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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. If you need to see who has blocked who in the forum, you are here for the drama and little else. There is no reason to make them public facing.
  2. Go out of town for two weeks or so, miss reading a few threads apparently and of course a pawful of the usual suspects just can't let some things go or behave without being admonished by the staff ... Ah well.
  3. It's been tried here. It was decided to take the road they have taken. Use an alternative forum.
  4. Between the two extremes showcased within the last page or so, may as well just shut the entire thing down right now (or perhaps give a time out to both participants). Congrats to the one: You had a bad experience in SL and on the forum: Big deal. Grow up and deal with it. As for the other? Enough with the accusations being levied and hair trigger attitude on the recent side track. What you got out of some of the responses is not what was said whatsoever by those you were responding to. As for my own take on it? Both of you are the perfect examples to showcase why some of us who would rather use either more realistic heights or actually be shorter than six or seven feet tall get so much flak. Go sit in the corner before the "make up sweater" gets employed. ETA: For clarification on the initial sentence: I mean shut down the entire grid, not the thread. Yes, I meant that much of a hyperbolic reaction.
  5. I am aware. My point was that even if we were trying to silence him it would not matter as said 'right' does not exist on a corporate/company owned forum such as this. His 'right' to express his opinions is at the whim of the powers that be. Which is a second layer to the reaction button responses I've given.
  6. Putting aside the simple fact that freedom of speech only pertains to governments trying to limit it ... A corporation is well within its right to tell you you cannot say certain things within a space it owns. There is no freedom of speech here.
  7. If one is able to find them, there were methods one could use to find the data that had nothing to do with being an oldbie. Outside of historical/archival reasons one would not need to utilize such a tool however.
  8. This is more than likely in reference to the (useless) fact that prior to the "Resident" last name, Last names were cycled in and out as a certain threshold was hit and that one could (if one was the sort to actually care about such useless things) track down when each Last Name was cycled in and cycled out to have an estimate of how long ago an account was created.
  9. I am aware that said usual suspect wants it to be unreadable to scripts. There is a reason I phrased my post the way I did - as far as I am concerned it is the exact same thing.
  10. Ah yep, and to no one's surprise on either of the feedback entries ... One of the "usual suspects' is right there to spread their doom and gloom "SL needz tu kep uhp wiff da hep new thingz and listn tu da gaemerz" types. Here's hoping both entries get the File 13 treatment ...
  11. That's nice. You are aware that people often read through a forum before ever making their first post, correct? Aware that their opinions of a particular function or reaction can be formed from their experiences in fora unrelated whatsoever to Second Life or simply in general via reading ... Right? But do go on and continue to attempt to twist things around, misread and such as is expected of some here.
  12. Ah yes, because of its location on one's profile it must be important even to the moderators ... Talk about reading more into something than one actually should ... Oh yes and of course newer users caring about it more is somehow important, as opposed to it being ingrained upon them that it is somehow important (such as coming over from other fora that wrongfully place some internal value on such a score, fresh out of school or - as is the case for some - mistaking a forum for their usual Social Media outlets).
  13. Ah yep. Seems someone didn't bother to read the numbered list earlier or cannot extricate the reactions themselves from the reputation system, thereby showing just which camp they're actually in.
  14. Apologies - I am aware that for some it may not be a High School Club mindset - it is for those that put weight on it as if it were some value indicator or other some such Bah, no worries there: I have two partners that dropped out. One went back for her GED, the other is debating it.
  15. Forum Reputation is a meaningless number, tracked only by those stuck in the High School Social Club mindset.
  16. Use the reaction buttons or don't and do not bother yourself with how it will be taken. People disagreeing with a post or idea is not being malicious Forums in general simply aren't for some
  17. You assume I intentionally went through/went back to do so. I did not. You also assume that I only found a singular response to be laughable. I did not. So no, I do not see it as harassing in any way whatsoever as I was reacting to posts as I read them. The action was not taken to be deliberately pestering or annoying. If I caused you worry or distress I apologize. For the record: In an instance such as this, my reaction is for the message, not the messenger and it does not matter whom that is.I have even reacted this way to Moles and the odd Linden in some threads - sometimes where admonishments that were unnecessary were levied, sometimes where comments were made after the removal of posts that, were they kept, would have shown some members true colors and sometimes when a thread is locked for varied 'reasons' that I personally find laughable. So do be assured that I am being honest in the apology.
  18. Hate to break it to you Extrude but the way I approach things here is firmly within the ToS for the forum. The sort of approach you've praised is toeing the line at best. I'd prefer to state my views once on particular topics as frankly I see little point in rehashing things or tackling what amounts to the exact same arguments (being polite on that for some) with differences in wording. You may have the time and energy (or simply wish to waste such) to rehash such things or to have others restate what they have posted for you - not everyone does however. Nor does everyone wish to spin the roulette wheel when it comes to voicing their thoughts in a more direct manner. Especially when others have already covered what one wished to voice and in a manner that still falls within the ToS/Posting Guidelines. I've found Zal's over the top method to often be just that on some topics - over the top and unnecessary.
  19. Considering I made my views quite clear with a direct response to the thread/'topic' itself already ... Yeah, no going to keep going around and around on this.
  20. Ah yes, such a leap in 'logic' .... It has nothing whatsoever to do with 'privacy' and everything to do with keeping things that have no relevance whatsoever to the thread, out of the thread.
  21. Yes, relevant to you - not to the thread/'topic' at hand. Beyond asking for clarification, the rest ('niceness' and such) should have been sent via PM as such has no bearing to the thread. This includes the latest response. Consider further 'discussion' on matters not pertaining to this thread, closed here. If you'd like to lodge further complaints concerning my tone and reactions, PMs are over there. Who knows, you might be surprised. I will close this with the following: There are topics I find to be laughable in and of themselves, ideas and notions as well. For those that I do not find laughable, I find that there are plenty of ways to present such that are laughable. I will not often bother to engage in such beyond reactions as there is no point whatsoever in doing more than such. Any intent ascribed to such is within the mind of the one ascribing it. If such is an issue ... then do feel free to make use of the tools you have to avoid such messages in the future.
  22. I find the entire idea to be laughable and have made my views on the topic quite clear. You can either go and read them directly or move along - your choice. There is no reason whatsoever for me to do anything further than point you in the direction of said response(s) as there is no 'conversation' or 'discussion' to be held here so far as I am concerned. Your views concerning my 'niceness' are your own personal opinions and have no bearing nor relevance here.
  23. I have made posts concerning this topic here and in one other thread. Read them and figure out the reason for the reactions. I have made no direct responses (meaning I have not used the quote function within this thread) quite deliberately as there is no point in doing so. Further there is no "conversation" to be had on this topic beyond what has been said by myself and others regarding the uselessness of the idea/request. Again: Find and read my responses - I will not be entertaining requests for explanation as each response by myself and others contains such explanations.
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