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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. I'm just a little more than confused about what your question is. It seems that you like this "griefing as roleplay" thing that you sent so much time explaining to us. So I guess you are correct.....some people do consider griefing to be a form of RP. At least you appear to be one such person. If you don't consider it RP then why the heck do you continually expose yourself to it? You got suspended in the past for this RP passion of yours.......it's your choice to remain in the invironment where you can continue to be involved in this role playing theater of drama. It's funny that I've been in SL for a very long time and have never found myself in such a situation. Yes, I've experienced a few instances fo griefing.........they were isolated happenings and were easily dealt with by the Abuse Report feature. I would define each instance as annoying but not SL destroying for me (sort like ants at a picnic)........you deal with it and move on. It's my choice to avoid those annoyances. It appears your choice is to embrace those annoyances. So have fun with your griefing RP. I'm glad you're having so much fun with it.
  2. Two computers (each with diffferent operating systems) having problems with "video cards" at the same time would lead one to believe that the problem has nothing to do with video cards. You say you can't open any viewer for more than 5 minutes before some problems. What kind of problems? There are any number of "problems" that can occur ranging from a sim problem to a network problem somewhere between the network interface on your computer and the servers that Linden Lab owns. That's a bunch or places to develop a problem. No one can help you without some information.......at least, a discription of the problems you are experiencing (I don't know why people don't think it's important to discribe the problems they are experiencing.......I guess they think we are mind readers or somehow can jump through the Internet to your side to see for ourselves). My guess (for almost nothing to work with) is it's one of two things. The sim where you log into is having some problems. Or it's something in your home network. If it's a sim problem then contact the owner of the sim (if mainland, contact LL via a support ticket). If it's in your home network, the first (and easiest) step is to reboot your router and modem. Unplug the devices from their electrical source for 3 to 5 minutes then plug them back in. Reboot your computer after the lights settle to their normal blinking routine to re-establish your Internet connection.
  3. SL will run at 500 kbps but barely (you'll likely get disconnected in the more heavily textured and populated sims). So will SL run good at that speed? I wouldn't say so but it will run.......poorly, in my opinion. But here's the problem with a DSL connection rated at 500 kbps. That's the advertised speed. It's the maximum download bandwidth your DSL connection will allow and you'll seldom see that speed, especially if you live further away from your ISP's servers than about 2 miles (that's the cable miles from your home to the front end for the servers). Your bandwidth is effected by other users on the same trunk line back to the servers........you're likely only getting about 75% of that advertised speed during normal usage time for your neighborhood. That means during peak times for your area you're getting about 375 kbps download. And I wouldn't bet that that slow a speed would even allow you to connect to the SL servers. During non-peak hours you probably could connect (with occassional disconnects) but your experience is not going to be good (not by most people's standard as to what is "good").
  4. According to the error message "R6025 - pure virtual function call" the problem is in the coding of the viewer. You'd probably get better results by contacting Phoenix support. The fix is going to be in the code for the viewer and the Phoenix devs will be the ones to fix it. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/125749 Editing to quote the "Resolution" for the error (according the Microsoft) from the link above: ------------------------------------------------- Calling a pure virtual function is a programming error, so you need to find the... Calling a pure virtual function is a programming error, so you need to find the call to the pure virtual function and rewrite the code so it is not called. One way to find a call to a pure virtual function is to replace the pure virtual function with an implementation that calls the Windows API function DebugBreak. When using the debugger, DebugBreak will cause a hard-coded breakpoint. When the code stops running at this breakpoint, you can view the callstack to see where the function was called. Another way to find a call to a pure virtual function is to set a breakpoint on the _purecall function that is found in PureVirt.c. Breaking on this function has the advantage of keeping the stack intact so that you can trace what is occurring.
