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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. in addition to other replies - what do you mean with "it doesn't work"? is the button grayed out? or is it enabled, but there is no music when you press it? not all parcels have a music stream, so make sure you are on land that has a stream. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  2. duplicate: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Account-hacked-by-a-bot/m-p/1007261 please keep to one thread. much easier for people to help you. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  3. duplicate: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/How-do-you-know-your-account-is-hacked-by-a-bot/qaq-p/1007293
  4. moheppard wrote: How Do I make someone my Partner? you tell them you are pregnant with a prim baby and if they don't partner you they have to pay you child SLupport :matte-motes-nerdy:
  5. Signup bonus When you register a premium account, you receive a one-time signup bonus of L$1000 in approximately 45 days. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.2.2.1 the house you have to sign up for, it doesn't come automatically. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-overview/ta-p/700103#Signup_for_your_Linden_Home the knowledge base rocks, huh? :matte-motes-nerdy: your last question - i am not sure exactly what a premium account will say, but i do know it will take the system a little while to update all information. perhaps someone else can say more about this. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  6. bee Baroque


    at any given time there is always some sort of bug somewhere in sl. such is the nature of the beast. :matte-motes-nerdy: perhaps if you give us more info about this kind of bug we can be able to help better. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  7. i have nothing of value to add to your thread, and i see it's been solved, but i just had to say i love your name! :matte-motes-smile:
  8. excellent post, qwalyphi (checks name twice... ) i hope you will add this to the next ctug agenda?
  9. fiab? never heard of it. is it possible you are talking about biab? (business in a box) it sounds as though the clothing are boxed and so the boxes inside the original box also needs unpacking. so rez each one and you should find the clothing inside. starting a business with resell stuff... eh... i wouldn't go there. but that's perhaps a whole different discussion :matte-motes-nerdy: add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  10. go to your dashboard > account > transaction history and pull up the date(s) that are of interest. i'd strongly recommend saving the transactions log to file regularly, as they are only kept for 30 days and 500 max on one page. once they are gone they are gone. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  11. if you need land to rez the stuff on in order to check their prim count i'd recommend a sandbox - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Building-tips/ta-p/700041#Section_.4 - but choose a low traffic one, less likely to get hit by griefers. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  12. Katrina Thane wrote: I muted my friend, he is not on my mute list, I talked to him but cannot unmute him on his profile and I cannot access him on my contact list. hm, first time i have heard about someone being muted without showing up on the mute list. and i am a little confused; how can he be muted when you say you talk to him? or does this communication not take place in sl, perhaps? i'd try removing the friend list entry first and re-adding him, see if that solves the problem. could be related to this: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Known-issue-with-granting-revoking-permissions/td-p/975953 let us know some more info if it's not solved. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  13. try asking in your native language (french? française?) we have people helping here that speaks french. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  14. duplicate: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Hi-I-m-having-problems-with-the-account-Jhownn-warcliffe-I-can/qaq-p/1001429 op: pick one thread to stick to, makes it a whole lot easier for people to help. and close one of them. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  15. duplicate: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Hi-I-m-having-problems-with-the-account-Jhownn-warcliffe-I-can/qaq-p/1001433 op: pick one thread to stick to, makes it a whole lot easier for people to help. and close one of them. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  16. if you still have the e-mail that is sent out when partnering that should tell the date, i guess. perhaps ask your partner if they remember the date? add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  17. bee Baroque


    you don't give us much info to work with. from where was this gift sent? depending on where it was sent from the approach will vary. was it the marketplace? if yes, then follow others' suggestions. if it was something you sent from your own inventory then just send it again if you have an unlimited supply of them. if it was a no copy item then it is gone from your inventory and you can't do much, and certainly not send it again. your friend would have to search their inventory thoroughly, possibly involving inventory recovery steps. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  18. 123hannah14 wrote: i want to nchange it to 18 so i can go in thoes rooms right. this isn't some grown up version of habbo hotel.
  19. can we get a separate forum for these annoying surveys? :smileymad: eh, not that they would be able to post in the right section anyway... :smileysad:
  20. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Gestures-emotes-and-animation/ta-p/700069#Gestures the anchor doesn't work for me, if it doesn't for you either, scroll down to the "gestures" heading. about 4:50 into the video torley explains a little about adding sounds to a gesture. it may be of some help to you. how the make a gesture setup looks like in v2 i don't know, but it shouldn't be too different. or, who knows, maybe it is :matte-motes-nerdy: add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  21. i am not sure how updated the list is, but there is a credits list to be viewed here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Login_screen/Credits a little info on the login screen here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Login_screen add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQOfH8Dj1mw
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