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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. The atmosphere.....that illusion of being in a store. The fellow shoppers (or browsers or tourist). I've met quite a few friends (some good some real jerks) while shopping. It's not the same as meeting people at a club.....it's so much more spontaneous. That's mostly gone now. And it hurts SL a great deal.....who can you chat with on Market Place when you're shopping? Cirian had the most sensible answer so far.....though I really don't think tier is the main reason. Tier hasn't changed in years....it's not like it's an expense that has increased. SL used to be so unpredictable......you'd meed some the nicest people unexpectedly. LIke a said, meeting people shopping used to be a joy......if I even see anyone shopping now days, they are dead silent.
  2. You can decline that "flyer" before it ever reaches your beach bag......just as you can mute the person talking to you before the conversation even gets started. I'd rather do the decline than mute personally. Either way it's a silly reason to AR and it's even sillier for everyone to get up in arms over it. Technically it's spam...but it's technically against the law to swear in public too. Save the outrage for a real problem spammer or that really vulgar SOB disturbing the peace with cuss words for all the children to hear.
  3. I didn't say anything about Obamacare. I used Medicare as an example of a the US government creating a huge debt problem and the US citizens helping that debt along by taking advance of the give away (of every tax payer's dollars). It's out of control now and everyone is going to suffer because of the problem. The Government is at fault for creating the program but the citizens are also at fault to using the program for their benefit. So, who's mis-informed? Who needs to do some research? And, lastly, who needs to learn how to read the English language? On my not having sympathy........I'm only talking about the merchants with MP stores only. Meaning the merchants who do not maintain an in-world store. By not having sympathy for them does not mean I dislike them......he means what I said. No sympathy. Having a business in SL is not, at all, unlike having a business in real life. If you choose to go a route to further your business that someone does not agree with then accept the fact that the person who does not agree with you won't be sympathic to your problems with your business. You can certainly point a finger at LL for the problem (and that finger pointing is accurate)........but you also need to stand in front of a mirror and do some pointing too. Your choice is also part of the problem. If you want my sympathy, then quit being part of the problem. That doesn't make me dislike you. And, finally, I've mentioned before that I'm a Tea Party supporter..........all your crap about Obama Care and other such government give aways are falling on deaf ears. You will not win me over..........not matter how you state your BS. I'm not going discuss politics with you or anyone else here in the forums. It's obvious you have a difficult time reading English anyway.........it would be such a waste of time.
  4. Nikita, seeing your name reminds me of somthing else that I truly miss since so many merchants have moved to the Market Place as their primary stores (or even their only stores). I remember being in your shop one time a long time ago (I don't remember what you even sell in SL.....it's been that long ago). What I remember is that you were there in the store. I don't know what you were doing....maybe updating items, checking sales, tending to a support problem, or just being there in case anyone had questions or problems (that is not really the point anyway). You never get to see the store owner or creator anymore.....it's just a name listed on the product or at the page header, no visual image or presence of who you are dealing with when you purchase something. So many merchants pride themselves in their customer support (many who have posted here in this thread).........but a little tiny thing like being in the same place that your customers are in is such a boost to confidence for people like me who are looking to give you lindens for something you are selling. I can remember very vividly one other store owner/creator (I won't name her or her store simply due to not wanting to promote anyone over another). She sold skins and, at that point in my SL life, I was a really skin fanatic (freak). I danced at the time and skins were important. She was almost always present in the store. She remembered me by name after the very first skin I bought from her. Asked me how I liked the skin (the skin by name that I had purchased a week or three before). That impressed me.........here I was a single person who bought a single skin one time in the recent past and she remember me and the skin I bought. How would that be possible on Market Place? It's not...........and that is something I dearly miss about in-world stores. Customer support/service is way more than just replacing borked or mis-directed items. It's showing your SL face to the people you are depending on to give you lindens. And I'm a little thankful that you chimed in...........I was starting to feel a little lonely here. Getting accused of disliking merchants and other implications that are simply not true.
