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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. No, the Lindens do not call it an Ad - the checkbox says nothing of the sort and that is all that matters. No, paying for it does not automatically make it an Ad. You want an Ad? Go pay for a Classified listing. That is reality - deal with it.
  2. Combining all three above because the response is more or less universal: There's nothing to understand or make sense of beyond the OP trying to correlate their own experience to a completely unrelated event in an effort to seek agreement or vindication for their skewed viewpoint/beliefs.
  3. If you really want to give it a try ... you'll need to use WINE or Lutris.
  4. Oh for .... Edit: There was a bit here but honestly ... it's not worth the bloody headache.
  5. And that point is .... What exactly? That Oranges are preferred over Apples by a Generation that is barely within the Apple's target demographic?
  6. Ok, I'm sorry but .... What?! At present the youngest member of Generation Y (Millennials) is 25 years old. The oldest turning 40 this year. While I can certainly see the more child-like/young in mind members of my (1983) generation using such a program I cannot believe for even a single second that it is as popular as they're pretending it is. Generation Z (Zoomers)? Sure.
  7. SLGO did not render a single thing on your mobile device - it streamed everything from another computer to your device. Apples and Oranges.
  8. Yet another variation of the ever popular Chicken Little threads .... Seriously, give it a rest already. IMVU is not even close to comparable to Second Life and caters to an entirely different demographic (one that Linden Lab should not be catering to).
  9. With incredibly few exceptions, no one is paying $30 for ads. The amount the OP is lamenting is L$30 paid per parcel for that parcel to show in Search. That last bit is important and - splitting hairs here - is not an Ad. Classifieds are Ads. Showing a Parcel in Search is a L$ sink.
  10. Yep, on rare occasion the cache can develop the odd issue and needs to be cleared - it's dependent on the user system/settings on when, mind. The sort of issue you'd described happens - to some degree and rather rarely - when I go teleporting to a club I frequent. Sometimes whole sections do not visibly load and I have to teleport out and come back to force them back in (the Wireframe trick touted earlier in this thread does nothing for me and never has - invisible but obviously rezzed objects will not appear until I leave and come back).
  11. Tari, there's no point in going back and forth with the OP on anything as they always pull what you're experiencing here (and worse). Heaven forbid you accuse them of being wrong about something (as they are about the Object Owners section in About Land). As far as the technical issues are concerned, you're mostly right in that many of them predate the Uplift with a tiny fraction being made worse. Hopefully they get better as bugs are squashed.
  12. Was it? Yes, with quite the limitation on Draw Distance, general scene quality and such.
  13. If you're looking to play an online radio station you don't need to go quite that far, just plugging the station URL into the Audio stream will work. Now if you want to be able to do Youtube and such ... You'll need to find a TV that doesn't use MOAP - though such older models require a few extra steps for setup.
  14. That's ... Not at all what I am seeing, right this minute: Brave browser, no extra text appears even when at default zoom levels. Unless the default, brighter theme has been altered without the forum built in dark theme being changed ...
  15. Congrats Kjartan, you've managed to encounter one of the biggest issues with some TPV devs: Their attitudes, especially where their own projects/personal beliefs are concerned.
  16. Um .... What new format? And no slowdowns that I've noticed.
  17. What you are hearing is not sound or normal media. Below are the control panels (as seen in FS but not much is different in other Viewers) for the Parcel Media and Sound. Note the wording of the Sound Restriction checkbox - this is phrased the way it is because neither the Media or Sound streams set in the About Parcel dialog can spill over into other Parcels. The following however - Media On A Prim - can spill over and should be avoided when wanting to have individual parcels to have their own Audio or Media streams. There is no way to restrict MOAP to a singular Parcel.
  18. A correction to the above - enabling Occlusion, not disabling it. It is disabled by default in the current version of Firestorm (and the official Viewer).
  19. Personally I'd prefer edits being done on most as opposed to out and out removal/deletion of a post. Especially since the latter is accompanied by a message saying it was removed and no copy whatsoever of the post made/given to facilitate edits for reposting. More than once, I've just shrugged/thrown my hands in the air in exasperation.
  20. Moderated a forum once upon a time ... Adminned another. Neither exists anymore but yeah ... I will say that altering/editing threads to mask/change problematic language is understandable but from what I've seen (and experienced first hand here) I do not know if the Mods here can actually directly edit user posts. If so, that'd go a long way to explaining a few things ...
  21. Leaving a locked thread in place is not a "reward" - it is a warning and frankly stands as a record of the behavior that got it locked (if the thread is unedited).
  22. On top of "Advisor" (and other ranks/roles outside of the Moderation/Administration) being rather meaningless.
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