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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. if you never got to accept the delivery they never reached your inventory. so i would contact the merchant and explain what happened. include your transaction info into either a notecard or an im. dashboard > account > transaction history. and/or info from your order history at the marketplace. my marketplace > my account > order history.
  2. i don't know what cause this and if it's possible to prevent it, but i know that you can highlight the gestures in inventory, right click and (de)activate them all at once. that would be a little easier than doing one and one =) i am sure others will come along shortly with some thoughts on your initial problem.
  3. so what if you got other alternate accounts? that's none of her beeswax and you have absolutely no reason to defend yourself against a**hats like that. mute, ignore and keep enjoying your sl. edited to blank out a bad word =p
  4. are you perhaps strolling into other peoples land and being teleported home by their security orbs? that happens easily. especially if you are using vehicles and getting caught by lag and this way losing control over where you are. or perhaps you are on combat enabled land and being "killed" and so again sent to your home location. if you haven't got a set home location you will be tped to random hubs, i believe. what are you doing when these teleports occur and do you land at various places or is it the same every time? please add more info to your post by doing what rolig said so we can better understand what is going on and help you.
  5. i have never come across any lindens disappearing without being listed in the transaction history (the one on the frickin website). but if your balance from one day to the next really does show 300 less -with no trace anywhere- i would definitely create a ticket so that it can be looked into. if you get an answer it would be interesting if you posted back here so we can be informed of what happened and perhaps be able to assist others. and btw - i don't see anyone here calling you stupid. lashing out at people giving you of their time and wanting to help is not cool.
  6. yes! peewee! are you reading this?! stop dilly dallying and get to work! :matte-motes-agape:
  7. does it say something like "inventory system is currently unavailable"? looks like there are some issues brewing - http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2011/05/23/post1300/ i'd recommend patience and try again later.
  8. i wouldn't be surprised if something is up again. i am having issues with deleting and taking prims on my sim. this just got posted on the status page http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2011/05/23/post1300/ bookmark this page http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  9. do nothing. if the question is about any of the sound clips that appear to be from copyrighted material i am sure the lab people will do most of the cleaning for you. unless you actually have the rights to sell them.
  10. i'm not into this whole breedable pets thing so i know only of one type of breedable horse. it took me 10 seconds to find food and stuff for them on the marketplace. is this not what you are after? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/53621 eta: happy to help!
  11. i just read this thread actually - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Freelance-people-needed/m-p/888391 - sounds like fun job if you ask me =) good luck!
  12. it would help a lot if you decided which of your posts to stick to so people can help in a more effective manner. as it is now they are scattered everywhere with people answering here and there not knowing what is going on in your other posts. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/recentpostspage/user-id/393643/post-type/message you can edit your post by going into option to the right of your post. we are all very curious to hear more details.
  13. do you want to go inworld? then guess three times what you have to do
  14. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2011/05/22/post1299/
  15. first you need to make sure is that you have enough lindens to upload. it costs 10 L$ for each upload. second that they are in a supported format. if that is not the case - what happens when you try to upload? do you get any error messages and if so what does it say? could be a temporary sim issue. did you try upload in a different sim?
  16. glad to hear you sorted it out. the "black headgear" is the default system hair mesh (recognize the shape from ruth? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Ruth) and is a part of the avatar. some call it eyebrow shaper, some call it bald base or bald cap. it's all the same. system hair. but because most people prefer prim hair over system hair these days the system hair is zeroed out/hidden inside the skull. sometimes the hair texture is swapped with a blank one. it's not gone, it's not possible to remove (along with shape, skin and eyes the system hair is a basic component that can only be replaced with another, never taken off) but you can hide it completely as described above. you are seeing this on your avatar (or you were, before you sorted it out) because you set RenderUnloadedAvatar to true in your debug settings. this is not a fix for clouding, only a workaround. read what the debug setting says. render unloaded avatar. it forces your viewer to render an avatar that hasn't loaded for some reason or another. if luck is on your side you may appear normal to yourself, but chances are pretty big that you are dealing with a bake fail and that others don't see you the way i am sure you wish to be seen. resetting your avatar fixes this. (or only by changing the bald base. or a rebake.) sometimes only for the current session. if you keep experiencing clouding (bake fails) there could very well be a connection issue and that would need to be sorted to completely get rid of the clouding. this thread is better suited in a different section other than "forums, blogs, answers and knowledge feedback", but if you can't move the thread yourself then i am sure an admin will do it for you.
  17. i don't know. could be a viewer glitch (relog or hit ctrl+alt+b), could be group liabilities. always check your balance on the website if in doubt. dashboard - account - transaction history. this will show you were your lindens went.
  18. duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/How-many-members-are-there/qaq-p/885369
  19. duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Off-Topic/Number-Of-Members/m-p/885357
  20. reading the replies - is it really so that if a person has set his profile not to show in search you can't pull it up even if the person is on your friends list? or is it that the account has been cancelled/banned/put on administrative hold? asking because - even though i am not using v2 (using phoenix) i am curious to know, cause i guess this is something that will follow the firestorm viewer? and by that time it's no escape that would be so sad this would mean that anyone who has had a friend leave sl and deleting their account can no longer pull up their profile and reminisce. :matte-motes-crying:
  21. could be a problem with a specific stream. streams can be unstable and you need to toggle to get it back. is it like this on one particular sim/parcel or everywhere?
  22. @luc - i have experienced not seeing a blocked person's group chat, actually. i noticed cause other people were talking to him and saying his name in their responses. to op; if it's interesting or not, idk, but muted people's chat do show up in your chat logs, if you have logging enabled. at least last time i checked anyway. i wish inventory offers from muted people never reaches my inventory at all. kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it...
  23. you can edit your op in your first thread to add comments duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Secondlife-cannot-be-accessed-from-this-computer-quot/qaq-p/884745
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