  5. I don't dislike you..........I think you are making a mistake is all. What did I say that makes you think I dislike you? Because I don't want to hear you whine when people stop buying things since there's nothing in SL but clubs and houses is why. That's not saying I don't like you........that's saying that your problems about selling anything depends on the people who buy them and if their's not people in-world to enjoy the product you sell on Market Place (or, really, I mean fewer people because there will always be people in SL). Take a look at the big map....see how many green dots there are. Yeah there's some 50 to 60 K at any given moment but count the green dots on a single sim.......it's often 1 or 2 with an occassional 3. That's very different from just about 3 years ago when there were 10 to 20 on many sims. Those sims were sims with shops and in-world stores. Their gone now........and that, is a shame. That gives the impression that SL is empty (that's not true but that's the impression it gives)..........that drives away people from SL. And when they are driven away you won't sell a thing to them. Why do you think everyone's sales are down? The products sold are the same or better quality and the prices are not any higher for the products, there are more people, (yeah more sellers too....but not any more percentage wise than in 2005). When all the dots you see on the map are newbies who are trying to make up their mind about staying, or oldies like me who probably have everything they want (at least, most of what they want but not shopping for anything new), sellers who are scratching their heads wondering why no one is buying much of anything (both in-world and at Market Place), or bots.........you aren't going sell much to any of those. I know the reasons for slow business in SL is not a single reason. There's the real world economy, there's the complexity of SL (that infamoous learning curve), there's the vast size of the grid and no easy way to find your way around, there's the problem involved in getting your items in front of potential buyers' eyes........and tons other reasons. Yes, LL started this mess (I said that in an earlier post) but the merchants are just as guilty.........they perpetuate it by closing stores in-world (it's too expensive, I can't get search to work, it's laggy, it's........*insert any excuse you choose*). It's a fact of life in SL (and not much different that the same fact of life in real life). I'm not going to petition LL to change..........there's no incentive for me to do that. I don't own a shop so I'm not loosing a single linden over this. I'm also not entirely sure I wouldn't mind SL shrinking in size and going back to what it used to be...I'm very aware that nothing goes back to the "old days" but it sure can get a little better than it is now. All I seem to hear anymore is LL is screwing the merchants. Maybe they are but the merchants sure are helping them do that screwing. I don't see it changing....not now or ever. I just wish the merchants would be a little more responsible for their own actions and admit that they are complicite in their own issues with sales dropping like rocks. Percentage or responsibilty? LL--60% merchants--30% and other--10%. I don't dislike you...........I just don't like hearing you whine all the time and point the finger exclusively at LL.
  6. I can't disagree with you at all. But, it's like all this talk about supporting Medicare in the US right now (an election year). Our government is at the root of the problem but we perpetuate it by supporting what the government is doing because we can gain from it ourselves..........and now that Medicare is drowning all of us in debt, we scream bloody murder because it's beginning to hurt us. LL is at the root of the problem. When they bought out the SL Exchange a few years ago the talk was mixed......it's great for business and will grow SL or it's business in SL's death blow. I think it's the latter. And since I have no business in SL and I can make everything I really need (not everything I might want but what I need) I was actually neutral on the subject. History has shown the latter is what's taking place. It's a little sad but it's the way LL is taking SL......enjoy the ride as long as you can then jump off, I guess. I've been here for over 6 1/2 years (quite a bit longer than most stick it out). Some of the magic is gone from when I first came in wided eyed and amazed back in 2005. LL has changed, the demographics have changed and I've changed........it happens. But losing the in-world stores is very disappointing. LL started this mess but merchants have helped it along too. So, I'm without sympathy for those who choose to keep Market Place only shops for their goods. Sorry it that upsets anyone.
  7. And watch sims go away and abandoned mainland grow.........and complain about SL dying. Which finally will impact Market Place. Everyone will wonder why they just can't get sales to finance their intertainment (and their land where they have a "home".......that is mostly unused because you are not in-world tending to your SL business but tending your Market Place business instead). To tell you the truth, I don't really care myself. I know how to make the clothing I like. I know how to build. I make all my own textures. I can't make hair but I have so much in my inventory now that I'm good for a few years in that department (besides, I'm pretty sure I could mess around and figure out how to twist torus' around myself). Shoes, pretty much the same (I got more than I need now). Skins.....got that covered too (my own). As far as I'm concerned all the stores could go away both in-world and Market Place and I'd not miss them much at all. But you're shooting yourself in your foot abandoning the place where you depend on remaining healthy for your "income". A smaller SL would suit me just fine........something like the old days with less than 10K concurrent log ins. SL seemed much more populated back then.......and we had a lot more fun too. More playing and less "business".
