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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. thank you :matte-motes-smile: i don't live in oslo myself, and all my friends and family that live there are all safe and counted for and for that i am grateful. but it's impossible not to be affected by this. norway is such a small country. still processing this. it's all very surreal. don't know exactly how to take it all in. yesterday i was scared, until they could find out what exactly had happened and who was behind this. am still in shock, this just doesn't happen here. but it will change from shock to anger. i'm just - wtf?
  2. as far as i know a viewer you can describe as a copybot viewer can bypass any permissions set, so making stuff no mod helps absolutely nothing.
  3. ruthhairfix is applied by the viewer in an attempt to get the avatar to rez (bake). it may be you have a bad connection to the sl servers. i'd try posting in the answers section and give as much info as possible about your system and internet connection and chances are there are people there who can help you.
  4. duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/just-updatd-my-membership-how-do-I-get-my-new-home/qaq-p/992619 answers given there. please keep to one thread. easier for us to help that way. add info/comments to your first post by using options > edit.
  5. try this: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Getting-started/ta-p/700071 you don't say anything at what point in the process you're at, but if it's not something that is covered by the kb article, ask us and we will do our best to help =) welcome to second life :matte-motes-nerdy: add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  6. i don't deal in this whole breedable horses thingie myself, but i have friends who do. could the horse somehow have been set for sale? my friends did tell me about experiencing this. so my advice would be to make sure none are set for sale unless you do want to sell them. check your transaction history for traces of this incident. dashboard > account > transaction history and, yeah, do remove the name from your post. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  7. thank you, peewee! \o/ - awesome commitment as usual :matte-motes-kiss: :matte-motes-smile: lol, yes, we'll see next week... :smileytongue: thank you, jennifer! very valuable information indeed. let's hope it boils down to a language issue, and not lack of basic knowledge of how a forum works. in that case no language in the world will help. :smileyindifferent:
  8. oh, the crosshairs again... :smileyindifferent: :smileymad: "please take your camera off of me, ty"
  9. i don't usually post here, but, we have a poster in the answers section who has been asking for help for about a month now and nobody replying seems to get through. it appears they speak rumanian, or so the translator is telling me. i am posting here in hopes of catching someone who speaks rumanian or knows of someone who does and can be able to help or translate for this op. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/why-3-week-no-work-account-cristal-roxan-is-hold-i-want-reactive/qaq-p/991759 thanks for reading. any help is much appreciated. :matte-motes-smile:
  10. thanks, peewee! \o/ i hope rand will find the transcript from the july 7th meeting. perhaps he's still digging =]
  11. is it showing you your friends as well? if you have added more than four it would probably be swapped for you too, i guess. it was mentioned at the ctug meeting tonight, and lexie said she'd look into it, but it didn't seem as it was a pressing issue. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Community_Tools_User_Group/21-July-2011 i mean - i actually thought it would be a omgwtffixnao moment, but that's probably just me then 8P
  12. perhaps you need to have a certain group tag active in order to use them. it's almost impossible for us to say without knowing more.. do you get any error messages and if so what do they say? add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  13. it was showing the people on my friends list (yes, before my experiment), and this had suddenly changed yesterday. still it wasn't accurate, either, because one person on my friends list has given me kudos and vice versa, but it was still listed as 0, on both. my testing told me that having four people on my friends list would be "safe"; they would then not appear on the kudos lists. but the moment i added a fifth one, the names on the kudos lists were replaced with my friends names again. (i have not added a fifth one at this point, i really do prefer to keep my friends' names private) i am not sure if anyone beside oneself can see the friends' names, perhaps it's only visible to oneself and others are seeing some random list? idk. either way something is definitely off, yes. i posted in the feedback section: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Forums-Feedback/recent-kudos-list-all-messed-up/td-p/990059 - no takers yet. i hope the ctug meeting later won't be cancelled.
  14. i was going to start a thread about this yesterday, but wanted to check with others first to see if they had the same issue. they did, and today others are reporting it as well: related: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/A-bug-on-the-personal-forum-page/td-p/989369 please fix, so i can add my friends back without everyone to see it. :smileymad:
  15. i see the same thing as well - only i see the people i have added to my friends list and i am not happy with it. i thought whomever you added to your friends list here was to be kept private. it's not that my friends are under the witness protection prgram, but still - my friends list is nobodys business and i sincerely hope they remove it asap. :smileymad: eta: i did a little test; i removed the ones i have on my friends list here and they disappeared from the kudos list as well, and i could add four of them back without re-appearing on the kudos list, but as soon as i hit the 5th one - there they were again. mods - do fix pls kthxbai. this thread should be in the forums feedback section. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Forums-Feedback/bd-p/forums_feedback
  16. duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Notecard-Giver-Permissions/qaq-p/988963 pick one thread, it makes it easier for us to help you better, then add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  17. i feel your pain. it's important to locate your own stuff so you can give yourself a 5 star rating.
  18. sure. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.5.2 there ya go =) add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  19. under "manage inventory" - does it show as unavailable? is it possible to set it as inactive?
  20. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Known-issue-with-granting-revoking-permissions/td-p/975953
  21. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ - marketplace category - but you can try explaining the issue here, we might be able to help and it may be faster than waiting weeks for a reply to a ticket. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  22. well, if the user name you want is already taken there really isn't much to do but to try another one - until you get one that is not taken. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  23. duplicates: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/cody-sent-me-458l-in-it-didntt-send/qaq-p/988275 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/he-sent-it-trow-my-box-it-shows-on-there-where-it-said-paid/qaq-p/988283 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/his-name-is-cody74/qaq-p/988287
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