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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. Gift cards don't generally work with SL. But Visa is reported to work........but, I've noticed that it's hit or miss (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't). I know the Visa debit card works (as that is my payment method for my Premium account and has been for over 2 years) so the chances are good, in my opion since gift cards are debit cards and not credit cards. You'll have to give it a try. Editing to add: For recurring charges, such as premium payments, I doubt a gift card will work. But for one time purchases, like purchasing Linden dollars, it should.
  2. As it stands right now there's nothing anyone can do to help you. Without information about your computer, any error messages you might get or an accurate discription of exactly what happens when you try to launch your viewer (the viewer you are using is also helpful). Use the Options in the upper right corner of your post and "edit" to add the information or comments.....do not start a new thread.
  3. Run your anti-virus/mal-ware scan. You likely have picked up a virus.
  4. If you are premium and your membership goes into default you will loose access to your account until the membership is caught up.......if that goes beyond 30 days from the time your account is locked your account will be deleted. You probably received an email telling you that your account is in arrears and that you have 7 days to clear it up. LL will bill once a day to get the money you owe for that 7 days.......after that it's locked. 30 days later, if the account is not brought up to date the account is deleted. You really need to take care of the problem. Contact billing: ------------------------------------------------- https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ ------------------------------------------------- Call them and explain your problem and they can help you. Now I have a question. You say they took $24. That's an odd amount.......the monthly fee is $9.95, quarterly is $22.50 and yearly is $72. Nothing is $24. Not even with a tier charge attached. I don't see where LL would take $24 for anything except you purchasing Lindens (ant that will not have anything to do with your membership fees). What was the $24 USD for? You can look in your transaction history on your dashboard to see what the $24 was used for. Use the options in the upper right corner of your post text box and "edit" to add any comments or explanations. Don't start a new thread.
  5. Lindal said: "... getting the perfect shape can take weeks, or even months, of going back and looking at yourself with a fresh eye." ----------------------------------------------------------------- Or years. It took me approxiately 2 years to finally get the shape I wanted for my avatar.
  6. Yes. Make sure you only use a freshly downloaded file. And save the driver to your computer to install after you've removed the old driver (do not "run" from the website).
  7. You'll have to ask those people who make everything full bright. I don't think many here can answer.......we can guess though. I guess it's because they either want their stuff to be noticed (even at night) or they don't know better. There's a place for full bright and it should be used........and there's a place where it shouldn't be used. But those places are what I think.....not necessarily what others might think. I ignore things that sort of bother me. Maybe you SL experience would be better if you learned to do that.
  8. The only part a viewer would have in relation to sim crossings is that some of the viewers designed for lower performing graphics and machines won't have as large a load as, say, the SL viewers (which have all the capabilities where a "lighter" wieght viewer wouldn't). Sim crossing problems are largely server side.......LL has made great strides in getting the problems down to mainly crossing with complicated vehicles with more scripts (which are probably the most fun vehicles because of complexity of them). It used to happen with simple walks across sim boundaries wearing practically nothing at all and no scripts.......that seldoms happens anymore. A sim crossing presents a problem for the servers in that you are leaving one sim and entering another. Each sim is housed on a single core of a server CPU. When you cross from one sim to another everything about you and your vehicle must be handed off the the sim you are entering......if you are wearing complex clothing or attachments with scripts and your vehicle is complex and has many scripts attache to it, that can become quite a mess for the servers to sort and get all transfered to the new sim. It gets even more messy if the core the sim are are leaving resides on a core of a different CPU (LL's servers are quad core which means up to 4 sims can be housed on a CPU). That means not only does everything have to be transfered form a core to another core, it might have to be transfered to a completely different CPU. And to complicate things further LL has two server locations (one in San Franscisco, CA and one in Dallass, TX)......that sim boundary may mean that the different CPU might be half across the United States. It just ain't a simple "fix it" thing......there's a lot to overcome for what is seen as a simple border crossing. You might try changing what you are wearing (if you are a non-human avatar that may mean using a simpler avatar). Or try using a simpler vehicle with fewer prims, textures, and scripts. About the time LL gets a jump of a fix, something else comes along the make it more difficult. We didn't used to have the vehicles we have today, we didn't have mesh avatars, or vehicles.....those things are more complex and require more to the transfered on a sim crossing. I'm afraid the problem will never be completely fixed..........but it will get better.
