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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. hahahahaha - now don't encourage them!
  2. yeah... i kinda had an idea from reading the title... i was just being silly and sort of hinting to the op - and others posting like that - with titles like "hello/hi/help/re/omghelpme!!!111eleven/avatarname" and very little or no info in the post. now if i was a mind reader i certainly wouldn't spend my time on an internet forum my reply wasn't very helpful and i am pretty sure i won't be receiving any points
  3. i'm impressed at what you got out of "hello"
  4. transcript has been posted here: https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/602437#602437 (the meeting was a mess)
  5. does anyone know where this will be held? the place where it was held last week is empty. eta: oh nevermind. read the date wrong. it's tomorrow isn't it? stupid american reverse date formatting... Message was edited by: bee Baroque
  6. bee Baroque

    Prim Counts?

    great reply from xander i just would like to add a little something i always do when in doubt of an objects prim count/size/omgwhatisthisthing before i rez it - i wear it. you can then while in edit mode determine the objects prim count on the build menu floater. i wouldn't recommend uncritically wearing anything a stranger gave you, though...
  7. you're welcome! i hope one of the solutions work for you
  8. i have installed (but rarely use) the forum ignore by cerise sorbet - http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/89638. it works for firefox, opera and safari i think, and you need to have greasemonkey installed. it will give you the word "ignore" under the poster's picture and when clicked the content of the post is hidden, but the post title still remains. so for example if an ignored/muted person is starting a thread there is no way to hide the thread title. you can at any time "unignore". in addition to this there is also mentioned another way here: - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Blog_survival_kit under "ignore list", called afPlonkJive. i haven't tried this. and. the jira irene linked to is also good
  9. tl dr wrong forum and. what irene said http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/forums/general?view=discussions
  10. glad to hear it's sorted for you! \o/ you're welcome lol yes, self muting can occasionaly be a good thing
  11. you have most likely somehow blocked (muted) yourself. go to me - prefs - privacy - block list and unblock yourself. can you recall what you were doing when this happened? there has been created a jira for this issue - please vote: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-24621
  12. most welcome. you say it's ok now. are you able to get into your home again? do the doors open? did you get any answer from live chat? some of us here i am sure are very curious what is going on with the linden homes suddenly becoming so unfriendly, not letting their owners in
  13. have you set your preferences to include adult content? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Setting_your_maturity_preferences you say you "can't go in my villa now". is this a linden home? and if it is, do you get any error messages of any kind or are the doors and/or control panel unresponsive? i am asking this because there seems to be increasingly more linden home owners having this issue since the latest maintenance. please have a read at the most recent posts around here to see. so far no one seem to have an answer why this is happening. i will advice you the same i have done others, as you are premium i would go livechat. if you get any answer about this (if this is indeed your issue) please do post back here so we can perhaps help others with the same problem
  14. contact the merchant, describe what happened and politely ask for a redelivery. and next time you shop on the marketplace be sure to be online and ready to accept the deliveries. the cap limit at 25 can be reached quicker than one thinks. Capped - Maximum number of offline messages (involving IMs, inventory offers, group notices and group invitations) received before messages get capped is 25. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits#Chat_.28text.29
  15. welll, if you want to take the lab people seriously then they are actually wanting feedback via twitter... http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/technology/blog/2011/01/19/viewer-25-beta-now-available but i guess you can also post in the viewer 2 section http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/forums/v2
  16. cazey Jules wrote: i can't get rid of my undershrit and when i try to take it off its says i have no undershirt on but i do you are wearing a (newbie) skin that has underwear painted on and you need to replace it with a skin without one. and congratulations on posting in a 1 1/2 year old thread
  17. so that's what you did when you started sulking earlier and went inworld to "play". you went to zindra to sit on strange devices hm. looks like an angel - but is not
  18. i wasn't sure if the same option was available in other viewers and as i only use phoenix that was the first thing that came to mind. happy to hear it's sorted for you! \o/ most welcome
  19. are you by any chance using phoenix? this reminds me of what is happening when you disable the minimum camera distance. when i work on small prims i uncheck it to be able to zoom in as close as i want. (i use phoenix) prefs - phoenix - page 1 - misc - disables minimum camera distance you might also have to combine it with disabling the "allow camera to move without constraints through prims". if you are on phoenix, that is
  20. Proteus.Ceriano wrote: How do you down phoenix...is it free....do you loose any stuff? http://www.phoenixviewer.com it's free and i don't know what you mean by lose any stuff - but your inventory is stored on servers in california so that will all be there. just - to anyone installing multiple viewers - keep the caches separate! otherwise weird stuff may and will happen
  21. very happy to hear that! \o/ most welcome
  22. first try wear a different bald base. if that doesn't make you pop - reset your avatar and then hopefully you can put your old self back together again http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_do_I_get_a_default_avatar (v2) advanced - character - character test - test male/female (phoenix) let us know how it goes.
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