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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. If you really would like to have some help you need to supply some information about your computer, your connection and tell us more than "it freezes and crashes"..........like an accuate discription of just how it crashes (to your desktop, your viewer stops responding and you have to force the viewer to close, or maybe you are not crashing at all but merely losing your connection to the servers......all those issues have different fixes). Launch your viewere (but don't log in). Under the help menu click on "About Second Life"..........copy and paste back here the specs listed. Don't start a new thread but use "Options" in the upper right corner of your post and then "Edit" to add the specs and a better discription of your problem. Someone here might be able to help you.........if you don't give us that much then you'll probably not get any help at all.
  2. I just opened the Contact Support page and clicked on "Live Chat"..........it worked for me (though I did not start a session). Here's the copy/paste for the instructions: ------------------------------------------- Welcome to Live Chat Support! Live Chat is available 8am to Midnight PST, M-F; and 8am to 8pm PST Saturday and Sunday. If the button above says 'Start Chat', then click it to open a chat window and start your Live Chat session with our Support team Does the new window not appear? You might have a pop-up blocker installed that is preventing you from seeing the chat window.One common way to bypass pop-up blockers is to hold down the Control (Ctrl) key as you click on a link If that doesn't work, then you might need to temporarily disable or add an exception to your pop-up bloker You can find more information on how to disable your pop-up blocker by various browser types and configurations here ---------------------------------------------------------
  3. Nothing. I mean nothing at all is worse. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  4. Confusing to say the least. When you installed SL it wouldn't load........anymore? Does that mean that before you installed SL it did load? That's way more than confusing. Do you mean that SL has never worked on your machine or does that mean that it worked but you re-installed for some reason and now it doesn't work? I know you did at least one re-installation but I want to know if SL ever worked..........if not, then please clarify so that my brain isn't twisting around try to figure out what your problem is. XP works just fine with SL so that is not a factor in anyway. Use "Options" in the upper right corner of your post and "Edit" to add the information. Don't start a new thread.
  5. "... Also, I do not want to know what anyone is wearing, not gonna ask." ------------------------------------------------------ Then why did you ask?
  6. Be friendly, don't be shy (even if you are shy in real life). Most important, be causious but open minded. You're going to meet more toads than princes. Friends are gathered slowly over time........but, oh those friendships that develope are priceless.
  7. Yeah..........non-stop packed. For iPhones!! You can spin it any way you want but the facts are facts. Macs account for 10% to 15% of the computer market. I'm talking about computers............not smart phones. Over taking HP? Okay.........HP isn't the only PC maker. How about Dell, Acer, Sony, Asus, AOC, Joe's custom computer shop, my custom computer shop (I build my own...they are PC's). Apple had picked up a little lately. Everyone knows that. A lot of that is due to Steve Job's recent passing and a lot is due to the iPhone epidemic that is the fad of the day (or maybe a few years). But they are still way, way back there in the market share.
  8. "... Hate to say it, but every Mac I've ever seen is junk compared to PCs in the same price range." ------------------------------------------------------------------- I can concur somewhat with that but I don't think I go so far as to call them "junk". For years, Macs were considered "the graphics machines". That was sort of not true since back in most of those years where Macs carried that title the standard of graphics editing was Photoshop..........and Photoshop didn't run on Macs (it was a Windows only software package). But, yeah, Macs have always had good graphics and that reputation for graphics was desserved in a very real sense..........but it was not the machine of choice for the graphics industry (as Mac users used to tell us). It was the Windows machines that were the machine of choice of all the Photoshop users which was (and still is) the software package of choice for graphics artists.........it's still considered the standard for all graphics editing software. Windows machines have caught (and in many ways) passed Macs on the graphics end. Part of that is due to Microsoft putting a great deal of effort enlisting both software developers and the graphics hardware manuturers to develope their products to mesh well with Windows machines. Macs, being only about 10% to 15% of the market has a tougher time getting that kind of support from the manufactures and developers. Another big factor is that Macs are very proprietory (you can't easily build your own Mac). That makes them expensive to customize for graphics where Windows machines are very easy to drop a big high end graphics card into a relatively cheap computer.........and you wind up with a graphics machine that will run circles around a Mac at twice the price of the Windows computer. Some Mac users refuse to face the facts. The hang on to that era where Macs were the best graphics machines out there (it wasn't entirely true but it was truer then than it is now). I don't have a problem with Mac users touting how good there computer is..........but I also know they are living in the past to a very large degree. I built this machine almost 2 years ago. I paid just under $700 USD for all that I put in it (not encluding a monitor as I didn't need one). Back then a comparable off the shelf system would have cost about $1000 USD (without a monitor). My system has a full Windows 7 x64 OS that I purchased separately (but included in the $700 I paid to build it). I don't have any bloatware installed.........the off the shelf system is full of bloatware that, sometimes can be very difficult to get rid of (and bloatware slows a computer down a lot). Now for a Mac comparable to my system (or the $1000 off the shelf bloatware filled computer) would cost close to $3000 USD. So, it easy to say (and be accurate) that a Mac in the same price range would be "junk" comparably......because that $1000 Mac is going to be a low end machine. I don't want to start another Mac vs Windows war..........but I did want to say that Macs are not the computer they once were and they are still very expensive. More money for less.............all all for MacIntosh name.