  8. "... Until things change in SL I will not have an inworld store again, but that dose not stop me from providing great customer service and making quality products." ------------------------------------------ And it won't change as long as Market Place is the "store" of choice for both the customer and the store owner. That is going to make SL even more barren that it is now.........only clubs and houses (all empty because everyone is shopping at Market Place. A downhill spiral that will excellerate as time goes on. Shopping used to be a very popular pass time in SL...it isn't anymore because all the shops are no longer in world. You're traffic is down in world because you have a shop on Market Place....but you must if you want to sell stuff because "everyone" has a shop on Market Place. Well, here's one gal who'll never purchase a thing from your Market Place shop.........I don't shop for virtual world stuff outside the virtual world I'm in.
  9. I've had my plot on mainland ever since I joined SL (that that was long time ago). As far as I know I've never been AR'd (I have been banned from clubs though). People are not AR happy on mainland........not any more than they are on private estate land. I think you're just upset because some moron threatened to AR you.......chances are he never did. LL won't tell you so all you have is his say so........and he seems like quite a piece of cake so weigh that when you decide if he actually went to the trouble (AR'ing is not hard but it must be complete which takes a few minutes and some thought). And, despite all the quoted parts of the ToS that people are tossing around, the ToS is intentionally vague about spam......that gives them some wiggle room (which would be necessary as your situation shows). Taking the discription as quoted from the ToS you could not IM someone without first asking if you could.......that is stupid and anyone would know it. Dropping a LM could be advertising a business......but so could a club owner or manager IM'ing you and telling about a group for club members (a little creative thinking is all it takes.........you know the same crap lawyers are paid big bucks to do). What you did is considered impolite and/or rude. But as far as a violation of anything of importance it's nothing (and I still don't think it's a ToS violation until it's repeatedly sent.....the wording in the Cummunity Standards is a little less ambiguous so it could be an AR'able offense by that standard.....but I doubt it). I really don't think the abuse team would get past the word "landmark" if they recieved an AR stating that someone gave them an unwanted landmark before the delete key was hit..........if anything thing they might warn the person making the AR about abusing the AR system (and that is a specific ToS violation). I'm pretty sure you are safe and have a clean record in SL as far as LL is concerned.
  10. Well, I'm certainly not a newbie and I agree with most everything you said. I do not shop Market Place......the reason being is that I'm more or less a purist I suppose. This a 3D virtual world that you sell items or products to use in that 3D virtual world yet a Market Place seller is selling goods for the world from outside the world.....that, to me defeats the entire idea behind Second Life as a virtual world built in 3D. I think I know the reason for most Market Place only sellers......it's cheaper. They don't have to own or rent land in SL to have a business. Well, my answer is simple.........you won't get a sale to me without an in-world store/shop/presence. Market Place is one big reason SL has become the mundane world for many of us old timers. The "magic" is being thrown away by creators and marketers not being in-world for their business. If you are a Market Place only seller, and you go bust I won't shed a tear......nor will I be sympathic when your Magic Box screws up your deliveries. Go open a place in-world.
  11. There are two theories of thought on cache sizes. One is that a small cache size is best because it takes less time to search the cache when your viewer calls for a texture or object (the viewer always checks the cache first before it dowloads from the server). The smaller size does cause older cached items to be overwritten more often which means you will be downloading more from the servers once the cache is filled. The other thought is a larger cache is best because more can be stored locally to make textures and objects quicker to rezz. Your computer can pull a cached item up and rezz it much quicker that downloading it from the servers then rezzing it. I fall about in the middle of those two lines to thinking. An overly large cache can contain so many items that searching becomes a factor in the time to rezz.....especially if the item is not in the cache yet since the viewer will search the entire cache before it decides it needs to download from the servers. And an extremely small cache can be searched quickly but fewer items can be cached which means more downloading from the servers......meaning slower rezz times. There's also the added complication with small caches of files becoming corrupted because of the overwriting of older files (and that can lead to some significant problems that only a clearing of the cache will fix). The default cache size of 500 megs is probably best........at least that's what I found. No matter what size cache you set, it's best to move the cache to a separate drive.....especially if you are using a Windows machine. The cache becomes heavily fragmented over time (and that can be a very short period of time too). If the cache in on your operating system drive then that fragments your Windows which will slow you down a lot.
