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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. If Maitreya had only changed the shoulders and neck, it would still have to be a new body, because it would still have not worked with existing Maitreya Lara mesh clothing. Giving us 2 bodies for the price of one (free if you already bought Lara) was really the best solution to some people wanting major changes to the body and others not wanting changes. Also, even though I didn't have to buy a new body, I'm buying new clothing at Maitreya for LaraX, so they're still making money. (I love the Vintage jeans.)
  2. You know how cops are free to go over the speed limit? Maybe LL is free to break their own rules? If so, then I think nudists, escorts, and Gorean sims deserve to be represented too. Alternatively, maybe there is an LGBTQ+ sim that's not rated Adult?
  3. Is there an exhibition area for Innsmouth? That region is pretty cool and should be promoted.
  4. @Wesley Spengler , @FelicityPage and @Charlemagne Allen
  5. You could also turn on Highlight Invisible, so you can click on it easier. Another option thar probably few people use is to click on it and select Wear from the pie menu. (I don't know if this is only in Firestorm, but it's fun to use with clothing. It makes your avatar jump to the item and wear it.)
  6. There were some referring to parts of the new Stilt home regions as the Phallic Isles, but I don't think this would ever be an official name.
  7. Lelukta has free heads for the 12 Days of Christmas event in December. Akeruka has $L 1 group gift heads in June and December. Logo had free heads this last end of December into January I think, but we don't know if they'll do such a give away again. Genus has a free female group gift head, but their male heads are not free. LucyBody has a couple of relatively inexpensive female heads. Other mesh head makers (Catwa?) could have free or promotional heads in the future, but we can't predict this now. LAQ is about to release EvoX heads, so they could have promotional prices, but their previous heads were all female. The Fabulously Free and SL Frees and Offers groups are good for alerting us of such promotions.
  8. Btw, that story about the 2 wolves peeves me because it assumes that people have a "good side" and a "bad side", whereas people who have actually studied human psychology would understand that it's all just learned behavior and often survival behavior that people have learned in bad situations. I'd rather say that there is only one wolf, and it's fighting itself. Wolves also are not "good" or "bad". They're either more dominant or more submissive, either good at getting along with their fellow pack members or not good at getting along with them. The aggressive, short-tempered wolf is likely to get chased out of his pack eventually, even if he makes it to alpha status for a while, because the other wolves will only put up with his B.S. for so long before they turn on him.
  9. One thing I'm still trying to learn is when and how to enforce my emotional boundaries with people. Having empathy and compassion for others doesn't mean I should neglect my own self-care or self-respect. This doesn't mean I want to be mean or rude to people, but it's too easy for me to sacrifice my own needs for what I percieve to be the needs of someone I care about. What does this have to do with Love in SL? I'd argue that empathy is the primary component of love, and without empathy, one cannot feel any kind of love for another person, be it erotic, platonic, familial, or spiritual.
  10. I think we need to all agree to disagree when discussions here turn to religion and spiritual beliefs and practices. I know better than to argue about other people's beliefs and holy books.
  11. See that red [A] in the Location? That means this is an Adult event in an Adult region. If you don't have Adult content selected in your settings, I don't think you'd even see this event listing. The F-word might not be allowed on the forums, but it is part of region names and descriptions inworld, and every other word there is allowed on the forums. This could certainly be posted in the Adult subforum.
  12. Yes. It's kind of like the GTFO game. People can buy the trash and recycle bins on Marketplace. ( They might be free or nearly free.) Then if people want to go around collecting the trash, there are pick up days and a chance of getting gifts in the trash as well. I thought it might be a good way of unloading excess no copy inventory items, but I didn't look into it deeply enough. * Something else I wish we had in Belli would be weekend yard sales, with just free stuff (since we can't sell things).
  13. Don't deactivate the account. I suspect you might get better customer support with a Premium account, but people here may be able to suggest some solutions first. How much inventory does this account have? A very large inventory might not load properly. Have you tried going to an empty region in the middle of the water and loading there? Do you use a Firestorm viewer, so you can ask for help in their inworld support group?
  14. First of all, if these lands are volcanic islands, there need to be more mountains and volcanos. Second, I prefer shorter, simpler names in general. Old Belli North - Includes Traditionals, Campwich Forest, Pickle, Cental Houseboats (aka Squishy Pickle) & some of SW Victoria Old Belli South - SW Victoria, SW Houseboats (aka Squishy Pickle South) Central Victoria - Merrymount & Victoria Island (aka Vic Island) Central Belli - NW Victoria, Logland, Stilt Islands, Ranchland, Mediterranean (aka Medi), North Coast Stilts, Belli Island, Welcome Island, & Sakura Fantasseria Eastern Belli - Newbrook, Chalet Land (aka Chalets), Houseboat Islands (aka NW Houseboats), & NE Coast Houseboats. Southern Belli - to be completed later (I'm hoping for a subcontinent with The Bayou (1024 m), Garden Distict (1024 m), & Gothica (2048 m Gothic mansions.) This area might also be said to include Fantasseria.
  15. I just don't respond. I don't feel the need to disable my inbox and have only rarely blocked anyone on the forums. Besides, if you totally block someone, you wouldn't be able to see when they apologize.
  16. I thought the horoscope stuff at the end was silly, but before that I thought it was a pretty good explanation.
  17. @Love Zhaoying I was referring to PMs for the forum. If someone wants to block those, that's their right. We are not obligated to continue an online conversation, unless perhaps it's with a moderator. If someone is being argumentative or rude toward me publically, I certainly don't feel obligated to continue such a conversation privately. At least in public one has witnesses to what is said.
  18. What do you think of these official names? I think most of them are too long. What's wrong with just Newbrook or Sakura?
  19. I thought it looked like a cognitive test question or "which of these things is not like the others?".
  20. I quite enjoy my $L 1 Infinity ♾️ Frieght Train, but maybe that doesn't count as a toy? How about a free skull-headed staff that shoots fire at people? 🔥 😁
  21. I have to assume you meant to say most of the free male heads are less than ideal, since Lelutka and the other major mesh heads fit fine with the major mesh bodies. Perhaps the problem isn't with the heads, but with the Legacy Classic (TMP) mesh body? One possible solution is to direct newbies who want a free or inexpensive mesh body and head to the Altamura free bodies or the almost free DNA male mesh bodies. I used to suggest Altamura, but after trying the DNA bodies on my male alt, I find these superior. Both bodies have the head included as part of the body. The DNA bodies are also BOM compatible, offer many choices for heads and skins, and fit Signature Gianni sized mesh clothing reasonably well with alpha layers.
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