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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. assuming you are using v2 - i am not familiar with that one, but others will come along and tell you were to find those options - i just wanted to say that it's not possible to be completely invisible. there are third party viewers that have a feature called "true online status" which overrides your settings, basically, so if your friend uses any of those viewers, for example the phoenix viewer, your online status is visible to them regardless of your settings. besides this, it's also possible to see online status of anyone via groups. if you want total privacy i'd suggest make an alt and tell no one about it.
  2. should i complain that i didn't see any commercial? =p thanks for the vid, valerie! \o/ cool song <3 :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  3. awesome! :matte-motes-evil-invert: love this one! :matte-motes-nerdy: what i wish for: a little higher contrast on them, some hover text and the pop up window slightly bigger by default/save resized at exit and i will be happy. oh, and the padding issue, too, but i see that is on the agenda :matte-motes-inlove: thank you :matte-motes-kiss:
  4. did you wear/attach it from the ground or did you take it into inventory first? wearing objects directly from the ground may very well be a possible way to lose stuff.
  5. it's scammers allright. google the text. http://www.google.com/search?q=my+heart+is+seeking+for+a+true+lover+that+will+bring+joy+and+happiness+back+in+my+life%2CI+am+looking+for+a+long+term+relationship+in+a+man+of+your+kind
  6. Destiny Eberdene wrote: Here's an example. Yesterday I was sending IM notices, I typed in my IM notice and clicked Send. Apparently there were some issues with chat because I received a message stating that my message could not be sent to the group, if it didn't appear within the next few minutes, to try again later. So I closed out the group and moved on to the others I'm in. I went back to it about 20 minutes later, give or take, opened the chat window and didn't see my post, so I entered it again, and that time it went. (bolded part) this is common group chat behavior, unfortunately, and has been for the longest time. only a very few times out of all the hundreds and hundreds of group chat messages i have ever posted never did get sent. being delayed for 5 minutes, even 10 happens all the time. so chances are that it did get posted after you closed out the chat. and once you close the group chat window no chat posted (by anyone) between then and next time you open it will be saved, like resident to resident ims. that is why you didn't see your first message. good luck with your own group. sounds like a good choice =)
  7. contact the merchant, explain what happened and be sure to include your transaction info. they might very well resend the avatar, chances are higher if it's no transfer. your transaction info can be found here: dashboard > account > transaction history and/or marketplace > my marketplace > my account > order history
  8. ah, k. well ,then you should be good to go, yes \o/ some merchants will state that their hair/prim clothing is modifiable when it's in fact only stuffed with resize scripts. in my opinion, this is not equivalent to being mod. thankfully this is not the case with shapes. if the ad says it's mod it is mod =) have fun with your new shape!
  9. some merchants include more than their clothing in the package. like notecards, textures (pic of the clothing/item) and sometimes the unpack script belonging to the package you unpacked either by rezzing or wearing. i think the icons varies slightly from viewer to viewer (there are more viewers out there than the official one), but the red and green dotted square sounds like a texture. and the greenish piece of paper with the dot in the corner could be a script. they do have names/descriptions i assume. what do they say?
  10. not sure i understand your question. i may have misunderstood you. are you asking if you can change the body on the demo shape? in that case it's a no. always. if you're asking if you can change the body on the regular shape no one here can answer that, as merchants set different perms on shapes. am i totally misunderstanding you?
  11. demo shapes are never modifiable. they often come with big hands and feet. if the regular version is modifiable or not you would have to read the vendor/ad to confirm that. i see a lot of no mod shapes and to be honest they are pretty worthless. either go for a modifiable shape or make your own.
  12. try upping your LOD factor a bit. i have mine at 6, but i think it should suffice having at at 3 or 4. also make sure they are the right stitching type. depending on how the sculpt is made they might need different stitching type.
  13. yes, good thing our answers are completely different the op should be covered now :D
  14. duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/How-do-I-get-my-group-to-appear-in-in-world-search-and-on-search/qaq-p/843585 (i posted answer in the first thread, i didn't see this one until now) will paste in my answer here as well tick the "show in search" option in the group window. it will take a couple days or so before it appears in search but this is generally the way it's done =)
  15. tick the "show in search" option in the group window. it will take a couple days or so before it appears in search but this is generally the way it's done =)
  16. (polishes her stinger, aims for peewee, wiggles her butt and...) (to be continued)
  17. bee Baroque


    hi skylar \o i'd do what peewee suggested. she's usually good at these things when she's not being bad =p wanted to add: search is your friend - i found an aerosmith group that might be fun for you =) http://search.secondlife.com/web/search/groups/?q=aerosmith and welcome to second life \o/
  18. did turning your ao off work for you? i don't think the lucky chairs are scripted with a sit animation. not the ones i have come across anyway. in your ao, however, there is most likely a sit animation and you have the choice to switch it on and off as you like (switch it off for when sitting on poseballs, for instance) if you have one, try turning it on, and then next time you sit on a lucky chair your ao sit animation should kick in. aos are set up differently, but you should have a menu or a hud or something with settings you can change.
  19. that's so sweet of you to say, loveangel =) (almost as sweet as the BIG FAT HONEY JAR a certain someone stole from me! scream!)
  20. what's the rush? :smileyindifferent: you're 5 days old. premium account won't go anywhere. follow peewee's advice. they are good. take a bite of sl first. chew thoroughly. first when you have done that you can decide whether you need salt or not =)
  21. (hops on hunny jar and rolls over loveangel, leaving her all squished and screaming) miiiine!
  22. (opens lid, pushes peewee in and struts away whistling)
  23. LMAO :D i swear i can't turn my back on you for one minute :D
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