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Mercedes Avon

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Everything posted by Mercedes Avon

  1. Oh, there is a parcel on Barker I adore. I got big hearts in my eyes when I saw it!
  2. I plan to pay that alt up for a year because I am not letting go of that parcel. And the addon is the one Karynmaria linked 🙂
  3. Did someone say pics?! lol Honestly, THIS plot is my keeper. It beats anything I've rolled previously and I doubt I will roll anything better. I even like it better than my Victorian which I adore. It's out on a peninsula with a private pathway to it. I've seen boats go by several times today. I almost peed my pants when I saw it.
  4. As is usually the case for me, I roll the most amazing plots when I am simply picking one up to use to build an addon. The Traditional plot I rolled is the most amazing lot I have seen. I think it's my forever home! With that said, now I have my original traditional to release. I am once again picking up my things and moving (for the second time in a week). Once I get that done, I will release it. It is on Domingos, sits on a cliff overlooking a great view of water and houseboats. There is a public pool at the bottom of the cliff. It sits off the road and is sunken down a bit which I found charming. It is also directly next door to the Bellis Blues Cafe. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Domingos/61/213/36 I will release it in 30 minutes (1:30PM SLT).
  5. Wow! I had not heard of this update. I do not currently wear Maitreya but I adore the look in the pictures that were posted. I may have to go update my old Maitreya version and try it out!
  6. I find that to be a very lovely and well done addon. Some houseboats look like actual houses. I would rather live next door to that person and addon than a lot of the other houseboats and decor I see 🙂
  7. I love sailing and THIS pic. And I have to comment on the traditionals, too. I adore my Victorian. But the first time I spun on a traditional I landed one right on the water and that made me fall for them. Their sizes are perfect for me with the prim limits. I love the area and the water around the trad areas.
  8. That makes perfect sense. I hope the OP gets the issue solved so they're not billed any longer.
  9. Why would anyone remove payment info to abandon their LL home? Honestly, it takes as many steps and time to go into your payment info on the dahsboard and erase it as it does to go into your premium tab, click the downgrade button and hit submit.
  10. It went instantly! Congrats to the new owner. I hope you love it as much as I did 🙂
  11. I don't need more than one traditional/victorian etc. I do still love rolling and as long as my alt's premium is still active I keep rolling. I picked up a lovely one that is very unique so it's time to pass this one on to someone who will adore it like I did. I will release it at 1 PM SLT. (should give me enough time to get all my stuffs)
  12. I still have my Traditionals, but I have slowly make my choices on which one to keep and which to let go. I have two Traditionals with very similar views. I decided to let go of the one I like .9% less that the other. I am still picking up my stuff and moving it but I should be releasing it a little later this afternoon. It has a water view, and a beach below you can inner tube from. It has this cute old boat on the back lawn as mole placed decor. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cheddar Bay/99/249/27
  13. Oh wow! That is really cool! I can't wait to try it, too 🙂
  14. I never mind sharing 🙂 It is from Sintiklia and is called Rylee I believe.
  15. I adore the Lelutka Evo line. I tried one on and settled for Erin and I use Nova on an alt. I wish there were more skins out for them, but over all they are my favorite heads.
  16. Burroughs, yes! When they closed I went and bought up a lot of their things. And this reminds me of Donna Flora. Also I nice jewelry store that is now gone.
  17. Skins stores were mentioned and I remember Dutch Touch and have a few skins from there. I also loved Glance which is now gone. I still wear a Glance body skin as BOM and a head skin from another store with Izzie's neck blender. Her/His body skins still look great today.
  18. The first place that comes to mind is Morea Style. I had to get their group gift every month. I still have folders of her stuff.
  19. This looks amazing! Well done! That's a classy bachelor pad.
  20. I forgot to release it on time. lol Releasing it now 🙂
  21. I once again landed a really cute log home I needed only for a short time. It sits on a hill with a walk up to it. It has a river view in the back. I will let it go at 7am SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Barleycorn/156/44/56
  22. My maiden last name is very different and is not spelled anything close to how it's pronounced. People use to ask me constantly where the name was from and I had no shame telling them it's heritage and how it got it's particular pronunciation in this part of the country (other places it's been "American-ized" and pronounced as spelled). This country is young by comparison. Unless, you are Native American, we have heritages going back to someplace else. I speak English. I was born and raised in the United States. I am 100% part of the United States culture, but that doesn't mean my parents are or my grandparents are. My grandparents are immigrants. The Hispanic girl the OP commented about may also have Mexican immigrant parents/grandparents. U.S. citizens are kind of like labradoodles at this point. Unlike the OP, I find it interesting to know where someone's roots are. It was not that long ago where everyone had a relative alive who immigrated here.
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