  9. You're frustrated because you are having some problems with your viewer(s). And you want a Linden Lab technicion to fix it for you. It doesn't matter if you are Premium or Basic no one at Linden Lab is going to fix it for you. Just like no one here will fix it for you. It's just not possible. A problem with your viewer is caused by one of two things.....the viewer code itself or your computer and it's connection to the SL servers. Viewer code problems occassionally crop up and when that happens it's known pretty quickly by the viewer developers and addressed to fixed the problem (yeah LL developers know just as quickly as the TPV developers when stuff like that happens). The problem there is that those viewer problems are so very much more rare than the users' computers as the source of the problems. If you submit a support ticket for a problem that you think is on the viewer end and give as much information about your system and network as you gave us, the chances are slim to none that you'll get a resolution. Give some specs and information if you want your problem solved........that goes for Premium members just as much as it goes for Basic members.
  10. Yeah. Small, medium and large. For prim clothing I usually wear "small".......but even then the clothing item seldom fits me like it should. So what is the standard for "small"?. The same with hair............I have to adjust the size for almost every hair I purchase (even though I always choose "small" when the choice is given. In Second Life where you can make your avatar as small as a child to as large as a very big giant it's impossible to pidgeon hole a "standard" size.......it just doesn't work like it does in real life. Small in RL covers a range within a larger set of "standards". There's small infant sizes, toddler sizes, child sizes (pre-teen), teen sizes, and then adult sizes. I suppose creators could do the same in SL..........but is it worth it? Get it as close as you can and then let the user adjust from there (resize the clothing item or resize the user's shape to make it fit properly). It's a little harder to resize one's shape in RL than it is in SL. When someone comes up with slider numbers for "small", "medium" and "large" I bet it will still be a "problem" for most people in SL. There just isn't a "standard" avatar size in SL. There is are too many variables for anything to be "standard". Users like myself just have to adjust (either live with what we get, modify what we get to make it better, or modify ourselves to make it right). Or do as I do........make your own prim clothing.
  11. I don't even know what a "standard" size would be. The creator of any prim garment has to pick a size to fit the garment to. The creator uses what they think will fit the most avatar shapes........but that's about all they can do. There really is no standard size. What I would consider a standard size probably is far removed from what you would consider a standard size. That fitting of clothing is one of the primary reasons I learned to make my own prim clothing a few years ago. Since I don't know how to do mesh I just don't purchase mesh clothing. All the rest I make myself, fitted to my shape. I don't sell my clothing creations so I don't have a problem with trying to find a size that fits anyone except me.
  12. Are you wanting to change the web page that you would go to when you want to sign up? Without some serious hacking I don't think you can do that. Then the question is "Why?". Obtaining any viewer from any site other than an official source (either Linden Lab's or a reputable third party viewer's) is a pretty dumb thing to do.......that is, of course, if you value your security (and even the security of anyone you have as contacts on your computer). That's beyond stupid. But, if you simply want to change the name of the link, that's easy. Save it to your favorites (bookmark it) then right click on the short cut and "rename". That, by the way, is a function of your system.....not a viewer. When you sign up for an account you are outside the Second Life invironment (you're on the Internet using your browser). And, finally, if you want a link to the official (and safe) download site for SL viewer 1.23 then you're simply out of luck. LL removed that link (and very likely the entire setup file from the Internet). It's not there anymore. You might find some place with that setup file for download. But a smart person would avoid such a site like the plague. If you have the setup file saved somewhere on your computer (or removable media) that you saved and are sure it's mal-ware free then that would be a safe file to install. I have all the setups for all the viewers I've ever installed on my computer over the last 2 or 3 years saved that I can re-install at will.........but they do not exist on the Internet. I don't know what you are wanting to do but I believe you are not being very smart about it.
