for how to set SL to always run using the discrete card (permanently over ride the auto switching for SL). The on chip graphics are weak and, if it is capable of running SL at all, it will run very poorly. One final note. The 525 M card is not a very powerful card in itself. It's better than any onboard or on chip graphics but not by much. I doubt you'll get good performance at anything over mid settings in your preferences for the viewer you are using. And, SL requires a lot of graphics processing. That, in turn, requires more power from your computer's batteries. You'll run those batteries down quickly.......use the AC adapter when you are in SL (it will also help you in the heating area that laptops are prone to).
  3. I don't know how you would send a handwritten signature unless you have a scanner (and since you don't have a printer I don't think you would have a scanner). I'm pretty sure LL wants a signed (by hand) copy for their records. Why not go to Office Depot or another office supply house? They have fax services. I'm not sure but your local library may have a fax service you can use too. It doesn't cost much to send faxes.
  4. I looked that Toshiba up on Google. I found an independant review that gave the notebook a decent (but not particularly great) review. The date of that review was August 13, 2007........that is just under 5 years ago. Five years ago that computer would probably run SL decently at mid settings (and very sluggishly at high to, what is now called, ultra). A viewer that has mesh capablilities is going to require, what was back in 2007, settings at high or better. Your notebook will not handle mesh (that's what progress does.........you have to keep up or you get left behind). You are one of those who are watching SL disappear over the horizon because your computer cannot keep up. You didn't say otherwise so I have to assume that the computer is pretty much stock, off the shelf on the specs. A few of the problems that are important right now (that were not so important 5 years ago). The graphics are reported as a 128 - 319 MB shared memory Radeon X1200.........that is an onboard graphics adapater (very weak for 3D graphics). It's reported to have a 250GB, 4200 RPM hard drive (that's a very slow hard drive). The importance of your drive's speed is because your video adapter does not have video RAM to handle the huge amount of graphics information that SL requires of any computer so it must "borrow" if from your system RAM. And your system RAM is listed at 2 GB.......plenty for Vista 32 bit but that's about it (Vista wants about 1.5 GB just to run itself......you have 512 MB to spare and that's not near enough when your video adapter wants as much as it can get). The only thing Windows can do is use virtual RAM, or a paging file on your hard drive. And you have a slow hard drive..........it just won't work well at all. http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=3886 The long and short if it that your computer is not strong enough for any viewer for SL that has mesh capabilities. The best you can probably do is use a viewer based on the old SL viewer 1.23. And those are getting harder and harder to find because that viewer code does not allow a big part of what SL has to offer to it's users. LL quit suporting the 1.23 viewer nearly 2 years ago and removed the link to the download for that viewer almost a year ago. It's an obsolete viewer. And you are going to have a very hard time finding a setup download for it unless you happened to have saved it back when it was available for download. I think I have a setup copy saved on my other hard drive but I'm not going to present it to anyone for downloading (or send it to anyone). I won't open myself up to liabilities from people I don't know....nor would I encourage anyone to use a file from a stranger (and I'm a stranger to you.........you'd be foolish to take a file from me and put it on your computer. Every bit as foolish as accepting a file from a phishing email you recieved). You need a new computer.
  5. They fancy themselves as legal experts by their assertion that as long as you know that they "can and will" share chat logs then it's no longer against any rule that is set up by the "legal authority making up the rules". That is not the case in real life anymore than it's the case in Second Life. Instead of your example: Sounds just as logical as someone who says "i'll drive through a red light if no car comes"...? It's more like you have a bumper sticker on your car that says "I have the right to run a red light if I so choose.....and you've been warned". Wonder what the police officer would think of that "disclaimer". Then that officer might even come down a little harder of the person when they pull them over for running a red light? I would say they probably would (or at least be less inclined to give out a warning instead of a citation). People who think they are smarter than the authorities are seldom smarter than the average.......often much less smarter (to the point of stupidity).
