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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. sl demands a lot from your machine. it could be that your machine is having trouble handling the program. you are not alone. tell us about what kind or problems you experience, when you are crashing and your system specs, and people will try to help as best they can.
  2. in addition to replies already given - here's the official knowledge base article on selling in the marketplace - a mandatory read http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193 i wish you luck in selling, but be prepared; making money in sl is not easy.
  3. anything you drag into a notecard has to have full permissions for next owner. so even though it's full perms for you, you need to set next owners perms to mod/copy/transfer. or did you already do this and it's still failing for you?
  4. Soa Bellios wrote: Alright, why can't I choose a name I want to use when making an account? Say I want to use the name Vanessa, yet the darn thing keeps telling me that name is taken. nothing anyone can do about that. if it's taken it's taken. go for a different name. or, if you do choose to add numbers to the name you want as a last solution, you should know that there are a whole bunch of vanessa[randomnumbercombo] already... :matte-motes-mad: you are not alone in missing the first name/last name. but they are gone. if the lab people decide to go back to the old names i will eat my polygon shoes.
  5. sure. why not. disney, nike, adidas, hello kitty. - and metallica for good measure. :matte-motes-not-entertained:
  6. i'm a little confused when you first say you tried different viewers and it looks the same, but then you say it's a problem when you use phoenix. which is it? i would try adjusting the graphics settings (objects details), perhaps upping your LOD a bit, but you say it's only the hairs and nothing else so i am not sure. any way you can show a picture of the hair(s)?
  7. your question is not stupid. but be patient. no one here is paid to help and you are not the only poster here. and bumping is not cool. even though bumping doesn't work in these forums.
  8. the reason why you only got rid of one script by going into the contents, like you described you did, is because that was the root prim and the remaining scripts were located in the other prims in the linkset. when selecting a linkset you will only see the contents of the root prim (outlined in yellow). to remove all scripts using that method would require you to go into each and every prim in the linkset (using edit linked parts) and delete scripts. so - fastest, easiest and most thorough way would be to do it the way the merchant advised you to do - and as ansariel explained.
  9. as much as i would like to say neener neener! :matte-motes-evil-invert: there are no speshul buttons for me. :matte-motes-crying: the two last columns on the list say "replies" and "new". so if there have come new replies since last i read the topic it will say, like, 5 and 3 respectively (5 replies, 3 new). and instead of clicking the thread title and scroll my way down to the unread messages i click on the number listed in the "new" column instead, and that will take you to the first unread message. well, at least in "forum" it does. in "answers" it does not; it takes me to the top of the page, but the url still says "jump-to/first-unread-message".
  10. people are already answering you in the first thread you made about this http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Shopping/Questions-0n-skin-and-shape/qaq-p/877725
  11. accessing first unread message in forums (via this list http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/recentpostspage/category-id/secondlife_forum/post-type/thread) works fine, but trying the same in answers (via this list http://community.secondlife.com/t5/qanda/recentquestionspage/node-display-id/Category%3AAnswers) does not work for me. anyone else experiencing this? i am using firefox 4.0.1.
  12. http://www.okaygeek.com/blog/how-to-disable-caps-lock-permanently.html
  13. good to hear you solved your issue. could you mark the question as answered? =)
  14. bee Baroque


    after removing the entry on your asset blacklist you need to either tp out and back, relog or change group tag in order for the house to be rendered again. i believe the house is owned by governor linden, so look for that name on the blacklist. or if not governor, then some other linden for sure.
  15. bee Baroque


    and the error says?
  16. an eyebrow base is not made out of prims and won't cut through any part of the avatar, so that is not the issue here. sounds like it could be bad fitted (prim) hair. any way you can show a picture of this?
  17. being new to sl is confusing and i understand the feeling of being lost. there are so many things to understand and the learning curve may be steep. we have all been there. with this in mind my bet is the item you bought require some skills you haven't had the time to aquire yet more so than a defect item. look for a notecard with instructions that came with it or go back where you bought it and read the ad again. if you are still confused - do what knowl said. and welcome to sl. don't give up just yet :matte-motes-smile:
  18. great to hear =) could you mark the question as answered? =)
  19. sorrowfulwoe - have a look in your first thread - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/SL-not-working-or-letting-me-sign-in/qaq-p/872981 let us know what exactly the message says.
  20. what exactly does the message say. "login failed" is usually followed by something more. i am confident we have people here who are able to help you get in.
  21. at what point in the login process does it stop? and - stop as in freeze or stop as in crash?
  22. hi marik. i would suggest you post this in the wanted section - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/bd-p/Wanted good luck :matte-motes-smile:
  23. not exactly sure what you are asking, if you are asking at all; but you can wear only one group title at a time.
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