  5. Firestorm and V3 should have separate caches. Actually all viewers should have separate caches.........but should have does not always mean they do. But the folks at Phoenix have been doing viewers for quite some time so I doubt you'll have trouble with Firestorm's cache and V3's cache. However, if you have ever had any other official SL viewer installed on the same computer it's possible (and maybe even likely) that old cache is mixing with your V3 cache......even if you uninstalled that older viewer months or years ago. The caches are not removed when you uninstall the viewer(s). Something to try would be to uninstall the V3 viewer (again if you've already done it before). Then before you reinstall V3 again (a fresh download would be wise), do a computer search of your computer for anything related to SL and manually delete the files and folders found with teh search.........if you have other official SL viewers you probably should go ahead to uninstall those too before you search your computer and reinstall later. It's those viewers (if you run mulitple official viewers) that you should move the cache locations to different places on your computer (don't have them all at the default location). If it's a caching problem that should fix it for you. And, just be a little safer for future cache issues, I'd go ahead and move the Firestorm cache too (it's easy enough to do).
  6. It appears to be a typical Zynga game. Just a flat 2D game with a perspective..........some generously call that 2.5D (but that implies there's something more than just a flat 2D game which isn't true). No competition........even if it allowed user created content.
  7. I'm an American and I am concerned with value and quality for anything I put money into. But I also have never seen SL as any sort of investment........none. I pay a quarterly fee for my premium membership and have done so without a single month missed for over 6 years. I view SL as entertainment. The money, effort, and time I've "invested" in SL was for the sole purpose of furthering my (my personal) entertainment. And SL has come through for me without fail superbly. If you came to SL with the thinking that it's an investment in anything other than what you are prepared to loose on then you are setting yourself up for some big, big disappointments. SL was created as an experiment by Philip Rosedale over 10 years ago.........if's still an experiment. Some people really need to think about what they are "investing" and just how risky that investment can be. SL go belly-up tomorrow, I'll be disappointed. But I would not feel I've lost anything except a fun entertainment past time that I've enjoyed or 6 plus years. I will survive........and have 6 years worth for fond (and pleasant) memories.
  8. Well, when the oil companies come up with plans like this, they call it price grouging............and the big hammer is slammed hard by a government. If it's good for the goose, then it's good for the gander........so now we have $15.00 a gallon to look forward to because Exxon/Mobil, Shell, BP have their interests too? I guess when all the interested corporations are fixing their bottom line together monopoly laws can't be used. Pretty slick, if you ask me.
  9. Can they do that? Yes they can. Is there anything that can be done about it? Yes...she can ask to be unbanned......otherwise, the answer is no.
  10. Intel http://downloadcenter.intel.com/ AMD/ATI http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx nVidia http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
  11. Okay, I can relate to being wordy when trying to explain something.........I'm guilty of that myself. But your post, besides be wordy (which I can forgive), you wonder all over the place with issues. That makes is almost impossible for anyone to offer any meaningful help. A basic tenant of troubleshooting is to work on one issue at a time, fix that and see what's left to fix. When I run into what appears to mulitple problems I take the first issue that comes up..........in your case that appears to be the animation problem. When animations happen unexpectedly they are usually some worn item. The first thing to try would be to "detach all".......if the problem is caused by a worn item that should stop it. They see if you have the other problems........if you do then work on that issue. Keep doing that until you find and fix the problem....yeah, it can be tedious but sometimes finding a fixing problems are a little tiresome. Try that then come back and tell us if it fixed it or what problems still exist. As others have mentioned, use the "Edit" feature for your post to add information or comments instead of starting a new thread.
  12. " some one should make a law about that. oh! wait. we dont want no laws govern the interwebz. is evol that. is way better if the market rules to bad for them in the countryside where is only one ISP. nevermind. they can move to the city where they can get another ISP on the market there" -------------------------------------------------------- 16, I'm pretty sure I remember you mentioning in the past that you are not an American so I can forgive you a little on this. But before you say something like: "we dont want no laws govern the interwebz. " You really should, at least, read our Constitution. The United States government is meant to be a minimal government. One that allows individuals to self govern as much as possible..........not governed by a central government that tells us what we can or can not do with our lives. A government that stays out of the way as much a possible.......not interjecting itself into everyone's life. Totalatarian goverments and dictatorships do that injecting, not a free society with limited goverment. That's the problem with the US today..........no one has read the Constitution (or if they have, they simply can't conprehend what it says). "Make a law" is the cry from the masses over the last couple decades (excellerated over the last 2 or 3 years). And then they wonder why an ISP can cut off their access to the Internet on the say so from some special interest (such as the RIAA).......and no recourse (you are guilty without any evidence). Sound like Cuba or China? More than just a little bit. 