  6. I've actaully had three graphics card failures in the machines I've had over the years. The first failure was due to ignorance and I did not properly monitor my temps and by the time I did start monitoring them the card was on it's way to the hardware grave. The second failure was sort of fluke (one that can happen if you are not careful). I got into the habit of cleaning my case about once a month and durring one of my cleanings, I noticed a very small and slight discoloration on the PC board where the card plugged into the PCI slot so I pulled the card out to clean the contacts with an eraser........I scrubbed too hard and loosened the foil from the PC board. That card failed about a month later and when I removed it from the motherboard I saw the burned fiber glass where the foil came loose. I still think it was a manufacturing flaw but didn't press the issue and simjply got an new card (I was time to replace the old 8600 GTS anyway). And the last card I had fail on me was that I card I got to replace the 8600 card........a 9800 GTX. It was a great card but it was a huge card physically and barely fit in my case (I had to some serious moving hardware around to make room to install it in my computer). When I got this computer (the one I'm using now), I did not get a graphics card and intended to tranfer the 9800 to this computer. That didn't work out well because I cracked the PC board on the card removing it from my old computer...........it did not work when I put in this computer. As for graphics wearing out and failing on their own, I'm with the others. They reach obsolescence before failing if you maintain them (or don't manhandle them like I did my 9800 card). But, they will fail due to manufacturing problems (like my 8600 did). My only other failure was due to neglect........my neglect. I learned the hard way. Take care of your hardware....and, be careful too (that stuff is tough but it will break).
  7. "... I thank all of you ESPECIALLY Paperdoll for your help. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" />" -------------------------------------------------------------- Just so you know, I never take what's said in these (or any other) forums personally. I do have a tendacy to be a little blunt which I suppose I could curb somewhat....but, again, since I don't take things personally, I also think others should not. Your apology is accepted (even if I really didn't expect one), I appreciate it. I just hope you get the issue resolved. If it continues, then give us some computer specs (by opening the viewer to the log in screen and under the "Help" menu copy the specs reported to the servers by your viewer and paste back here). Your connection speed and type (ncluding if you have a router in your home network) is also helpful. Your bandwidth setting in your preferences will effect your ability to remain connected to the servers if your speed (and whether or not you are experiencing high latency issues or high packet loss.....anything over about 2% packet loss is substanial) is slow of flakey.
  8. Lindal is absolutel correct in her answer. However, I want to add that you can only file a DMCA take down for your items. The people who have also had their IP copied must file their own DMCA's.
  9. Yes. Like most other services (your cell phone for instance, your internet service) you have to make a commitment for at least a month and if you are dissatified you "opt out" after you "opt in". If you are wanting to evaluate SL go with the monthly.....you can opt out if you don't like it and you'll not be billed again. You must opt to stop the service once you started it or LL will assume you want to continue the service. There are cell services that are "pay as you go" but have you ever heard of an ISP that is "pay as you go"? It's a service, you sign up for it for as long as you want.......but it will be auto-billed unless you tell them to stop. --------------------------------------------- Edited to change the first word of my post from "No" to "Yes". ding, ding, ding.............:matte-motes-confused:
  10. That's actually kind of fun to open the big map, pick a spot and TP. I used to do that all the time though I usually found a bunch of green dotsl to TP to. Now days I just pick the empty spots. It's still fun and I do find some really great stuff that way too.
  11. "... Darn. You have been logged out of Second Life. This region may be experiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the Internet. ..." -------------------------------------------------- Had you left the the *bleep* part two days ago and provided some of the same information you just provided there's a very good chance you would not be having the problem you are still having. You are not crashing...you are bing logged off (a world of difference, by the way). Whenever someone says "Why the **bleep** does the viewer keep crashing everytime I log in?" and nothing else (no discription of the problem other than the inaccurate "crash", nothing about an error message, nothing about what you have tried to do to remedy the problem, and, most importantly, no computer specs.........which you still haven't done) there's nothing but guesses. And since the error message says that you were disconnection (not crashed) all guesses revolving around a crash are very unlikely to fix your problem. That was the point of my post (with the same tone you displayed in your intial post). But, since I now have a clue, I'll take a guess (computer specs are still in order but for a disconnection from the servers most of the time the specs are not as important). Manually clear your cache. If you have more than one account on the same computer (which you said your wife does so that counts) and more than one viewer then manually clear all those caches too. While you're at it it's a good idea to move the caches for each account and each viewer to a separate location on your computer (to help prevent problems like this coming up again). To find where your cache is located on your computer go to the tab you would go to to clear your cache using the viewer preference utility......you'll see where the cache is located on your computer in the box next to the clear cache button. Copy that location, close your viewer (you don't need to log in.....and since you are having problems you probably can't anyway), then navigate to that location on your computer, open the last folder in the path and select all and hit delete. Restart your computer then launch the viewer again. Before you log in change your log in location to one of the Linden Lab supported sims (Pooley, Lime, Aqua are three the I know off the top of my head). Log in. When you arrive at one of those sims you'll be underwater in a pretty barren sim (it's known as a quiet sim with no scripts and no builds). Take a couple steps away from the landing point to avoid being landed on by arriving avatars. Then open your inventory. It should be loading but it isn't then prompt it to start by typing in a few random letters until the counter starts. Then just wait. It can take a while for your inventory to load (don't do anything but wait.....not chatting, IMing, changing clothes or shapes). When your inventory fully loads (you can tell when the counter switches from saying "fetching xxxx items" to "xxxx items fetched". Then close the inventory and TP home or where ever you normally log into. Most of the time that will fix your problem.....but not always. If that doesn't fix then you really do have to give some computer specs for a more "educated" guess. You can find that easily by looking under the "Help" menu of your viewer and copying and pasting back here.
