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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. 5. Being able to tint clothes myself would be great. 4. A mini color/ texture HUD in one color range would be my 2nd choice.
  2. No. It was 2013, for the SL10 Birthday, sold by "Shopkeeper Linden", but no longer on MP.
  3. Actually, I don't think the virtual places work for us unless we have a RL memory for them to remind us of. Maybe if a virtual world could fully engage all our senses they could, but with the limited engagement of our senses that SL provides, we have to rely on memory to fill in the missing pieces.
  4. Some people enjoy taking out their frustrations by virtually shooting things up. For me, playing a game like that one would just make me feel even more stressed out.
  5. I don't think @Love Zhaoying is confusing people. I think you might be invested in viewing SL as having more importance in your life than many other people feel it has in theirs. I love having SL as part of my life, but I think being in RL nature is more grounding and healing for me than being in a virtual recreation of nature. Focusing enough on RL is also necessary for being able to pay one's RL expenses, let alone for getting along amicably with other people in RL. If one can't get to the coast in RL, a virtual beach with surf sounds might be sufficient, but it's not really as good as the real thing. I love my little house in SL, but it's not a substitute for a RL home where I can feel safe and comfortable. Of course SL isn't just one thing. Of course the people behind the avatars are real people with RL experiences, thoughts and emotions - but this doesn't mean that an experience in SL is equal to an equivalent experience in RL. I'm not being flippant, but one needs to touch real grass, not just virtual or plastic grass. When I feel either frustrated or unsatisfied by my experience of SL, I log out and think about what it is that's bothering me and what do I actually enjoy doing in SL. I think it's necessary to have this distance, this separation from the medium, in order to think clearly about it. For example, I was feeling frustrated by not being able to fit my existing clothing nicely onto a new mesh body. I had to decide which is more important to me for each of my avatars, having a body shape I like better or having a large, existing "closet" of clothing. Struggling with my clothing inventory and feeling frustrated by it, isn't a good use of my time spent in SL. I decided that my alts don't need to wear the new body, then I won't have that frustration with them. Deciding to limit myself to my 4 current accounts, and these each being limited in what they wear and do, also limits my potential for feeling overwhelmed or frustrated in SL.
  6. Do we know how many L1 homes are occupied? I'm sure LL knows, but I don't think they've released that information publically.
  7. The system or algorithm is far from ideal. I don't know enough about computer programing to describe a better one, but I believe it wouldn't be too difficult for a Linden programmer to create such. This system has been a problem before we had Premium Plus, so it's not by design that it's so frustrating.
  8. The bear was a free avatar on the SL Marketplace made by LL in honor of one of the previous birthday celebrations. I don't know if it's still available.
  9. Maintaining a sense of humor is also a good coping mechanism for resiliency against life's stressors.
  10. I love how you showed pictures of RL women to show what is a natural shape. (I'm suspicious of the waist on that woman in the flower shop though.)
  11. Ok, I'm going to walk back and qualify my previous statement a bit. What we feel is within us, whether the stimulus for that feeling comes from an interaction in real life, in SL, or from something we watch on TV or read in a book. Any coping mechanisms we use to control our emotions are valid as long ad they work for us and don't hurt others. Prayer, in my opinion, is a type of communication between a person's consciousness and a perceived or imagined entity they may define as a diety. If one prays in SL, one is also praying in RL - unless they're only putting their avatar through an animation and typing text they don't really believe or feel. In RL, pretending to pray so that others will think they are praying, would also not really be praying. If we feel upset or stressed by something we read, we can close that book. If we feel upset by something we see on TV or experience in SL, we can turn off the TV or log out of SL. However, the feelings we felt will likely remain with us, so dealing with them is not as simple as closing the book, turning off the TV, teleporting away or logging out of SL. I think removing the stressor/ trigger first, then analyzing one's emotions would help. I think listening to soothing music, prayer or meditation, or switching to a different activity that focuses one's mind in a different direction could help. If the stressor comes from within SL and it was relatively minor, then moving to a different virtual location and doing something that feels soothing may be enough. If one frequently feels stressed by interactions in SL or problems with the SL interface, however, then taking a break from SL may help more, in my opinion.
  12. How one feels is not always within their control. People who have been traumatized may react to triggers. Someone who has PTSD from being in a war zone may feel scared and threatened by the sound of fireworks or by a the sight of someone who looks a particular way. Someone who was traumatized in a religious context may also feel threatened or dehumanized by discussions about religion or God. We can usually control our behaviors, but we can't always control our emotions.
  13. One can do both. There are church services and meditation events in SL. I also attend pagan rituals in which the attendees respond in text to the words of the person leading the ritual.
  14. /me put on hip boots to wade into this quagmire. Mentioning prayer as a coping mechanism is not the same as discussing religion. Meditation is not the same as prayer; meditation quiets the mind; prayer directs thoughts and wishes toward a diety. Chanting may be a kind of prayer too, but the repetition of words also creates a meditative state. Posting a prayer or psalm comes very close to advocating for a particular religion, which would be against the forum rules. Mentioning God is usually vague enough to not be a problem, but suggesting that a particular god or religious belief is more real or true than others would not be ok. We have people here with all different kinds of beliefs, which is to be expected on a secular forum. We should not denigrate or raise up one belief over another here. p.s. I don't need resilience to enjoy SL. I need it for real life. If SL upsets one so much that they need coping mechanisms to continue using it, they might benefit by real life therapy.
  15. I wish Maitreya would also include a deformer so that LaraX can fit better in Lagacy sized mesh clothing.
  16. The last line of the poem as Luna posted it, is not in the original. It's actually: If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
  17. Did you use the small butt deformer included with LaraX v1.1 ? I thought that worked well on my alts.
  18. I think it's best for you to stay with Maitreya Lara for now. It's still the most popular body, with the most clothing. Over time, LaraX might eclipse it, but your skin, rings & shoes (except thigh-highs) will still work with it.
  19. I think it is. I might even get an award for the oldest necropost bump.
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