  12. Oh there was no discussion about your absence that I know of..........I just remember I haven't seen many posts from you in about a year and a half (I few about mesh is all). I do remember you not being overly excited about how the forums evolved into this modified blog mess trying to mimick a forum so I just assumed you moved to a forum much easier to navigate and discus things. But I saw your post and chuckled when I saw your typo. I just had tease the professor over it. Glad you got your health back in order.
  13. Phil, I don't think Cortland is arguing that what he did was okay. He's arguing that the ToS does not forbid the passing out of landmarks (but the wording in the CS seems to forbid such practice).........that, of course, is my take on the discussion so far. He has admitted that what he did was not okay. He also told everyone that he did not know it was not okay when he passed the seven LM's to seven different people. It was only apparent that he upset anyone when this one person made a stink about receiving the LM and threatened to AR (or maybe that person did AR). He stopped doing it claiming ignorance. He came here to try to get some clarification about if he was going to get in trouble for the seven LM's he passed out. And, immediately he got jumped and called a spammer......I don't blame him for trying to make people understand his intentions and purpose of passing out LM's was not spam. No one is accepting his explanation. It's all a very minor transgression (if it's even one). His question has been answered (sort of). The consensus is that he did violate a CS rule (but some still think it's a ToS violation too......which I don't think it is). And the big answer he was looking for is if he's going to get in trouble.........and that answer is "probably not". But since he's been called a spammer (not a particularly nice thing to call him when he was ignorant of the problems that a lot of people have with unsolicited anything). I think you are taking the term "spammer" a little too far. You may be technically correct about the spam.......but not about Cortland being a spammer. If your computer is infected with a virus and is part of a botnet distributing spam or phishing attacked to all your contacts and you don't know about it then, by your definition, you are a spammer. I don't think so......and I think you might agree. I know you're a fair person........lord knows how you were attacked a few years ago. This "attack" on Cortland is not nearly as vicious and heated as yours was but it's very very similar. Just think about it.
  14. If LL support cannot explain it to you step by step then I really don't know what to tell you. I think it might be a language thing since I can't make much sense of just what you want......maybe if you try in your native language someone who speaks that language would be more help. But, no matter what language you use you need to use the proper words for what you want. For instance, there is no such thing as "land credits". Under normal circumstances, I would think you meant prims (you need more prims for your land) but then you go on to say you need "land credits" so you can add them to so you have more credits? If you need more prims then you have to obtain more land........prims are directly tied to land. If you need more "credits" I'm afraid I don't know you are talking about. I'm lost. I think maybe support got lost too.
  15. I second that, Dillon. Marigold has helped so many ghosted people in the past she's a legend, in my eyes. Some day I'll tell you how I met Marigold in-world. A hint: I was ghosted and she found me using her secrete ghost busting method and offered to help me. But I already knew I was ghosted and had just unghosted myself when I got her offer to help. We've been on each other's friend's list snce......and that was (what?) two or three years ago? Marigold has never sought recognition for her help........but she deserves it in spades.
  16. "Maybe because they act in the same way irl too, maybe they are the ones who stand beside bullies or are the bullies. The ones who nobody really likes. They feel bad inside and for some reason they need to make others feel bad too, or at least try to." ------------------------------------- In a way I agree with you that some of those "vultures" do act the same in RL. But, I depart from your analogy to being a "bully". Most of the time I see the "vultures" swoop in is not so much being a bully but actually trying to make someone see what is really the problem. Someone comes to the forums with all sorts of issues (mostly about personal problems with others in SL). They lay out all these transgressions against them and accuse the transgressors of violating them in some way. In almost every case that I've witnessed (and that's a lot of witnessing over the 6 1/2 years I've been visiting SL supported forums) the person is just ranting. Saying half truths (at the most) and whinning endlessly about the "vultures". Those "vultures" are trying to get the complainer to see the facts. The complainer doesn't like the facts so they say more half truths (or out and out lies) to support their angle on the situation. It's at that point that those "vultures" get a little mean or "vulturistic". I won't say I've never seen an unwarranted bout of "vulterism" in these forums. But I will say it's pretty rare. Most people (even here in these forums) are kind people.......not bullies. Bullies is such an over used term. Because some outspoken person disagrees with a poster and says what they believe, does not make them a bully (especially if they know what they are talking about). It makes them a person who wants to help the poster. If you can't take disagreement with your views on anything or you are so thin skinned that a cross word makes you cry then you really need to rethink your maturity to even join the forums (and forum on the entire Internet). I'm no bully but I sure have had a few heated "discussions".......some where someone got their feelings hurt (and it wasn't mine).