  12. I suppose you can. But if you want to buy the lindens using real world currency you are going to have to give the person who you are purchasing the lindens some personal information......specifically, personal financial information (unless this person a a neighbor or yours or close enough to you in real life so that you could hand the person real life currency. You also have to trust this person to follow up and actually give you the lindens you bought. That's a lot of trusting for what is most probably a complete stranger (I can't think of many things on the Internet dumber than that). There's also the risk you are taking that the lindens you are buying are lindens that the person you buying them from were obtained legally. There are people who steal financial information from people and use some of the money they gain from that financial information to buy such things as lindens........the sell them to someone like you. That's called money laundering........it's a felony in the US (and I'm sure almost everywhere else in the world.......Linden Lab is the owner of SL and LL is an American company so that law applies in SL). There's so much that can go wrong and so much of a chance that you might wind up in deep financial and/or legal trouble that anyone who does such a thing, in opinion, deserves all that happens to them. Use the Linden Exchange or an approved exchange site. Forget trying to get something on the cheap or by shady methods. You'll be a lot safer and you'll not get into trouble with the law or your personal financial life. I sometimes wonder how some people figure out how to even boot their computers when they display such naivety about personal safety on the Internet.
  13. ... just my attempt at a little humor & to use the word plug in a sentence. ---------------------- If you had added that in your post I would probably have giggled. You didn't so I took what you said for what you said. In a forum no one has the luxury of seeing facial expressions or body language..........it's all words. Words have meanings depending on the context where those words are used. Your words said that it was a plug for his/her business....which may or may not be true. But using the same logic I used for your post, I had to take the poster's words for what they said (in the context of where he/she said it).
  14. I'm not sure you can upgrade using your US dollar balance on your account. I've never heard of anyone doing it anyway. You can, however, use the dollar balance to pay your subsequent premium fees and land use fees (tier). But for upgrading to premium, I don't think so. Upgrade using the method of payment LL specifies then use the balance to pay your fees later (when they are due).
  15. Of course it could be a plug for a biz. But it also could be exactly what was stated too............a clarification. I mean, after all, there were suggestions about the business being a scam. It's not out of the realm that a person would take the time to try to stem those suspicions voiced here. Do as the OP is going to do (and what the "biz" plugger suggested) and check with LL before you continue with the implications of scamming. Scamming is a pretty serious accusation....not to be tossed out lightly.
  16. Protected land is Linden owned land. You typically see it between mainland plots on mainland.......it's where the Linden roads and railroads are run. There are restrictions such as you cannot rezz objects on protected land (except in designated "Rez Zones"). It's open for the use of vehicles (but you cannot rez the vehicles outside the designated rez zones). No resident can own or block protected land. Protected land is not restricted to roads, railroads or other "right of ways"........entire sims can be protected land and water areas can be protected land. If it's owned by "Governor Linden" it's protected land.
  17. In addition to what Rolig and Karen have mentioned (which is the entire subject in a nutshell) I might suggest you fix everything you possibly can't on your end before trying to determine what else can be done. I also suggest you give a little research time into exactly what is happening in SL that does not happen in any onling game you might encounter on the Internet (the two animals are very different is how the world is presented to you). And, one more thing. This thread has the potential of being very interesting and informative. However, the Answers section of these forums is not designed for discussions as opposed to the General Discussion section........and this is a discussion. Answers is designed for a question (such as can I upload images to SL) and an answer to the question.......the design of this section makes it almost impossible to have a discussion (for instance you cannot directly contribute to the discussion since you started the thread).
