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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Here's the best advice you're going to get. Ready for it? Don't bother trying. No video or story you can find will hold water today, no one whatsoever that tries to make anything worthwhile does so these days, anyone trying to tell you otherwise is doing so while smirking at your gullibility ... I could go on but I won't. Point blank: You'll be lucky to break even in a few years - if Second Life is even still around by that time.
  2. Gee and people wonder why I react and respond the way I do ... Drop down too much for you? Can't be bothered to check the Dashboard on occasion? That is on you.
  3. Further it is limited to a singular OS.
  4. My Primary Care doc's office has an automated system when you call them .... The number you're supposed to call to reach them is the same number that shows up when you get a call from them. For whatever reason, they purposely chose to block.
  5. No Doctor should be calling from a Withheld/Private Number.
  6. That's nice - don't care. See above. You want them? Go make a Viewer with them.
  7. Forum Reactions are not Emojis - and yes, that is a hair I am willing to split.
  8. That section is not for Viewer feature requests - that is the purview of the JIRA. Further, "emojis" need to stay as far away from in Viewer chat as possible. The ASCII "art" emotes are bad enough in places.
  9. The permanent solution to "lag" issues: Remove all user created content, replace with generic MMO Schlock Assets. What's that? That would destroy Second Life? You don't say?! Also the software/product is Second Life and the company is Linden Lab.
  10. Sadly, people in general register as far more than a 'peeve' on my own scale ...
  11. Oh well would you look at that .... A manifestation of a Peeve I've mentioned before (either in this or the prior Pet Peeve thread) ....
  12. Ah yes, sass/sarcasm when things are put into perspective ... On top of making some erroneous assumption concerning intent or meaning ... You're not the first User to have come into the Forum to make a complaint about the ongoing issue, you likely will not be the last and personally after the second "Sky is Falling" type post over it, I've already gotten quite irritated. You're not going to find a Blog post on the Grid Status page under most circumstances. Your entire response reads like you're surprised and miffed to see this reaction - you shouldn't be. We've had Teleport Issues, Bake Service failures, Region Crossing issues and a whole host of other issues over the past few months; Some of which have been cropping up in one form or another for years now. I understand you're frustrated, so am I and not just with the ongoing issues.
  13. People who insert their own feelings/readings/meanings into responses they receive after making threads that serve very little purpose. Oh yes and people who honestly believe that Linden lab takes action on any information provided to them that comes from an external source (Linden Lab can and will only take action on things/information contained within their own services, no matter what your personal opinion on the matter happens to be).
  14. ... Seriously? Joined a day after Basic Accounts were made open to all and you find this annoying enough to finally make your first post in the Forum? How about when Linden Lab had to take the entire Grid offline to do Maintenance or when something went wrong? The time the Grid was down for a week or so? A few of the more recent issues that pretty much affected everyone, equally? No, it is an issue that got a fix and then cropped back up again that pulls you out from the shadows! One that obviously has no easy fix! Sit down, be patient.
  15. Here's hoping. From that tidbit we can rule out the hardware end at the least. As a bit of piqued curiosity, you're using Desktop Speakers as your output? Do you use a Boom Mic or something similar then as opposed to a headset?
  16. Sadly, OS updates do tend to break things - especially on Windows (assuming that's the OS you're using). An odd sounding suggestion: Try specifying the Input and Output device for Voice from within Second Life's Preferences. At one point I had to do something similar on Linux to prevent device swapping from breaking Voice and I recall the same happening years ago on Windows. I say "odd" because it can sometimes work even if you're not swapping audio devices.
  17. Your initial post stated that you could hear yourself for a moment and then silence. My own response pointed out that this should not happen which ought to have told you that you have a borked setting somewhere. You were also given a potential bit of direct help by another User. We are not Technical Support and do not have to put up with the snark nor are we obligated to present information to you that fits your definition of "helpful" - Make absolutely certain that all of your permissions and setting are correct for your OS/Version of the Second Life Viewer before grousing. If it worked in the past and does not work now, check to make sure no settings have changed. If it worked prior to an update to your OS and does not work now then something in the update has caused a problem. With the rather generic information you have given out (as well as potentially superfluous information) even the most helpful of Users here simply cannot help you beyond generic responses.
  18. M'kay ... Like it or not, you're not going to change anyone's opinion regarding classifying Second Life as a Game - give it up and move on, we've had that "debate" many, many times before It is the Camera Position that determines what is rendered, not the Avatar You can test that second in the Official Second Life Viewer and in Firestorm (or any other TPV that allows for the following behavior) by bringing up the People floater and double clicking/right clicking and Zooming To a particular Avatar near the edge of your Draw Distance (beyond it if using Firestorm as it allows for this). Lo and behold, the Viewer will start to render things around that Avatar up to your set Draw Distance. Amazing! So rendering objects between the Camera and your Avatar as solid objects is the expected behavior.
  19. Outside of Echo Canyon and (I think) a specific testing part of Preferences you should not be hearing your own Mic output.
  20. They already do this on an extremely limited basis.
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