  9. You did not say who the card maker is but Sapphire is one of the most well known and has a reputation of being one of the best so that's what I Googled. After reading several reviews I found that the card certainly should be fully capable of running SL at the highest settings with little or no difficulty...........it's roughly comparable to the nVidia GTX 680 card (which is pretty much at the top of the video card heap right now). Your problem could be that you need to update the driver (from AMD's driver update site) or that you driver is corrupted. I would try that first. Even if you did update the driver try doing it again........and I'm pretty sure AMD recommends removing the driver you are replacing before installing the new driver (make sure you follow AMD's instructions to the letter (if they say remove the old driver, then remove the old driver.......don't take short cuts). If that doesn't work then take a good, close look at how the card was physically installed in your computer. Make sure everything is properly seated in the slot and the power connections are properly connected. I did read this one statement on one of the reviews I read and it could be your problem: "The Sapphire Radeon HD 7950 has one 6-pin and one 8-pin PCIe power connector located along the top of the PCB that need to be hooked up. SAPPHIRE says that the Radeon HD 7970 OC requires a 500W or greater power supply with one 75W 6-pin PCIe connector and one 150W 8-pin PCIe connector for proper operation." http://www.legitreviews.com/article/1962/1/
  10. What I'm seeing in your snap shot is practically none of your textures are rezzing. And it appears that the textures that are not rezzing are textures with an alpha channel (some level of transparency). That usually indicates a weak graphics adapter/card. The problem could be a driver issue but unless the driver is very old or severely corrupted a driver update will not solve the problem..........I think it's the graphics adapter/card itself (it's just not a GPU up to the task that the rendering of the scene requires). The problem about "when i try to use the arrow keys i either go a great distance or my legs and feet move but i go nowhere" is a classic symptom of a slow Internet connection. I bet you lose the connection (get disconnected) shortly after your movement problems show up. A wireless connect could be the reason so if you are connecting wirelessly try an Ethernet cable instead (hardwired). And rebooting your router and modem is a good thing to do as Lindal mentioned. A slow or flakey connection can also contribute to texture lag. If you will launch your viewer (no need to log in) and under the the "Help" menu click "About Second Life". You'll see your computer specs that are reported to the servers when you launch the viewer......copy and paste those specs back here so that anyone can get a better idea of what the problem might be and suggest more than just generic things to try. You posted the snap shot after you posted your orginal post so I know you know how to use the "Options - Edit" to add to your post..........do that instead of starting a new thread.
  11. It's true. The best performance in SL is wired connection to the Internet instead of wireless. Not only is it faster but it's not prone to the outside interference that wireless connections have.....your cell phone, cordless house phone, garage door opener (even one of your nieghbor's openers), that geeky teenage tinkering in his bedroom next door, that airliner flying overhead at 35,000 feet communicating with air traffic control. If something is transmitted over the air, it can interfere with your wireless Internet connection. All that outside interference makes any WiFi connection less stable than a hardwired connection. SL does not tolerate unstable connections well at all. To overcome that is simple. Get a Cat 5 Ethernet cable and connect it from your computers Ethernet port (on the back or side) to your modem or router. Unless you have a very low end laptop your computer has an Ethernet connection (RJ-45). And almost every router and modem manufacturered has the same Ethernet connection for a wired connection.
  12. "... The SL servers shouldn't have to render anything for us. Hell, they shouldn't even need GPUs. They store the information. It's our machines that do the 3D rendering. ..." ------------------------------------------- No the servers do not have to render anything (that's up to the users machine). The servers don't have GPU's. The servers deliver requested information to the users' viewers. The graphic information has to be coded to OpenGL or DirectX standards. All the information is coded........that's called the server software. The software determines which graphics rendering protocol is used (OpenGL or DirectX). In order to have both OpenGL and DirectX there would need to be two different software packages (one for OpenGL and one for DirectX)........two different software packages cannot exist on the same server. So you would have to have two separate grids (and neither would recognize the other). One grid with server code using OpenGL and one grid with server code using DirectX. It's not that complicated really. I think you can comprehend the fact that you have one computer. Your computer has an operating system. The operating system determines what graphics your computer can utililize (if you have a Windows machine then your computer can utililze both OpenGL and DirectX. If you have a Mac or Linux machine you cannot utilize DirectX because it's proprietory to Microsoft). Your Mac or Linux machine cannot use DirectX because the software package that runs your machine can't see DirectX.......and there's no way to make it use DirectX (not legally anyway). That's because of the software that runs your machine......just like the servers for SL. It appears you don't know how SL is built or you would not even try to compare MMO's to SL. Everything you see and experience in SL is coming from the LL servers. All those pretty textures, fantastic builds, birds, boats, cars, planes, butterfies, animations, particles.......everything........come to your computer from the servers. Nothing resides on your computer except your viewer code, caches and chat logs. MMO's, on the other hand, reside on your hard drive......only positional information is sent to you. All the textures, avatars, buildings, animations, birds, boats, cars, planes butterfies are right there on your hard...........the downloaded game you chose when you installed your MMO is coded for graphics using either OpenGL or DirectX (it's one or the other, not both). That's why you can have "both"........but only one at a time and only what your computer can utililize (you can't install a Mac or Linux version on your Windows machine, or vice versa). I'm not taking anything personally when you say LL is lazy or stupid or both...........but I do see some stupidity being placed here. And it's not LL.