  18. The last I heard LL had looked into bringing back last names and after that "looking into, the ditched the idea. I'm not sure any JIRA is going to change their minds.......probably not. As for picking any last name for your avatar I'm sure that is out the window too (it would be easier for LL to supply a list of last names than to allow any last name someone wanted). I'm afraid the last names we have now is what we are going to have for the foreseeable future. For those of us who created accounts before Display Names were given to us we probably should hang onto them like they were gold.
  19. "...with a wifi connection. ..." ------------------------------------------------------ Changing your connection to an Ethernet cable would be a good start. Wireless connections are habitually problematic with SL due to the huge amount of data being sent to your viewer......graphic data being the largest percentage (which would explain your success with the text only app for your phone).
  20. Since getting a job isn't good enough there really isn't an easy way to "earn" lindens. If "woking" for your lindens isn't an option then you are left with camping, hunts, fishing, or begging.........depends on your definition of "easy" as to whether or not those methods are something you consider easy. Camping is, in my opinion, the easiest.......but camping is really not widespread (due to the gaming of traffic rules) and some of the restrictions make it not quite so easy anymore. Hunts and fishing you do have to put some effort into it so it's is "work', in that sense......and most of your "pay" is in items, not lindens. Begging is not against the ToS but it sure is a frowned upon way to "earn" lindens.......you're likely to be treated very unwelcome in most places (banned in many). All those ways are easy in some sense..........and all those ways are extremely low paying (to the point of not even covering the cost to you in real life to run your computer for the lindens "earned"). The absolute easiest way to get lindens without working is to buy them. $1.00 USD will get you about L$250 in return......and you did nothing but pay for them. What could be easier? Of course you do have to work for that $1.00 in real life. But, as the saying goes, nothing's free. That goes for SL as well as RL. So to "earn" lindens easily, that depends entirely on what you call "easy". To get lindens easily, just buy them (but that's not really "earning"....it's purchasing). To get lindens for free......well that's impossible (at least legally not possible).
  21. You know I never saw a mentor at a WA when I first started. I would see, on occassion, a Linden walk through but that was very rare. I did see a lot of WA regulars who hung out at the WA I came into when I joined (Ahern) and most were very helpful. But they also picked fights with others..........I really didn't know who was a griefer and who was a good guy. It wasn't overly bad though. I had fun until I figured out there was a lot more to SL than a welcome area.
  22. You can delete the empty boxes without consequences.......just like throwing about the box in RL after you take whatever was packed in it out. Some boxed items leave a copy in the box (you an save those if you like........I generally do, my selft). Rename them if they don't already have a unique name so that you have a clue to what's inside..........I also put those boxes in another folder I make in my inventory (I named mine "Unpacked boxes"). If you have a bunch (like it sounds you do) then it can be a little tedious going through each to see if you want to save them but sooner or later you'll really need to set aside the time to do that. A practice I started after spending an hour or so going through boxes with the name "Object" and others with some name of something I had purchased at one time or another, I delete them as I unpack them or move them to my "Unpacked boxes" folder as I open and copy to inventory. Everyone's inventory gets to be a mess over time......house cleaning is necessary on occassions.
  23. You can try this: http://www.geekblogger.org/2010/10/second-life-game-initializing-vfs-error.html
  24. I don't think anyone knows the *bleep* why. What's more I don't think anyone can even guess to why the *bleep* your viewer crashes. You want to guess what might help someone help you? Think hard, it might come to you.
  25. If you know the basics of clothing design then you're half way there. All it takes is practice to refine that basic stuff into advanced stuff. That takes time and persistance. Prim clothing is building and that would be the next step. You need to learn building (basics first the practice to refine to advanced). The Ivory Towers of Prims (search in-world) is a good place to start. Once you get building to the point of making the prims into the shapes and objects that your clothing requires all you need to do is apply the textures to those prims. Which is really no different than your basic clothing design skills. It can get complicated as you learn and advance since you have more choices for your prims than just the basic building blocks provided in the viewer......sculpties and mesh (both require third party fairly high end editing software programs...Blender being a popular free program that is fully capable of doing both sculitpies and mesh). Your best friend is going to be Google for tutorials. Search "clothing making for SL" is a good initial search. Photography in SL is really not that much different that photography in real life. You have the tools to take a snapshot in the viewer(s). Save to your hard drive, edit them with a good image editing program (the program you use for your basic clothing should be good). And when you are done and want to upload the images back to SL you do that the same way you upload your clothing designs. It's best to use a lossless image format........not JPEG (ever).
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