  13. What would be interesting to find out is has the RIAA contributed to the people in Congress who are sponsoring this latest bill. The RIAA certainly qualifies as a special interest group........they couldn't give a flip for Internet users. The just want their interests covered no matter who they step on. They have very deep pockets (as shown by the huge number of lawsuits they've brought over the years). Surely they can afford to protect their interests without destroying my (or your, or our) interests...........but it's easier to find a Congressional representative to make a law that simply requires them to notify an ISP of what they think is a pirating issue and "convict" the alledged violator without the need to prove anything in a court of law. Sweet deal, huh? :smileymad:
  14. "... As for hoping that some ISP's will stay free, no. This is simply a new attempt to pass a law worse than SOPA. Currently, they paid or constrained ISP's to pretend they've taken the decision on their own. After people would have cooled down and enough accepted this practice, they would also pass a law to make the whole thing obligatory. It's basically doing it before it's legal, so people get used to it first and they can later legalize it more easily. That's why everyone needs to act urgently. ..." ------------------------------------------------------- Kinda like issuing an Executive Order to get past the lack of a law created by the Congress (as laws are required to be created per the The Constitution)? Or invoking Executive Privilege to stymie an investigation into a possible government cover-up? I'm afraid we are already beyond that need to act urgently.
  15. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights are different. But the new push for laws surrounding creater's rights are mixing the two. It's one thing to hold a copyright on something.........there are some very specific laws protecting copyrights. But when someone, say in SL, creates something they don't hold a copyright to their creation unless they obtain a copyright for it.....almost no one does that. However, the creator still has rights to the content......those are Intellectual Property Rights. All these new laws governments are trying to get put in place want to enclude IP rights with the copyrights. That makes the laws extremely vague.......so vague that the laws those laws infringe on everyone's rights. Yes, content creators need protection....but not at the expense of everyone else's rights. Mixing the two rights into a single law makes it impossible to protect both copyright holders' and content creators' rights without taking rights away from everyone else. Someone needs to do the hard work and figure out a good law that protects the IP rights of creators and does not infringe on everyone else's rights. It needs to be a separate and narrowly defined law.........that's not an easy task but it's the law makers' job. If a content creator wants the same protection for their IP then obtain a copyright for the content......they are well protected with that law. It's a special interest group pushing this....and they couldn't care less about my rights as long as their interests are covered. When a law requires some disinterested party (such as an ISP) to report (or otherwise notify) to the government "violations" (of a vaguely written law) and then take action against the suspected infringer that is putting my liberties at risk.....where's my right to know who accused me and where is my trial in a court of law before action is taken against me? What happens to my reputation? Am I assumed guilty of somthing that I haven't even been charged with? Do I get put on some black list and never be able to obtain Internet access again? I'm a citizen of the United States.....that is absolutely against everything the Constitution of the United States stands for. But, as I mentioned before, this present administration has not problem infringing on anyone's rights if it serves their purpose. Someone said this is not the United States of China. No it's not..........but it is not the United States of America either (not with crap like that going down lately).
  16. Why not? The present administration already had allowed the EPA (a non-elected agency with an appointed administrator by the President) to fly drones over private property with the express purpose of looking for violations concerning environmental concerns..........concerns such as how much water you might be using for irrigation of your farming fields. The EPA can then, by observations from a remotely controlled drone, issue citations or even file charges against suspected violators. Those same drones are also being used by law enforcement for the purpose of enforcing the laws within a community. There is absolutely no way the use of such drones for less than honorable purposes.....such as some 20 year old pervert spying on some unsuspecting teen sunbathing in her backyard (a back yard that is surrounded by a privacy fence). It's not against the law to sunbath nude on private property that is not readily observable from a public place. Look at the crap with the TSA and the perverts working there. Well, of course, it's for the better good...........NOT!! We are so close to a totalitarian government it's scary. A law to control and spy on the Internet fits this administration's agenda quite well.