  13. "... Considering a majority of the serious content creators in sl are using Macs, ..." ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty bold statement there. I'd like to see something to back that up seeing as how, despite Apple's recent gains on the marketshare, Windows based machines still dwarfs all other operating systems combined. http://www.w3counter.com/globalstats.php I find that statement very hard to believe.......perhaps impossible to believe. Common sense (and business sense) demands that any business must put the majority of their efforts into the largest market . That largest market is Windows so Linden Lab puts their efforts into making sure the Second Life software works on Windows machines.......then put as much effort as possible to make the software work on other machines. Apple, to their credit, are getting more aggressive with the efforts to increase their market share and that is showing with a more rapid upgrading of their operating systems. You can't expect software developers to "keep pace" with every operating system as soon as the OS is released......first, the software developers have to wait for the release to happen before they can begin to develop the software to utilize any new feature the OS might have (that includes Windows new OS releases.........it takes time to get in synch). Mac users are pretty fanatical about their systems (nothing wrong with that.......that is actually what keeps Macs competitive with Windows). But part of the problem remains that they are using an operating system that is a pretty small percentage of what the majority of users use. I know you don't like to hear it but when you are second in market share you have to wait longer than those who are first in market share. That's just a fact of life.......especially with software. Perhaps if you were more specific about what LL has failed to keep up with some of the Mac users here will be able to help you out a little. Obviously, you are having some problems but unless you get more specific than that there's very little anyone can do to help. Exaggerating with the statement I quoted at the top of this post does not help your credibility. It makes your post sound more a rant than anything..........and rants never solve the problem.
  14. Peggy Paperdoll

    alt account

    The one time charge of $9.95 for an alt has long been dropped..........about June, 2006. It costs nothing to create an account or an alt account. Back in the day there was a one time charge for both an original account and any alt account you created. Not anymore though.
  15. And the OP stated that he/she is trying to use a US Visa debit card....hence my comment.
  16. Linden Lab does accept US Visa debit cards. I've been using mine for almost 3 years.
  17. You evidently can read so you decide which is the correct name for the company owned by Linden Research: http://lindenlab.com/ I might be one of the "shills" you mentioned. In casual talk or postings Lab or Labs works. But when someone embarks on a rant that they insist is serious and expect everyone to believe that the ranter has a clue about what they are talking about and they can't even give the correct name of the company they are ranting about......then, yeah, I do tend to discount their postings. You want to be taken seriously and your upset about something then the very least you could do is know the company you are talking about. So, carry one with your trolling.........this could get fun.
  18. I have a total of three accounts registered using the same email. One account I haven't logged into for well over 2 years (mostly because I can't remember the password and too lazy to do the password recovery.....that was actually my very first account I created in 2005). The other two accounts I log into SL regularly and have no problems at all. Something else is causing your problem.
  19. No. My ISP assigns me a different IP address at random intervals. Most changes occur on a Sunday night (my time) and any time between a week and 60 days. I'm due for a change any day now. It's been over a month since the last change.
  20. Well, I haven't logged in for over a year because I don't want to log in. I wasn't impressed a year (or more) ago. It's a clone of SL and I already went through a lot of the growing pains SL experienced.........I just don't want to go through that again (though I had fun back then but I'm afraid the second time around won't be as fun). I know enough about SL to know that Inworldz had a very long way to go before they could get close to SL.......and with the new features (mesh, shadows, DOF) LL has added, the clones hill to climb just got steeper. The problem I saw right off the bat was the Inworldz people were there because it wasn't SL........I know a couple people who are still primarily on Inworldz (but come to SL occassionally). That attitude is still very much prevalent. I went to Inworldz because of one of those friends..........it's just not for me. Why would I want to be on a clone of SL when I'm already on SL. I was hoping for something different..........and Inworldz is not different (not at all different except everyone there seems to hate SL.......I don't like that attitude). When something like SL but different hits the Internet, I'll give it a try.......until then, I'm here. To each their own. I've made my choice. I have no intentions of returning in Inworldz. If my friend can't convince me why would stranger convince me?
