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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. temporarily derender the water if camming is difficult. advanced menu > rendering > types > water but imo good camming skills goes a long way. ctrl+alt+shft - zoom/pan/orbit. with a little practising it gets second nature =) eta: there you go; i had to be inworld to see what keys i actually use when i cam, i don't notice anymore, i just do it without thinking. so had to remove the "+shift" part. sorry about that :matte-motes-nerdy:
  2. in addition to what loveangel said - make a habit of downloading your transaction history to disk regularly. never know when it will come in handy. i can't recommend this enough. it is only held for 30 days - 500/24 hrs. when it's gone there it's gone. add info/comments to your op by using options > edit.
  3. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Portugu%C3%AAs/qa-p/sla_portugues
  4. if you are using the phoenix viewer, do as xiolin suggested. keep in mind, tho, that it is possible to turn off broadcasting of your own crosshairs, (and using flycam or space navigator or whatsitsname doesn't broadcast camera focus point, amirite?) so there is never any guarantee to "catch people perving". i love the phoenix viewer, but this "feature" is one of the dumbest. only causing drama. ("take your cam off of me, ty") i think i understand what the intentions from LL's side was - i am sure this feature is useful in some circumstances, like teaching classes etc - but for the average "i don't do drama" user it is not. forget there ever was such a thing and continue to enjoy your sl. add info/comments to your op by using options> edit.
  5. duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Controls/How-to-see-who-is-perving-me/qaq-p/923071 answers given in your first thread.
  6. (makes a note to go listen to venus dj some time =) )
  7. yes, he is - so no touchy! :matte-motes-evil:
  8. if you don't know how to do anything of what cinn suggested, let us know what it is you are trying to make work and we will help. possibly :matte-motes-evil-invert: :matte-motes-smile: add info/comments to your op by using options > edit
  9. if you're talking about linking: when all prims you want included in the linkset are selected just hit ctrl+L. last prim selected will be root prim and outlined in yellow.
  10. http://www.phoenixviewer.com/
  11. if the items are no transfer returning is impossible. however, some merchants (or perhaps more likely a few) may offer refunds if the customer is very unhappy with the item. but not just because they don't want it anymore, i can't imagine. if the item is transferable you could check with the merchant that you bought it from and see what their return policies are, if they have any, and how to do it. if you don't find any - ask them =) either way - always ask the merchant politely if you are unsure. there is also a market for used items (no copy/transfer items). check the marketplace or look up yard sales inworld. good luck!
  12. yes, you can download pictures/textures you have in your inventory if they are full perm. open the picture you want to save to disk and, depending on what viewer you are on, either go to top menu > file > save texture as... or there is a "save as..." option on the pic/texture itself (v2). add info/comments to your op by using options > edit. eta: i didn't think facebook allowed sl accounts, perhaps this has changed? i don't use facebook, it's evil :matte-motes-evil-invert: if it's still not allowed, don't be surprised if you find that sl facebook account disabled one day.
  13. related to: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Can-t-turn-down-an-avatar-or-mute-is-this-a-bug-or-his-is-very/qaq-p/922383 perhaps a stupid question, but... are you sure he is on voice? if you disable voice can he still be heard? could he be using the parcel's stream? instead of starting new thread - add info/comments to your op by using options > edit
  14. cinn was quicker than me :matte-motes-evil-invert: to add info/comments to your op, use options > edit.
  15. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-Marketplace-store/ta-p/700191#Section_.2.4
  16. i assume this is from the marketplace? in addition to what venus suggested - could it be that you set up distributions on the listing that you forgot about? ...and that it was mistakenly set to 100% of the price? a long shot, but worth asking still =) to add info/comments to your op use options > edit.
  17. this one is pretty awesome https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TMT-Professional-Pose-Stand/1265232
  18. hm, seems to work for me i get a popup window with two tabs - "from my computer" and "from my uploaded images" - but omg what did i just upload?
  19. when did this start? does it happen everywhere or only one specific place? if it's only one specific place it could be a local lighting affecting your avi. if it's not caused by surroundings it has to be something attached to you so i would start by detaching one attachment at a time until the glow disappears, then you should find the culprit. you can add info/comments to your op by using options > edit. eta: oh, good suggestion, peggy! yes, some hairs actually do come with built in facelights (shudders)
  20. bee Baroque


    duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Getting-Started/life/qaq-p/921393 answers given there. help us help you by keeping to one thread. =)
  21. bee Baroque


    also asked in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Getting-Started/life/qaq-p/921397 quickcutie wrote: can you date?if so how do you find people? try reading/posting in the "make fiends" section: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/bd-p/MakeFriends after making some friends then hopefully you find some candidate(s) for dating =)
  22. chinha wrote: hi everything i put in my cart for buy later the all items desapper why ? disappear from where? marketplace? or did you go through with the purchase and the items didn't arrive in world? or did they arrive but then disappeared from your inventory? chinha wrote: And whem i play in second life everything is too slow Why for us to help you with this issue we need to know a little about your connection and hardware. chinha wrote: I think sombory is plying with me or using my staff i am sorry, this i am drawing a blank on. explain further please? to add info to your op use options > edit.
  23. duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/I-m-having-adult-access-problems/qaq-p/921285 to add info/comment on your first op use options > edit.
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