  17. It's not hard to believe at all. Laptops are cramped for space which means heat is harder to evacuate from the case. Most laptops are not designed for heavy graphics use. Even desktops will overheat with SL............I know I've burned up an nVidia 8600 GT installed in a full tower (and I keep a clean case).
  18. In addition of Karen's and Rolig's answers (both are possible solutions) I want to say that if you are running SL on a minimally spec'd machine (especially a laptop) there is always the danger of damaging your computer due to heating issues.....graphics adapters/cards specifically. The graphics rendering in SL is demanding and works the hardware very hard. The hardware involved will do everything it possible can to produce what data calls for and will heat up due to the work load.......if that demand is beyond the hardware's ability it can (and sometimes does) overheat. In extreme cases that hardware will destroy itself......and until that hardware is replaced your computer will not operate. You should always pay attention to what's happening with your computer. Get some hardware monitoring software and keep tabs on the heat generated when you are running demanding programs and take actiion when your heat build up gets close the upper threshold.....about 105 C for most graphics cards (my personal upper limit is about 90 C). For a laptop a cooling pad is an absolute must......and a clean computer case never hurts a thing. Not paying attention and skimping on a $30 cool pad is foolish in my opinion.
  19. I'd have a lot fewer neckaches and my carpal tunnel would go away. All joking aside.........I'd be just fine and dandy. I'd still find a reason to "need" and new video card, or to tweak my computer to run demanding stuff (even if I don't need to). Life does not end when I shut down each evening so I don't think it would end if LL shut down on their end either. :smileyvery-happy:
  20. Well, to be honest, I'v never heard of the Panasonic CR-51. I Googled it and found it's rugged business notebook computer call a "Tough Book". Evidently the primary design feature is it's ruggedness. I guess some companies use the computer for field technicians for such businesses as telephone or cable TV where the technicians need a computer for their work.......the sales pitch says it can withstand fairly severel drops and other abuse. I suppose that's a good thing when the computer is used for what it's designed for. But, it's not designed for heavy Internet use. It's very limited in it's specifications and almost no provisions for upgrading to a computer that will do much besides a little bit of web browsing. It certainly does not appeat to be able to handle games (except the most basic of games like the ones you get with your Windows XP operating system........Black Jack, Hearts, Battleship and such). The maximum memory the computer can handle is 4 GB of DDR 2 RAM.........that's not very good. It has intergrated graphics (but I could not find what intergraed graphics..............so I'm going to say it's very low level. It's nothing but a basic computer designed with a specific purpose (field work for businesses who have a need for the field employees to have a computer to work with when they are their work in the field). Not suitable for a program like SL at all. You mentioned that you are wireless because your "mom being so cheap". The specs state the computer has an Ethernet connection (RJ-45 connector). That's a hardwire connection........you do not have to use wireless. Every router made for home use has hardwire connections.........even the wireless routers. If there is no router in you home network then maybe your mother is using the single Ethernet connection for her use? If that's the case then why not spring a few bucks for a router so you can connect with the Ethernet cable? I just purchased a new router a couple weeks ago and I spent a bunch (just over $100 USD)......you can find some good ones for $50 - $75 USD quite easily. But, even if you go that route and get a router and connect with an Ethernet cable your computer is not going to run SL worth a flip.........if at all. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6045978&CatId=3981
  21. "... Put simply: no one is 100% correct on this topic. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you. ------------------------------------------------------------- Someone needs to do some research of their own on the subject. Linden Lab is a private company. Linden Lab which is the owner of Second Life. Linden Lab owns Second Life lock, stock and barrel. A private company can make their own rules to restrict or allow anything they wish as long as those rules do not violate any rule or law by a higher authority than they. Forbidding private conversations from being disclosed without all parties prior consent is not violating any law or rule of the higher authority of Linden Lab (the US governement). LL says it's against the rules, then it's against the rules. There is no gray area. There is only the authoritarian rule set up the the authoritarian company who owns the product. You or anyone else cannot use disclaimers to get around a rule that has no ambiguity. The disclaimer in question is not against any rule (ToS)........it's when you use that disclaimer to actually violate the rule that is set forth by LL. LL has the final say. You are at their mercy if you break a rule and you have no recourse if they decide you're guilty and "throw the book at you". No one elected a single employee in LL's company.....they are king and you do as they say or risk the consequences. Anyone stating what the ToS says is 100% correct. It's people who put ambiguityy into the ToS who are 100% out of step with the "law" of Second Life.