  13. "... There's absolutely no reason for SL not to have DirectX support outside of "We're too lazy or stupid." --------------------------------------------- Too lazy or stupid? Well the lazy way would have been for Philip Rosedale to go with DirectX back in 2001. It might have even been a smarter way to go to tap into the Microsoft bandwagon and made SL a Windows only platform.........he didn't go the "lazy" way though. Going DirectX has a whole new set of problems due using a proprietory graphics rendering engine. Do you remember Blue Mars of a few years ago? You know that SL killer that was suppose to set the world on fire? Where is Blue Mars now? The went DirectX and limited their users to Windows only..........that persented tons of problems for the creators since everyone had to deal with proprietory software. It also stiffled creativity in such things as animations. As for using both DirectX and OpenGL on the same platform. Yeah that can be done.......with duplicate grids. The SL servers operate using OpenGL and that same set of servers cannot also operate using DirectX. A game that is housed on the users computer can choose one or the other (just install the one for your system). But SL is not housed on your computer (only the viewer is). You would have to have two separate grids.......and those grids could not mingle. So, who's being stupid here?
  14. That's twice you've mentioned DirectX in this thread. Maybe you should read a little bit about DirectX. You'll find that is basically proprietory to Microsoft. That means it does not work or Macs or Linux machines. There's a very good reason DirectX is not considered by LL for Second Life. It's Windows only. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirectX
  15. I'll accept that and thank you for it too. Now that I understand what the issue is (which took a while for someone.....not the OP by the way.....cleared it up for me). People really should think about what they are saying when trying to point something out. Things like using the proper word in the proper context. If that were to happen there would be so many less "heated" discussions. And then some people who insist that others are stupid for not understanding the question or problem would have less to start trouble over. Someone questioned where I was from, which questioned my understanding of the English language.......and I was only responding to what was said. Not what they "meant". I don't know what anyone means unless they tell me. Title your threads properly and explain your problem properly.........not hard to do really.
  16. 08-19-201212:20 PM Peggy. I have replicated this on plenty of sims. If the sim has contiguous sims to the south and they're in your draw distance, the closer you get to the SE or SW corners of the sim, and the greater your draw distance, you're going to see the bandwidth indicator in the stats panel climb to insane levels and, if you've got the debug console up, you'll see why it's happening. It's just as described in the jiras. ---------------------------------------------------- I just did it again to make sure. My plot of mainland sits at the northern edge of the sim it's located in. What's more it's almost dead center of the sim east and west on the border with the sim to the north. My draw distance is set at 256 meters. That means I can look across each sim to the north and to the south. I also look across half a sim (not counting the sim I'm in) to both the east and west. That's pretty much a worse case scenairo for the problem you discribe (and what the JIRA discribes). My bandwidth meter did nothing unusual.......a spike to about 800 to 900 kbps (with occassional jumps to 1,000) when I turn and face a new direction. That's exactly how the bandwidth meter has always worked. I even increased my draw distance to 512 meters to see if it would do something wierd........it didn't. Then I cleared my cache, relogged and did it again from the same vantage points. I walked acrossed the sim borders of all four sims. Everything was very close to what I've always observed on the bandwidth meter. The only difference I did notice was that my FPS were a little higher than normal (by about 10 frames)........but that can be explained by someone's build changed or was removed. I normally get about 35 FPS on the ground where my plot is but right now I'm getting close to 45. I don't think that has anything to do with what the subject of this thread is about. I have no reason to lie. I do not have a data cap with my ISP. I do occassionally check my usage but only for couriosity sake........I guess I should check it though. Maybe I'm mistaken but I just do not see this issue. And my whole point for even posting in this thread was that, originally, the OP was complaining about usage, yet speaking about speed. After being told I'm missing something I re-read the original post carefully..............I wasn't missing anything. The thread is both incorrectly titled and incorrectly discribed when the title is taken into account. A title is to discribe what the subject is......no one should have to guess what the poster is saying in order to join the discussion. Perhaps if I had the same attitude as many about LL I might have been more "in tune" with what the OP was complaining about.........but I don't. When LL gets under my skin too much for me I'll do what I have to do to make that stop. If that means I leave, then I leave.........but I will not bore you folks with all the pointless whinning and bitching telling everyone that I'm so important to LL that I deserve special consideration........to that I'll be missed. I'm no more important than that 100th free alt of a basic account who has never spent a single RL dime in SL..........and I'll be missed just about as much as that alt would be. I don't have the problem that you discribed...........I'm not lying as you implied.
