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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. in phoenix there is this option: "when receive 'group notices' is disabled, disable group chat as well", meaning you can select which groups you want group chat from by disabling their notices (notices can still be viewed in the notice archive).
  2. hi kishi, sorry i couldn't reply more yesterday (timezone differences ) but i am glad to see peggy came to your aid (thanks peggy!) and that things seem to be working for you now! \o/
  3. well if all you did was uninstall and not reinstall then i guess you will have big problems logging in, yes... you will need a viewer to log in with. if i have misunderstood your post and you do have a viewer to log in with - when attempting to log in, what error messages do you get, if any?
  4. this is like shouting in the dark, really. it's very unlikely the person you are looking for will stumble upon this thread. - and you got an answer in your first thread - hopefully that is of help to you http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-have-been-invited-to-group-with-circlea-katsu-now-i-can-not/qaq-p/836881
  5. does he not show up in search? i had no trouble finding him in the phoenix search. i also get the web profile https://my.secondlife.com/circlea.katsu. send him an im and ask for a second invite.
  6. if you are referring to your transaction history there should be a description on the bottom line (in italics) mentioning what the charge is. things that immediately come to mind are upload charges and parcel directory fees.
  7. you have already started a thread about this here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/i-got-overcharged-by-marketplace-How-do-i-get-my-L-back-Create/qaq-p/835237 please keep to one thread, easier for everyone to help you.
  8. it's not possible to be overcharged buying stuff from the marketplace. you buy the stuff for the price that is set. is it possible you could have had items in your cart from before? you can check what you ordered and the price for each item in your mp order history. (when logged in) my marketplace > my account > order history
  9. fancy icons in profiles can be acheived using unicode and ascii art. have a look here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/TNT-Second-Life-Tips-Tricks/FUN-Awesomize-your-profile-with-Unicode-and-ASCII-art/ba-p/652364
  10. do you know for a fact that your friend is paying you or could it be he is playing a prank on you with an object sending you messages like that? as i have a store i get paid when i am offline all the time and i receive no messages that anyone have paid me when i log in. i can possibly recall it used to be like that once upon a time but i didn't know it was like this still. is it different from viewer to viewer? hm (need confused smiley!) other than that - yes, what peewee said.
  11. if that is your real name i would advise that you remove it. this is a public forum. anyone can see what you post here.
  12. no. the linden balance and inventory on the beta grid is just a cached/mirrored version of what's in your account on the main grid. or something =p short answer is anyways; no.
  13. "resident" is your last name.
  14. by "virtual community" i assume you are referring to inworld? if that is the case, at what point in the login process does it fail and what error message(s) do you get if any?
  15. i cringe a little everytime someone calls second life a game... anyway - yes, it's possible to make real money if you have skills people are willing to pay you money for. but be prepared to spend money to make money. second life is free to join and enjoy if you want it be free. but there is the option to upgrade to premium account should you wish to do that. premium account comes with a few perks. go to your dashboard > account > change membership plan and you will see the different options there.
  16. color me confused... can you rephrase your question? and please give the caps lock a spring break. =)
  17. it says "secondlife.com" if my memory serves me right; it has been a while since i bought currency.
  18. as far as the butt crack up to waist issue - hasn't it been like this since forever? i have it and have had it all along and everyone i see have it as well (yes, that means you too, bad peewee! i saw it when i perv cammed you, remember? )
  19. if you have built something, say a shoe, and want to back this up you can export it to your hard drive. as long as you are the creator of all prims and the prim/linkset doesn't contain anything (textures/object contents) less than full perms you can export it (with the phoenix viewer) as an .xml-file by (rezzing it inworld) right clicking > more > more > export. name your .xml-file to something that makes sense to you, save and you're all set. import objects by going to file > import linkset. it doesn't cost anything and will rez at cam position.
  20. better suited for the "inworld employment" section http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment good luck =)
  21. thanks, marigold! i wasn't aware that name change was still an option for "regular" residents. and yup i agree, it must be cheaper to buy double up. besides - if a pair of really awesome shoes make me feel good, then surely -two- pairs must make me feel just great \o/ =)
  22. bee Baroque

    viewer 1

    yes unless it's a text based viewer you can access your avatar with any viewer you wish to use.
  23. hard to say what it can be, perhaps a face tattoo gone haywire? the first thing i would do is strip down (remove all clothing/tattoo layers/detach all). if it's still there, try another skin. if it's still there then, try a relog. if it still is there - are you able to post a pic of it?
  24. username cannot be changed.
  25. we might be able to if we knew what happens when you try to log in.
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