  21. "What is it about some people that it seems like at every corner, every time they log in to Second Life, They see Griefers and Griefer attacks every where they go? What is that they are doing with their SL? I am an avid SL explorer. Some days I may hit as many as a dozen different SIMs. I've been doing this for over five years. I go to Sandboxes. I go to welcome Hubs. I have been and am all over the Grid. And except for a few incidents where someone has wanted to play push and orbit with me, I have never witnessed attacks on the level that some of the OP's come in here claiming. I am not saying griefing doesn't happen. I know full well that it does. But if this is the sum total of your SL Experience, maybe you need to rethink where you are going and what you are doing. Einstein defined Insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get different results. In other words, maybe what some of these OP's need to do is get out and get a Second Life and quit wallowing in the muck. There is so much to do and enjoy in Second Life. Go have fun! It's out there waiting for you to enjoy." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I've been in SL for a bit longer than Perrie and I agree 100% with his statement. I've been orbed, I've been at a club and had the sim crashed by griefers, I've seen the prim **bleep** cubes and monkeys falling from the sky, I've see the fabled "grey goo" creep across sim after sim until the entire grid was brought down........but each one of those griefing incidences were so rare back in the days of early SL. For more than 3 or 4 years I haven't seen any of that (aside from getting orbed about 2 or 3 times). Griefing happens......it will always happen as long as SL allows more than one account for every user and allows free accounts (which means it will happen forever). Saying that the servers need more security is showing a great deal of ignorance about servers and what servers do...........the servers don't provide security. It's the software that does that and, LL is constantly upgrading the software (and, periodically, upgrade the servers too). There is a reason that griefers no longer take the grid down....it's that software upgrading that makes that not a problem anymore (that is security, by the way). Take Perrie's advice.....find better places to visit in SL. Though, I will different a bit with Perrie. I really think it's not that the posters of threads like this are visiting all those "bad" places. I think it's that they are using weaker computers (or even not so weak computers) and don't have a clue about what crash is. They have problems because of their computer or the way their computer is set up and it "crashes". Just what can LL do about that? It's not LL's problem, LL has no access to the users computer...what's to fix for LL? It's sort of funny how the same people have the same problems all the time and they never seem to be able to get it resolved.......why is that? I think it's because they don't have a clue about what's causing it and refuse to look at their system or network. It's easier to rant about LL needing to fix it.........or upgrade the servers. It's ignorance and it's totally fixable......it just takes a little effort and an honest look at what you know about your computer and how it works.
  22. Out of the box that computer will run SL at low to medium settings. It has an intergrated graphics processor which is marginal for SL......however, you have 10 GB of system RAM that will overcome some of the problems with a low end GPU. The specs for the computer tell me it's pretty upgradable so you can spend a couple hundred more for a very good discrete card if you want (now or later, whatever your budget allows) and have a very good computer for SL capable of high settings and even ultra with some performance hit. The price looks like an excellent deal for an off the shelf computer.
  23. It's a Windows error. I Googled the code and found many sites with information and possible solutions. This site is XP specific but if you will Google the code you'll find pretty much the same error for other Windows systems. http://www.updatexp.com/0xC0000005.html
  24. The ability to multitask is dependant on the CPU. The i5 is very much up to the task......it will multitask with ease. It's only the graphics that will struggle with SL.........it's just not a high performance graphics card (it's good but not for real time 3D graphics that is what SL is all about). At $674 and you want or need a laptop, that seems to me to be a good deal. It will do everything except SL well........and on SL, it will do okay.
  25. I tried both the link in both the threads you started and the link does not work. You are asking if this laptop is good enough to buy. By the specs you listed, it will be an okay laptop to buy........not really that good for SL. It has a new series nVidia graphics card but the card is not all that powerful for 3D graphics. It will work but you might be disappointed in the performance. I have no idea what you are looking for when when say "Is this a good Laptop to buy?" If you are looking for acceptable, but not exceptional, graphics performance then it will fill the bill. The card is a low level "gaming card"........meaning it will work at no more than mid settings preferences with okay results. It will not handle shadows or depth of field without some very serious performance hits. It also depends on how much the computer costs. It's a better than average off the shelf laptop but just a little better than average. I wouldn't spend more than $800 USD for a laptop with those specs (but I'm not a laptop fan and I think they all are over priced).
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