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Mercedes Avon

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Everything posted by Mercedes Avon

  1. There were some released today but I am not sure what they were. I think someone posted about some higher up in this thread.
  2. Wow! This is not my style but I am super impressed with the originality of it. It's really cool.
  3. I rolled last night and landed this lovely Victorian. It's off the road more than a typical Victorian setup and it has lovely landscaping. There is a water cove on the side with the sounds of lapping water and a little picnic area just off the bank. I am getting ready to send it back. I think someone will really like this one.
  4. It does work. You can have one avie logged in on Firefox and one logged in on a private window. This is what I do. I also wanted to add that I have heard you, and although I do not agree with some of the things you said, I do empathize with your general frustration. I think that's valid. You also debate fairly and do not hit below the belt. Thank you for what that is worth.
  5. I love that sleek modern look. It's masculine and classy. I second Fancy Decor for that style. I hope you'll post pictures when you are done!
  6. It has happened to me in every Verne I've had. It is why my walls are all the same color. I am too lazy to mess with it. lol
  7. Hillside parcel, one property up from the water, with lovely sea views in a quiet residential area. You may leave my stuff and use anything here you want. Return what you don't want. My trees and grasses transfer ownership to YOU! Priced to sell - 1024 sqm 4,500L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nueltin/204/15/47
  8. The chairs are from HIVE. I adore their stuff. The couch is from Apple Fall. I took a copy of the chair and detached the pillow and then detached the pillows from the couch and replaced them with the pillows from the chair to match. Unfortunately, it is not the lowest prim couch around but it's smaller so it works well in a smaller space. You could use another and do the same. My boat rezzer is right on the parcel border. The boat rezzes on my parcel (I have to leave some prims open for that), but you can quickly drive it right into the water. https://gyazo.com/3c4b01263286d5933177ee879e6f768f
  9. I finally have my camper furnished. I had this entire boho theme in my mind, and I went out shopping for things and ended up seeing other things I adored, too. I bought a couple of things and ended up decorating my home to match. The two wicker chairs in the pic as an example. Even though it didn't end up this super colorful theme I had in my head, I really love it. I feel more at home in this tiny house than the much larger Victorians/Traditionals. I put out a little bumper boat rezzer so my friends and I can clobber each other in the little lake the camper is located on. Anyone can rez a little boat there if they happen upon it 🙂
  10. I came across this spot, too. It is so cute. I love it.
  11. I finally rolled my camper keeper. I am going through this thread to get all kinds of ideas!
  12. Hi Dawn! You go to the top of your screen and choose land and then go into the objects tab. There you can see how many prims you have and how many you have used.
  13. I bought the one here from Cosmopolitan and it looks lovely!
  14. You people are making me want a camper to play with now!
  15. Releasing a Vic on a corner lot with a sea full of water across the street . . . . GONE!
  16. Absolutely not! I am in a similar boat. I am disabled in RL with chronic pain issues. I do work from home. I do not go out (I am at high risk for covid) and up until recently I did not even have a car. I did not need one. The Linden homes have been so much fun for me and I need a little more of that in all my lifes.
  17. I have two houses for me - one a Victorian and another a Traditional. My new traditional is so lovely that I may let go of the Victorian because I don't know if I will use it enough. Both I picked up as abandons. I don't really bother too much with trying to roll when a new region is released. I know luck is not on my side. The best houses are the gems that get abandoned randomly in my opinion.
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