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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. donwolfani Doghouse wrote: [...] you people started making us pay a monthly fee to list items that had a price [...] wait. what? :smileyindifferent:
  2. Keli Kyrie wrote: But if we listen to what Melita Magic says in this post I might not really have an IM at all?!? if your messages are capped the im will still go to your e-mail of you have that option set, but it will not be delivered inworld. perhaps that may be the issue she experienced? however, an im was still sent from another account, spam bot or not, and if it is spam and you have the name then abuse report. the lab people will have the complete im records, they know who sent what when.
  3. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.5.2 add info/comments to your post by using options > edit. duplicate: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/To-reactivate-an-old-account-has-a-cost/qaq-p/953201
  4. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.5.2 add info/comments to your post by using options > edit. duplicate: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Portugu%C3%AAs/Para-reativar-uma-conta-antiga-tem-algum-custo/qaq-p/953187
  5. Keli Kyrie wrote: Do I have to wait till I get back Inworld tonight to report it or can I do it from the website? I think I would like to see the IM and the notecard and get all the facts before I report it so maybe it is best to wait till I get back Inworld. the only way to (correctly) abuse report inworld spam is to do it when logged in, so yes, best to wait till you're inworld =)
  6. it is set separately for every group role you have created, so you will have to go into each role and uncheck it. members & roles > roles. click to highlight the role, then in the "allowed abilities" window scroll down to accounting and uncheck "pay group liabilities [...]". repeat for every role you wish not to have this ability. i believe "pay group liabilities" cannot be removed from the owner role, so if you are the only owner then you will be the only one with this ability. (someone correct me if i am mistaken. am not inworld to check right now) http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-group-memberships/ta-p/700117#Section_.8 add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  7. Keli Kyrie wrote: ETA: It does not seem to be a group notice but rather it looks like someone opened an IM box to me and gave me a notecard. Plus I have never heard of this person before. As far as I know they are not in any groups that I am in and they are not on my friends list. that's how spam works. it is random and unsolicited. i'd still say mute and abuse report.
  8. spam is not allowed so you do not have to put up with it. ignore and mute the sender and abuse report.
  9. in addition to what's been said already - i wouldn't recommend using the marketplace cart for anything other than freebies. we see people with delivery failures every single day, and my bet is the majority of them are using the cart. so obviously borked. order one item at a time. that's what i would do. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  10. yes, phoenix has the temporary upload feature - as well as the local browser. i love that feature - use it all the time \o/
  11. ok. (actually we will need a little more than that to help. at what point does the login fail and do you get any error messages and if so, what does it say?) add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  12. hi ttay, and welcome to sl. well sort of, if you can't even log in what more does the error message say exactly? here's some common login failure messages and solutions: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109 add info/comments to your post by using options > edit. eta: oh, didn't see you there, cinnamon :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  13. in addition to what chic said - if you have items listed in a higher maturity level than you currently have set when browsing the marketplace, you won't see those listings; even if it's your own stuff in your own store. some keywords used may have triggered this without your knowledge so perhaps you should go through them as well. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  14. ctrl+9 should restore the camera zoom. have you tried this and it does not work?
  15. Cerise Sorbet wrote: If you use a viewer that support clothing layers, you can wear these same pants on top to convert no modify flared pants to the boot friendly kind. this is a super trick! i never knew. i am so writing this down. thank you, cerise! \o/
  16. thank you all for replying. good to know it's not all in my head. @void: thank you, that's good to know. i never took any notice of the uuid before.
  17. no need to relog to get rid of this. well, a relog sure can fix it, but if i did that i would find myself relogging hundred times a day i haven't tried any gesture yet, all i do is right click any prim (not attached to me) and the hands return to relaxed state. you might need to do this in combination with "stop animating me". if the gesture works and it can be modded to set an F[number] key as trigger that might be quicker.
  18. scenario: i have more than one tab open (firefox) each showing different forum threads; usually i have 4-5 at a time. when reporting a post in one of the tabs other than the last one, after reporting i am returned to the page with the "moderator notified" message, but the page is showing the last tab i opened - a post i had no intentions of reporting. so, did i just report the wrong post then? :smileysurprised: or is this some weird firefox phenomenon? with the old forum software i could easily see which posts had been reported. now i cannot. :( is this happening to someone else?
  19. from the sound of your two posts here - do you spend a lot of time in public sandboxes? or are you just plain unlucky those things that are happening to you - if others are causing this - that is called griefing. and public sandboxes are the worst. do not accept stuff strangers offer you for no reason, especially those that tell you to wear them. that means trouble 99% of the time. and DO NOT grant anything the right to take linden dollars from you - unless you specifically want it to (like an affiliate vendor or you set up an object with a split profit script or whatever). if random strangers want to give hugs, bite you or in other ways animate you, without you knowing why - it's not because they want to be nice be critical and use common sense. would be my best advise to a newbie. welcome to sl - i hope the experience will get better for you :matte-motes-smile: add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  20. i will not interfere with the help you are getting from people with way more technical skills than i have (which is zilch ) i just wanted to give you kudos for an excellent first post. it's not often we see those around here. :matte-motes-smile: add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  21. i have found that you tend to match the ones you hang around with. if your friends have tall avatars, then chances are you will be tall as well, sooner or later. if your friends have huge badonkadonks then, well, you get the picture (they travel in packs - i have seen them :matte-motes-evil:) when i first came to sl i changed the starter shape to something i liked at the time but kept it the same height. when i found a place i enjoyed spending my time at i started noticing how tall the others were, and eventually i had added quite a lot to my own height as well. perhaps especially to be as tall as someone i was dating at the time. i never liked it much, but i did it anyway. after i had dumped him i wanted to feel like me again, and that meant going back to a shorter avatar. even if the shape is scaled to proportions i still think a very tall avatar looks out of place, it stretches weird. and, as someone who makes stuff for others to wear, it's better to make something fit a smaller shape. this way it can be scaled up with no trouble. it's when you make something fit a bigger avatar and use prims at their minimum size you get problems. i remember seeing a picture of someone so tall they couldn't fit through the doorway. that was kinda funny. the ones i hang around most (but not as much as i would like, they use voice ) are significantly taller than me, and they tease me about it every time they see me. and then i tease them about their boob size and then we're even
  22. during install the graphics settings may have been set lower than you had in the previous version. did you try upping them a little? especially objects detail, and possibly the lod (debug - RenderVolumeLOD ) - anything above 3. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  23. most likely a keyword triggering this, but it's impossible to know what word it is unless you provide a little more info. i could see only one listing under your name and that tent was not marked adult. did you already fix this or did you remove the listing in question? your post has no text. if you are using ie9, click the torn page icon by the address bar to make it work with these forums and then edit your post (options > edit) to add info. eta: oh, no reason to apologize! it's the way this forum software works - or doesn't work yes, those words will definitely trigger an adult rating. it's been a while since i listed something adult, so i can't really remember if it would automatically show up as it should after changing the keywords or if it needed some linden approving it. perhaps someone else reading this knows. wishing you a pleasant sunday :matte-motes-smile:
  24. make sure the number at the "seconds before the away mode begins" is not set to 0. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  25. the only way to sort listings (your own and others) is by using the "sort by" option. there is no sorting override available for merchants. never has been. i do recall seeing some mention of a jira or two regarding a store front for merchants where you can have a little more power as to what listings to present customers with first, but nothing has been implemented yet or as far as i know even being currently worked on. add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
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