  22. A couple of things. First the driver you are using is driver version 186.40. The current driver is 301.42 for your video card on a Windows 7 x64 system. Your driver is very old (I kept my old driver for a couple years before I updated it and it's version number was 19x.xx (I forget the exact version number).......your version 186.40 is before my old driver and I updated that driver about 6 months ago. That driver is not doing you any good as far as crashing is concerned.......you need to update that video driver before you even attempt any other fix. And second. An nVidia 9100 card (no matter GT, GTS or GTX) is a bottom level card for the 9000 series. The 9000 series nVidia card is about 3 years old (I'm being generous because it could be older). It's a weak card to begin with even back in the days when it was brand new on the market. With the advances to the SL viewers it's next to useless for anything other than the very bottom of the preferences settings in a veiwer more modern than than the old SL viewer 1.23 (LL stopped support for that viewer over 2 years ago). I think you an see where your problems lay. Until you resolve those two issues I doubt you're going to have much of an SL life.
  23. To answer your question about whether or not the "game" is worth it if you can't "pump" real dollars in it........that's entirely up to you. Some people will tell you it's completely worth it and some people will tell it's not worth a single cent. Only you can decide what's worth anything or any effort. If you're asking if you can "play" SL without putting in real money into, then answer has been answered.........yes, you can. There are people in SL who make it a point not to pay anything and they enjoy the challenge to accomplish just that feat (many are quite successful and have a very fulfilling experience).......those people have been in SL as far back as when LL opened the enrollment to free accounts back in 2006. On the "game" verses some other term for exactly what SL is. In the strictest sense of the definition of the word, SL does not fit the mold........it simply cannot be defined as a game. What is it? The generally accepted term has been it's a "platform". If you think of what the Internet is you can get a better sense of what SL is. The Internet is certainly not a game yet many people use it as a game. The Internet is not a business, but there certainly are many businesses who use the Internet. The Internet is not role playing platform but there is a huge portion of the Internet devoted to role playing. The Internet is not a social network but there are millions who use the Internet for just that purpose. SL is not at all unlike the Internet in that way........it's exactly what you use it for. So when someone calls SL a "game" some people will bulk at the use of the word. I only bulk at the word when someone makes the comparision of SL to an online game as far as performance is concerned...........in that respect there is very little to compare SL to a game. The design of SL has little in common with a game.......the 3D environment is about the only aspect that both a game and SL have in common (practically nothing else is the same). So if you want to think of SL as a game go ahead........I won't disagree with you because, in many ways I think of SL as a game. But if you compare SL to an onlne game as far how how SL works then I'll argue with you. The way you put the statement" Haha, th Roleplay forums where they can't seem to understand that it's just a game.at's like I have no disagreement with you. It's a game in the sense that you stated. But for someone else your statement is incorrect (but only for them and those who use SL for something other than a game).
  24. If I understand you correctly you launch the viewer and a second or two after launching the viewer simply closes........that's what you are seeing in your task manager? That sounds like a borked installation. I would get a fresh download of the viewer and save it your disk. Then uninstall the viewer you have now.......after the uninstall search your computer for any left over files and manually delete them. Restart your computer then install the fresh download...........it might be best to shut off your anti-virus and spyware programs during the installation. See if that works. If not then I'd be checking my anti-virus to see if it's killing the program thinking it's some sort of malware. Norton and McAfee are reputed to be bad about that.
  25. At around 4:40 SLT I answered your question that Rolig linked to. Unless you've gotten a new computer since then the answer is the same. Your computer will not handle mesh viewers.....ask the same question 50 different ways and the answer is always going to remain the same. I'm sorry if you don't like the news......but there's nothing any one can do to fix it but you. Get a better computer that is capable of running the programs you want to run on the computer. Or stick with the viewers based on the very old 1.23 SL viewer code that is obsolete. There are a few out there but that's probably not going to be the case in a few months.
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