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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. thank you, arwen :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: Arwen Serpente wrote: and may the Force be with you! amen to that! :smileyvery-happy:
  2. oh good catch, marigold. i had totally forgotten about this thread
  3. we had email notifications on new reviews on xstreet, but i guess the lab people somehow thought we didn't need this anymore when they launched the new marketplace. perhaps they already knew the massive amount of delivery failures that was coming and wanted to spare us from the raging pack of shoppers with pitch forks on some level, i don't know (what you don't know can't hurt you, right?). i honestly cannot follow their logic on this one and am more than disappointed about their decision to take this away from us. i can only imagine what it's like for the merchants who have several hundred listings, to have to spend their time searching for any new reviews from an unsatisfied customer because delivery failed - [one star rating] omg don't buy from this merchant! they steal your lindens! i never got my purchase! zomg gimme it nao!! i am sooo filing an abuse report!!!1eleven!!. quickest way i can think of with the tools currently available would be to sort your listings by rating. those with few ratings will quickly find new ones, but again, the ones with a lot will have their work cut out for them if they want to keep on top and give good customer service. so many shoppers do leave those nasty reviews when a delivery fails instead of contacting the merchant inworld. if the merchant never finds this review... logic, where art thou :smileyindifferent: i wish you good luck with selling :matte-motes-smile: - especially on the marketplace. may your deliveries never fail and only good reviews go unnoticed.
  4. thanks =) only reason i thought of this one is because i use it myself, i mean, as in having it unchecked normally. along with unchecking attached lights. haven't seen a :matte-motes-evil: facelight in a few years \o/ experimenting in the advanced menu - hehe been there, done that as well
  5. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193
  6. i don't know what viewer you are using, i suspect the approach varies slightly, but could you by any chance have unchecked the "render attached particles" under the advanced menu? advanced > rendering > attached particles. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  7. is it rezzed on script enabled land? add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  8. the same question was answered here a couple of weeks ago. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/How-do-I-turn-of-the-yellow-pop-ups-about-sim-running-a/qaq-p/935873 perhaps answers already given there are of some help. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  9. what nyll said. but. do keep in mind not all merchants log in every day. rl stuff happens whether you want it or not. peoples sl habits are different. give it some time first. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  10. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.5.2 add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  11. your forum avatar is about as big as it can get. what you want is a badge. have a read at suella's great thread about how to here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/How-to-create-a-cool-forum-avatar-badge/td-p/707025/page/6
  12. bee Baroque


    are you by any chance wearing more than one tattoo layer? add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  13. i think rolig is right on the money. just bad timing for you but leaving no copy items rezzed in a public sandbox and logging out is not what i would recommend anyone doing, regardless of what the auto-return is set to. sl plays tricks on you when you least want it to so do whatever you can to keep the odds on your side. i am not sure what you mean with inventory cap. there is no such thing, but perhaps you meant the im cap limit? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Instant-messages/ta-p/700089#Is_there_a_cap_or_limit_on_IMs.3F if say the build was returned to your lost and found and you were gone max 20 mins and you had already reached the cap limit then (boi, your sl sounds busy ) i'd suggest you go through your groups and turn notices off (they can still be viewed in the group notice archive). you will know for sure you reached the cap limit if you got a message saying so when you logged back on - "Second Life: Too many instant messages. Delivery capped". and, i just want to say, there was nothing wrong with your post. we like a lot of info in the op. you should see the amount of single sentence posts we get around here - "halp, it doesn't, like, work!". i swear some people think we're psychics i hope the issue gets resolved for you. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  14. duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/I-want-to-go-from-Level-1-account-to-Level-2/qaq-p/958877
  15. i am unsure of the range, but it's more than sim wide - but this happens when anyone set or change their display name. i guess the lab people thought it could be useful of some sort. i couldn't care less, as i am one of those who have display names turned off. not any way to switch this off as far as i know.
  16. we need more info than that. do you get any message when trying to tp there and if so what does it say? add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  17. i am kinda wondering too... the viewer is all you need to download, install and run. when you're inworld you will have access to your avatar and inventory. was this perhaps not what you meant? add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  18. do as suggested if you really want to delete your sl account. i just wanted to add that you will need to erase stuff from your profile entirely if you are listed on someone's friends list or have items made by you left inworld (sold/given away/rezzed) - cause people can open your profile via their list or by viewing creator's profile on items made by you even if you have left sl. i guess it's possible to edit your profile from the web, so you don't have to install the viewer again. your url would be this one: https://my.secondlife.com/jennamarie1986 add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  19. in addition to the excellent advise already given; if you do - don't have your home location in your picks. that will give anyone a direct slurl to your home. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  20. you don't need to set up anything, it is done automatically. check your transaction history - dashboard > account > transaction history. lindens from marketplace sales are paid by marketplace linden. you should also be getting e-mail for every sale where the amount credited you are listed. if you're not getting anything, then, yes, open a support ticket. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  21. hey, don't stress it. it's not a disaster, just detach it and go on like nothing happened. :matte-motes-smile: - but sometimes wearing a box on your head is as exciting as sl can get
  22. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  23. groups with only one member are automatically disbanded after 48 hrs. could this have been the case for you? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Creating-and-disbanding-groups/ta-p/700053#Disbanding_or_deleting_groups add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  24. yeah, they did try that listing fee thing, but it never went live. or perhaps some priviledged few have had the honor
  25. even if you delete the delivery boxes from your magic box that doesn't clear out your inventory list on the marketplace. they are there because your items are listed. they will eventually show up as unavailable because your magic box is empty, but once you have put back the delivery boxes it will show up again. the only thing you need to do is delete the old lm from the boxes, put the new ones in and swap the boxes with new landmarks with the old ones in your magic box, and synch marketplace with magic boxes. no need to rename them. and - it is against mp tos to relist, so do not delete the listings you have and set them up again just because you swapped a landmark in the delivery boxes. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
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