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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Lumiya is - as you at least partially remembered to note - abandoned. No, you're not going to get much more than "Need to log in to pay this box" or CSR use out of it or any similar mobile application. Your best bet is the use of a streaming system like Stadia or any of the others in development. I really do wish people would stop trying to use Lumiya as their go to attempt to "prove" mobile devices are capable of running Second Life - they're not, even Lumiya had to make optimizations and limitations to make it usable beyond a messaging application. This from someone that still has it and uses it on occasion (on an LG V30) - for the express purpose of sending messages and payments.
  2. A fork of a TPV, how nice. Meanwhile a decent VR headset still costs almost as much (more for some setups) as a brand new, next generation GPU or CPU. Oh and let's not forget the little issue with FPS either. I'll spend what money I do have on things I'll get more use out of, thanks.
  3. Unless I missed a press release .... There is no planned VR support for Second Life. It was attempted in the past, it failed and most everyone moved on.
  4. Those fairly specific driver needs are also Distribution specific - something that page itself even notes. For the distro I use, it did not require much more than grabbing a package and installing it. Mind, between Firestorm and my other programs I already had everything it needed to run and to use Voice - without needing to symbolic link any of the drivers to Firestorm (with the drivers pretending to be their older counterparts).
  5. Well there's a more or less major difference: I'm not using the EEP Beta.
  6. @Anna Nova: Not likely to be the OS unless there's something quite wrong with a module or configuration.
  7. Ah yes, it was only a matter of time before the author of that particular Conspiracy Theory showed up to try and rationalize it/pretend it actually has some weight ....
  8. Linear - based on the 256 meter Region size.
  9. A rather typical response ... But then, I wasn't expecting anything else.
  10. Ah nope, I said no such thing. I gave the historical information concerning the 'creation' tools and their actual usage - at no point did I say anything regarding our choices. Do not, ever put words in my mouth.
  11. It is quite clear that you never wanted an actual answer concerning the Appearance Editor and its functions, let alone a historical/factual answer. Have a nice day.
  12. That's nice. Once again, the time period was specified: Pre-Windlight (and most other 'modern' features) and then further narrowed to make it quite clear/easy to understand. I am not asking you any questions - at all. The opening of my most recent response was a rhetorical expression of disbelief. Any "questions" in any of my responses to you thus far have also been quite rhetorical (and as far as I am aware there has been exactly one other response that contained a 'question'). As for your phrase - it does not apply here as if I had meant the "earliest beginnings" for Second Life i'd have specified Linden World (the actual beginning of what we know today as Second Life). See above concerning the time period and how it was specified. There is an Ignore function here, I suggest you use it if you're uninterested in historical/factual information concerning the function(s) you asked about.
  13. Seriously? I specified exactly which development period i was talking about from the very first, recent response. You decided to ignore that and go off on a tangent while ignoring the information being presented in favor of your personal experience. What you use now ... is irrelevant in context. ETA: Put another way - Don't ask about older functions/features if you do not want an actual answer or are going to ignore any information given to you.
  14. Sorry but no - from your own text you were not in Second Life at any point prior to Windlight, which is the Early Days. The only time period where people actually (and seriously) used the built in tools to make things from scratch predates many of the earliest content creators.
  15. Early days as in pre-windlight and such. Those tools are there for customization and bare bones 'creation' and pre-date the majority of external/additional content creation tools.
  16. Were you even in Second Life in the earlier days, @FairreLilette?
  17. That's nice. Nowhere did I say anything whatsoever concerning adding in more.
  18. Gee, it is almost as if Second Life was not designed for the "can't sit still for more than five seconds" crowd ....
  19. Treat the Starter Avatar as a Placeholder - that is exactly what it is.
  20. There is no reason (outside of snapshotting several Regions at once or maybe flying around) to have a Draw Distance that high. That is four regions of Draw.
  21. It is Lab - singular, not Labs - plural Your issue is one that does not crop up very often for the majority of Users This is a User Forum - not the Help Desk, stow the snark Some TPVs allow you to bulk update Outfit folder entries - look into them and use one, it will mitigate individually updating your outfits once you have replacement items
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