  17. Good to see your activity once again in the SL forums. I know the reasons you slowed your contributions, but I wanted to tell you that I really like to see your posts once again. Even if it's only occasionally. Maybe we can fight again!! *I'm joking and you know it.......we have gotten way past those days.
  18. The 555M card will run SL mesh just fine. Only if you want shadows it's going to bog down noticably.........but it will work for you. Good luck with your new computer.
  19. If it's divulging personal information AR the prim in addition to notifying the sim owner. Right click on the prim and "report abuse") or something very similar. That is a huge ToS violation.....even on a private estate. To notify the sim owner go to about land to find the owner.........and IM and/or Notecard the owner with your concerns.
  20. It happens..........but not nearly as much as a year or so ago. The teleporting and finding all your prim attachments shoved up your butt occassionally crops up too..........darn I miss those old days.
  21. "... If your images are each 2456x256, ..." ------------------------------ Typo? Sorry, Chosen...........I couldn't resist. But you know me. I'm just built that way. :heart:
  22. With 209 posts in less than 2 months, it appears you're quite active on the forums. So I'm sure you know everyone here are mere residents, just like you. So that part of your first sentence really doesn't make much sense (actually your entire post makes little sense). We can't speed up your being able to log in again......only Linden Lab can do that (and there's little or no chance some Linden will stumble in here to read your post). Like I said I'm sure you already know that. But since you posted in the publically available forums I'll give you what I think you are up against, and my suggestions on what to do. It's pretty obvious someone other than you gained access to your account. It could be that you willingly allowed such access (not a particularly good idea) but it also could be that your account was accessed without your consent.....meaning your account has been compromised. An account being compromised is something LL takes very seriously. Whenever LL learns of a compromised account, the first thing they do is put the account on hold and deny access to anyone. That's not only for your protection, it's for their's too (they are required to protect your personal data and to remain protected from legal consequences they have to shut off access to the account). How LL became aware of this (possibly) unauthorized access to your account remains a mystery to me but I'm going to guess. You saw that charge back to this Crossworlds and called LL to complain (or find out what it was all about). You probably told them that you did not make a purchase or otherwise do anything with your account to get a charge back......which is telling LL that your account was compromised. Your account was immediately placed on hold at that point. I'm sure LL told you to contact PayPal and to change your password (you know the basic and elementry security measures you should already be very aware of). Now it seems you actually know who did the charges to your PayPal account and that the money has been paid back to you. That's odd, in itself. Why, if you knew who it was, did you even call LL? Maybe it was your son/daughter or husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend.....even your most trusted next door neighbor. Who knows except you? The point is, your post is confusing and doesn't make a lot of sense to me and raises a lot of questions.........if it does that to me I imagine it does it doubly for LL. They are going to investigate, look at the server logs, check whatever you told them on the phone. Are who you said you are? You told them your account was accessed without your knowledge and they will do everything they can to verify everything you told them before they release your account. My suggestion..........wait.
  23. "Now, you abuse reporters out there.. chill out.. use all the common sense tools to resolve problems yourself before filing a report. Ask the person to stop. Block them. If all those tools you have for self-resolution don't work and it's something serious like somebody using alts to disrupt your sim over and over then fine report it." ------------------------------------------------------ Agreed. I'm a little surprised at some of the responses here (and the posters of those responses). How many times have we had some breathless poster come here and whine and cry about avatar "A" annoyed them in some way (almost always some trivial thing such as "he said my avatar was too short and threatened to report me")? And what is our response? Something like "Get over it", "mute and ignore", or "drama queen"? As far as I can see this was an honest question where Cortland seemed genuinely concerned about getting some sort of disciplinary action taken by LL for a pretty petty offence (not even a ToS violation, but could be a CS violation........interpetation is everything). There is absolutely no indication that spamming took place.......and I believe the term was only used because spamming is a ToS violation (and AR'able) and using some creative interpetation of the passing of a landmark to someone makes an argument to bolster their statements. So, yeah, I say chill out too.
  24. I've been seeing a number of these type of threads popping up in Answers the last few weeks. First, it's probably in the wrong section (the wanted section or even land seems more appropriate). Second, it sure sounds like the in-world begging requests we all get so tired of........you know that newbie who comes up to you and gives you some sob story about needing "only" L$100 more to buy a new skin and they pay you back next week.
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