  17. I think your wife needs to do a manual cache clearing and relog. While she's at it do a complete computer shut down then unplug her router and modem for a few mintues before plugging back in and rebooting the computer. And it wouldn't hurt if you did the same thing. It's a communications thing between you and/or your wife's viewer and the SL servers. Clearing out the junk routers and modem collect over time often fixes problems like that.
  18. If that's the case then I'm going to say it's a cache problem. It could be a bug I suppose......but I can not imagine the problem being any place other than the cache. Once the data is put in the cache then it is not downloaded again. Use another viewer until it's fixed. The title and the context of the post says one thing and you (and others) are saying somthing completely different. It would help of people used the proper word in the proper context to relate to a problem. But, in this case, I don't think that is the case. BTW...........I haven't seen this problem. My bandwidth speed and bandwidth usage has not varied much at all (just the normal tiny little variences that occur with each log in and each TP to somewhere different). Absolutely normal on my end.
  19. Higher than normal speeds would equal more bandwidth usage over a given period of time.........duh. But what are the servers going to download to your viewer that hasn't already been sent? They going to download everything twice? Or some of it twice? Bandwidth speed is important to reduce lag.........bandwidth usage is important to be able to see everything. A texture has a finite size. If it's (as an example) 1 MB in size it will use up that much bandwidth to be sent to the viewer......but if it's 1 MB in size it will not require anymore than that unless it's downloaded again. A very small cache could cause that but not likely. Even if it's the cache size, it's not a bug or a problem with the servers........it's a setting (and settings are on the user's end). Speed and usage are two very different animals.
  20. I know you never mentioned speed........but that's exactly what you are talking about. Hence my statement that you don't know what you are talking about. And niether does the OP. I won't argue about maybe the servers ignoring the "bandwidth" setting in preferences. That's entirely possible and could very well be a bug or glitch. I'm arguing that the servers are responsible for sending too much bandwidth (total amount of information sent) to a user. That's beyond my ability to believe..........unless the servers suddenly started sending double (or something) the data sent to viewers. That is beyond belief.. And that is what you are arguing. The entire grid would go down if something like that happened.
  21. I am from the United States. English in my native language and I'm pretty good at it too. The title says bandwidth usage. That means that the total amount of data recieved (mostly) and sent has a finite limit. Once that limit is reached then access it either stopped or severely limited until the next billing cycle by your ISP. The LL servers have absolutely no way of knowing what the limit is so the LL servers cannot slow or restrict that data flow so that your limit is not exceede. The ISP can do that......and if you exceed that limit they charge more or they simple cut off you access until the next billing cycle. And you're telling me that LL is responsible for someone exceeding their limit by "flooding" their viewer with more data than can be handled by the users computer or the user's ISP.........that's not likely at all (maybe even impossible). A user's computer being "flooded" by more data than can be handled by either the user's computer or the user's ISP will result in a disconnect from the servers...........not sending too much bandwidth (as in the total amount of data sent and recieved). It's context. Bandwidth usage is the data sent and recieved. Bandwidth speed is the amount of data sent or recieved in bits per second. They are not the same. That is what I'm talking about......you don't know what you are talking about. You can wind your Grandfather clock up and you and watch the wind blow your flowers in your garden. One word. Very different meanings. It's context. And the post (and title) are talking about bandwidth usage..........but you are arguing bandwidth speed.
  22. What are you trying to download? If it's the viewer check your security settings for your browser or you security software. Not being able to download something has nothing to do with Second Life.........it's on your end or the site you are trying to download from.
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