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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Also, showcasing what can be done with PBR has its place ... Any thread wherein someone is (rightly or wrongly) complaining about aspects of it/its implementation is not the lace to do so, especially if you're not going to be giving instructions or explanations. It is one thing to note/state that the OP for a Thread such as this is mistaken (on one or any number of fronts) and a whole other ting to come in, show off what you have done with no explanation beyond "look it up yourself" given for a function/feature whose documentation may or may not yet be complete. At least one other user has noted that there are bits missing from said documentation.
  2. Or much of anything for that matter ....
  3. Considering the context, that is indeed the likely meaning (part of the world, not Server).
  4. Love, that is normal for that one. They appreciate neither help nor honest opinions (especially if said opinions differ from their own). Save yourself the trouble.
  5. Speak for yourself. That level of hostility across years should end up with an end user being on their own and rethinking their actions.
  6. The Ignore feature works a treat for dealing with some of the types mentioned in both my post and the one I originally quoted. If used properly, one might actually think the Forum has rather few ne'er do wells in it. Alternatively some could be rather oblivious to said types or actually believe them when they're spinning their stories. In either case it does not change the fact that they're here, have been here for some time and really should not be here anymore.
  7. Presence on the Grid Status page is irrelevant - it is nothing more than a "heads up' that an issue is present. It does not mean that the issue is on their end - period. Congrats - the issue is between your endpoint and theirs. When it is resolved it will be resolved. If the issue is closer to your endpoint then it might resolve faster if you go through the relevant support systems (be it your ISP or some other system). Your refusal to use what is available will not help solve the issue nor will your stated 'reason' for said refusal help at all, anywhere/anywhen.
  8. You left out the ones that pretend to just be the average user (or similar) that in reality like to poke and prod for reactions as subtly as possible, those who have always managed to fly under the radar even while seeking their next drama fix ... They're not even the 'worst' of the lot here that have managed to somehow remain.
  9. Well that was only a matter of time .... Since no one else seems to have said it quite as bluntly, I'll be the "villain" here - News Flash: Like it or not, not every single "victim" is in fact, a victim. This is a very harsh truth that complicates matters quite a bit. Others have already chimed in on the absolute BS statement that certain things do not work (globally/as a rule).
  10. Oh I understand very well on that. Personally I rather disagree though: It may not be worth putting it into words but sometimes lodging your disagreement (or other sentiments) is still worthwhile and is still a contribution of a sort. But to each, their own.
  11. Use the bloody reactions and let those for whom it grates on ... stew in their own juices. Sometimes the only decent or proper response is one of those. Especially if the topic is one that has been done to death or one wherein the same stuff has been hashed and rehashed.
  12. Any social platform, game, VW etc can be toxic depending on the company one keeps/where one goes and such.
  13. Yes? Bit heavy pawed? I don't respond well to the sort of attitude given.
  14. That's nice. Not interested in anything whatsoever except making certain actual facts on this are being utilized and the actual history and present situation are understood. You may call that "attention seeking" if you like - a response to my posts was not required of you. Don't like being corrected? That's fine. Don't pretend it is anything other than what it is: Being corrected. As for "attention seeking" - there is no need to announce blocking an individual. Block or do not - announcing it is nothing more than seeking drama.
  15. Yes, it is. Wishing it is otherwise does not make it so - especially in this age wherein having 2FA as an option locks you out of using it if you have 2FA enabled. It is outdated - beginning and end. Here are your straws back - use them elsewhere.
  16. Yeah no - unless you're the Dev of a particular Viewer, name dropping any singular one in particular in these situations is absolutely unnecessary - beginning and end. The information types you're suggesting would be "useful" are "useful" no matter what mobile viewer one has been using - end of.
  17. That's nice. Lumiya is no longer being updated - it is deprecated. Check the TPV Directory and you'll see more than it as Mobile Viewers. Simple fact. So no, it is not "basically synonymous" with "mobile viewer" - it is a singular, deprecated/obsolete mobile viewer.
  18. Then say: "I utilize mobile viewers often" and do not name drop a long deprecated viewer - the only user/person who really ought to be doing so in any context related to LL's own mobile viewer is the Lumiya Dev or the Dev of any other Mobile Viewer if pitching their expertise/services in an effort to join the existing team or offer them improvements. Beyond those scenarios, which mobile viewer you've used is irrelevant here.
  19. It can and there is also a dock (official and several third party ones) that allows you to connect it to a TV or monitor and other peripherals. But yep - this idea that mobile devices (phones) are anywhere near that level is absolutely ridiculous. Such devices are great for travel or budget users.
  20. That's nice - don't care much about that fantasy world though. The reality is quite a bit different - deal with it and stop pretending otherwise.
  21. We are a ways off from a smart phone being an actual Desktop replacement - streaming/remote services do not count in that either. People really need to stop pretending we are farther along than we are.
  22. M'kay- never said you were 'stupid' so do us both a favor and don't pull that again, hmm? No, when you accept it is a "yes until I personally revoke this" - if you forget to revoke it, that is on you. If you do not know, you can be shown that it is revokable and how. If you are to lazy that is on you. If you do not realize what was accepted then why did you accept it in the first place? Avatar attachments work similarly - until you revoke their permission (for some this is as simple as removing the object) they continue to have said permission. As far as exploitation goes: You can be exploited in any manner of ways within Second Life, the use of an Experience is not required for such. There have been topics started in the past on the varied fora concerning the varied exploitable permissions (including the Debit permission) as well as RLV systems - this is nothing new whatsoever and the answer is always the same: Educate users on what is possible. Not what someone imagines is possible, what is actually possible.
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